Konjic - Discovering Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Travelling to Konjic

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Konjic, a pretty good destination in Bosnia and Herzegovina (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Konjic and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Konjic, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bosnia and Herzegovina, here's everything to know about Konjic for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Konjic

Konjic is a town located in the middle of Bosnia and Herzegovina, situated on the banks of the Neretva River. It is known for its beautiful nature, including nearby mountains, rivers and lakes. The town has a rich history dating back to the Roman Empire, and many historical sites can be found in the area including the old town, the medieval fortresses and the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and Yugoslav monuments. The town is also known for its woodcrafts, particularly the traditional craft of woodcarving. With its scenic surroundings and cultural heritage, Konjic is a popular destination for tourists looking for a relaxing break or an exciting adventure.

Travelling to Konjic and around: discovering Bosnia and Herzegovina

What to visit in Konjic

Konjic is a small city located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a charming place with a rich history and culture that offers plenty of things to see and do. Here are some of the top tourist attractions you should check out in Konjic: 1. The Old Bridge of Konjic - The Old Bridge is one of the most famous landmarks in Konjic. Built during the Ottoman era, it is a prime example of traditional Islamic architecture. The bridge provides stunning views of the Neretva River, which flows beneath it.
2. Tito's Nuclear Bunker - This massive underground complex was built during the Cold War as a safe haven for Yugoslavia's president, Josip Broz Tito, in case of a nuclear attack. It is now a museum and a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the various rooms and tunnels and learn about the history of the Cold War.
3. Boračko Lake - Located in the nearby mountains, Boračko Lake is a beautiful natural attraction that offers plenty of hiking and swimming opportunities. The crystal clear water and the lush forests that surround the lake make it a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature.
4. Old Town Konjic - The old town of Konjic is a charming area that showcases the city's rich history and culture. The narrow, winding streets are lined with traditional houses and shops selling local crafts and souvenirs. The best way to explore the old town is on foot, taking in all the sights and sounds along the way. 5. Jablaničko Lake - This large artificial lake is situated near Konjic and is a popular spot for swimming, boating, and fishing. The surrounding mountains provide a picturesque backdrop, making this an ideal place for a leisurely afternoon or a weekend getaway.
6. Čaršijska Mosque - This beautiful mosque is located in the heart of the old town of Konjic. It was built in the 19th century and has been carefully preserved to this day. Visitors can admire the intricate calligraphy and tile work inside the mosque and learn about the history of Islam in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Overall, Konjic has much to offer visitors, from breathtaking natural beauty to fascinating historical landmarks. Whether you're a nature lover or a history buff, there is something here for everyone.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Konjic.

When to go on holiday to Konjic

The best time to visit Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina is during the months of June, July, and August when the weather is warm and the days are long. The average temperature during this time is around 25-30°C (77-86°F), making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the town.
However, if you prefer cooler weather, you may want to consider visiting Konjic during the shoulder seasons of May and September, when the temperatures are still pleasant, and the crowds are much smaller. Keep in mind that some attractions may have shorter operating hours during the shoulder season.
If you don't mind colder weather and snow, you can also visit Konjic in the winter months (December to February) and enjoy winter sports like skiing and snowboarding in nearby mountains.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Konjic

Konjic can be reached by several transportation options: 1. By Car: If you are driving from Sarajevo, take the E73 highway south towards Mostar. After about 50 km, turn right onto the M17 highway towards Konjic. The drive will take around 40 minutes.
2. By Bus: Konjic is easily accessible by bus from Sarajevo. The journey takes about an hour and there are frequent buses departing from the Sarajevo bus station. You can also take a bus from Mostar or other nearby towns.
3. By Train: There is currently no direct train service to Konjic, but you can take a train to Sarajevo and then transfer to a bus or taxi to get to Konjic.
4. By Taxi: Taxis are available from Sarajevo and other nearby towns to Konjic. This is a convenient option if you are travelling in a group or with a lot of luggage.
Overall, the most popular way to reach Konjic is by car or bus from Sarajevo.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Konjic, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Konjic

