
Larnaca - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Larnaca and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Larnaca!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Larnaca and around

General info
1. Larnaca Salt Lake
2. Hala Sultan Tekke
3. Larnaca Marina
4. Finikoudes Beach
5. Larnaca Castle
6. St. Lazarus Church
7. Kamares Aqueduct
8. Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement
9. Mackenzie Beach
10. Larnaca Pier

A trip to Larnaca

Larnaca, located on the southern coast of Cyprus, is a popular tourist destination known for its rich history, stunning beaches, and vibrant atmosphere. As one of the oldest cities in Cyprus, Larnaca offers a plethora of cultural and historical attractions. Visitors can explore the beautifully preserved Larnaca Castle, which houses the Larnaca Medieval Museum, or marvel at the intricate architecture of the revered Saint Lazarus Church. For a serene experience, the picturesque Larnaca Salt Lake offers breathtaking sunset views and is home to a large population of migratory flamingos. The city's palm-lined promenade, Finikoudes Beach, is lined with bustling cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it an ideal spot for leisurely strolls and people-watching. Dive enthusiasts will be delighted by the Zenobia Wreck, an incredible underwater site just off the coast of Larnaca, attracting divers from around the world. With its warm Mediterranean climate, welcoming locals, and an array of top attractions, Larnaca promises an unforgettable travel experience for all who visit.
You can find even more info about Larnaca in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Larnaca.

Travelling to Larnaca and around: discovering Cyprus

Larnaca Salt Lake - Top attractions in Larnaca -1

Larnaca Salt Lake is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. Situated just south of the city, this scenic natural wonder is a must-visit for nature lovers and birdwatchers.
The salt lake is a large shallow expanse of water that dries up during the summer months, leaving behind a glistening white layer of salt crystals. This unique landscape creates a mesmerizing sight, especially during sunset when the salt formations turn golden.
One of the main highlights of Larnaca Salt Lake is its role as a major migratory stopover for various bird species. Over 80 species of birds, including pink flamingos, can be spotted here during the winter months, making it a popular destination for birdwatching enthusiasts.
For a closer encounter with nature, visitors can explore the surrounding nature trails and boardwalks that offer breathtaking views of the lake and its intriguing ecosystem. The lake is also home to a variety of plant species, including the famous salt-tolerant juniper tree, providing a tranquil environment for walkers and hikers.
Additionally, walking along the salt lake leads to the Hala Sultan Tekke, a stunning mosque and religious site. This pilgrimage site is believed to be the burial place of Umm Haram, the Islamic prophet Muhammad's wet nurse.
Whether you are interested in birdwatching, photography, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, Larnaca Salt Lake is a must-visit destination. Its unique landscapes, diverse birdlife, and cultural significance make it one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus.

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Hala Sultan Tekke - Top attractions in Larnaca -2

Hala Sultan Tekke is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. This magnificent mosque is a must-visit for tourists seeking cultural and historical experiences. Located on the shores of the stunning Larnaca Salt Lake, Hala Sultan Tekke holds great religious significance for Muslims worldwide.
History enthusiasts will appreciate the rich heritage of this site. Hala Sultan Tekke was built in the 18th century to honor the remains of Umm Haram, the Prophet Muhammad's paternal aunt. Umm Haram was said to have died during the Arab invasions of Cyprus in 649 AD, and the mosque stands as a tribute to her memory.
The architectural beauty of Hala Sultan Tekke is awe-inspiring. Its gleaming white walls and dome create a stunning contrast against the backdrop of the salt lake and surrounding landscape. The serene atmosphere within the mosque complex offers visitors a peaceful retreat away from the bustling city.
In addition to its religious significance, Hala Sultan Tekke is set among beautiful gardens and palm trees, making it an ideal spot for leisurely walks and picnics. Visitors can explore the mosque's interior, as well as the courtyard and surrounding areas, showcasing intricate designs, calligraphy, and stunning artwork.
For those interested in birdwatching, Larnaca Salt Lake is an important migratory bird stopover, located right next to Hala Sultan Tekke. Flamingos and other bird species can often be spotted in and around the lake, providing visitors with a unique natural experience.
Hala Sultan Tekke is easily accessible from the city center of Larnaca, with public transportation options available. If you're looking to immerse yourself in history, culture, and natural beauty, a visit to Hala Sultan Tekke should not be missed during your stay in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Larnaca Marina - Top attractions in Larnaca -3

