Pyay - Discovering Myanmar

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Travelling to Pyay

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Pyay, a pretty good destination in Myanmar (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Pyay and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Pyay, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Myanmar, here's everything to know about Pyay for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Pyay

Pyay is a city located in the Bago Region of Myanmar. It sits on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady River and is approximately 260 kilometers northwest of Yangon, the country's largest city. The city is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It is home to ancient archaeological sites such as the Pyu Ancient Cities, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pyay also boasts several pagodas and temples, including the Shwesandaw Pagoda and the Payagyi Pagoda. The city is easily accessible by road or rail from Yangon. The best time to visit Pyay is during the dry season, between November and February.

Travelling to Pyay and around: discovering Myanmar

What to visit in Pyay

1. Shwesandaw Pagoda - This golden pagoda dates back to the 5th century and is considered one of the most important religious sites in Myanmar.
2. Pyay Akauk Taung - This natural pagoda complex features a series of caves adorned with ancient Buddha statues and stunning rock formations.
3. Pyay Pwe Kauk Waterfall - A series of cascading waterfalls that offer a refreshing respite from the heat.
4. Beikthano Ancient City - This ancient city was once the capital of the Pyu Kingdom and features impressive ruins and artifacts.
5. Shwemyetman Paya - One of the oldest pagodas in the area, this temple boasts intricate carvings and beautiful frescoes.
6. Sri Ksetra - Another ancient city that was once the capital of the Pyu Kingdom, Sri Ksetra is home to numerous temples, pagodas, and other historical sites.
7. Hpo Win Daung Caves - Located a short distance from Pyay, these mysterious caves are filled with ancient carvings and paintings.
8. Ah Kauk Taung - This scenic hill provides sweeping views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular spot for day trips.
Overall, Pyay is a fascinating destination for history and nature lovers alike, offering a wealth of cultural and natural attractions.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Myanmar, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Pyay

The best time to visit Pyay, Myanmar is during the winter months between November and February when the weather is cool and dry. During this time, you'll have the opportunity to explore the city's beautiful pagodas and temples without worrying about extreme heat or rain. While the rest of the year isn't necessarily a bad time to visit, temperatures can skyrocket during the summer months, and the rainy season (June to October) can make it difficult to explore the area. You may also want to avoid the hot and dry season, which runs from March to May, as temperatures can become quite uncomfortable.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Pyay

The best way to get to Pyay, Myanmar is by bus or by private car. Pyay is located 285 kilometers north of Yangon and there are several private bus companies that operate daily trips to Pyay from Yangon and other nearby cities. The journey by bus takes around 8-10 hours depending on the traffic and the road conditions.
If you prefer to rent a private car, there are several car rental services available in Yangon that offer vehicles with drivers for hire. This is a convenient option if you want to travel in more comfort and have more flexibility in your travel schedule. Alternatively, you can also take a train from Yangon to Pyay, but the journey can be quite slow and take up to 14 hours. While it may be a slower option, it can provide a more scenic and authentic experience of Myanmar's countryside.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Pyay, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Pyay

Sure, here are some typical foods of Pyay, Myanmar and a short description for each of them: 1. Ohn-No Khauk Swe - A coconut milk-based chicken noodle soup, often served with a variety of toppings such as crispy onions, lime, and chili flakes.
2. Kachin-style Pork Belly Curry - A deliciously stewed pork belly dish infused with fragrant spices, coconut milk, and turmeric.
3. Mohinga - A traditional Burmese breakfast dish consisting of rice vermicelli noodles in a fish-based broth, served with sliced banana stem, hard-boiled egg, and crispy fritters.
4. Shan-style Tofu Noodles - A slow-simmered noodle dish infused with a savory, aromatic broth, topped with crispy fried garlic and sliced tofu.
5. Kauknyintok - A sweet, glutinous rice dish topped with a rich, coconut cream sauce and crispy toasted sesame seeds.
6. Nan Gyi Thoke - A popular Burmese salad made with thick rice noodles, mixed with a tangy fish sauce dressing, and garnished with boiled eggs, tomatoes, and coriander. 7. Htamin - A simple, yet comforting, dish of fried rice cooked with onions, garlic, peas, and carrots, seasoned with soy sauce and fish sauce. 8. Let thohk - A spicy Burmese salad made with sliced green papaya, tomatoes, and dried shrimp, dressed with a tangy, chili-lime dressing and garnished with peanuts. Hope this helps you plan your trip to Pyay!
You can find general info about typical foods in Myanmar here.

