Kfarhbab - Discovering Lebanon

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Travelling to Kfarhbab

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Kfarhbab, a pretty good destination in Lebanon (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Kfarhbab and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Kfarhbab, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Lebanon, here's everything to know about Kfarhbab for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Kfarhbab

Kfarhbab is a village in the Keserwan District of Lebanon, located about 15 kilometers north of Beirut. The village is known for its natural beauty, as it is surrounded by forests and greenery. It is also home to several historical landmarks, including the Mar Michael Church and the Kfarhbab Bridge, which dates back to the Roman era. Kfarhbab is a popular destination for outdoor activities, such as hiking and cycling, and it is also home to several restaurants and cafes that serve traditional Lebanese cuisine.

Travelling to Kfarhbab and around: discovering Lebanon

What to visit in Kfarhbab

Sure, here are some popular tourist attractions in Kfarhbab (Lebanon) and some information about them: 1. Our Lady of Deliverance - This is a famous church located in Kfarhbab. It is also known as Saydet al-Najat and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The church has a beautiful interior and exterior architectural design that attracts visitors from all over the world.
2. Beit Ghalayini Museum - This museum displays the cultural heritage of Kfarhbab and its surroundings. It showcases artifacts, manuscripts, and artworks that showcase the local history and traditions of Kfarhbab.
3. Architectural Heritage - Kfarhbab has several buildings with unique architectural designs that showcase the rich history and culture of the town. Some of the notable buildings include the Khattar palace and the old souks of Kfarhbab.
4. Nature - Kfarhbab has beautiful mountains and valleys that attract nature enthusiasts. Some of the popular locations for nature lovers include the Jeita Grotto, the Harissa Mountain, and the Nahr Ibrahim River.
5. Traditional Food - Kfarhbab has a rich variety of traditional Lebanese dishes that are popular among tourists. Some of the famous dishes include hummus, tabbouleh, kibbeh, and falafel.
Overall, Kfarhbab is a perfect destination for tourists who want to experience the unique blend of history, culture, and nature.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Lebanon, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Kfarhbab.

When to go on holiday to Kfarhbab

The best time to visit Kfarhbab (Lebanon) is during the months of May to October. During this time the weather is warm and sunny, making it perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and visiting the nearby attractions. However, if you prefer cooler weather for sightseeing, then the months of December to February are ideal as the temperature usually drops to around 13 degrees Celsius, and there is a chance of snowfall in the mountains. Keep in mind that the summer months can be crowded with tourists, while the winter months can be quieter and have limited availability for some activities and attractions.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Kfarhbab

There are several ways to get to Kfarhbab, Lebanon depending on your point of origin. Here are some options: 1. By car: If you have access to a car or plan to rent one, you can drive to Kfarhbab. The village is located in the Keserwan District, about 20 km north of Beirut. You can take the coastal highway and then turn onto the Jounieh-Harissa highway and follow it uphill until you reach Kfarhbab.
2. By taxi: Taxis are widely available in Lebanon and can be a convenient way to get to Kfarhbab. You can either hail a taxi on the street or arrange for one through a taxi company. It's advisable to negotiate the fare before starting the journey.
3. By bus: Several local buses serve the Kfarhbab area from Beirut and other nearby towns. You can take a bus from the Charles Helou bus station in Beirut or the Jounieh bus station, and get off at Kfarhbab. Bus schedules and fares can vary, so it's best to check in advance.
I hope this information is helpful for you. Let me know if you have any other questions!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Kfarhbab, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Kfarhbab

Sure, here are some typical foods of Kfarhbab, Lebanon with a short description for each of them: 1. Kebbeh - A traditional Lebanese dish made with a mixture of bulgur, minced onions, and finely ground meat, usually beef or lamb. It is usually served with yogurt or a side salad.
2. Tabbouleh - A parsley-based salad that also includes tomatoes, mint, onions, and bulgur wheat. The salad is seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt.
3. Fattoush - A salad that includes mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, onions, and crispy bread (usually arabic bread). It is seasoned with a dressing made of olive oil, lemon juice, sumac, and sometimes pomegranate molasses.
4. Manakish - A Lebanese flatbread traditionally topped with za'atar (a mixture of thyme, sesame seeds, and sumac), and sometimes also with cheese or meat.
5. Shawarma - A traditional Middle Eastern dish made with grilled, seasoned meat (usually chicken or lamb), served in a pita bread with vegetables and sauces.
6. Baklava - A sweet dessert made of layers of phyllo dough, butter, chopped nuts, and sweet syrup or honey.
7. Sfeeha - A type of savory pastry made with dough and filled with ground meat (usually beef or lamb), onions, and sometimes pine nuts. It is usually baked to a crispy golden brown and served as a snack or appetizer.
You can find general info about typical foods in Lebanon here.

