
Gilgit - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Gilgit and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Gilgit!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Gilgit and around

General info
1. Naltar Valley
2. Fairy Meadows
3. Hunza Valley
4. Baltit Fort
5. Attabad Lake
6. Karimabad Bazaar
7. Nanga Parbat Base Camp
8. Khunjerab Pass
9. Rakaposhi View Point
10. Gilgit River

A trip to Gilgit

Gilgit, located in the northern region of Pakistan, is a captivating destination for tourists seeking natural beauty and adventure. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Gilgit offers a one-of-a-kind experience. A gateway to the majestic Karakoram Mountain Range, it is a favorite destination for mountaineers and trekkers worldwide. Some of the top attractions in Gilgit include the Naltar Valley, Fairy Meadows, Attabad Lake, and the Karakoram Highway. Visitors can also explore ancient Buddhist rock carvings at Kargah Buddha and immerse themselves in the vibrant local bazaars. Gilgit promises an unforgettable adventure for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike.
You can find even more info about Gilgit in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Gilgit.

Travelling to Gilgit and around: discovering Pakistan

Naltar Valley - Top attractions in Gilgit -1

Naltar Valley is one of the top attractions in Gilgit, Pakistan. Located in the serene region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Naltar Valley offers breathtaking natural beauty and is a paradise for adventure seekers and nature lovers.
Nestled amidst majestic mountains, Naltar Valley is renowned for its stunning landscapes, crystal-clear lakes, lush green forests, and vibrant meadows. The valley is famous for its vibrant flora, particularly the blooming flowers in spring and summer, making it a photographer's delight.
One of the major highlights of Naltar Valley is the trio of mesmerizing lakes - Satrangi Lake, Blue Lake, and Pari Lake. These lakes are known for their pristine turquoise waters, reflecting the surrounding snow-capped peaks and providing a perfect backdrop for visitors to unwind and relax.
Adventure enthusiasts can indulge in a variety of thrilling activities in Naltar Valley, such as hiking, trekking, and camping. The valley offers numerous trails that lead to beautiful viewpoints and hidden gems, making it an ideal destination for trekkers of all levels.
Naltar Valley is also home to the famous Naltar Ski Resort, which holds the highest altitude ski slopes in Pakistan. The resort attracts skiing enthusiasts from all over the world, offering them a chance to enjoy the thrill of skiing amidst the breathtaking mountainous landscape.
Furthermore, Naltar Valley is known for its warm and welcoming local communities, providing visitors with an opportunity to experience the rich culture and traditions of the region. The local cuisine, predominantly consisting of traditional dishes like Dumplings (Momo's) and Chapshuro, is a must-try when visiting the valley.
To reach Naltar Valley, visitors can take a scenic drive from Gilgit City, which is roughly 40 kilometers away. The road journey itself is a treat, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
In conclusion, Naltar Valley in Gilgit is a hidden gem, offering outstanding natural beauty, thrilling adventure activities, and an opportunity to immerse in the local culture. Whether you are an adventure seeker or just want to relax and soak in the tranquil ambiance, Naltar Valley is a must-visit destination in Pakistan.

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Fairy Meadows - Top attractions in Gilgit -2

Fairy Meadows, located in the picturesque region of Gilgit in Pakistan, is a world-famous tourist destination offering breathtaking natural beauty and adventure opportunities. Situated at an altitude of around 3,300 meters above sea level, this enchanting meadow is nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas and the Karakoram ranges.
One of the main attractions of Fairy Meadows is its awe-inspiring view of the Nanga Parbat, the ninth highest mountain in the world. This majestic peak, often referred to as the "Killer Mountain," stands tall at an elevation of 8,126 meters, creating a mesmerizing backdrop for travelers and photographers alike.
To reach Fairy Meadows, visitors have to embark on a thrilling journey. After a scenic drive from Gilgit, an approximately 2-hour jeep ride follows, taking you through rugged terrains and dense forests. For adventure enthusiasts, an alternative route includes a challenging trek that rewards the efforts with unforgettable vistas along the way.
Once in Fairy Meadows, travelers can indulge in a range of activities. Trekking is the most popular choice, offering various routes of varying difficulty levels. The three-day trek to Nanga Parbat base camp is particularly famous, allowing adventurers to witness the grandeur of the mountain up close. Additionally, camping in the meadows under the starry sky is a must-do experience, providing an opportunity to reconnect with nature and appreciate the tranquility of the surroundings.
While facilities in Fairy Meadows are basic, with limited electricity and mobile network coverage, a few local guesthouses offer accommodation options, allowing visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the local culture and hospitality. It is recommended to carry essential supplies such as food, water, and warm clothing, as these may not be readily available.
Overall, Fairy Meadows is a captivating destination for nature lovers, thrill-seekers, and photography enthusiasts alike. Its untouched beauty and serenity make it a must-visit attraction in Gilgit, Pakistan, leaving visitors with memories that will last a lifetime.

