Wiltz - Discovering Luxembourg

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Travelling to Wiltz

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Wiltz, a pretty good destination in Luxembourg (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Wiltz and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Wiltz, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Luxembourg, here's everything to know about Wiltz for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Wiltz

Wiltz is a town located in the north-western part of Luxembourg. It's situated in the canton of Wiltz and the district of Diekirch. The town is known for its picturesque location in the heart of the Ardennes Mountains, and it's surrounded by lush forests, rolling hills, and charming villages. Wiltz has a rich history and cultural heritage, with notable attractions such as Wiltz Castle, the National Museum of Brewing, and the quaint town square with its picturesque fountain. The town also hosts the famous Wiltz Festival, a lively outdoor music and theater event that draws visitors from all over the world. Overall, Wiltz offers a unique blend of natural beauty, history, and cultural richness that makes it an excellent destination for travelers looking for adventure, relaxation, and exploration.

Travelling to Wiltz and around: discovering Luxembourg

What to visit in Wiltz

Certainly! Some of the top tourist attractions in Wiltz, Luxembourg include: 1. Wiltz Castle: This historic castle is over 900 years old and is a popular spot for tourists. It houses the National Museum of Brewing and is surrounded by beautiful gardens.
2. Parc des Trois Glands: This sprawling park covers over 15 hectares and is home to several hiking and cycling trails, as well as a kids' playground, picnic areas, and a mini-golf course.
3. Brewery "The Family of Man": This modern brewery specializes in creating high-quality beer using traditional brewing methods. Visitors can take a brewery tour and learn about the brewing process, as well as sample some of the brewery's creations.
4. Pedestrian Area: The town's pedestrian zone is a great place to wander and window-shop. You'll find plenty of cafes, restaurants, and boutiques, as well as historic architecture and beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
5. The Wiltz Music Festival: Each year, Wiltz hosts a popular music festival that draws big-name acts from across Europe. Previous performers have included B.B. King, Sting, and James Brown.
6. The Wiltz Swimming Pool: For visitors looking to beat the heat, the town's swimming pool is a great spot to cool off. It features a large outdoor pool, as well as a kids' pool and waterslide.
Overall, Wiltz is a charming town with plenty to offer visitors. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or just enjoying the beautiful Luxembourg landscape, you're sure to find something to love in Wiltz!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Luxembourg, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Wiltz.

When to go on holiday to Wiltz

The best time to visit Wiltz is during the summer months between June and September when the weather is pleasant, and you can enjoy outdoor activities in the beautiful surroundings of the Ardennes forest and the nearby Esch-sur-Sûre lake. However, keep in mind that this is also the high season, so you may encounter bigger crowds and higher prices for accommodation. If you prefer a quieter holiday, you might consider visiting in the shoulder season, in late spring (May) or early autumn (October) when the weather is still mild, and the tourist crowds are thinner.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Wiltz

Wiltz is a town located in northwestern Luxembourg. The easiest way to get there is by taking a train or a bus from Luxembourg City.
By train: From Luxembourg City, take the train to Wiltz. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes and the train runs several times a day.
By bus: Bus connections are also available from Luxembourg City to Wiltz. The bus journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes depending on the traffic and the schedule.
Driving: If you prefer to drive, Wiltz is about 42 km (26 miles) north of Luxembourg City via the N7 and N12 roads. Keep in mind that car rentals are available in Luxembourg City if needed.
I hope this information helps you to plan your trip to Wiltz!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Wiltz, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Wiltz

Wiltz is a small town in Luxembourg with a rich culinary heritage. Here are some typical foods of Wiltz: 1. Judd mat Gaardebounen - This is a traditional Luxembourgish dish consisting of smoked pork collar served with boiled beans and potatoes.
2. Gromperekichelcher - These are deep-fried potato pancakes made with grated potatoes, onions, eggs, and seasoned with salt and pepper.
3. Bouneschlupp - This is a hearty soup made with fresh green beans, potatoes, and bacon.
4. Huesenziwwi - This is a rich meat stew made with rabbit meat, onions, and white wine.
5. Quetschentaart - This is a plum tart made with sweetened plum compote, shortcrust pastry, and a crumbly streusel topping.
6. Rieslingspaschtéit - This is a delicious puff pastry filled with a mixture of pork, mushrooms, onions, and Riesling white wine.
7. Kachkéis - This is a creamy cheese spread made with soft cheese, butter, and flavored with garlic and herbs.
8. Kniddelen - These are traditional Luxembourgish dumplings made with flour, eggs, and milk, boiled and served with a generous portion of hearty stew or meat. 9. Bretzels - These are soft pretzels with a chewy texture and are often served with mustard. These dishes are just a few examples of the many delicious foods you can find in Wiltz. Bon appétit!
You can find general info about typical foods in Luxembourg here.

