Abomey - Discovering Benin

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Travelling to Abomey

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Abomey, a pretty good destination in Benin (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Abomey and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Abomey, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Benin, here's everything to know about Abomey for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Abomey

Abomey is a city located in southern Benin. It was once the capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey, and its 12 palaces are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has a rich cultural and historical significance and is known for its traditional crafts and festivals. Abomey is also home to several museums that showcase the city's history and culture, including the Royal Palace Museum and the Ethnographic Museum. The city is easily accessible by road and has several accommodation options for tourists.

Travelling to Abomey and around: discovering Benin

What to visit in Abomey

Abomey, Benin is a city that boasts of a rich cultural heritage and historical significance. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Abomey: 1. Royal Palaces of Abomey: The Royal Palaces of Abomey were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. The site contains the ruins of several palaces and temples that date back to the 17th century. These palaces give insight into the art and culture of the Kingdom of Dahomey.
2. Musée Historique d'Abomey: This museum is dedicated to the history of the Kingdom of Dahomey. The exhibits include the royal thrones, objects of voodoo worship, and a collection of antique guns from the era.
3. The Python Temple: The Python Temple is a site sacred to voodooism. It's a place of worship where pythons are kept in a sanctuary. Visitors can see and even touch the pythons, which are considered to be spirits of the gods.
4. Zoungbodji Market: Zoungbodji Market is an open-air market that sells everything from traditional clothes to food products. It's a good place to experience the local culture and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the market.
5. Lake Nokoue: Lake Nokoué is a large lake located near Abomey. It's home to several fishing communities, and visitors can take a boat tour of the lake to experience the fishing culture.
6. Couffo River: Couffo River is a popular spot for boating and fishing. It's also a great place to relax and enjoy the natural scenery of the area.
Overall, Abomey, Benin, is an excellent destination for history buffs and cultural enthusiasts. The city offers a wealth of attractions that give visitors a glimpse of the region's rich history, art, and cultural traditions.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Benin, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Abomey.

When to go on holiday to Abomey

The best time to visit Abomey, Benin is during the dry season, which runs from November to February. During this time, the weather is sunny and warm, with relatively low humidity and little to no rainfall. The wet season in Abomey is from May to October, and during this time the weather is generally hot and humid, with frequent rain showers and thunderstorms. It is recommended to avoid traveling to Abomey during the wet season as the heavy rain and flooding can make transportation and outdoor activities difficult.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Abomey

Abomey is located in central Benin, about 130 kilometers north of Cotonou, the country's largest city and main entry point.
There are several ways to get to Abomey: 1. By car: You can hire a taxi, take a shared taxi or rent a car from Cotonou and drive to Abomey, which takes about two and a half hours. This is the most convenient option if you want to explore the area around Abomey at your own pace.
2. By bus: There are several bus companies that operate daily bus services from Cotonou to Abomey. The journey takes about three hours and the fare is reasonable.
3. By motorcycle taxi: In Benin, motorcycles are a popular and cheap means of transportation. You can take a motorcycle taxi from Cotonou to Abomey, which takes about two and a half hours.
4. By train: There is currently no direct train service to Abomey. However, you can take a train from Cotonou to Parakou, and then take a bus or shared taxi to Abomey.
Regardless of the method of transportation you choose, it is always advisable to plan your journey in advance and ensure you have all the necessary documents before traveling to Benin.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Abomey, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Abomey

Abomey, the cultural capital of Benin, is a place where the cuisine is a reflection of the country's history and local ingredients. Here are some typical foods of Abomey with a short description for each of them: 1. "Pâte" - This is a dough-like food made from cassava or corn flour. It is usually served with sauce made from okra, peanuts, or tomatoes.
2. "Akpan" - This is a fermented corn flour cake that is often eaten with stew or sauce.
3. "Igname pilé" - This is a dish made from mashed yams mixed with spices, onion, and palm oil.
4. "Tchoukoutou" - This is a beer made from fermented corn or cassava. It has a slightly sour taste and is a popular drink in Abomey.
5. "Aloko" - This is a dish of fried plantains that are often served as a side dish or snack.
6. "Kpessi" - This is a dish made from cowpeas that are cooked with spices, palm oil, and vegetables.
7. "Gbegiri" - This is a soup made from black-eyed peas that have been boiled and mashed. It is often served with "Ewedu" soup and "Amala" (yam flour dough).
Overall, the foods of Abomey are delicious, flavorful, and reflect the local culture and traditions of the region.
You can find general info about typical foods in Benin here.

