Lugang - Discovering Taiwan

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Travelling to Lugang

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Lugang, a pretty good destination in Taiwan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Lugang and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Lugang, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Taiwan, here's everything to know about Lugang for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Lugang

Lugang is a historic town located in central Taiwan's Changhua County. It was once a prosperous trading port during the Qing Dynasty era, and many of its buildings and streets still retain their traditional charm. Visitors can explore the town's numerous temples, traditional architecture, and street markets. Some of the popular landmarks in Lugang include the Tianhou Temple, Lugang Mazu Culture Hall, and the Lugang Longshan Temple. The town is also famous for its traditional handicrafts such as pottery, paper umbrellas, and woodcarvings.

Travelling to Lugang and around: discovering Taiwan

What to visit in Lugang

Lugang is a historical town in Taiwan that is rich in culture and heritage. Here are some popular tourist attractions in Lugang: 1. Lugang Mazu Temple - This temple is dedicated to Mazu, the Chinese goddess of the sea.
- The temple is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Taiwan and attracts thousands of visitors each year.
- It was built in 1591 and has undergone several renovations and expansions over the years.
2. Lugang Old Street - This street is lined with traditional shops and historic buildings that date back to the Qing Dynasty.
- Visitors can enjoy shopping for souvenirs, trying out traditional snacks, and admiring the unique architecture.
3. Zhengyi Road - This road is also known as "rice cake road" because it is a popular place to buy traditional rice cakes.
- In addition, there are many shops selling local handicrafts and snacks.
4. Longshan Temple - This temple was built in the 18th century and is dedicated to Guanyin, the Buddhist goddess of mercy.
- The temple is known for its intricate carvings and beautiful artwork.
5. Tianhou Temple - This temple is also dedicated to Mazu, but is known for its colorful murals and delicate wood carvings.
- Visitors can also see the famous "two-faced Mazu" statue, which is said to have two different facial expressions depending on where you are standing.
6. Lukang Folk Arts Museum - This museum showcases the traditional arts and crafts of Lugang, including pottery, weaving, and embroidery.
- Visitors can also attend workshops and learn how to make some of these crafts themselves.
Overall, Lugang is a great destination for anyone interested in Taiwanese history and culture, as well as those looking for unique shopping and dining experiences.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Taiwan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Lugang.

When to go on holiday to Lugang

The best time to visit Lugang, Taiwan is between November to February. During these months, the weather is cooler and less humid, making it more comfortable to explore the town's attractions and enjoy outdoor activities. Avoid visiting Lugang during the summer months (June - August) as the weather is hot and humid, which can make sightseeing uncomfortable. Another thing to consider is that Lugang can get quite crowded during holidays and weekends, so plan accordingly.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Lugang

To get to Lugang in Taiwan, you can take a bus or a train from various cities in Taiwan such as Taipei, Taichung or Kaohsiung.
By bus: From Taipei, you can take a bus from Taipei Bus Station or Banqiao Bus Station to Lugang, which takes around 3-4 hours. From Taichung, you can take a bus from Taichung Bus Station or Wurih Train Station, which takes around 1 hour. From Kaohsiung, you can take a bus from Kaohsiung Bus Station to Lugang, which takes around 3 hours.
By train: From Taipei, you can take a train from Taipei Main Station to Changhua Station, and transfer to Lugang by bus or taxi. The total travel time is around 2-3 hours. From Taichung, you can take a train from Taichung Station to Changhua Station, and transfer to Lugang by bus or taxi. The total travel time is around 30-40 minutes.
Alternatively, you can also consider hiring a taxi or private car to get to Lugang, which is more convenient and can save you time.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Lugang, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Lugang

Lugang is a small township in Taiwan, known for its traditional and delicious local street foods. Here are some typical foods of Lugang that you can try: 1. Ba-wan: It is a traditional dish of transparent steamed dumplings filled with meat and vegetables, typically served with soy sauce and garlic sauce.
2. Shen-ji: A deep-fried crispy chicken cutlet that is served with Taiwanese-style sweet chili sauce and garlic, pepper, and salt seasoning.
3. Mochi: This is a famous dessert of Taiwan which is made of glutinous rice flour, sugar, and water. It is served with toppings such as peanut powder, sesame seeds, and sweet bean paste.
4. Braised pork rice: A classic Taiwanese dish that is made of tender pork belly braised in soy sauce and served with steamed rice.
5. Oyster omelet: A tasty traditional dish made of fresh oysters, eggs, and potatoes, that are typically mixed with sweet chili sauce and garlic.
6. Taiwanese sausage: A popular street food in Taiwan which is made of pork and is typically grilled to perfection. It is often served with garlic and soy sauce or chili sauce.
7. Fried taro cake: A crunchy, savory snack made of taro and flour, typically served with a sweet or spicy dipping sauce.
These are some of the typical foods of Lugang that you should definitely try if you visit Taiwan!
You can find general info about typical foods in Taiwan here.

