Savannakhet - Discovering Laos

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Travelling to Savannakhet

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Savannakhet, a pretty good destination in Laos (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Savannakhet and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Savannakhet, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Laos, here's everything to know about Savannakhet for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Savannakhet

Savannakhet is a province and town located in southern Laos. It is the second-largest city in Laos and is situated along the Mekong River. The town has a rich history and culture, with notable landmarks such as the That Inhang Stupa, the Savannakhet Dinosaur Museum, and the Wat Sainyaphum. The local economy is largely dependent on agriculture and tourism, with attractions such as the Bolaven Plateau and Dong Natad National Protected Area drawing in visitors. The climate is tropical, with hot and humid weather throughout the year.

Travelling to Savannakhet and around: discovering Laos

What to visit in Savannakhet

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Savannakhet, Laos: 1. That Ing Hang Stupa - one of the most important Buddhist sites in Laos, this stupa contains a relic of Lord Buddha and is believed to have been built in the 16th century. Visitors can climb to the top for a great view of the surrounding area.
2. Savannakhet Dinosaur Museum - a fun and educational exhibit featuring life-sized models of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures that once roamed the area. There are also displays about the local geology and history.
3. Xe Pian National Protected Area - a vast protected area that covers over 2,000 square kilometers and contains a variety of ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, and rivers. Visitors can go trekking, birdwatching, or canoeing here.
4. That Sikhottabong Stupa - a large, ancient stupa that was damaged during the Vietnam War but has since been restored. It is believed to date back over 1,500 years and is a popular pilgrimage site.
5. St. Teresa's Catholic Church - a beautiful church built in the French colonial style in the early 20th century. It is still an active place of worship and visitors are welcome to attend services.
6. Savannakhet Old Town - a charming area of the city that features well-preserved French colonial buildings, as well as traditional Lao wooden houses. Visitors can wander the streets and soak up the atmosphere.
7. Phou Xang He National Protected Area - another protected area that contains a range of wildlife and scenic landscapes. Visitors can go hiking or wildlife spotting here.
Overall, Savannakhet offers a mix of cultural and natural attractions that are sure to appeal to a wide range of travelers.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Laos, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Savannakhet.

When to go on holiday to Savannakhet

The best time to visit Savannakhet is between November and February, when the weather is relatively dry and cool. The temperature during these months stays between 20°C to 30°C, making it pleasant to explore the city and its surroundings. However, it is worth noting that this is the peak tourist season, so be prepared for larger crowds and higher prices for accommodation and activities. If you prefer fewer crowds, you can plan your visit during the shoulder seasons (March to May and September to October), but keep in mind that these months can be hotter and more humid. The rainy season in Savannakhet is typically from May to October, so it's best to avoid this time if you don't want to experience heavy rain and humidity.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Savannakhet

There are several ways to reach Savannakhet, Laos, depending on your starting point. If you are traveling from a nearby city within Laos, you can take a bus or minivan. The journey time from cities such as Vientiane or Pakse is around 8-10 hours, depending on traffic.
If you are traveling from Thailand, the most common way is to take a bus from Nong Khai to the border town of Mukdahan, cross the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge, and then take a bus or minivan from the border to Savannakhet. The journey from Nong Khai to Savannakhet takes around 10-12 hours.
If you are traveling from Vietnam, you can take a bus or minivan from Hue or Hanoi to Savannakhet, which will take around 12-14 hours, depending on traffic.
Alternatively, you can fly into the Savannakhet Airport from Bangkok, Thailand, or Vientiane, Laos, on Lao Airlines. This option is more expensive but saves time.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Savannakhet, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Savannakhet

Here are some typical foods of Savannakhet, Laos with a short description for each: 1. Khao Pooun - A popular staple food made with rice noodles, mixed with herbs, pork or chicken, and served with a side of vegetables.
2. Sai Oua - A spicy pork sausage mixed with lemongrass, kaffir lime, and garlic. Commonly served as a snack or an appetizer.
3. Ping Kai - Grilled chicken that is marinated with different herbs and spices such as lemongrass, garlic, and ginger. It is served with sticky rice and various dipping sauces.
4. Kaeng Nor Mai Dong - A traditional bamboo shoot soup with chicken or pork and a variety of vegetables. It is a popular dish among the locals during the rainy season.
5. Larb Moo - A spicy minced pork salad mixed with fresh herbs, lime juice, and fish sauce. It is a popular Laotian dish that is usually served with sticky rice.
6. Mok Pa - A steamed fish dish that is wrapped in banana leaves with herbs, spices, and vegetables. This dish is usually served with sticky rice.
7. Khao Piak Sen - A traditional noodle soup made with rice noodles, vegetables, and meat such as pork or chicken. It is a popular dish among the locals for breakfast or lunch.
8. Tam Mak Houng - A spicy papaya salad mixed with various herbs and spices such as chili, garlic, peanuts, and fish sauce. It is a popular dish among the locals and can be found at many street vendors.
You can find general info about typical foods in Laos here.