Is Abomey an expensive destination for tourists?

Abomey is considered to be an affordable destination for tourists compared to other African countries. However, the cost of travel and accommodation can vary depending on the type of experience you are looking for. Some costs to consider are flights, visas, accommodations, transportation, food, and activities. It's always a good idea to do research, compare prices, and budget accordingly when planning a trip to Abomey.

Where to find accomodation in Abomey

In Abomey, it is recommended to look for accommodation in the city center or near the Royal Palace of Abomey, as this is the main attraction of the city. There are several hotels and guest houses located in this area, which can provide convenient access to the Royal Palace and other nearby sites of interest. It is also worth considering staying in nearby towns, such as Bohicon or Cotonou, and taking a day trip to Abomey.
You can check hotel prices at Abomey here:

Is Abomey a safe destination for tourists?

Abomey is considered a relatively safe place for tourists, but as with any destination, it is important to take appropriate precautions when traveling. It is recommended to avoid walking alone at night, and to be aware of your surroundings and belongings at all times. It is also advisable to use a reputable tour guide or travel agency, especially for trips to rural areas or during festivals.
Lastly, it is advisable to check for any travel warnings or advisories issued by your own government or international organizations before planning your trip to Abomey or anywhere else in Benin.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Benin here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Abomey.

What type of travelers will enjoy Abomey the most?

Abomey, the former capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey in Benin, is a historically and culturally significant destination, which can be enjoyed by a variety of travelers. Couples who are interested in history, culture, and art can spend a romantic getaway exploring the royal palaces, visiting the Museum of Abomey and the Arts and Crafts Center where they can learn about the local traditions and customs.
Young people looking for adventure and fun can also enjoy Abomey's vibrant culture and lively street markets. There are some festivals, such as the annual Vodoun Festival or the Fetisch Finders Festival, that are particularly popular with young people seeking a unique cultural experience.
Families with children can visit the Royal Palaces of Abomey which are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, offering a rich historical experience. There are also several parks in the surrounding areas that can be visited for a fun day out.
Overall, Abomey is a destination that can cater to a wide range of travelers looking for an authentic African experience.

How to get around Abomey

In Abomey, you can get around by using taxis or motorcycles (commonly called "zemidjans"). Taxis are more comfortable and are usually used for longer distances. Zemidjans are faster and more affordable, but they can be crowded and not very safe, especially if you are not used to them. It's important to negotiate the fare beforehand and wear a helmet if you decide to use a zemidjan. Walking is also an option for shorter distances.

What to see around Abomey

Certainly! Here are some suggestions for day trips from Abomey, Benin: 1. Fidjrosse Beach: This beach is located approximately 45km from Abomey and is a great place to spend a relaxing day by the sea.
2. Ganvié: This is a stilt village located on the shores of Lake Nokoué, approximately 70km from Abomey. It is a unique and interesting place to visit.
3. Dassa-Zoumé: This small town is located approximately 70km from Abomey and is known for its hills and waterfalls, which are popular among hikers and nature lovers.
4. Ouidah: This coastal city is located approximately 70km from Abomey and is known for its history as a major center of the slave trade. Visitors can explore the old slave route, visit the Temple of Pythons, and see the Door of No Return.
5. The Royal Palaces of Abomey: Although you are in Abomey already, it is important to visit this World Heritage site that includes the ancient palaces of the kings of the Kingdom of Dahomey.
For every travel information about Benin you can click here.

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