Berending - Discovering Gambia

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Travelling to Berending

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Berending, a pretty good destination in Gambia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Berending and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Berending, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Gambia, here's everything to know about Berending for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Berending

Berending is a small rural village located in the Kombo North district of the West Coast Region in Gambia, West Africa. It is about 32 kilometers from the capital city of Banjul and 6 kilometers from the popular tourist destination of Tanji Fishing Village. Berending is known for its lush vegetation, traditional culture, and welcoming people. The village offers visitors a chance to experience the authentic Gambian way of life, as well as to explore nearby beaches, nature reserves, and markets. Additionally, Berending is home to several guesthouses and lodges that provide visitors with comfortable accommodations and quality service.

Travelling to Berending and around: discovering Gambia

What to visit in Berending

Sure, here are some top tourist attractions in Berending, Gambia: 1. Tanji Fishing Village: This village is located near Berending and is a hub of Gambian fishing culture, where you can observe the daily work of fishermen, taste the freshest seafood, and enjoy the beautiful beach.
2. Gunjur Beach: This is a pristine, tranquil beach located near Berending, with calm, clear waters and pristine white sand, perfect for swimming and relaxing.
3. Abuko Nature Reserve: This reserve is home to various species of birds, monkeys, reptiles, and other animals, and features walking trails, bird watching hides and a visitor center where you can learn about the local wildlife, flora and fauna.
4. Sanyang Beach: This is another beautiful and secluded beach located near Berending, with golden sand and clear blue waters, ideal for swimming, sunbathing and water sports.
5. Brikama Market: This is a vibrant and colorful local market in Brikama, near Berending, where you can buy handmade crafts, jewelry, fabrics, and other unique Gambian souvenirs.
6. Kachikally Crocodile Pool: This is a sacred crocodile pool located in Bakau, close to Berending, where you can visit these unique animals at close range and learn about the myths and legends associated with them.
7. The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust: This animal sanctuary is located near Berending and rescues and rehabilitates horses and donkeys, providing education and support for local communities.
8. Serrekunda Market: This bustling market is a vibrant and fascinating place, where you can find exotic foods, spices, clothing, souvenirs, and other wares.
Overall, Berending and its surroundings offer a rich and diverse array of attractions and activities for travelers to enjoy during their visit to Gambia.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Gambia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Berending

The best time to go on holiday to Berending, Gambia is during the dry season which runs from November to May. During this time, the weather is sunny and temperatures are pleasant. The peak tourist season is from December to February, so expect higher prices and more crowds during this time. The rainy season runs from June to October and while it is less crowded and prices are typically lower, the weather can be hot and humid with frequent rainstorms. It is important to note that some businesses and tourist attractions may also be closed during the rainy season.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Berending

Berending is a village located in the West Coast Region of the Gambia. The easiest way to get there would be to fly into the Banjul International Airport and then take a taxi or a mini-bus to Berending. Here are the steps you can take to get there: 1. Book a flight to Banjul International Airport from your departure location.
2. Upon arrival at the airport, you can find a taxi or a mini-bus to take you to Berending. Make sure to negotiate the price before getting into the taxi or mini-bus.
3. Alternatively, you can arrange a private car transfer from the airport to Berending before your trip. Many hotels and travel companies offer this service.
4. The journey from Banjul International Airport to Berending takes approximately 40 minutes.
It is important to note that public transportation is not always reliable in the Gambia, so it is best to arrange a private transfer or taxi for a smoother and more convenient journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Berending, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Berending

Here are some typical foods you might find in Berending, Gambia, along with a brief description: 1. Domoda: A popular Gambian dish made with peanut butter and meat (usually beef or chicken), served with rice.
2. Benachin: Also known as "Jollof Rice," this dish is a flavorful mix of rice, vegetables, and spices.
3. Yassa: A tangy dish made with marinated chicken or fish, served with rice.
4. Mbahal: A breakfast porridge made with millet, often served with milk and sugar.
5. Superkanja: A stew made with okra, fish, and other vegetables, served with rice.
6. Plasas: A soup made with bitter leaf and often served with rice.
7. Biryani: A spiced rice dish made with meat (usually chicken or beef) and vegetables.
8. Oyster stew: A seafood dish made with fresh oysters, vegetables, and spices.
9. Tapalapa Bread: A soft, chewy bread that is a staple in Gambian cuisine.
10. Fattaya: A popular street food consisting of fried dough filled with spicy meat or fish.
You can find general info about typical foods in Gambia here.