Is Wiltz an expensive destination for tourists?

Wiltz is not considered a particularly expensive destination for tourists compared to other cities in Luxembourg. However, prices may vary depending on the season or the type of activities you plan to do. Accommodation and food prices may be slightly higher in the peak tourist seasons. It is recommended to do some research and compare prices to find the best deals and make the most of your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Wiltz

In Wiltz, Luxembourg, there are several areas where you can find good accommodation to visit the city. The main areas are: 1) Wiltz city center: This area is convenient for visitors who want to explore the town on foot. It’s home to several hotels, restaurants, and cafes and is walking distance to major tourist attractions.
2) Niederwiltz: This area is ideal for visitors who want a peaceful environment. Niederwiltz is a small village located about 2 km east of Wiltz. Visitors can find country houses, bed and breakfasts, and holiday homes in this area.
3) Kautenbach: This area is perfect for nature lovers. Kautenbach is a small village located about 8 km south of Wiltz and surrounded by forests and hills. It’s an excellent base for hiking and outdoor activities. Visitors can find campgrounds, holiday homes, and cozy lodges in this area.
4) Weilerbach: This area is ideal for visitors who want to be close to the Wiltz train station. Weilerbach is a small village located about 1 km south of Wiltz, and visitors can find hotels and bed and breakfasts in this area.
You can check hotel prices at Wiltz here:

Is Wiltz a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Wiltz is generally a safe place for tourists. Luxembourg is one of the safest countries in the world with low crime rates and a stable political environment. However, as with any destination, it is still advisable to take normal precautions such as being aware of your surroundings, not leaving valuable items unattended, and avoiding unsafe areas at night. The local authorities are also very helpful and approachable should you experience any concerns or problems.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Luxembourg here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Wiltz.

What type of travelers will enjoy Wiltz the most?

Wiltz (Luxembourg) is a small town that offers a serene and peaceful environment. It is a great destination for couples and families who are looking for a quiet and relaxing getaway. The town is known for its stunning natural beauty, including the Ardennes forest, which is perfect for hiking and cycling.
There are also several historical landmarks such as the Wiltz Castle, which is a must-see for history enthusiasts. The castle hosts the annual Wiltz Festival, which features classical concerts, operettas, and theatrical performances.
Although there are not many loud and vibrant entertainment options in Wiltz, young people can still enjoy the natural beauty and outdoor activities the town has to offer. If you're looking for a romantic and peaceful getaway or a family vacation with outdoor activities and cultural experiences, Wiltz is the perfect destination!

How to get around Wiltz

To move around Wiltz in Luxembourg, you can use different types of transportation such as walking, cycling, driving, or taking public transportation. Wiltz is a small town, so walking or cycling are ideal ways to explore the town and its surroundings. You can also rent a car or opt for a taxi service to travel more conveniently. Additionally, there is a local bus service that covers Wiltz and other nearby areas, providing access to other regions in Luxembourg.

What to see around Wiltz

Sure, there are several nice places to visit in a day trip from Wiltz, Luxembourg. Here are some of them: 1. Vianden Castle - A stunning castle located in the town of Vianden, just 20 minutes away from Wiltz. It is a well-preserved medieval castle that overlooks the town and the surrounding forests.
2. Echternach - This small town is located in the eastern part of Luxembourg and is famous for its pilgrimage site, the Basilica of St. Willibrord. The town also has a beautiful lake, Lake Echternach, where visitors can enjoy various outdoor activities.
3. Clervaux - This charming town in northern Luxembourg is home to the impressive Clervaux Castle, which houses a museum dedicated to photography. You can also explore the town's medieval architecture and the scenic countryside.
4. Luxembourg City - The capital city of Luxembourg is only 40 minutes away from Wiltz and has a multitude of historical sites and cultural attractions to explore, such as the Luxembourg City History Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Grand Duke's Palace.
5. Mullerthal Region - This is a beautiful area that is known as "Little Switzerland" due to its hilly terrain and dense forests. Visitors can hike through the Mullerthal Trail, which leads through picturesque villages, rock formations, and waterfalls.
6. Trier, Germany - This ancient city, located just over the border in Germany, is home to many well-preserved Roman ruins, including the Porta Nigra gate, the Amphitheater, and the Imperial Baths. It is also a charming town with numerous cafes, restaurants, and shops to explore.
For every travel information about Luxembourg you can click here.

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