Nonouti - Discovering Kiribati

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Travelling to Nonouti

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Nonouti, a pretty good destination in Kiribati (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Nonouti and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Nonouti, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kiribati, here's everything to know about Nonouti for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Nonouti

Nonouti is a coral atoll located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, and it is a part of the Republic of Kiribati. Nonouti has a population of approximately 3,100 people and is one of the largest atolls in Kiribati. The atoll consists of a narrow strip of land on the eastern side and is surrounded by coral reefs and lagoons. The main village on Nonouti is named Matang and it serves as the administrative center of the atoll. Most inhabitants of Nonouti are involved in subsistence farming and fishing, while the economy of the island is mainly supported by the sale of copra (dried coconut meat). Nonouti has limited tourist facilities and can be reached by boat or plane.

Travelling to Nonouti and around: discovering Kiribati

What to visit in Nonouti

Nonouti is a beautiful and tranquil island in Kiribati that is home to several natural and cultural attractions. Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Nonouti and some information about each: 1. Te One Kiritimati: This is a spectacular lagoon in the middle of the island that is teeming with colorful marine life. The clear waters make it a popular spot for snorkeling and swimming.
2. Wapepe Islet: This small islet is located just off the coast of Nonouti, and it is a great spot for fishing, picnicking, and relaxing on the beach. The island is surrounded by crystal-clear waters, and visitors can rent a boat to explore the surrounding waters and see the colorful fish and coral reefs.
3. Papari Betio: This is a traditional village that is home to an ancient ritual site as well as several traditional homes made from coral and thatch. Visitors can learn about the culture and history of the Kiribati people by wandering through the village and interacting with locals.
4. Nonouti Causeway: This is a man-made causeway that connects the northern and southern parts of the island. It is a popular spot for fishing and boating, and visitors can enjoy stunning views of the island from here.
5. Tangintebu Nature Reserve: This is a protected nature reserve that is home to a variety of native bird species, including the endangered Micronesian scrubfowl. Visitors can explore the lush vegetation and enjoy the peaceful surroundings while learning about the importance of preserving the island's natural resources.
Overall, Nonouti is a beautiful and unique destination that offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the local culture and natural beauty of Kiribati.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kiribati, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Nonouti.

When to go on holiday to Nonouti

The best time to travel to Nonouti, Kiribati is during the dry season, usually from December to April. During this time, the weather is generally warm and sunny with low chances of rainfall. However, it's important to note that Nonouti is a remote island with limited tourism infrastructure, so it's best to plan your trip in advance and book accommodations and transportation early. Additionally, be aware that temperatures in Kiribati can be quite hot and humid, so it's important to bring appropriate clothing and stay hydrated.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Nonouti

Nonouti is a small atoll in the South Pacific, located in the Republic of Kiribati. Here are the steps to reach Nonouti: 1. Fly to the capital city of Kiribati, South Tarawa: There are a few international flights that connect Kiribati with Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. Once you reach South Tarawa, you can take a domestic flight to Nonouti. 2. Book a domestic flight to Nonouti: There are only a few flights per week operated by the airline company, Air Kiribati. You can book your flight directly with the airline or through a local travel agent.
3. Take a boat to Nonouti: Once you arrive at Nonouti's airport, you need to take a boat to reach the atoll since there is no airport on the island. The boat service is operated by the government and is available a few times per week.
It is recommended to book your domestic flight and boat service in advance since it can be challenging to find availability during peak tourist months.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Nonouti, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Nonouti

Nonouti is one of the islands of Kiribati, and here are some typical foods you might find there: 1. Te Te: a popular breakfast item made from grated coconut mixed with sugar and flour, then baked in banana leaves.
2. Ika (raw fish): usually made from fresh tuna that has been sliced into small pieces and mixed with lime juice, coconut milk, and onion. It can be eaten as a snack or as part of a meal.
3. Eba (seafood): made from crab mixed with coconut cream, tomato, onion, and spices, then wrapped in banana leaves and cooked over hot coals.
4. Wahoo: a type of fish that is usually grilled or fried, and served with coconut cream and lime juice.
5. Manea: a type of seaweed that is usually boiled, then served with coconut milk and onion, and flavored with salt and pepper.
6. Tako (octopus): usually boiled, then sliced and served with coconut milk and lemon juice.
7. Tarawa-style lovo: a traditional Kiribati dish made by cooking meat or seafood with taro, sweet potato, and other vegetables in an underground oven heated with hot rocks.
All of these dishes are delicious and perfect for anyone looking to experience the flavors of Nonouti!
You can find general info about typical foods in Kiribati here.