Larnaca Marina, located in the heart of Larnaca city in Cyprus, is a popular tourist attraction known for its stunning waterfront views and vibrant atmosphere. This bustling marina is a hub of activity, offering visitors a plethora of things to see and do.
One of the main draws of Larnaca Marina is its picturesque setting. Situated on the southeastern coast of Cyprus, the marina boasts stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea, showcasing shimmering blue waters and breathtaking sunsets. It serves as a picturesque backdrop for leisurely strolls along the promenade, offering a relaxing escape from the city's busy streets.
Visitors to Larnaca Marina can immerse themselves in the local culture, with the marina serving as a gateway to various cultural and historical landmarks. Just a short walk away, travelers can explore the impressive Larnaca Castle, a 17th-century fort that now houses the Larnaca Medieval Museum, showcasing artifacts and exhibits on the island's rich history.
Adventure enthusiasts will also find plenty to do in Larnaca Marina, with a wide range of water sports available. From jet skiing and parasailing to paddleboarding and banana boat rides, there are options for all adrenaline levels. Visitors can also rent boats or take sailing trips to nearby destinations, such as the renowned Zenobia wreck dive site.
Food lovers will be delighted by the culinary offerings surrounding Larnaca Marina. Known for its fresh seafood, visitors can indulge in mouthwatering meals at the many waterfront restaurants. From traditional Cypriot cuisine to international flavors, there is something to suit every palate.
Larnaca Marina is also a popular spot for shopping enthusiasts, with a variety of boutique stores and souvenir shops lining the promenade. Visitors can find unique gifts, local crafts, and fashionable clothing, creating the perfect opportunity to bring a piece of Larnaca back home.
With its stunning location, cultural landmarks, thrilling water sports, delicious dining options, and shopping opportunities, Larnaca Marina is undoubtedly one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a taste of the local culture, this vibrant marina has something to offer everyone.

Finikoudes Beach - Top attractions in Larnaca -4

Finikoudes Beach is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus, and is renowned for its stunning sandy coastline and crystal-clear waters. Situated in the heart of the city, this bustling beach is a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike.
The beach spans a length of approximately 600 meters and is lined with palm trees along a charming promenade, offering a picturesque setting for visitors to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean beauty. With its Blue Flag status, Finikoudes Beach guarantees excellent water quality and safety standards, ensuring a pleasant swimming experience for all.
Aside from sunbathing and swimming, visitors can engage in an array of water sports activities such as jet skiing, banana boat rides, and parasailing. For those seeking a more tranquil experience, there are sunbeds and umbrellas available for rent, allowing visitors to soak up the sun comfortably.
Finikoudes Beach is also dotted with a variety of cafes, restaurants, and bars, offering a diverse range of cuisines to satisfy every palate. You can indulge in authentic Cypriot dishes or enjoy international favorites while admiring the beautiful beachfront views.
During the evenings, the beach promenade transforms into a vibrant hub of entertainment, with live music performances, street artists, and events held throughout the year. Visitors can take leisurely strolls, browse the local shops, or sip refreshing cocktails at the lively beach bars.
In addition to its natural splendor, Finikoudes Beach offers convenient access to other popular attractions in Larnaca. The nearby palm tree-lined Saint Lazarus Church and the Larnaca Salt Lake, home to a large population of flamingos, are worth exploring while in the area.
Overall, Finikoudes Beach is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to soak up the sun, enjoy water sports, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Larnaca. Its beautiful setting, range of amenities, and proximity to other attractions make it one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus.