Hunza Valley - Top attractions in Gilgit -3

Located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, the picturesque Hunza Valley is a popular tourist destination known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. Here are some of the main tourist attractions in Hunza Valley: 1. Baltit Fort: Perched on a hilltop, Baltit Fort is a stunning historical landmark that offers a mesmerizing view of the valley. Exploring this 700-year-old structure allows visitors to delve into the rich history and heritage of the region.
2. Karimabad Bazaar: A bustling marketplace in the heart of Hunza Valley, Karimabad Bazaar is a must-visit for shopaholics and food enthusiasts. Here, you can find local handicrafts, dried fruits, unique souvenirs, and indulge in mouthwatering traditional dishes.
3. Altit Fort: Dating back to the 11th century, Altit Fort is another captivating ancient structure that showcases the architectural prowess of the region. Visitors can admire the intricate woodwork, beautiful carvings, and gain insights into the local lifestyle and traditions.
4. Attabad Lake: One of the most breathtaking attractions in Hunza Valley is Attabad Lake. Formed in 2010 due to a massive landslide, this turquoise-colored lake is surrounded by towering mountains and offers a serene ambiance perfect for boating and photography.
5. Eagle's Nest: For panoramic views of the entire Hunza Valley, a visit to Eagle's Nest is a must. Located at an elevation of over 9,000 feet, this viewpoint provides an awe-inspiring vista of snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, and meandering rivers.
6. Hoper Glacier: Adventure enthusiasts can embark on a journey to Hoper Glacier, a magnificent icy wonderland located near Nagar Valley. Visitors can trek along the glacier, witness the captivating ice formations, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.
7. Duiker Valley: Known as the "Roof of the World," Duiker Valley offers breathtaking sunrise and sunset views. Visitors can enjoy the mesmerizing play of colors as the sun sets over the mighty mountains, casting a golden glow over the valley.
8. Rakaposhi View Point: For a close-up view of the majestic Rakaposhi Mountain, head to the Rakaposhi View Point. It provides an awe-inspiring glimpse of one of the highest peaks in Pakistan, standing tall at approximately 7,800 meters.
Hunza Valley offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventure. The warm hospitality of the locals, coupled with the serene surroundings, makes it an unforgettable destination for travelers seeking a unique and enriching experience.

Baltit Fort - Top attractions in Gilgit -4

Baltit Fort is one of the top attractions in Gilgit, Pakistan. Located in the Hunza Valley, this ancient fort offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the region.
Originally built over 700 years ago, Baltit Fort has been restored and transformed into a museum. It stands tall on a hilltop, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and mountains.
Inside the fort, visitors can explore various rooms and galleries that showcase the traditional architecture, artifacts, and artwork of the Balti people. The museum exhibits offer insights into the local history, including the dynasties that ruled the region.
The fort also serves as a cultural center, as it hosts regular cultural events and festivals which display traditional dances, music, and local crafts. This provides tourists with an opportunity to engage with the local community and learn about their traditions and way of life.
To make the most of their visit to Baltit Fort, tourists are recommended to take a guided tour, which allows them to fully appreciate the historical significance and architectural beauty of the fort. Additionally, the knowledgeable guides provide interesting stories and facts about the fort and the region.
Baltit Fort is easily accessible for tourists, as it is located in the center of the town of Karimabad in Hunza Valley. Visitors should plan to spend a few hours exploring the fort and its surroundings to fully experience its charm and historical value.
Overall, Baltit Fort is a must-visit attraction for those traveling to Gilgit. It offers a unique cultural and historical experience, providing insight into the rich heritage of the Balti people and the captivating beauty of the area.

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Attabad Lake - Top attractions in Gilgit -5

Attabad Lake is one of the top attractions in Gilgit, Pakistan. Known for its stunning beauty, this man-made lake was formed in 2010 as a result of a massive landslide in the Hunza Valley. The turquoise waters of Attabad Lake are surrounded by towering mountains, creating a breathtaking landscape.
Visitors can enjoy boating and kayaking on the lake, immersing themselves in the serene atmosphere while taking in the awe-inspiring views. The lake is also a popular spot for fishing, with a variety of fish species available.
For nature enthusiasts, hiking and trekking trails around Attabad Lake offer an opportunity to explore the surrounding mountains and experience the region's rich biodiversity. The nearby Karakoram Highway, which is considered one of the world's most beautiful highways, provides access to other attractions in the area.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Attabad Lake also holds historical significance. It serves as a reminder of the devastating landslide that occurred in 2010, resulting in the formation of the lake and the submergence of several villages.
For those seeking a unique and picturesque destination, Attabad Lake in Gilgit, Pakistan, is a must-visit. Its crystal-clear waters, magnificent mountains, and recreational activities make it an unforgettable experience for travelers.

