
Port Royal - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Port Royal and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Port Royal!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Port Royal and around

General info
1. Fort Charles
2. Giddy House
3. Maritime Museum of Jamaica
4. St. Peter's Church
5. Naval Hospital Park
6. Port Royal Earthquake Ruins
7. Morgan's Harbour and Marina
8. Old Naval Cemetery
9. Royal Artillery Burial Ground
10. Port Royal National Historic Park

A trip to Port Royal

Welcome to Port Royal, a historic and picturesque town located on the southern coast of Jamaica. Known as the "wickedest city on Earth" during its pirate-infested past, today it attracts tourists from all over the world with its rich history and natural beauty.
One of the top attractions in Port Royal is Fort Charles. Built in the 17th century, this well-preserved fort offers a glimpse into the town's pirate era with its interesting exhibits and cannons overlooking the harbor.
For a unique experience, visitors can explore the Giddy House. This tilted building, a result of the 1692 earthquake, is a fascinating sight and provides an unusual photo opportunity.
Art enthusiasts will appreciate the Museum of Historical Archaeology, where artifacts from Port Royal's past are on display. Dive into the town's intriguing history and cultural heritage through its collection of maps, photographs, and archaeological findings.
Nature lovers will be captivated by the surrounding beaches and coral reefs. Lime Cay, just off the coast, is a popular spot for snorkeling and swimming. Its pristine waters and abundant marine life make it an underwater paradise.
Additionally, be sure to indulge in some authentic Jamaican cuisine while in Port Royal. Local restaurants offer a variety of mouthwatering dishes, including jerk chicken and fresh seafood, making your visit a treat for your taste buds.
With its blend of history, natural beauty, and culinary delights, Port Royal promises an unforgettable experience for all who venture to this charming town. Start planning your trip to one of Jamaica's top attractions and prepare to be enchanted by the wonders of Port Royal.
You can find even more info about Port Royal in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Port Royal.

Travelling to Port Royal and around: discovering Jamaica

Fort Charles - Top attractions in Port Royal -1

Fort Charles is one of the top attractions in Port Royal, Jamaica. Located on the southeastern coast of the island, this historic fort offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history of the area. Built in the late 17th century, Fort Charles was a strategic military stronghold during the colonial era.
Visitors to Fort Charles can explore its well-preserved walls, cannons, and historic structures. The fort offers stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and the surrounding coastline, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. Inside, you can visit the museum, which showcases artifacts and exhibits related to Port Royal's maritime history and piracy.
Guided tours are available for those who want to learn more about the fort's significance and hear captivating stories from its past. Knowledgeable tour guides provide fascinating insights into the fort's role in protecting Jamaica from foreign invasions and its connection to privateering and piracy.
One of the highlights of the visit is the famous Giddy House, a tilted structure that was the result of an earthquake in 1907. This quirky and slightly disorienting experience attracts visitors from all over the world who come to take memorable photos and have a unique experience.
Fort Charles is conveniently located near other attractions in Port Royal, such as the National Museum of Jamaica and the historic city center. Visitors can also enjoy the local seafood at restaurants along the waterfront or take a leisurely stroll along the sandy beaches.
Whether you are a history enthusiast, a photography lover, or simply looking to immerse yourself in the rich culture of Jamaica, a visit to Fort Charles in Port Royal is a must. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this unique and historically significant attraction that truly captures the spirit of the island.

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Giddy House - Top attractions in Port Royal -2

Giddy House is one of the top attractions in Port Royal, Jamaica. This unique historic site offers visitors a glimpse into the intriguing past of this former pirate haven.
Situated on a small island within the Port Royal Naval Dockyard, Giddy House is a tilted building that was originally used as a military storehouse during the 19th century. Over time, due to the devastating earthquakes that hit Port Royal, the building gradually sank into the ground, resulting in its distinct slanted appearance.
This unusual architectural marvel has been preserved and now serves as a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the inside of the Giddy House, experiencing firsthand the sensation of being inside a crooked building. The walls, ceiling, and floors are noticeably askew, creating a disorienting and giddy feeling.
While visiting Giddy House, history enthusiasts can also learn about Port Royal's fascinating past as a pirate stronghold in the 17th century. The city was once notorious for its lawlessness, attracting infamous pirates like Henry Morgan. Today, the area is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical significance.
Immersing yourself in the vibrant history and unique architectural style of Giddy House promises an unforgettable experience. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture this distinctive attraction and its panoramic views of the picturesque Caribbean Sea. Plan your visit to Port Royal, Jamaica today and make sure to include the one-of-a-kind Giddy House on your itinerary!

