Rokiškis - Discovering Lithuania

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Travelling to Rokiškis

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Rokiškis, a pretty good destination in Lithuania (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Rokiškis and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Rokiškis, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Lithuania, here's everything to know about Rokiškis for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Rokiškis

Rokiškis is a town located in northeastern Lithuania, near the border with Latvia. It has a population of around 13,000 people and is known for its beautiful old town, Rokiškis Manor, and the annual Rokiškis Run, which attracts runners from all over Lithuania. The town also has several museums, including the Museum of Ethnography, the Museum of Railway Heritage, and the Museum of Rokiškis Regional History and Culture. Additionally, Rokiškis is surrounded by beautiful nature, with several lakes and forests nearby, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Travelling to Rokiškis and around: discovering Lithuania

What to visit in Rokiškis

Sure, here are some tourist attractions in Rokiškis, Lithuania and some information about each of them: 1. Rokiškis Regional Museum - This museum houses a collection of cultural and historical artifacts and documents related to the region of Rokiškis. Visitors can learn about the history, traditions, and lifestyle of the local people.
2. Rokiškis Manor - This 18th-century manor is a well-preserved architectural monument that represents the typical style of the Lithuanian gentry manors of the time. The manor houses occasional art exhibitions and is surrounded by a beautiful park with a pond.
3. St. Matthew's Church - This is the oldest wooden church in Rokiškis, built in the 18th century. It is known for its Baroque-style altars, carvings, and frescoes.
4. Rokiškis Synagogue - This Jewish prayer house was built in 1879 and is one of the few surviving wooden synagogues in Lithuania. The building now serves as a cultural center and museum.
5. Kalnų Park - This park is located on a hill near the center of Rokiškis and offers a panoramic view of the town and the surrounding area. There is a popular ski slope in the park, as well as a monument to the famous 19th-century Lithuanian poet Kristijonas Donelaitis.
6. Rokiškis Sports and Leisure Center - This complex offers various recreational activities, including skiing, ice skating, swimming, and bowling. There are also tennis and basketball courts, a gym, and a sauna. These are just some of the tourist attractions in Rokiškis, Lithuania. Visitors can enjoy exploring the rich culture and history of the region and participate in various recreational activities.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Lithuania, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Rokiškis.

When to go on holiday to Rokiškis

The best time to visit Rokiškis, Lithuania is during the summer months from June to August. During this time, the weather is warm and there are many outdoor activities to enjoy such as hiking, cycling, and swimming in the nearby lakes. Additionally, the town hosts a variety of festivals and events during the summer which gives travelers a chance to experience the culture and traditions of the region. If you prefer cooler weather and fewer crowds, the spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October) months can also be a good time to visit. However, be prepared for occasional rain during these seasons. Winter (November-March) can be very cold with limited outdoor activities, but it can also be a good opportunity to experience traditional winter festivities such as ice fishing and cross-country skiing.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Rokiškis

There are a few ways to get to Rokiskis, Lithuania. The most common ways are by bus or by car. By Bus: There are several buses that go from Vilnius (the capital of Lithuania) to Rokiskis. The journey takes around 2-3 hours, and the buses run several times a day. You can find the schedule and purchase tickets on the website of the Lithuanian bus company
By Car: If you are driving from Vilnius, you will need to take the A14/E272 highway towards Panevezys. After passing Panevezys, you will need to continue on the A8 highway eastbound towards Rokiskis. The distance between Vilnius and Rokiskis is about 155km and the journey takes around 2 hours.
By Train: There is also a train station in Rokiskis, however, train schedules and routes may be limited. You can check schedules and purchase tickets on the Lithuanian Railways website
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Rokiškis, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Rokiškis