Karimabad Bazaar - Top attractions in Gilgit -6

Karimabad Bazaar, located in Gilgit, Pakistan, is a must-visit destination for tourists seeking a unique cultural experience. This vibrant market is one of the top attractions in Gilgit and offers a glimpse into the local way of life. Here is some essential information about Karimabad Bazaar that will help you plan your visit: Location: Karimabad Bazaar is situated in the heart of Gilgit, the capital city of Gilgit-Baltistan province in northern Pakistan. It is easily accessible and is a popular spot for both domestic and international tourists.
Cultural Significance: The bazaar is renowned for its vibrant atmosphere and rich cultural heritage. It is a hub of traditional arts, crafts, and local products, showcasing the region's unique culture. Here, you can witness the local craftsmanship and interact with artisans who produce intricate wood carvings, hand-woven rugs, gemstone jewelry, pottery, and more.
Shopping Delights: Karimabad Bazaar is a shopper's paradise. From traditional garments, including embroidered shawls and caps, to spices, dry fruits, and local handicrafts, the bazaar offers a wide array of products to choose from. It is an excellent place to take home souvenirs or shop for indigenous items that reflect the local culture and traditions.
Food and Refreshments: The bazaar is also renowned for its delicious traditional cuisine. Visitors can indulge in mouth-watering local dishes, such as trout fish, chapshuro, and scrumptious kebabs. Numerous cafes and restaurants offer a comfortable setting to savor these delicacies while enjoying the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Local Hospitality: One of the significant aspects that make a visit to Karimabad Bazaar memorable is the warm hospitality of the local people. The friendly shopkeepers and local residents are always welcoming and eager to share stories about their culture and traditions. This creates a welcoming and immersive experience for tourists.
Nearby Attractions: Karimabad Bazaar is situated beneath the majestic Karakoram Range, making it an ideal base for exploring the breathtaking natural beauty of the region. From Karimabad, you can embark on adventurous hikes, explore historic sites like Baltit Fort and Altit Fort, visit glaciers, and indulge in various outdoor activities.
Visiting Karimabad Bazaar in Gilgit is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the local culture, shop for unique souvenirs, explore traditional cuisine, and enjoy the stunning landscapes of northern Pakistan. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a shopaholic, this iconic bazaar will surely leave you with lifelong memories of your trip to Gilgit.


Nanga Parbat Base Camp - Top attractions in Gilgit -7

Nestled in the mesmerizing region of Gilgit in Pakistan, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp stands as a breathtaking attraction for mountain enthusiasts and adventure-seekers alike. Located at the foot of the mighty Nanga Parbat, the 9th highest mountain in the world, this base camp offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience.
At an altitude of around 4,200 meters, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp allows visitors to witness the majestic beauty of the surrounding peaks, glaciers, and valleys. The trek to the base camp involves traversing through picturesque landscapes, dense forests, and gushing streams, offering an unforgettable journey for nature lovers.
Aside from its sheer natural beauty, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp holds historical significance as well. The base camp has been a base for many successful climbing expeditions, and it has served as a starting point for mountaineers attempting to conquer the treacherous heights of Nanga Parbat. This adds a touch of adventure and inspiration to the entire experience.
While visiting the base camp, travelers can indulge in a variety of activities. Hiking and camping amidst the pristine surroundings is a popular choice, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the unspoiled beauty of the area. Photography enthusiasts will also find themselves captivated by the breathtaking views and the opportunity to capture the essence of nature at its finest.
It is important to note that visiting the Nanga Parbat Base Camp requires proper preparation and fitness, as the trek can be challenging, and the weather conditions can be unpredictable. It is advisable to hire a local guide or join a reputable tour operator who can assist with logistics and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
In conclusion, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp in Gilgit, Pakistan, offers a truly awe-inspiring and unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure and natural beauty. With its towering peaks, stunning landscapes, and historical significance, it is undoubtedly one of the top attractions in the region and a must-visit for explorers and nature enthusiasts.