Is Berending an expensive destination for tourists?

Berending, Gambia is generally considered an affordable travel destination. The cost of living in Gambia is relatively low, meaning that accommodation, food and transportation are inexpensive for tourists. However, the cost of activities such as guided safaris or other tourist attractions may be higher than the average daily expense. To keep costs down, it is recommended to choose budget-friendly accommodations, eat at local restaurants and negotiate prices beforehand when doing activities. Nonetheless, compared to other countries, Berending is generally an affordable destination for tourists.

Where to find accomodation in Berending

In Berending, the best areas to find accommodation would be near the beach, as this is a popular destination for tourists. There are also several accommodations located near the Senegambia area, which is known for its nightlife and entertainment options. Another option is to look for accommodations in the surrounding areas, such as Serekunda, which is the largest city in The Gambia and offers a wide range of accommodations to choose from.
You can check hotel prices at Berending here:

Is Berending a safe destination for tourists?

Berending, Gambia is generally considered a safe place for tourists. The Gambia is known for its friendly and welcoming people, and visitors are unlikely to encounter any significant safety issues. However, it's still a good idea to take some precautions to ensure your trip is as safe and enjoyable as possible.
Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind when visiting Berending and the Gambia: 1. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially in crowded areas like markets or public transportation.
2. Avoid traveling alone at night, especially in areas that are less frequented by tourists.
3. Be cautious when using ATMs or carrying large amounts of cash.
4. Don't leave your belongings unattended, especially in public places like beaches or restaurants.
5. Follow the advice of local authorities and trusted guides if there are any safety concerns in the area.
Overall, by using common sense and being aware of potential risks, visitors to Berending can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to this beautiful part of the world.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Gambia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Berending.

What type of travelers will enjoy Berending the most?

Berending in Gambia is an ideal destination for travelers who want a relaxing and secluded getaway. The village is surrounded by beautiful beaches and lush greenery that makes it perfect for couples or families looking to spend quality time together in a peaceful setting. Although there are some activities for young people such as nightlife, Berending is more suited for those who prefer a slower pace of life and enjoy nature-watching, hiking and water sports like fishing, kayaking and sailing. Visitors can also explore nearby attractions such as the nature reserve, slave island and traditional Gambian markets.
Overall, Berending is perfect for travelers who prioritize relaxation over partying and want to experience the natural beauty and rich culture of Gambia.

How to get around Berending

In Berending, the most common mode of transportation is by foot as the village is relatively small. However, you can also hire a bicycle or motorbike from local rental shops to explore the surrounding areas. Taxis are also available for hire but may be more expensive than other options.

What to see around Berending

Certainly! Here are a few nice places to visit in a day trip from Berending in Gambia: 1. Banjul - This is the capital city of Gambia and is home to many historical landmarks such as the National Museum and the Arch 22 monument.
2. Jinack Island - This island is popular for its beautiful beaches, birdwatching and fishing opportunities.
3. Tendaba Camp - This camp offers a unique opportunity to explore the wetlands of Gambia, including an ecotourism tour where visitors can see a variety of wildlife.
4. Kachikally Crocodile Pool - This attraction is located in Bakau and is a sanctuary for crocodiles. Visitors can see these creatures up close and even touch them! 5. Sanyang Beach - This beach is known for its white sand and crystal clear waters, making it a great spot for swimming and sunbathing.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you would like more information on any of these places or if you have any other questions.
For every travel information about Gambia you can click here.

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