Is Kfarhbab an expensive destination for tourists?

Kfarhbab is a relatively small town in Lebanon, located around 15km north of Beirut. It may not be a popular tourist destination, but it is known for its beautiful surroundings and peaceful atmosphere. In terms of expenses, it really depends on what you plan to do and how you choose to spend your money. Accommodation in Kfarhbab can range from budget-friendly options to luxurious resorts, so it ultimately depends on your budget and preferences. As for dining, there are many local restaurants in and around Kfarhbab that offer delicious Lebanese cuisine at reasonable prices. Additionally, there are many beaches, parks, and other outdoor activities in the area that are free to enjoy. Overall, while Kfarhbab may not be the cheapest destination in Lebanon, it is certainly possible to visit and enjoy the town without breaking the bank if you plan your trip and budget accordingly.

Where to find accomodation in Kfarhbab

Kfarhbab is a small village located in the Keserwan district of Lebanon. The best areas to find accommodation to visit Kfarhbab are: 1. Jounieh: a town located about 6 km away from Kfarhbab that offers numerous hotels and guesthouses, as well as access to the sea.
2. Faraya-Mzaar: a mountainous area located about 20 km away from Kfarhbab that offers chalets and resorts with beautiful views.
3. Beirut: the capital city of Lebanon located about 15 km away from Kfarhbab that offers a wide variety of hotels and guesthouses.
4. Kaslik: a town located about 7 km away from Kfarhbab that offers many budget-friendly hotels and guesthouses.
5. Jbeil: a historic city located about 25 km away from Kfarhbab that offers traditional guesthouses and boutique hotels.
You can check hotel prices at Kfarhbab here:

Is Kfarhbab a safe destination for tourists?

Kfarhbab, Lebanon is generally a safe place for tourists. However, like any destination, it is important to remain aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions. It is recommended to avoid political demonstrations and large gatherings, as they can sometimes become volatile. It is also recommended to be mindful of your belongings and avoid displaying expensive items in public. Overall, Kfarhbab is a beautiful destination with a rich culture and friendly locals.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Lebanon here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Kfarhbab.

What type of travelers will enjoy Kfarhbab the most?

Kfarhbab, Lebanon is a small village that is located in the mountains overlooking the Mediterranean. It is a peaceful and calm place that is perfect for nature lovers who love to hike and explore the outdoors. The village is also a great location for families who want to spend quality time together on a holiday. Parents can take their children on nature walks, visit orchards, or simply enjoy the beautiful views. Couples who are looking for a romantic getaway will also love the serene atmosphere and the picturesque scenery of Kfarhbab.
Although Kfarhbab is not known for its nightlife, young people who enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling will have plenty of opportunities to explore the surrounding areas. With all this in mind, Kfarhbab is a great destination for anyone who wants to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, immerse themselves in nature, and enjoy the peacefulness of Lebanese countryside.

How to get around Kfarhbab

The most common mode of transportation in Kfarhbab, Lebanon, would be taxis and private cars. There is also a public transportation system available, with buses running between different parts of the town and nearby cities. However, visitors may find it more convenient to rent a car or hire a taxi to move around the town. Bike rentals are also available for those who prefer a more eco-friendly way to explore the town.

What to see around Kfarhbab

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Kfarhbab, Lebanon: 1. Jeita Grotto - A fascinating geologic formation that includes caves and underground rivers.
2. Byblos - A beautiful coastal city with a rich history and great architecture, including a Crusaders' castle and ancient ruins.
3. Harissa - A mountain-top town that is home to the famous Our Lady of Lebanon statue and provides stunning views of the coast below.
4. Baatara Gorge waterfall - A natural wonder consisting of three tiers of cascading waterfalls and a natural bridge that looks like an arch.
5. Faqra Roman ruins - Well-preserved ancient ruins that depict the Roman architectural style and rich history of the region.
6. Beirut Souks - A contemporary shopping district in the capital of Lebanon, it is known for its designer boutiques and upscale restaurants.
7. Mseilha Fort - A historic fortification located in Northern Lebanon, it offers visitors the opportunity to see stunning views of the surrounding region.
8. Jbeil Archaeological Site - A UNESCO World Heritage site that includes the remains of ancient Roman and Phoenician civilizations.
For every travel information about Lebanon you can click here.

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