Matavai - Discovering Samoa

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Travelling to Matavai

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Matavai, a pretty good destination in Samoa (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Matavai and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Matavai, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Samoa, here's everything to know about Matavai for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Matavai

Matavai is a small village located on the north coast of the island of Tutuila, which is the largest and most populous island of Samoa. It is situated just a few kilometers east of the capital city of Pago Pago and is known for its stunning scenic beauty and tranquil environment. Matavai is home to a beautiful beach and a few small shops where you can buy snacks and drinks. The village is also a popular fishing spot, and visitors can participate in guided fishing tours to catch various species of fish. In addition, Matavai is located near several hiking trails that lead to breathtaking views of the surrounding area and the Pacific Ocean. Overall, Matavai is a great place to relax, explore and enjoy the natural wonders of Samoa.

Travelling to Matavai and around: discovering Samoa

What to visit in Matavai

Matavai is a small village in Samoa, and here are some of the popular tourist attractions that you can explore: 1. Tiavea Conservation Area: It is a 400-acre protected area located near the village of Tiavea, and it contains some of the rarest plants and animals in Samoa. The conservation area features many walking trails and viewpoints that offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
2. Papaseea Sliding Rocks: These natural rockslides are located in the Faleata District near the village of Leusoali'i. It is a popular spot for tourists to slide down the rocks into the cool freshwater pool below.
3. Falefa Falls: These cascading waterfalls are located about 22 kilometers east of Apia in the village of Falefa. The falls are a beautiful sight, surrounded by lush vegetation and tranquil surroundings.
4. Robert Louis Stevenson Museum: It is a historic house museum in the village of Vailima that was once the home of famed Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. The museum features a collection of his personal belongings, manuscripts, and photographs.
5. Togitogiga Waterfall: This location is located along the main road of Falefa, and it features a stunning waterfall and a pool at the bottom of it. The pool is perfect for swimming or taking a dip with friends or family.
6. Alofaaga Blowholes: These natural blowholes are a fascinating sight near the village of Taga. It is a series of holes in the lava rocks where water shoots up into the air, creating a unique and beautiful experience.
7. Lefaga Beach: This is a beautiful white sandy beach located on the south coast of Upolu. The beach is ideal for swimming, snorkeling, and picnicking, and it offers breathtaking views of the ocean.
These are just some of the attractions you can visit in Matavai, Samoa, and they are perfect for travelers who love outdoor adventure and exploration.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Samoa, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Matavai

The best time to visit Matavai, Samoa is during the dry season which runs from May to October. During this time, the weather is sunny and warm with less rainfall, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and hiking. The peak tourist season is from June to August, so expect higher prices and possibly more crowds during this time. The wet season in Matavai runs from November to April with heavy rainfall and higher humidity. While the prices may be lower during this time, outdoor activities may be limited due to the weather.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Matavai

To get to Matavai in Samoa, you can fly into Faleolo International Airport which is located on the main island of Upolu. Then, you can take a domestic flight from Faleolo to the island of Savai'i, where Matavai is located. Alternatively, you can also take a ferry from Upolu to Savai'i if you prefer a slower and more scenic mode of transportation. The ferry journey takes approximately 90 minutes. Once you're on Savai'i island, you can rent a car or take a taxi to get to Matavai.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Matavai, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Matavai

Sure, here are some typical foods of Matavai in Samoa: 1. Oka - This is a dish of raw fish marinated in coconut cream, lime juice, and chili peppers. The fish is usually tuna or salmon and the dish is often served as an appetizer.
2. Palusami - This is a dish of taro leaves wrapped around coconut cream and onions, then baked in an earth oven. It is a traditional Samoan main dish and is often served with breadfruit or rice.
3. Fa'ausi - This is a dessert made from taro cooked in coconut cream and brown sugar. It is usually served hot and is a popular dessert during special occasions and celebrations.
4. Luau - This dish consists of taro leaves cooked in coconut cream with onions and meat (usually chicken or pork). It is a traditional Samoan main dish and is often served with rice or breadfruit.
5. Pani popo - This is a sweet bread baked in coconut cream and sugar. It is a popular dessert in Samoa and is similar to a sweet roll.
6. Taro chips - These are thin slices of taro that are deep-fried and salted. They are a popular snack in Samoa and are often served with a variety of dipping sauces.
These are just a few of the typical foods of Matavai in Samoa. There are many other delicious dishes to try, so make sure to explore the local cuisine during your trip!
You can find general info about typical foods in Samoa here.

