Port Mathurin - Discovering Mauritius

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Travelling to Port Mathurin

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Port Mathurin, a pretty good destination in Mauritius (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Port Mathurin and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Port Mathurin, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Mauritius, here's everything to know about Port Mathurin for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Port Mathurin

Port Mathurin is the main town and capital of the island of Rodrigues, which is a dependency of Mauritius. It is located on the northwestern coast of Rodrigues and has a population of around 6,000 people. The town is home to various administrative buildings, hospitals, schools, and markets, making it the commercial and cultural center of the island. Port Mathurin also has a small port which serves as the main point of entry for visitors arriving by boat. The town itself has a relaxed, small-town atmosphere, and visitors can enjoy exploring its streets, shopping for local goods, and sampling the delicious creole cuisine.

Travelling to Port Mathurin and around: discovering Mauritius

What to visit in Port Mathurin

Port Mathurin is the main city and capital of the island of Rodrigues in Mauritius. Here are some of the popular tourist attractions and information about each: 1. François Leguat Tortoise and Cave Reserve This reserve is home to the rarest species of tortoise in the world - the Round Island Giant Tortoise. Visitors can observe these amazing creatures from a close distance and take part in guided tours to explore the caves and geology of the reserve.
2. Trou d'Argent Beach Located on the eastern coast of the island, this beach is one of the most picturesque places of Rodrigues. With its white sand and emerald green waters, this tranquil spot creates a serene environment for swimmers and sunbathers.
3. Port Mathurin Market A trip to Port Mathurin cannot be complete without visiting the bustling market held every Saturday. You'll find everything here from the freshest fruits and vegetables to souvenirs and handicrafts.
4. Saint Gabriel Church This religious monument was built in 1936 and is one of the landmarks of Rodrigues. The church features a colonial-style architecture and houses several religious relics.
5. Le Trou aux Cocos Located on the northeastern coast of Rodrigues, this natural pool is formed by volcanic rocks creating a unique landscape. The turquoise waters are perfect for snorkelling and diving, and the surrounding cliffs offer a unobstructed view of the Indian Ocean.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Mauritius, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Port Mathurin

The best time to go on holiday to Port Mathurin would be during the dry season from May to December when the weather is generally cooler and drier. This is the peak tourist season in Mauritius, so expect higher prices and more crowds. The months of November and December are also a good time to visit, as the temperatures are warm and comfortable, and there are fewer tourists. The rainy season in Mauritius typically runs from January to April, with the wettest month being February. It is best to avoid travelling during this time as it can be hot, humid, and rainy, with an increased risk of tropical weather events like cyclones.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Port Mathurin

Port Mathurin is actually the capital of the island of Rodrigues, which is part of the country of Mauritius. To get there, you will need to take a flight from the main island of Mauritius to Rodrigues Island.
Several airlines operate flights between Mauritius and Rodrigues Island, including Air Mauritius, which is the national carrier. Other airlines that offer flights to Rodrigues Island include Air Austral and Air Madagascar.
The flight time from Mauritius to Rodrigues Island is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Once you arrive at Rodrigues Island, you can take a taxi or rent a car to get to Port Mathurin, which is about a 30-40 minute drive from the airport.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Port Mathurin, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Port Mathurin

Port Mathurin is a small coastal town of Mauritius with a rich food culture that reflects the diverse culinary traditions of the island. Here are some typical foods of Port Mathurin: 1. Dholl Puri - This is a popular Mauritian street food that is a type of flatbread made of yellow split peas and served with a spicy curry or chutney.
2. Octopus Curry - Mauritian seafood is famous and Octopus Curry is one of the most loved dishes. The dish consists of tender octopus cooked in a thick curry sauce with onions, tomatoes and spices.
3. Gato Patates - Gato Patates are Mauritian dumplings made with mashed potatoes, flour, garlic, and spices and deep-fried until crispy. Often served as an appetizer, they are served with a sauce for dipping.
4. Boulettes - Boulettes are small steamed dumplings made with beef, chicken, or fish, mixed with onions, garlic, ginger, and Chinese cabbage. These flavorful dumplings are usually served in a vegetable soup.
5. Gateau Piment - Gateau Piment are chilli fritters made with a mix of lentils, chilli, and spices. They are spicy and can be eaten as a snack or an appetizer.
6. Fish Vindaye - Fish Vindaye is a spicy fish curry that originated from the Creole community in Mauritius. The fish is marinated with mustard seeds, turmeric, garlic, and vinegar.
7. Alouda - Alouda is a famous Mauritian drink made of milk, basil seeds, vanilla, and sweetened with sugar. It is served cold and often has a scoop of ice cream on top.
These are only a few examples of the typical foods of Port Mathurin. Mauritius is well known for its cuisine, which combines local flavors with influences from Asia, Africa, and Europe.
You can find general info about typical foods in Mauritius here.