Khunjerab Pass - Top attractions in Gilgit -8

Khunjerab Pass is a magnificent tourist attraction located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. It is considered one of the top attractions in Gilgit and offers a breathtaking experience for visitors. Situated at an altitude of approximately 4,693 meters (15,397 feet) above sea level, Khunjerab Pass is one of the highest paved border crossings in the world. It serves as the gateway between Pakistan and China, connecting the Gilgit-Baltistan region with the Xinjiang province of China.
The pass offers spectacular views of snow-capped mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and vast valleys. Travelers can witness the mesmerizing beauty of the Karakoram Range, which is home to some of the highest peaks in the world, including K2, the second tallest mountain on Earth.
In addition to its natural splendor, Khunjerab Pass is also known for its rich cultural heritage. Travelers can interact with the local communities, who are warm and welcoming, and learn about their traditional lifestyle, customs, and traditions.
Visitors can also explore the nearby Khunjerab National Park, which is home to various rare and endangered species, including the iconic Marco Polo sheep, snow leopards, and ibex. The park offers opportunities for hiking, wildlife spotting, and photography.
It is important to note that Khunjerab Pass is only accessible during certain months of the year, as heavy snowfall makes it impassable during winters. The best time to visit is from May to October, when the weather is relatively mild, and the road is open for travel.
To reach Khunjerab Pass, travelers can hire a local guide or avail of guided tours from Gilgit. The journey itself is adventurous, with winding roads and stunning landscapes along the way. It is advisable to carry warm clothing, food, and water, as facilities are limited in the high-altitude areas.
In conclusion, Khunjerab Pass is a must-visit attraction in Gilgit, Pakistan. Its breathtaking natural beauty, cultural significance, and unique location make it a popular destination for adventure seekers, nature lovers, and those interested in exploring the region's rich heritage.

Rakaposhi View Point - Top attractions in Gilgit -9

Rakaposhi View Point is one of the top attractions in Gilgit, Pakistan. Offering breathtaking panoramic views of the majestic Rakaposhi mountain, this viewpoint is a must-visit for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. Located at a convenient distance from Gilgit city, Rakaposhi View Point provides visitors with an awe-inspiring opportunity to witness the sheer beauty of one of the tallest mountains in the world.
The viewpoint offers a commanding view of the 7,788-meter high Rakaposhi, also known as "the snowy horn." Trekking enthusiasts can embark on a thrilling journey to the base camp of Rakaposhi, giving them an up-close experience of its stunning glaciers and dramatic peaks. During the trek, visitors can also explore the rich flora and fauna of the region, making it a truly immersive experience.
To make the most of your visit, it is recommended to plan your trip during the summer months when the weather is pleasant and the view is clear. Additionally, hiring a local guide will ensure a safe and enjoyable trek to Rakaposhi's base camp.
Whether you are a seasoned mountaineer or a casual traveler, Rakaposhi View Point promises to leave you in awe of its ethereal beauty. Don't miss the chance to witness the towering grandeur of this incredible mountain during your visit to Gilgit, Pakistan.

Gilgit River - Top attractions in Gilgit -10

Gilgit River is one of the main attractions in Gilgit, Pakistan. This magnificent river flows through the city, offering breathtaking views and a serene environment for tourists. The crystal-clear turquoise waters of Gilgit River are a sight to behold, attracting nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike.
Tourists can indulge in a range of activities along the banks of the river. River rafting is a popular adventure sport that allows visitors to navigate the rapids and experience an adrenaline rush. Fishing is another popular activity, with the river known for its abundance of trout. Anglers can enjoy a relaxing day by the river, casting their lines and enjoying the tranquility.
For those seeking a more peaceful experience, a leisurely walk along the river banks is recommended. The river is flanked by scenic landscapes and lush greenery, offering a perfect setting for picnics and photography. Visitors can also find several picnic spots and parks along the river, where they can unwind and enjoy the natural beauty.
At sunset, the river offers a mesmerizing view as the sun's rays reflect off the water, creating a magical ambiance. This is a perfect time for photography enthusiasts to capture stunning memories. The river also serves as a picturesque backdrop for the city, making it a must-visit spot for every traveler.
Gilgit River is easily accessible from the city center, and there are various accommodations available in proximity. The best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is pleasant and the river is at its full flow.
Overall, Gilgit River is a natural treasure that should not be missed when visiting Gilgit, Pakistan. Its scenic beauty, recreational activities, and peaceful atmosphere make it one of the top attractions in the region. Whether you are an adventure seeker or a nature lover, a visit to Gilgit River will leave you with lasting memories of the breathtaking landscapes and serenity of this remarkable destination.

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