Ayn al-Arab - Discovering Syria

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Travelling to Ayn al-Arab

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Ayn al-Arab, a pretty good destination in Syria (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Ayn al-Arab and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Ayn al-Arab, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Syria, here's everything to know about Ayn al-Arab for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Ayn al-Arab

Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani, is a city in northern Syria near the Syrian-Turkish border. It is part of the Aleppo Governorate and has a population of around 45,000 people. Ayn al-Arab is predominantly Kurdish and has been a site of conflict between Kurdish and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) forces. The city is known for its strategic importance as a transportation hub for goods and people between Syria and Turkey.

Travelling to Ayn al-Arab and around: discovering Syria

What to visit in Ayn al-Arab

Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani, is a city in northern Syria. Some of the top tourist attractions in the area include: 1. Kobani Museum: This museum showcases the history and culture of the region and its people, with artifacts and exhibits on display from throughout the centuries.
2. Kobani War Memorial: A memorial for those who lost their lives in the Kurdish-led resistance against ISIS in 2014-2015. The memorial is located in the town center and features the names of the fallen.
3. Kobani Castle: Also known as the Castle of Kaniya Kurda, this ancient castle dates back to the 12th century and was built by the Kurdish Ayyubid dynasty. The castle is located on a hill overlooking the town and offers panoramic views.
4. Kobani Market: The town's main shopping district, where local vendors sell everything from traditional Kurdish textiles and pottery to fresh produce and spices.
5. Mount Mishtenur: A popular destination for hiking and camping, this mountain is located just outside of the town and offers scenic views of the surrounding plains.
6. Kobani Mosque: A historic mosque built in the 16th century. Visitors are welcome to explore the mosque's ornate architecture and peaceful surroundings.
7. Kobani Cultural Center: A center for the arts, this facility hosts concerts, exhibitions, workshops, and other cultural events throughout the year. It is a great place to learn more about the local culture and traditions.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Syria, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Ayn al-Arab

I'm sorry, but it is not safe to travel to Ayn al-Arab (also known as Kobane) in Syria, as it is currently in a conflict zone. The U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 4 travel advisory, which advises against all travel to Syria due to terrorism, civil unrest, and kidnapping. It is important to prioritize safety when choosing a travel destination. I would recommend considering alternative destinations.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Ayn al-Arab

Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani, is located in northern Syria near the border with Turkey. The most common way to get there is by flying to either Istanbul or Ankara in Turkey and then taking a bus or taxi to the border town of Suruc. From Suruc, you can take a taxi or shared minibus across the border and into Ayn al-Arab. It is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in the region, travel to Ayn al-Arab may be unsafe and it is advised to check the current situation before planning a trip.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Ayn al-Arab, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Ayn al-Arab

Sure, here are some typical foods of Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobane, in Syria: 1. Kebab: Skewered pieces of meat (usually lamb or beef) that are grilled and served with rice, salad, and sometimes grilled vegetables.
2. Dolma: Grape leaves stuffed with a mixture of rice, minced meat, and spices, then boiled or steamed until tender.
3. Fatteh: A casserole dish made with chickpeas, bread, yogurt, and herbs. The bread is usually toasted and then layered with the other ingredients.
4. Mujaddara: A dish made with lentils, rice, and caramelized onions. It's often served with a dollop of yogurt on top.
5. Shawarma: Thinly sliced meat (often chicken or beef) that's marinated in spices, then roasted on a spit and shaved off as it cooks. It's usually served in a pita or wrap with vegetables and sauce.
6. Baklava: A sweet pastry made with layers of filo dough, nuts (usually pistachios or walnuts), and syrup or honey.
7. Tabbouleh: A salad made with chopped parsley, tomatoes, onions, and bulgur wheat, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.
8. Manakish: A type of flatbread that is topped with herbs, cheese, za'atar (a spice blend), or meat before being baked in an oven.
9. Kunafa: A sweet dessert made with shredded phyllo dough, cheese, and a syrup or honey.
These are just a few of the typical foods that you might find in Ayn al-Arab. Each dish has its own unique flavors and ingredients, but they all showcase the rich culinary tradition of the region.
You can find general info about typical foods in Syria here.

Is Ayn al-Arab an expensive destination for tourists?

Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani, is currently not a recommended tourist destination due to ongoing conflict and instability in the region. However, if you still plan on visiting, it is difficult to determine the cost as the situation in the area is constantly changing. Prices for accommodations, food, transportation, and other necessities may vary due to the current conditions. It is important to prioritize safety above all else if traveling to this region. It is always recommended to check with your embassy or travel advisory services for the most up-to-date information and safety recommendations.

Where to find accomodation in Ayn al-Arab

Unfortunately, it is currently not safe to visit Ayn al-Arab (also known as Kobani) due to the ongoing conflict in the region. The U.S. State Department has issued a Level 4 Travel Advisory, which advises against all travel to Syria. As a travel website, my recommendation is to prioritize safety at all times and avoid traveling to dangerous areas.
You can check hotel prices at Ayn al-Arab here:

Is Ayn al-Arab a safe destination for tourists?

Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobane, is located in northern Syria. The security situation in Syria is currently very unstable and unsafe for tourists. bombings, violence, and conflicts are ongoing in many areas of the country. As per the travel advisory of many countries, including the US and Canadian Governments, travelers are advised to avoid all non-essential travel to Syria due to the high risk of terrorism and kidnapping. Therefore, it is not recommended for tourists to travel to Ayn al-Arab or any other part of Syria at this time.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Syria here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Ayn al-Arab.

What type of travelers will enjoy Ayn al-Arab the most?

Unfortunately, Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani, is not currently a safe destination for travelers due to the ongoing conflict in the region. It is not recommended to travel to Syria at this time. It is important to prioritize safety when planning a trip.

How to get around Ayn al-Arab

The most common modes of transportation in Ayn al-Arab are taxis and buses. Taxis are readily available and can take you to any location within the city. Buses are the cheapest option, but can be crowded and infrequent, so they're not always the most convenient mode of transportation. Walking and cycling are also popular options, especially for short distances. However, it is important to note that the security situation in Syria is still volatile, and it is advisable to obtain the latest travel advice from a reliable source before traveling in the country.

What to see around Ayn al-Arab

There are several nice places to visit within a day trip from Ayn al-Arab (also known as Kobane) in Syria. Here are some of the options you can consider: 1. Aleppo Citadel: Located about 90 km from Ayn al-Arab, Aleppo Citadel is a famous UNESCO World Heritage Site that dates back to the 10th century. It is a stunning example of medieval Islamic military architecture and is worth a visit.
2. Euphrates River: The Euphrates river flows through the region and offers beautiful scenery on both sides. You can take a boat ride on the river or simply enjoy a picnic by its banks.
3. Manbij Archaeological Site: About 80km from Ayn al-Arab, the Manbij Archaeological Site features the ruins of a Roman bridge and other ancient buildings.
4. Afrin District: Afrin is a picturesque district that is located about 60km west of Ayn al-Arab. It is known for its scenic views and serene environment.
5. Mount Nemrut: Mount Nemrut is a mountain peak located about 180km east of Ayn al-Arab. It is home to an ancient temple and a statue of King Antiochus, which are both UNESCO World Heritage sites.
These are just a few of the many destinations you can explore on a day trip from Ayn al-Arab.
For every travel information about Syria you can click here.

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