Is Nonouti an expensive destination for tourists?

Nonouti, like most small or remote islands in the Pacific, can be expensive for tourists due to limited infrastructure and resources. Visitors have limited options for accommodations, transportation, and activities, which may result in higher prices. Additionally, the cost of importing goods to these small islands may contribute to higher prices for basic goods and services. However, costs can be managed by planning ahead, booking early, and choosing affordable accommodation and activities. It is important to do proper research and budget accordingly before planning a trip to Nonouti or any other remote Pacific island.

Where to find accomodation in Nonouti

In Nonouti, the best areas to find accommodation would be around the main village of Tabonuea and the other nearby villages like Tebero and Tebiraki. These villages have guesthouses, hotels and lodges, while other parts of the island do not offer many accommodation options. It is recommended to book your accommodation in advance as the options are limited.
You can check hotel prices at Nonouti here:

Is Nonouti a safe destination for tourists?

Nonouti in Kiribati is known for being a peaceful and safe place. However, it is always important to take necessary precautions when traveling. Some tips to follow include: 1. Respect the local customs and traditions and learn about them before you go.
2. Avoid walking alone at night or in secluded areas.
3. Keep your valuables in a safe place and be aware of your surroundings.
4. Be cautious when swimming or participating in water activities, as currents can be strong and dangerous.
5. Stay up to date on local news and any safety warnings issued by local authorities.
Overall, Nonouti and Kiribati as a whole are generally considered safe for tourists, but it is always important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kiribati here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Nonouti.

What type of travelers will enjoy Nonouti the most?

Nonouti, Kiribati is a beautiful small island that can be enjoyed by a wide range of travelers. It is a great place for travelers who are looking for a peaceful and relaxing getaway and are interested in experiencing the authentic cultural and natural beauty of the island.
Nonouti is ideal for couples who want to indulge in a romantic beach holiday or honeymoon experience. The peaceful environment creates a perfect romantic atmosphere, and the island's crystal clear ocean and white sandy beaches provide a breathtaking backdrop for couples' photoshoots.
Families can have a great time on the island as there are lots of fun activities for children. Children can have fun playing on the beach, exploring the island's wildlife, and learning new things about the Kiribati culture.
Young people looking for fun and adventure can also find Nonouti a thrilling destination. They can indulge in water sports such as surfing, snorkeling, and diving, or they can explore the island's breathtaking lagoons and coral reefs.
In summary, whether you are a couple, a family, or a group of young people, you can have a great time in Nonouti, Kiribati.

How to get around Nonouti

On Nonouti (Kiribati), the main mode of transportation is walking or cycling, as the island is small and compact. However, motorbikes and trucks are also available as a means of transportation for longer distances or carrying heavier loads. There are no cars on the island. Water taxis can also be arranged for island hopping to nearby atolls.

What to see around Nonouti

Nonouti is a beautiful island in Kiribati, and there are several interesting places nearby that can be visited on a day trip. Here are some suggestions: 1. Betio: Betio is an island located around 80 km southwest of Nonouti and is famous for its historical significance. The island was the site of fierce battles between Japanese and American troops during World War II. There are memorials, museums and other war-related sites that can be visited on Betio.
2. Tarawa: Tarawa is an atoll located around 120 km northwest of Nonouti and is known for its stunning beaches and rich culture. The atoll has a number of historical sites, museums, and natural attractions that visitors can explore. 3. Abaiang: Abaiang is another atoll located around 50 km northwest of Nonouti and is known for its scenic beauty. The atoll has numerous beaches, lagoons, and coral reefs that attract tourists. Visitors can also explore the traditional villages and learn about the culture and customs of the local people.
4. Maiana: Maiana is an atoll located around 100 km northwest of Nonouti and is known for its stunning scenery. The atoll has several beaches, lagoons, and coral reefs that are perfect for swimming and snorkeling. Visitors can also explore the traditional villages and learn about the culture and lifestyle of the local people. 5. Tabiteuea: Tabiteuea is an atoll located around 50 km southeast of Nonouti and is known for its pristine beaches, exotic flora and fauna, and rich history. Visitors can explore the traditional villages and historic sites, including the ancient stone temple of Tenimanu, which dates back to the 15th century.
For every travel information about Kiribati you can click here.

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