Radom - Discovering Poland

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Travelling to Radom

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Radom, a pretty good destination in Poland (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Radom and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Radom, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Poland, here's everything to know about Radom for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Radom

Radom is a city in central Poland located in the Mazovian Voivodeship. It has a population of around 214,000 inhabitants and covers an area of almost 112 square kilometers. Radom is known for its rich history and culture, as it has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. Some popular attractions in the city include the Radom Regional Museum, the Gothic St. John the Baptist Cathedral, and the beautiful Mokrzeszow Palace and Park. The city is also known for hosting the largest Air Show in Poland. Radom is accessible by train, bus, and car, and is located about 100 kilometers south of Warsaw.

Travelling to Radom and around: discovering Poland

What to visit in Radom

1. Jan Kochanowski Park - is a beautiful park located in the heart of Radom, offering green landscapes, statues, fountains, and walking paths. It also has a playground for kids and a small pond.
2. St. Mary's Church - is a historical church located in the Old Town of Radom. It was built in the 15th century and has a mix of Gothic and Baroque styles. Visitors can admire its beautiful interior and climb its belfry for stunning views of Radom.
3. Museum of the Radom Countryside - is a cultural museum that showcases the history and traditions of the Radom region. It has exhibits of traditional clothing, crafts, and agricultural tools. Visitors can also participate in workshops and events.
4. Radom Castle - is a 14th-century castle, located in the Old Town, which was rebuilt in the 16th century. Currently, it houses the Municipal Museum with art collections from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods.
5. University of Technology - is a university located in Radom with the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. The campus has modern infrastructure and there are opportunities for guided tours and cultural events.
6. Aviation Museum - a museum located in the city center of Radom, that has a collection of military planes and helicopters. It also offers interactive experiences and an observation deck for visitors.
7. Piłsudski Square - is a historic square in the center of Radom. It was named after Marshal Józef Piłsudski and has a monument in his honor. Visitors can also see the Radom Castle and St. Mary's Church from the square.
8. Film Museum - is located in a former cinema and now provides an interactive showcase of Polish film history. Visitors can see original film posters, costumes and props, and learn about famous Polish filmmakers.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Poland, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Radom.

When to go on holiday to Radom

The best time to visit Radom in Poland depends on your interests and preferences. For warm and sunny weather, the best time to visit Radom is during the summer months of June to August. During this time, you can enjoy outdoor activities and events such as music festivals, cultural events, and sightseeing.
If you don't mind cooler temperatures, then shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) can also be a good time to visit Radom. During these months, you can enjoy fewer crowds, lower prices, and colorful spring blooms or autumn foliage.
However, if you are interested in winter sports and activities, then the winter months of December to March can be the best time to visit Radom. You can experience skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities in the surrounding mountains.
Overall, the best time to visit Radom depends on your preferred activities and weather preferences.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Radom

There are a few ways to get to Radom, Poland: 1. By plane - The closest airport to Radom is Warsaw Chopin Airport. From there, you can take a shuttle bus or a train to Radom.
2. By train - There are frequent train connections between Radom and other major Polish cities, including Warsaw and Krakow.
3. By bus - There are also regular bus connections between Radom and other Polish cities. You can check the schedules and buy tickets online or at the bus station.
4. By car - Radom is located on the major A2 highway, which connects Warsaw and Berlin. You can rent a car or take a taxi from Warsaw or other nearby cities.
I hope this information helps you plan your trip to Radom!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Radom, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Radom

Radom is a city in central Poland, known for its rich cuisine that draws influence from various regions of Poland. Here are some typical foods of Radom: 1. Kiełbasa Radomska - a type of smoked sausage made from pork, garlic, salt, pepper, and a hint of marjoram. It has a firm texture and is great for grilling or frying.
2. Zalewajka - a soup made with sauerkraut, pork ribs, and barley or potatoes. It often has a sour taste and is served hot with bread.
3. Bigos - a hearty stew made with sauerkraut, various types of meat such as beef, pork, and sausage, mushrooms, and spices. It is a traditional Polish dish and often served during holidays.
4. Paczki - a type of donut filled with sweet fruit jam or custard. They are fried and often dusted with powdered sugar, and usually consumed during Carnival season.
5. Pierogi - boiled or fried dumplings filled with various fillings such as potatoes and cheese, meat, or sauerkraut and mushrooms. They are often served with sour cream or fried onions.
6. Sernik - a type of cheesecake made with farmer's cheese, eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract. It has a smooth texture and is often garnished with fresh fruits or whipped cream.
These are only some examples of typical foods from Radom, but there are many other tasty dishes in this region waiting to be discovered.
You can find general info about typical foods in Poland here.