Is Savannakhet an expensive destination for tourists?

Savannakhet is generally considered to be one of the more affordable destinations in Laos, especially when compared to popular tourist spots like Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng. However, it's still important to budget accordingly and be aware of the costs associated with travel in the area. Food and accommodation can be found at reasonable prices, but activities and transportation can add up quickly, especially if you're traveling with a group. Overall, with careful planning and a bit of frugality, Savannakhet can be a very affordable destination for tourists.

Where to find accomodation in Savannakhet

The best areas to find accommodation in Savannakhet are: 1. Downtown area: This area is located near the Mekong River and has many hotels, guesthouses, and restaurants.
2. Savanakhet Airport area: The area near the airport has several hotels and guesthouses for those who prefer to stay close to the airport.
3. Riverside area: This area is located along the Mekong River and has plenty of accommodation options with beautiful river views.
4. Market area: The market area is busy and vibrant, with many street markets, food stalls, and shops. There are also several hotels and guesthouses in this area.
5. Tha Khaek area: Tha Khaek is a small town about 50 km from Savannakhet city. It's a popular base camp for adventure activities such as kayaking, rock climbing and trekking, and has many budget accommodation options.
You can check hotel prices at Savannakhet here:

Is Savannakhet a safe destination for tourists?

Savannakhet is considered a safe place for tourists, but like any other place, visitors should take some precautions to avoid any unexpected issues. It is generally recommended to take care of your belongings and avoid walking alone late at night. It's also a good idea to keep your valuables in a safe place and not to flaunt them around. Overall, the crime rate in Savannakhet is relatively low, and people are generally friendly and welcoming to tourists.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Laos here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Savannakhet.

What type of travelers will enjoy Savannakhet the most?

Savannakhet is a charming and relaxed town in Laos that can be enjoyed by different types of travelers. However, it is mostly popular among couples and families who are seeking a more cultural and low-key holiday experience.
For couples, Savannakhet offers a romantic and serene atmosphere that is perfect for those who want to escape the crowds and enjoy a relaxing time together. The town has some beautiful colonial French architecture, lovely temples, and various romantic restaurants to enjoy an intimate dinner.
On the other hand, families with children will find Savannakhet a great destination to explore with its kid-friendly attractions such as the Dinosaur Museum, the Savannakhet Zoo, and the Mekong riverside for boat trips.
Young people looking for fun may not find Savannakhet very lively, but still, they can enjoy its peaceful surroundings while learning about the local traditions and lifestyles. Visitors can indulge in various activities, such as cycling in the countryside, exploring markets, or visiting nearby villages.

How to get around Savannakhet

The most common modes of transportation to move around Savannakhet are tuk-tuks, motorbikes, and bicycles. Tuk-tuks are the most convenient and popular means of transportation for short distances and can be found everywhere in the city. Motorbikes and bicycles can be rented from various rental shops, and they are ideal for exploring the city and its surrounding areas. However, it's important to note that traffic in Savannakhet can be hectic and not ideal for inexperienced drivers.

What to see around Savannakhet

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Savannakhet in Laos: 1. That Ing Hang Stupa: It is one of the most important and sacred Buddhist sites in Laos, located about one hour from Savannakhet.
2. Kaysone Phomvihane Museum: This museum is dedicated to the life and work of Laotian revolution leader Kaysone Phomvihane, located about 45 minutes from Savannakhet.
3. Xe Bangfai River Cave: This cave is considered one of the most beautiful and unique natural wonders in Laos, located about three hours from Savannakhet.
4. Stone House of Khoun: This ancient house is a unique example of traditional Lao architecture, located about two hours from Savannakhet.
5. Phou Xieng Thong National Protected Area: This protected area is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, as well as several Buddhist temples, located about two hours from Savannakhet.
6. Wat Inpeng: It is an ancient temple complex with beautiful architecture and surrounded by beautiful gardens, located about 30 minutes from Savannakhet.
7. That Phonhot: It is a well-known temple complex with a tall pagoda, located about 10 minutes from Savannakhet.
For every travel information about Laos you can click here.

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