Rokiškis is a city in northeastern Lithuania, known for its rich cultural heritage and delicious cuisine. Some of the typical foods of Rokiškis are: 1. Skilandis - a smoked Lithuanian sausage made with minced pork, bacon, garlic, and various spices. It is usually served thinly sliced as an appetizer.
2. Kastinis - a creamy Lithuanian dip made with boiled milk, sour cream, butter, and salt. It is typically served with boiled potatoes, boiled beetroot, or fried bread.
3. Kugelis - a Lithuanian potato dish similar to a potato pudding or casserole. It is made with grated potatoes, eggs, onions, bacon, and often served with sour cream.
4. Šaltibarščiai - a cold Lithuanian beetroot soup served with boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, and sometimes smoked sausage or herring. It is usually eaten during the summer months.
5. Balanda - a Lithuanian sweet bread made with yeast, sugar, flour, eggs, and milk. It is typically served with butter and honey.
6. Šakotis - a Lithuanian traditional spit cake, also known as "tree cake". It is made by pouring batter over a rotating spit, and slowly building up layers of dough until it forms a tall, cylindrical cake.
These are just some examples of typical foods from Rokiškis, but the Lithuanian cuisine is full of delicious dishes that are worth trying.
You can find general info about typical foods in Lithuania here.

Is Rokiškis an expensive destination for tourists?

Rokiškis is a relatively affordable destination compared to other popular tourist destinations in Lithuania. However, the cost of your trip will depend on factors such as your travel style, accommodation choices, and what activities you plan on doing. Generally, accommodation, food, and transportation costs are reasonably priced in Rokiškis. You can expect to pay less for attractions and tours compared to larger cities like Vilnius or Kaunas. Overall, Rokiškis is a great destination for budget-conscious travelers who want to experience Lithuanian culture and countryside.

Where to find accomodation in Rokiškis

Rokiškis is a small town located in the northeastern part of Lithuania, so there is not a huge variety of accommodation options. However, the best areas to find accommodation in Rokiškis would be in the city center or near to the main attractions of the town, such as the Rokiškis Regional Museum or the famous Kryžių kalnas (Hill of Crosses) which is located about 20 km from the town. Another option would be to stay in the nearby city of Panevėžys, which is approximately 40 km away from Rokiškis.
You can check hotel prices at Rokiškis here:

Is Rokiškis a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Rokiškis is generally a safe place for tourists. Like any other city in the world, it's always a good idea to remain aware of your surroundings and take appropriate safety precautions, such as not leaving valuables unattended, especially in cars or tourist areas. However, Rokiškis is a small and peaceful town with a low crime rate, making it a pleasant destination for visitors.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Lithuania here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Rokiškis.

What type of travelers will enjoy Rokiškis the most?

Rokiškis, Lithuania is a great destination for families with children and those looking for a quiet getaway. It is an idyllic town with a rich history, beautiful architecture, and natural beauty that can be explored through hiking and cycling trails, as well as fishing and swimming in the nearby lakes.
While there is limited nightlife and attractions geared towards young people looking for fun, couples can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and romantic walks around the town's old streets and parks. The town's culinary scene is also worth exploring, as it offers traditional Lithuanian dishes and locally sourced products.
Overall, Rokiškis is best suited for travelers who appreciate a slower pace and want to get a glimpse of authentic Lithuanian culture and countryside.

How to get around Rokiškis

The most common modes of transportation in Rokiškis are buses and taxis. There are local bus services that run regularly within the town as well as to nearby villages and cities. Taxis can also be found throughout the town and are a convenient way for travelers to get around. Some people also prefer to cycle or walk around Rokiškis, as it is a small town with many pedestrian-friendly streets.

What to see around Rokiškis

Here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Rokiškis, Lithuania: 1. Hill of Crosses (Kryžių kalnas) - This is a famous pilgrimage site located about an hour and a half away from Rokiškis. It is a hill covered in thousands of crosses with a very interesting history.
2. Aukštaitija National Park - This is a beautiful national park that showcases Lithuania's natural beauty with its lakes, forests, and wildlife. It is located less than an hour's drive from Rokiškis.
3. Anykščiai - This is a charming town located about 40 minutes from Rokiškis that is known for its beautiful parks, trails, and landmarks. The town is home to the tallest observation tower in Lithuania, as well as several museums and cultural attractions.
4. Vilnius - Lithuania's beautiful capital city is located just over an hour away from Rokiškis. It is a great place to explore the country's history and culture, visit museums and galleries, and enjoy some delicious Lithuanian food.
5. Kernavė - This is another historic town located less than an hour away from Rokiškis. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its old buildings, museums, and archaeological sites.
For every travel information about Lithuania you can click here.

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