Is Radom an expensive destination for tourists?

Radom is generally considered to be an affordable destination for tourists in Poland. Accommodation and restaurant prices are lower compared to other popular tourist destinations in Poland, such as Krakow or Warsaw. However, prices may vary depending on the time of year you visit and the type of activities you plan to do. Overall, Radom is a great budget-friendly destination for tourists looking for an authentic Polish experience.

Where to find accomodation in Radom

Radom is a city in central Poland, and there are several areas where you can find accommodation to visit this city. Some of the best areas to stay in Radom are: 1. Radom City Center - this is the heart of the city and offers easy access to all the major attractions, museums, restaurants, and shops.
2. Stara Wies - this area is located near Radom's airport and is suitable for those who are arriving or departing by air.
3. Zakrzew - this is a residential area that offers affordable accommodation options and is ideal for those who are on a tight budget.
4. Jeziorzany - this area offers a peaceful and tranquil environment and is perfect for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
5. Sadków - this area is perfect for families or large groups as it has several villas and cottages for rent, with beautiful gardens and outdoor spaces.
You can check hotel prices at Radom here:

Is Radom a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Radom is generally a safe place for tourists. However, as with any city, it is always advised to take precautionary measures such as being aware of your surroundings, keeping an eye on your belongings, and avoiding deserted or poorly lit areas at night. Additionally, it's recommended to stay informed about any potential safety concerns or travel advisories in the area prior to your trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Poland here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Radom.

What type of travelers will enjoy Radom the most?

Radom, Poland can be a great destination for different types of travelers. Here are some suggestions based on their interests: - Couples: Radom is a city with a rich history and architecture, which could be a great attraction for couples who enjoy exploring new places together. The city's Old Town is full of charming streets, churches, and squares that transport visitors to a different era. You can also take a stroll in the beautiful park of Oskar Kolberg or enjoy a romantic dinner in one of the local restaurants.
- Young people: If you are looking for some excitement and nightlife, Radom has a lot to offer. The city has plenty of bars, pubs, and nightclubs that cater to different tastes and styles. You can dance all night to the latest hits or enjoy live music with your friends. Additionally, there are various events such as festivals and concerts throughout the year that young people can attend.
- Families: Families can enjoy a variety of activities in and around the city. Radom hosts many events and attractions that are perfect for families with children, such as the Museum of Aviation and Technology, which displays old aircraft and vehicles. You can also visit the Radom Zoological Garden, which is home to more than 80 species of animals. Additionally, the city park has many playgrounds, cycle paths and picnic areas where you can enjoy family time together.
Overall, Radom is a versatile destination where you can find activities and attractions for all ages and interests.

How to get around Radom

In Radom, you can move around by bus, taxi or private car rental. The city has a well-organized bus system with several lines that cover different areas of the city. Taxis are widely available and can be hailed on the street or ordered by phone. Private car rentals are also available at the airport and in the city.

What to see around Radom

Sure, here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Radom, Poland: 1. Kazimierz Dolny - a picturesque small town known for its colorful Renaissance buildings and stunning river views.
2. Puławy - known as the "Polish Athens" for its association with Polish culture and history.
3. Janowiec - a charming village with a restored castle and a beautiful park. 4. Sandomierz - a historical town situated on the Vistula River, famous for its Gothic architecture.
5. Kozłówka - a small town with a beautiful palace and gardens that are open to the public.
6. Zwoleń - a city famous for its Renaissance architecture and charming old town.
7. Iłża - a small town that is home to the famous Saint Trinity Church and a historic fortress. All of these places are less than a two-hour drive from Radom and would make for great day trips.
For every travel information about Poland you can click here.

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