Here are some typical foods of Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina along with a short description for each of them: 1. Ćevapi - grilled minced meat served with onion and flatbread 2. Sarma - cabbage rolls filled with a mixture of ground beef and rice 3. Klepe - Bosnian-style dumplings filled with meat or cheese, served with sour cream 4. Burek - phyllo pastry filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables 5. Pita - various types of savory pies filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables 6. Raštika - a traditional dish made with turnip tops, potatoes and often meat 7. Pilav - a rice dish cooked with vegetables and spices, usually served as a side dish 8. Bosanski Lonac - a traditional meat and vegetable stew flavored with paprika 9. Pečenje - roasted lamb or pork, usually served with potatoes and vegetables.
10. Tufahija - Dessert made of baked apples stuffed with walnuts and topped with whipped cream. Note: Bosnian cuisine may vary slightly depending on the region and personal preferences of the cook.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bosnia and Herzegovina here.

Is Konjic an expensive destination for tourists?

Konjic is a relatively affordable destination for tourists. Prices for restaurants, accommodation, and activities are generally lower compared to some other European cities. However, prices may vary depending on the season and availability of services. It's always a good idea to do some research in advance and compare prices between different options to find the best deal. Generally speaking, Konjic is a great place to visit if you're looking for an enjoyable trip without breaking the bank.

Where to find accomodation in Konjic

In Konjic, the best areas to find accommodation would be in the town center, close to the Old Bridge and the Neretva River. Some recommended areas are Donje Polje, Boracko Lake, and Lukomir Village. However, keep in mind that Konjic is a small town, and most of its attractions are located in the town center.
You can check hotel prices at Konjic here:

Is Konjic a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Konjic in Bosnia and Herzegovina is generally considered to be a safe place for tourists. Tourists are unlikely to encounter any major safety concerns or risks while visiting Konjic, but as with any place, it is always recommended to exercise caution and common sense while traveling, especially while exploring unfamiliar areas at night or in isolated places. It is also advisable to keep an eye on your belongings and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bosnia and Herzegovina here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Konjic.

What type of travelers will enjoy Konjic the most?

Konjic is a great destination for a wide range of travelers, including couples, young people, and families. The town of Konjic offers a variety of activities for different types of travelers. Couples can enjoy a romantic stroll around the beautiful old town, take in the stunning scenery, or explore the local history and architecture. Young people looking for fun can enjoy adrenaline-fueled activities such as whitewater rafting, and families can explore the museums, parks, and historical sites. Additionally, Konjic is surrounded by mountains and national parks, making it the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for hiking, climbing, and nature activities. Overall, Konjic is a welcoming and diverse destination that will appeal to all types of travelers.

How to get around Konjic

Konjic is a small town, so walking is a good way to explore the town center. However, if you need to travel further, you can use a taxi or a local bus. Taxis are easily available and reasonably priced. There are also mini-buses known as "Kombi" that run between the neighbouring towns, such as Sarajevo and Mostar. Alternatively, you can rent a car or hire a private driver to explore the surrounding areas at your own pace.

What to see around Konjic

Certainly! Here are some suggested places to visit in a day trip from Konjic: 1. Mostar: Take a short drive to Mostar, a historic city known for its iconic Old Bridge, stunning Ottoman architecture, and charming old town.
2. Blagaj: Visit the pretty village of Blagaj, located about 10 km from Mostar. It's home to the picturesque Blagaj Tekke, a 16th-century monastery built into a cliffside next to a clear blue river.
3. Kravice Waterfalls: Head northwest to see the impressive Kravice Waterfalls, a series of cascading falls that create a natural swimming pool. It's a popular summer spot and a great place for a hike.
4. Pocitelj: Visit Pocitelj, a small town with a stunning fortified old town set against a rocky hill. You can explore the narrow streets and climb to the top for breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
5. Sarajevo: While it's not technically a day trip, you can easily spend a full day exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital, Sarajevo. It's about an hour's drive north of Konjic and is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and fantastic food scene.
For every travel information about Bosnia and Herzegovina you can click here.

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