Is Port Mathurin an expensive destination for tourists?

Port Mathurin is actually located on the island of Rodrigues, which is an autonomous island of Mauritius. Compared to the mainland of Mauritius, Rodrigues is generally considered to be less expensive. However, as with any destination, the cost of a trip to Port Mathurin will depend on your travel style, preferences and budget. Some expenses to consider include accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. It is possible to find budget-friendly options for all of these, but it's always a good idea to do some research and plan ahead to ensure that you're comfortable with the expected costs of your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Port Mathurin

Port Mathurin is the capital city of the Rodrigues Island which is a small island that belongs to Mauritius. Therefore, the best area to find accommodations in Rodrigues would be Port Mathurin itself as it is the hub of the island and offers the most options for hotels, guesthouses, and apartments. Another good area to consider would be Pointe Coton which is about a 20-minute drive from Port Mathurin but offers beautiful beaches and resorts. Other areas on the island may have limited options for accommodations and may not be as convenient for exploring the island.
You can check hotel prices at Port Mathurin here:

Is Port Mathurin a safe destination for tourists?

Port Mathurin is a relatively safe place for tourists. However, as with any travel destination, it is wise to take normal safety precautions and remain aware of your surroundings. Be cautious when walking alone or at night and keep an eye on your belongings. It is also important to be aware of any ongoing issues or events that may affect safety in the area. Overall, if you use common sense and take basic safety precautions, you should have a safe and enjoyable experience in Port Mathurin.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Mauritius here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Port Mathurin.

What type of travelers will enjoy Port Mathurin the most?

Port Mathurin is a small town on the island of Rodrigues, which is a part of Mauritius. It is a great destination for those seeking peace and relaxation in a tranquil environment.
This destination is perfect for couples or families who want to escape busy city life and enjoy a quieter pace of life. It is also ideal for those interested in eco-tourism and outdoor activities such as hiking, bird watching, and water sports.
Though there are not many nightlife options, Port Mathurin offers a charming and authentic experience with local markets, casual dining, and cultural events. Therefore, it may not be ideal for young people looking for an active nightlife scene.
Overall, Port Mathurin is an excellent destination for those who want to immerse themselves in nature, learn about local culture, and enjoy a slower pace of life.

How to get around Port Mathurin

There are several options to move around Port Mathurin in Mauritius, including taxis, buses, rental cars or scooters, and bicycles. Taxis are readily available, and they are a convenient option if you want to explore the town, as well as nearby areas. Buses are less expensive but can be a bit crowded and slow. Rental cars or scooters are great if you want to have more flexibility and independence to explore the island. Bicycles are a great option for those looking for a more eco-friendly and active way of getting around and exploring the town.

What to see around Port Mathurin

Sure, here are some great places to visit in a day trip from Port Mathurin, Mauritius: 1. Mont Lubin: Mont Lubin, also known as the Green Mountain, is a beautiful nature reserve located just a short drive from Port Mathurin. It's the highest point in Mauritius and offers stunning panoramic views.
2. La Nicoliere Dam: La Nicoliere Dam is a picturesque spot to spend the day, offering beautiful views and plenty of hiking trails through the surrounding lush forests.
3. Trou aux Cerfs: Trou aux Cerfs is a dormant volcano located near Curepipe. It offers a scenic viewpoint overlooking the island.
4. Rochester Falls: Rochester Falls is a series of stunning waterfalls located in the south of the island. Visitors can swim in the waterfall pools and explore the nearby caves.
5. Grand Bassin: Grand Bassin is a sacred lake nestled in a crater of an extinct volcano. It's an important pilgrimage site for Hindus and features several temples.
6. Black River Gorges National Park: The Black River Gorges National Park is a beautiful nature reserve encompassing a picturesque landscape of waterfalls, forests, and wildlife. A must-visit for nature enthusiasts. I hope these suggestions help you plan your day trip from Port Mathurin, Mauritius!
For every travel information about Mauritius you can click here.

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