Is Lugang an expensive destination for tourists?

Lugang is not considered an extremely expensive destination for tourists, but it can be more expensive than some other destinations in Taiwan. The cost of accommodations, food, and activities in Lugang may be higher than in other smaller towns or cities in Taiwan. However, compared to other popular tourist destinations in Asia, Lugang is generally affordable. It's always good to do some research and plan your budget beforehand to ensure you can enjoy your trip within your preferred budget.

Where to find accomodation in Lugang

The best areas to find accommodation in Lugang, Taiwan are typically around the Old Street area. This is where most of the popular attractions and restaurants are located. Other options are the Jiamei Hotel, located near the bus station for easy transport, and the Lugang Homestay, which offers a more traditional experience. Additionally, if you prefer a quieter stay, you may want to consider looking for accommodation around the Xiluo Bridge area, which is a little further from the main attractions but still within easy reach.
You can check hotel prices at Lugang here:

Is Lugang a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Lugang is generally a safe place for tourists. However, like any other tourist destination, it is always advisable to take some precautions to keep yourself and your belongings safe. Here are some safety tips you may find helpful during your trip to Lugang: 1. Keep an eye on your valuables such as your purse, wallet, and mobile phone.
2. Try not to carry too much cash around with you and use credit or debit cards where possible.
3. Be careful when crossing roads as traffic can be heavy in some areas.
4. Always use licensed taxis and don't get into unmarked vehicles.
5. When exploring the night market, be mindful of pickpockets and keep your belongings close to you.
6. If you are by yourself, avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas.
7. Be respectful of local customs and traditions, and always follow the rules and regulations set out by the authorities.
As long as you keep these basic safety tips in mind, you should have a fantastic and enjoyable time exploring all that Lugang has to offer.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Taiwan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Lugang.

What type of travelers will enjoy Lugang the most?

Lugang in Taiwan is a destination that can appeal to a variety of travelers, but it is particularly suited for those with an interest in history, culture, and religion. Couples and families can enjoy the ancient temples, traditional houses, and scenic beauty of the town. One popular attraction is the Lugang Mazu Temple, which honors the goddess of the sea and showcases elaborate architecture and beautiful artwork. Another must-visit site is the Lukang Folk Arts Museum, which offers a glimpse into the cultural heritage of the region.
Younger travelers may also appreciate Lugang's vibrant night market scene, which offers a variety of street foods, souvenirs, and carnival games. Overall, Lugang offers a unique blend of traditional culture and modern fun, making it a great destination for travelers of all ages seeking a memorable experience.

How to get around Lugang

In Lugang, there are several modes of transportation available for tourists. The most popular means of transportation in Lugang are walking, biking, and public transportation. Walking is a great way to explore the town center, while biking is a good option for those who want to explore the surrounding countryside. The public transportation system in Lugang includes buses, taxi, and rental cars. Buses are the most common form of public transportation, serving the town and surrounding area. Taxis are readily available, but may be more expensive than other options. Rental cars are also available for those who prefer to explore on their own.

What to see around Lugang

Certainly, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Lugang: 1. Lukang Old Street: An ancient street with well-preserved old buildings and ancient temples.
2. Xiluo Bridge (Jhuoshuei River Bridge): One of the longest and most beautiful bridges in Taiwan.
3. Jiji Township: A small town with a beautiful train station and scenic natural landscapes.
4. Bagua Tea Garden: A beautiful tea garden with a unique Bagua shape and a stunning view of the mountains.
5. Martyrs' Shrine: A beautiful and solemn shrine to honor the memory of the brave soldiers who fought and died for their country.
6. Rainbow Village: An amazing and unique village that's completely painted with vibrant colors.
7. Taiwan Glass Gallery: A gallery that showcases beautiful handmade glass art.
8. Douliu Night Market: A lively and bustling night market that offers delicious local dishes.
9. Yongjing-Beishih-Cuiluo Bike Trail: A scenic and tranquil bike trail along the Beishih Creek.
10. The Taiwanese Puppet Museum: A wonderful museum that showcases the art and culture of traditional Taiwanese puppetry.
For every travel information about Taiwan you can click here.

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