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Larnaca Castle - Top attractions in Larnaca -5

Larnaca Castle, located in the city of Larnaca in Cyprus, is one of the top attractions that draw a large number of tourists each year. This historic castle dates back to the 12th century and has played a crucial role in the history of Cyprus.
Originally built as a Byzantine fortification, Larnaca Castle was later overtaken and expanded by the Lusignans, Venetians, and Ottomans. Throughout its existence, the castle has served various purposes such as a royal residence, prison, and military stronghold.
Today, Larnaca Castle stands as a well-preserved archaeological site and museum where visitors can explore the rich history of the region. The castle's architecture is a fine example of medieval fortifications, with its imposing walls, sturdy towers, and a moat surrounding the structure.
One of the main highlights of Larnaca Castle is the Medieval Museum located within its walls. The museum showcases a vast collection of historical artifacts, including pottery, statues, weapons, and pottery. These artifacts provide insight into the island's past, from the Byzantine era to the Ottoman period.
Visitors to Larnaca Castle can also ascend to the top of the fortress walls, offering panoramic views of the city and the picturesque Larnaca marina. The castle's strategic location near the sea makes it an excellent spot for capturing stunning photographs and enjoying the beautiful coastal scenery.
Additionally, Larnaca Castle is conveniently situated near other popular attractions in the city, such as the famous Larnaca Salt Lake and the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and culture lovers.
In summary, Larnaca Castle stands as a historic gem in Larnaca, Cyprus. Its ancient walls, intriguing museum, and breathtaking views make it one of the top attractions in the city, offering a journey through time and a chance to discover the fascinating history of Cyprus.

St. Lazarus Church - Top attractions in Larnaca -6

St. Lazarus Church is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. Built in the 9th century, this Orthodox church is dedicated to Saint Lazarus, the biblical figure who was resurrected by Jesus. The church is renowned for its stunning architecture, featuring beautiful Byzantine-style frescoes and intricate stone carvings.
Visitors can explore the interiors of the church, which houses the tomb of St. Lazarus. The marble sarcophagus is believed to be the final resting place of the saint. The interior also boasts an impressive collection of religious icons and artifacts.
The church is located in the heart of Larnaca's old town, making it easily accessible for tourists exploring the area. The nearby square is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike, with charming cafes and restaurants offering a fantastic view of the church.
When visiting St. Lazarus Church, it is important to dress respectfully, as it is an active place of worship. Visitors should also check the opening hours beforehand, as the church may close for services or events.
Overall, St. Lazarus Church offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich religious history of Larnaca. Its beautiful architecture and historical significance make it a must-visit attraction for tourists exploring the city.


Kamares Aqueduct - Top attractions in Larnaca -7

The Kamares Aqueduct is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. This stunning architectural masterpiece is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
Located just outside the city center, the Kamares Aqueduct is an ancient structure that dates back to the 18th century. It was built during the Ottoman period to transport water from a nearby reservoir to the city of Larnaca. The aqueduct consists of 75 stone arches, standing at an impressive height of 15 meters.
Visitors can marvel at the intricately designed arches and the impressive engineering feat achieved by the craftsmen of that era. The arches create a beautiful silhouette against the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts.
The Kamares Aqueduct is easily accessible, and there is no entry fee to visit this historic site. It is recommended to visit during the evening hours to enjoy a breathtaking sunset view. The aqueduct is also beautifully illuminated at night, creating a magical atmosphere for evening strolls.
When visiting the Kamares Aqueduct, make sure to bring your camera, as the site offers plenty of excellent photo opportunities. Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes as there are pathways for visitors to explore the area and take in the surrounding natural beauty.
Overall, the Kamares Aqueduct is a must-see attraction in Larnaca, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history and architectural marvels of Cyprus.

Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement - Top attractions in Larnaca -8

Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement is one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus. This UNESCO World Heritage Site offers a fascinating glimpse into the island's rich ancient history. Located just 30 kilometers from Larnaca, it is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and archaeology lovers.
Dating back to the 7th millennium BC, Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement is one of the best-preserved prehistoric sites on the island. It provides valuable insights into the lives of early human settlers and their agricultural practices. The site showcases the remains of circular stone dwellings, defensive walls, and tombs, giving visitors a rare opportunity to witness the ancient civilization that once thrived here.
As you explore the settlement, you will learn about the daily routines and lifestyles of these early Cypriots, who successfully adapted to the challenges of their environment. The intricate architecture of the dwellings, which featured stone foundations and mud-brick walls, stands as a testament to their advanced building techniques.
The site is also home to a visitor center, where you can find exhibits displaying artifacts discovered during excavations. These include tools, pottery, and figurines that provide further insights into the culture and craftsmanship of the Neolithic period.
Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement offers guided tours, allowing visitors to fully appreciate the historical and cultural significance of this remarkable site. Knowledgeable guides provide detailed explanations and share intriguing stories about the settlement's past.
With its well-preserved structures and captivating history, Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement is a must-visit attraction that offers a unique experience for travelers seeking to uncover the secrets of Cyprus' ancient past. Do not miss the opportunity to explore one of the most significant archaeological sites on the island while visiting Larnaca.

Mackenzie Beach - Top attractions in Larnaca -9

Mackenzie Beach, located in Larnaca, Cyprus, is a stunning stretch of sandy beach that is a must-visit for any traveler to the region. Known for its crystal-clear blue waters and picturesque views, it is one of the top attractions in Larnaca and offers a range of activities for tourists of all ages.
One of the main highlights of Mackenzie Beach is its vibrant and lively atmosphere. The area is famous for its beach clubs and bars, making it a popular spot for party-goers and those looking to enjoy a fun-filled day by the sea. Additionally, there are numerous waterfront restaurants and cafes where visitors can savor delicious local cuisine and enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean.
For water sports enthusiasts, Mackenzie Beach offers a variety of thrilling activities. From jet skiing and parasailing to paddleboarding and windsurfing, there is something for everyone. The beach also features several diving centers, providing a unique opportunity to explore the underwater beauty of the region's marine life through guided dives and snorkeling trips.
If you're seeking relaxation, Mackenzie Beach provides ample space for sunbathing and unwinding. Lounge chairs and umbrellas are available for rent, allowing visitors to soak up the sun in comfort. The beach is well-maintained and clean, ensuring a pleasant experience for all visitors.
Mackenzie Beach is conveniently located just a short distance from Larnaca International Airport, making it easily accessible for travelers arriving or departing from the city. It is also well-connected to the city center by public transport, with regular buses operating to and from the beach.
Visiting Mackenzie Beach promises a memorable experience, whether you are seeking thrilling water sports, delicious food and drinks, or simply a relaxing day under the Mediterranean sunshine. The beach's stunning natural beauty and its vibrant atmosphere make it one of the top attractions in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Larnaca Pier - Top attractions in Larnaca -10

Located in the heart of Larnaca, Cyprus, the Larnaca Pier is a popular tourist attraction that offers visitors a unique and enjoyable experience. Offering a perfect blend of history, culture, and stunning views, this waterfront area is a must-visit for any traveler.
One of the main highlights of the Larnaca Pier is the picturesque Larnaca Marina. This beautiful marina is a hub for luxury yachts, sailboats, and fishing boats. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the marina, admiring the impressive vessels and enjoying the tranquil atmosphere.
Adjacent to the marina is the lively Finikoudes promenade, a vibrant area packed with restaurants, cafes, and bars. This is the perfect spot to sit back, relax, and enjoy a delicious meal or refreshing drink while taking in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea.
Larnaca Pier is also home to the historic Larnaca Castle, a 14th-century fort built to defend the city against invading forces. The castle houses a small museum where visitors can learn about the rich history and culture of the region.
Additionally, the Larnaca Pier offers easy access to the famous Larnaca Salt Lake, a natural wonder known for its beautiful pink flamingos and stunning sunsets. Nature enthusiasts can take a leisurely walk around the lake, observing the unique ecosystem and enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
For those seeking a beach experience, the Larnaca Pier provides easy access to the popular Finikoudes Beach. With its golden sand, crystal-clear waters, and a wide range of water sports activities, it is the perfect place to soak up the sun and relax.
Overall, the Larnaca Pier is a must-visit destination for travelers, offering a diverse range of attractions and activities. Whether you're interested in history, culture, nature, or simply want to enjoy the beauty of the Mediterranean, this waterfront area has something to offer everyone.

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