Sonsonate - Discovering El Salvador

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Travelling to Sonsonate

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Sonsonate, a pretty good destination in El Salvador (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Sonsonate and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Sonsonate, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through El Salvador, here's everything to know about Sonsonate for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Sonsonate

Sonsonate is a department located in the western region of El Salvador, with a surface area of 232 km² and a population of approximately 520,000 people. The capital city of Sonsonate is also named Sonsonate, and it is located 45 kilometers southwest of the capital city, San Salvador. Sonsonate is known for its ancient colonial architecture, beautiful beaches, and for being a major cotton and coffee producing region in El Salvador. The department is home to a number of natural reserves like Los Cobanos Beach, which is rich in marine biodiversity and is a popular destination for diving and snorkeling.

Travelling to Sonsonate and around: discovering El Salvador

What to visit in Sonsonate

1. Santa Ana Volcano: also known as Ilamatepec, it is the highest volcano in El Salvador with an altitude of 2,381 meters. The views from the top are stunning and on a clear day, you can see Lake Coatepeque and the Pacific Ocean.
2. Juayua: a small town known for its colorful weekend food market, also home to a beautiful botanical garden, a coffee plantation, and hikes to waterfalls.
3. Tazumal: an ancient Maya archaeological site that was once inhabited between AD 400 and 1200. It has been partially restored and visitors can see the extensive excavation work being undertaken.
4. Los Cóbanos: a pristine beach with crystal clear water, ideal for snorkeling or diving. It also has pleasant beachfront restaurants featuring seafood dishes.
5. Ataco: a small town known for its colorful murals and handicrafts. It is a great place to experience traditional Salvadoran culture, taste pupusas and coffee.
6. Sonsonate Cathedral: a beautiful neoclassical style cathedral with a history dating back to 1722.
7. San Andrés Archaeological Site: another Mayan archaeological site that was also inhabited between AD 400 and 1200. Visitors can see the pyramids and other ruins.
8. Bahia de Jiquilisco: a protected bay with an estuary and mangrove swamps that provide a habitat for many rare birds and other wildlife. There are boat tours available to explore the bay.
9. Parque Nacional El Imposible: this is one of the largest natural parks in El Salvador, featuring a lush tropical forest, waterfalls, and a wide variety of wildlife. Hiking and birdwatching are popular activities here.
These are some of the top attractions worth visiting in Sonsonate.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in El Salvador, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Sonsonate.

When to go on holiday to Sonsonate

The best time to go on holiday to Sonsonate, El Salvador is generally between November and April, which is the dry season. During this time, the weather is usually warm and sunny with little rainfall, making it the ideal time for outdoor activities like sightseeing, hiking, and beach activities. However, it's important to note that Sonsonate can be humid and hot during these months, so it's important to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen. The rainy season in El Salvador is from May to October, with September and October being the rainiest months, so you may prefer to avoid travel during this time.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Sonsonate

There are several ways to get to Sonsonate, El Salvador: 1. By bus: You can take a bus from San Salvador to Sonsonate. Several bus companies operate on this route, including Route 102, Route 120, and Route 205.
2. By car: You can rent a car or hire a taxi to take you directly to Sonsonate from San Salvador. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes.
3. By shuttle: You can book a shuttle service which will take you directly to Sonsonate from San Salvador. Several companies offer this service, including Gray Line El Salvador and Rainforest Adventures.
4. By train: The Ferrocarril de los Altos offers a train ride from San Salvador to Sonsonate on Sundays. The ride takes approximately 3 hours and offers stunning views of the countryside.
Whichever mode of transportation you choose, make sure to plan your trip in advance and take into consideration the time and cost of each option.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Sonsonate, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Sonsonate

Sure, here are some typical foods from Sonsonate, El Salvador with a short description for each of them: 1. Pupusas: Pupusas are the most famous and traditional food in El Salvador. These are handmade corn tortillas stuffed with cheese, refried beans, chicharrón (pork rinds), or loroco (a type of flower bud). They are usually served with a side of tomato sauce and pickled vegetables.
2. Panes rellenos: Panes rellenos are sandwiches made with a special bread called "pan frances" which is filled with seasoned shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and a special sauce made of mayo, mustard, and ketchup.
3. Yuca con chicharrón: This dish consists of deep-fried cassava served with crispy pork rinds and curtido (pickled cabbage and carrots). It's a hearty and flavorful dish that is very popular in El Salvador.
4. Sopa de res: Sopa de res is a traditional beef soup made with vegetables like yucca, potatoes, carrots, and plantains. It's often served with a side of rice and tortillas.
5. Tamales: Tamales are made of corn masa, filled with pork, chicken, or vegetables, and wrapped in a banana leaf. They are typically served with a side of tomato salsa and curtido.
6. Enchiladas: Enchiladas in El Salvador are very different from the Mexican version. They are lightly fried corn tortillas filled with ground beef or chicken, and topped with a tomato sauce, cheese, and a slice of hard-boiled egg.
These are just a few examples of the delicious and unique food you can find in Sonsonate, El Salvador.
You can find general info about typical foods in El Salvador here.

