Kithulgala Rafting - Discovering Sri Lanka

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Travelling to Kithulgala Rafting

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Kithulgala Rafting, a pretty good destination in Sri Lanka (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Kithulgala Rafting and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Kithulgala Rafting, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Sri Lanka, here's everything to know about Kithulgala Rafting for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Kithulgala Rafting

Kithulgala is a small town located in the western region of Sri Lanka, known for its beautiful natural landscapes and adventures. One of the popular activities in Kithulgala is white water rafting, which takes place in the Kelani River that runs through the town. The river has rapids of varying levels of difficulty, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters. Kithulgala also offers other outdoor activities such as trekking, camping, and jungle exploration. It's a great destination for adventure seekers and those who enjoy nature.

Travelling to Kithulgala Rafting and around: discovering Sri Lanka

What to visit in Kithulgala Rafting

1. Kelani River: The Kelani River is the main attraction in Kithulgala for rafting. It spans over 80 km, with rapids ranging from Class 2 to Class 5. It offers an adrenaline-filled adventure for both amateurs and experienced rafters.
2. Belilena Cave: This prehistoric cave is believed to have inhabited by Balangoda Man - one of the earliest humans in Sri Lanka. The cave has a length of 1,755 meters, with evidence of stone tools, bones of extinct animals, and charcoal dating back to 32,000 years.
3. Nature Walks: The lush green forests surrounding Kithulgala offer several nature trails for trekking and bird watching. The most popular is the Forest Trail, which takes you through the jungle, alongside the Kelani River, up to a waterfall. You can spot butterflies, parrots, and monkeys along the way.
4. Waterfall Abseiling: Adventurers can experience the thrill of abseiling down the face of a waterfall in Kithulgala. The practice was introduced by Don Morgan - a British naval officer who stumbled upon the place in the 1920s.
5. Kayaking: Kayaking on the Kelani River is another popular activity in Kithulgala, particularly for those who prefer a quieter water experience. Visitors can rent kayaks and paddle around the river, taking in the beautiful lush green scenery that surrounds it.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Sri Lanka, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Kithulgala Rafting

The best time to visit Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka is during the dry season which lasts from November to April. This is when the water level is generally lower and the weather is less unpredictable, making it safer and more enjoyable for rafting. However, it's important to check the weather forecast before planning your trip as unexpected rainfall can still occur even during the dry season.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Kithulgala Rafting

Kithulgala is a small town located in Sri Lanka's Sabaragamuwa Province. It is famous for its whitewater rafting and adventure activities. If you are coming from Colombo, the easiest way to get to Kithulgala is by road. You can hire a taxi or take a bus from Colombo to Kithulgala. The journey will take approximately 2-3 hours depending on the traffic. Alternatively, you can take the train from Colombo to Hatton (or Nanu Oya) and from there catch a local bus to Kithulgala. However, this may take longer as you will need to transfer buses to get to Kithulgala. Once you reach Kithulgala, there are many rafting companies that offer exciting rafting trips on the Kelani River. It is best to book in advance to avoid disappointment as rafting is a popular activity in Kithulgala.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Kithulgala Rafting, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Kithulgala Rafting

Some typical foods of Kithulgala Rafting, Sri Lanka include: 1. Rice and Curry - A staple dish in Sri Lanka that consists of rice served with an array of curries and sides. The curries are usually made with vegetables, spices, and sometimes meat or fish.
2. Hoppers - A type of rice flour pancake, typically eaten for breakfast or as a snack. They can be served plain or filled with different ingredients like egg or onion.
3. Kottu Roti - A popular street food that consists of shredded roti bread cooked with vegetables, spices, and meat if desired. It is often served with a spicy sauce.
4. Coconut Sambol - A side dish made with shredded coconut, red onions, chili, and lime juice. It is a common accompaniment to rice and curry dishes.
5. Watalappam - A traditional Sri Lankan dessert made with coconut milk, jaggery, and spices like cardamom. It is similar to a pudding and is usually served cold.
6. Fish Ambul Thiyal - A sour and spicy dish made with fish, spices, and tamarind. It is a popular seafood dish in Sri Lanka.
7. Pol Sambol - Another side dish made with coconut, chili, and lime juice, but this version is sweeter than coconut sambol. It is often served with roti or bread. 8. Roti - A type of bread made with wheat flour that can be savory or sweet, depending on how it is filled or served. It is commonly eaten as a breakfast or snack food.
These are some of the typical foods you can try when visiting Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka.
You can find general info about typical foods in Sri Lanka here.

Is Kithulgala Rafting an expensive destination for tourists?

Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka is considered to be an affordable destination for tourists. The cost of a half-day rafting trip is typically around 35-50 USD per person, which includes the necessary safety equipment and a trained guide.
However, the cost may vary based on the rafting company and the duration of the trip. It is always a good idea to compare prices and read reviews before making a booking.
Overall, Kithulgala Rafting is a popular activity among adventure seekers and offers an unforgettable experience at a reasonable price.

Where to find accomodation in Kithulgala Rafting

When visiting Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka, the best areas to find accommodations would be in the town of Kithulgala itself or in nearby towns such as Hatton or Nuwara Eliya. These towns offer a range of accommodation types including hotels, guesthouses, and homestays that cater to different budgets and preferences. Staying in these areas would allow you to easily access Kithulgala for rafting and other outdoor activities while also providing a comfortable base from which to explore the surrounding areas.
You can check hotel prices at Kithulgala Rafting here:

Is Kithulgala Rafting a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Kithulgala Rafting is considered a safe place for tourists. The activities are organized and supervised by licensed tour operators who provide safety equipment such as life jackets and helmets. However, as with any adventure activity, there is always some level of risk involved, so it is important to follow the instructions of your guide and pay attention to safety guidelines. Overall, Kithulgala Rafting is a popular and well-regulated tourist activity in Sri Lanka.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Sri Lanka here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Kithulgala Rafting.

What type of travelers will enjoy Kithulgala Rafting the most?

Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka is a great place for adventurous travelers who love water activities. It is enjoyed by many different types of travelers, including couples, young people looking for fun, families, and groups of friends. However, it is important to note that rafting can require some physical exertion and may not be suitable for individuals with certain health conditions. Additionally, the rapids can vary in intensity depending on the time of year and water levels, so it's important to check the conditions before booking your trip.
Overall, Kithulgala Rafting is a great option for those who are adventurous and looking for an exciting activity to add to their Sri Lanka itinerary.

How to get around Kithulgala Rafting

The most common transportation option to move around Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka is by hiring a tuk-tuk or taxi from nearby cities like Colombo or Kandy, or taking a bus to nearby towns and then hiring a tuk-tuk or taxi to reach Kithulgala. Alternatively, you can also rent a car or a motorcycle to travel independently.

What to see around Kithulgala Rafting

Sure, here are some nice places to visit on a day trip from Kithulgala Rafting in Sri Lanka: 1. Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya - a Buddhist temple with a history dating back over 2500 years.
2. Kitulgala Forest Reserve - a beautiful forest with diverse flora and fauna.
3. Udawatte Kele Sanctuary - a wildlife sanctuary with hiking trails, scenic views and plenty of wildlife to see.
4. Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya - a large botanical garden with over 4,000 species of plants.
5. Horton Plains National Park - a stunning natural park with waterfalls, hiking trails and scenic views.
6. Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage - a sanctuary and nursery for orphaned elephants.
7. Kandy - a historic city known for the Temple of the Tooth, Royal Botanical Gardens, and Kandy Lake.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
For every travel information about Sri Lanka you can click here.

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