Is Matavai an expensive destination for tourists?

Matavai in Samoa is considered to be a relatively expensive destination for tourists compared to other destinations in Samoa. However, the costs can vary depending on the type of accommodation, activities, and transportation you choose. Additionally, the prices may vary depending on the season in which you visit. During peak season, prices tend to be higher. It's always a good idea to do some research beforehand and create a budget to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Where to find accomodation in Matavai

Matavai is a small village located on the island of Upolu in Samoa. The best areas to find accommodation to visit Matavai are Apia, the capital city of Samoa, and the nearby village of Lefaga. Both Apia and Lefaga offer a variety of accommodation options ranging from boutique hotels to guesthouses and lodges. Additionally, staying in Apia and Lefaga provides easy access to the amenities and facilities that travelers need during their stay, such as restaurants, shops, and transportation options. Keep in mind that Matavai is a rural area, so accommodation options in the village itself may be limited.
You can check hotel prices at Matavai here:

Is Matavai a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Matavai in Samoa is generally considered a safe place for tourists. Samoa is known for its warm and welcoming hospitality towards visitors. However, like any destination, it is always important to stay aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and security while traveling. It is recommended to follow basic safety guidelines, such as staying in well-lit areas at night, not carrying large amounts of cash or expensive items, and being mindful of your belongings. Overall, Samoa is a beautiful and peaceful destination that offers a unique cultural experience for tourists.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Samoa here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Matavai.

What type of travelers will enjoy Matavai the most?

Matavai in Samoa is a great place for couples, families, and anyone looking for a peaceful and relaxing vacation. The island is known for its pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush greenery, which make for a perfect backdrop for romantic getaways or family vacations. Additionally, there are various activities that visitors can engage in, such as snorkeling, surfing, hiking, and cultural tours, making Matavai an ideal destination for young people who enjoy adventure and exploring new cultures. Overall, Matavai is a versatile destination that caters to a wide range of travelers looking for different experiences.

How to get around Matavai

In Matavai, the most common modes of transportation are buses and taxis. Buses are the most affordable option and run on set routes throughout the island, while taxis provide a more flexible and personalized option for getting around. Some hotels and resorts also offer shuttle services for their guests. If you prefer to explore on your own, renting a car or scooter is also an option, but be aware that the roads can be narrow and winding in some areas.

What to see around Matavai

If you are in Matavai, Samoa, here are some nice places you can visit for a day trip: 1. Papase'ea Sliding Rocks – a natural water park with a series of rock pools and waterfalls that you can slide down.
2. Falealupo Canopy Walkway – a suspended walkway that lets you explore the rainforest canopy and offers stunning views of the surrounding area.
3. Lalomanu Beach – one of the most picturesque and beautiful beaches in Samoa with turquoise waters, white sands and palm trees. 4. Togitogiga Waterfall – a picturesque waterfall with a natural swimming pool and plenty of hiking opportunities.
5. Piula Cave Pools – a natural wonder that consists of two pools, one freshwater and one saltwater, surrounded by a limestone cave.
6. Robert Louis Stevenson Museum – a fascinating museum dedicated to the life and works of the famous Scottish writer who lived in Samoa for many years.
7. Palolo Deep Marine Reserve – a protected area of coral reefs and marine life, popular for snorkeling and diving.
8. Saanapu Village – an authentic Samoan village where you can experience the local culture and traditional way of life.
I hope this helps you plan your day trip from Matavai, Samoa!
For every travel information about Samoa you can click here.

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