Is Pyay an expensive destination for tourists?

Pyay is considered as a moderately expensive destination for tourists in Myanmar. Accommodation prices in Pyay can vary depending on the season, location, and amenities offered. Generally, luxury hotels and resorts in this area can be expensive but there are also budget-friendly options available for visitors. Pyay offers various tourist attractions such as ancient pagodas, historical sites, and beautiful landscapes which can also add to the overall cost of your trip. However, with careful planning, it is possible to enjoy Pyay without blowing your budget.

Where to find accomodation in Pyay

Pyay is a small town located in the Bago Region of Myanmar. The town center is a good place to find accommodation as it is easily accessible to most attractions in Pyay. There are a variety of lodging options available to visitors including guesthouses, hotels, and resorts. Some of the popular areas to find accommodation in Pyay include: 1. University Road: This road is located in the heart of Pyay and offers a range of accommodation options at reasonable prices.
2. Thiri Mingalar Garden: This is a popular area for visitors as it is home to Thiri Mingalar Market and several popular restaurants. There are a few good budget hotels and guesthouses in this area.
3. Shwesandaw Pagoda Road: This road offers a peaceful atmosphere with hotels and guesthouses located in close proximity to the famous Shwesandaw Pagoda.
4. Bawgataung Road: This road offers a range of accommodation options to suit different budgets. It is located close to Hmawza Archaeological Museum, one of the must-visit tourist attractions in Pyay.
Overall, Pyay is a small town and it is easy to get around by foot or bicycle, so regardless of where you choose to stay, you will be able to explore the town and its surrounding areas at your leisure.
You can check hotel prices at Pyay here:

Is Pyay a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Pyay, also known as Prome, is considered a safe place for tourists in Myanmar. However, as with any destination, it is always recommended to take basic safety precautions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. This includes being aware of your surroundings, avoiding dark and isolated areas at night, and keeping an eye on your belongings. It is also a good idea to follow local customs and dress appropriately when visiting religious sites.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Myanmar here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Pyay.

What type of travelers will enjoy Pyay the most?

Pyay (Myanmar) is a great destination for travelers who are interested in exploring ancient temples and historical sites. Families, couples, and solo travelers would all enjoy this city, as there is a range of activities for people of all ages and interests. However, Pyay is not necessarily known for its nightlife or party scene, so young people who are looking for fun may not find it as exciting as other destinations in Myanmar. Overall, Pyay is a great destination for travelers who are interested in learning about the history and culture of Myanmar, as well as exploring the natural beauty of the region.

How to get around Pyay

In Pyay, the most common modes of transportation are motorbikes, bicycles, tuk-tuks (motorcycle or small car-based), and buses. Taxis are not very common in this area. If you prefer a comfortable journey, you can hire a car rental service or a private car. Pyay is also a relatively small town, so walking is also an option for short distances.

What to see around Pyay

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Pyay, Myanmar: 1. Sri Ksetra: This ancient city is known for its rich archaeological ruins that date back to the 6th century. It's a fascinating place to explore and learn about Myanmar's history.
2. Shwesandaw Pagoda: Located about an hour's drive from Pyay, this beautiful pagoda is perched on top of a hill and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
3. Bawbawgyi Pagoda: Another impressive ancient pagoda with intricate carvings and stunning architecture. It's located about 20 minutes from Pyay.
4. Akauk Mountain: A scenic mountain range that's ideal for hiking and enjoying beautiful vistas. It's located about 45 minutes from Pyay.
5. Hmawza: A small town with a rich history and cultural significance. It's known for its traditional weaving and pottery.
6. Minbu: A quaint town with traditional Myanmar architecture and local markets selling handicrafts and souvenirs.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
For every travel information about Myanmar you can click here.

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