Is Sonsonate an expensive destination for tourists?

Sonsonate is not considered a major tourist destination in El Salvador, but it does attract visitors for its colonial architecture, artisan markets, and coffee plantations. In general, El Salvador is a relatively affordable country for tourists, and Sonsonate is no exception. However, prices may vary depending on the type of accommodation, food, and activities you choose. Generally speaking, mid-range hotels and local restaurants in Sonsonate tend to be reasonably priced, while luxury hotels and high-end restaurants can be more expensive. Overall, Sonsonate can be an affordable destination for tourists, especially when compared to more popular destinations in the region.

Where to find accomodation in Sonsonate

Sonsonate is a city located in western El Salvador and it is surrounded by several touristic spots. So, if you are planning to visit Sonsonate, it is best to find accommodation in or around the city center to be close to its main landmarks, such as the Santa Ana Parish Church or the Juan Santamaria Park. However, if you are planning to visit the nearby beaches of Los Cobanos or the scenic Ruta de las Flores, it is best to find accommodation in those specific areas. Additionally, if you want to explore the wonderful landscapes of the volcanic region of Cerro Verde, it is best to find accommodation in the towns of Juayua or Apaneca.
You can check hotel prices at Sonsonate here:

Is Sonsonate a safe destination for tourists?

While there is some crime in Sonsonate, it is generally considered safe for tourists who take the necessary precautions. It is recommended to stay in well-lit and busy areas, to avoid walking alone at night, and to keep your belongings close to you. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid showing signs of wealth such as expensive jewelry or cameras, as this can make you a target for theft. Overall, being cautious and aware of your surroundings can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Sonsonate.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in El Salvador here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Sonsonate.

What type of travelers will enjoy Sonsonate the most?

Sonsonate, El Salvador is a city known for its cultural and historical attractions, so it can cater to different types of travelers. Here are some types of travelers who may enjoy visiting Sonsonate: 1. History Buffs: Sonsonate is famous for its rich history, including ancient ruins and colonial architecture. It is also home to several museums and art galleries that showcase the city's culture and heritage.
2. Family Travelers: Families will enjoy visiting Sonsonate, as it has a wide range of activities and attractions suitable for all ages. The city has several parks and nature reserves where families can enjoy picnics, hiking, and wildlife watching.
3. Couples: Sonsonate is a charming city with beautiful parks, gardens, and plazas, making it an ideal destination for couples looking for a romantic getaway. The city's cuisine, art, and music scene also make it a great place for a cultural experience.
4. Young Travelers: Sonsonate has a nightlife scene with several bars, restaurants, and street vendors. Young travelers looking for fun and adventure may enjoy exploring the city's markets, street art, and vibrant culture.
In summary, travelers looking for cultural and historical experiences, families, couples, and young people seeking fun and adventure can all enjoy the attractions of Sonsonate, El Salvador.

How to get around Sonsonate

In Sonsonate, you can use different modes of transportation such as buses, taxis, or hired cars. Buses are the most common and affordable means of transportation in the city, and they cover most of the major destinations in and around Sonsonate. Taxis are also available, and they can be a convenient option for short distances or when traveling with luggage. Hired cars or rental cars can be a good option for those who want more flexibility and independence when traveling around the city.

What to see around Sonsonate

Sure, here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Sonsonate: 1. Tazumal: This pre-Columbian Mayan archeological site located in Chalchuapa is just a short drive from Sonsonate and is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the region.
2. Juayúa: This picturesque town is known for its colorful murals and the Juayúa Food Fair, held every weekend, where you can sample local cuisine and enjoy live music.
3. Los Cobanos Beach: If you're looking for a relaxing day at the beach, Los Cobanos is a beautiful location with crystal clear water and plenty of marine life to watch while snorkeling.
4. Las Piletas: This natural swimming pool located in the mountains of Juayúa is perfect for a refreshing dip and a picnic.
5. Santa Ana: This city is home to the Santa Ana Volcano, the highest and one of the most active volcanoes in El Salvador. You can hike to the top for an incredible view of the surrounding landscape.
6. Ataco: This charming colonial town is known for its colorful houses, art galleries, and handicraft markets where you can find unique souvenirs.
7. Ahuachapán: This cozy town is famous for its coffee and hot springs, the latter of which you can enjoy at places like Laguna Verde or Las Fuentes Georginas.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
For every travel information about El Salvador you can click here.

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