Maritime Museum of Jamaica - Top attractions in Port Royal -3

Located in the historic town of Port Royal, Jamaica, the Maritime Museum takes visitors on a journey through the rich nautical history of the region. As one of the top attractions in Port Royal, this museum highlights the island's close relationship with the sea.
The Maritime Museum of Jamaica offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts, photographs, and exhibits that chronicle Jamaica's maritime past. Visitors can explore the various themes, such as piracy, naval warfare, and shipbuilding, that have shaped the island's history.
One of the standout exhibits is the section dedicated to the infamous pirate, Henry Morgan, who used Port Royal as his base of operations in the late 17th century. Here, visitors can learn about Morgan's exploits, see replicas of his ship, and delve into the life of a pirate.
Another highlight of the museum is the Shipwreck Gallery, showcasing artifacts recovered from the many shipwrecks that surround the island. This collection offers a fascinating glimpse into the maritime trade, exploration, and the challenges faced by sailors throughout history.
The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and educational programs, making it an ideal destination for both tourists and locals interested in diving deeper into Jamaica's naval past.
With its rich displays and engaging exhibits, the Maritime Museum of Jamaica provides visitors with a unique and authentic experience, making it a must-visit attraction for history enthusiasts, maritime lovers, and anyone looking to unravel the fascinating stories of Port Royal's sea-faring past.

St. Peter's Church - Top attractions in Port Royal -4

St. Peter's Church, located in Port Royal, Jamaica, is one of the top attractions in this historic town. Built in 1726, it is known for its stunning architecture and significant role in the town's history.
The church, also known as the "Cathedral of the Buccaneers," sits on a hill overlooking the beautiful Caribbean Sea. It was originally constructed as a place of worship for the English settlers and sailors in Port Royal, who were predominantly involved in piracy and naval activities during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Visitors to St. Peter's Church can marvel at its unique blend of Georgian and Gothic architectural styles, featuring a stone exterior and a beautiful wooden interior. The church's historic graveyard is the final resting place of many prominent pirates, including Captain Benjamin Hornigold, who mentored the infamous pirate, Blackbeard.
Aside from its historical significance, St. Peter's Church offers visitors a tranquil and serene setting to explore. The surrounding grounds are well-maintained, making it a great spot for a peaceful walk or a picnic with stunning views of the ocean.
Guided tours are available for those interested in learning more about the church's history and its connection to Port Royal's pirate past. The knowledgeable guides share fascinating stories and facts about the church and its role in the town's golden age of piracy.
When visiting Port Royal, be sure to include St. Peter's Church in your itinerary. It is not only a place of worship but also an important historical site that showcases the rich heritage and captivating stories of this Jamaican town.

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Naval Hospital Park - Top attractions in Port Royal -5

Naval Hospital Park in Port Royal, Jamaica is a must-visit attraction for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Located on the southeastern coast of Jamaica, Port Royal was once called the "richest and wickedest city in the world" during the 17th century due to its booming trade and pirate activity.
Naval Hospital Park holds great historical significance as it was originally built in the 18th century as a naval hospital by British forces. Today, it stands as a testament to the rich maritime history and colonial architecture of Port Royal. Visitors can marvel at the well-preserved ruins of the hospital, including its impressive stone walls, arched doorways, and a central courtyard.
Apart from its historical allure, Naval Hospital Park offers stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and a peaceful atmosphere for relaxation. The park provides ample opportunities for picnicking, jogging, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll amidst lush greenery. It is a haven for birdwatchers, with various species of migratory and resident birds frequenting the park.
While exploring Naval Hospital Park, don't miss the chance to visit nearby attractions such as The Giddy House and Fort Charles. The Giddy House is a tilted building from the earthquake of 1692, which has now become an intriguing photo spot. Fort Charles, on the other hand, is a well-preserved fortress that dates back to the 17th century. It houses a museum showcasing artifacts and exhibits related to the pirate history of Port Royal.
To get the most out of your visit to Naval Hospital Park, it is advisable to engage a local guide who can provide interesting insights into the history and significance of the area. Additionally, remember to bring sun protection, comfortable walking shoes, and insect repellent, as the park can get hot and mosquitoes can be present.
Naval Hospital Park in Port Royal truly offers a unique and captivating experience for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in Jamaica's rich history and natural beauty. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem and discover the wonders it has to offer.

Port Royal Earthquake Ruins - Top attractions in Port Royal -6

Port Royal is a historic town located on the southeastern coast of Jamaica. Known as the "wickedest city on Earth" in the 17th century, it was a major hub for pirates and buccaneers. However, in 1692, the town was devastated by a massive earthquake which caused most of it to sink into the sea.
Today, Port Royal is recognized for its fascinating earthquake ruins. These ruins provide a glimpse into the town's storied past and offer a unique experience for visitors. Some of the top attractions in Port Royal include: 1. Giddy House: This leaning house is a popular spot for tourists who enjoy the fun and novelty of experiencing the aftermath of the earthquake. The Giddy House is a must-visit attraction for those interested in the history of Port Royal.
2. Fort Charles: Constructed in the 17th century, Fort Charles played a pivotal role in defending Port Royal against invaders. It houses a museum which showcases various relics, weapons, and artifacts from the town's maritime past.
3. Naval Hospital Ruins: Once a vital medical facility, the Naval Hospital Ruins now stand as a haunting reminder of Port Royal's catastrophic past. Visitors can explore the ruins and imagine the magnitude of the earthquake's destructive force.
4. Fort Rocky: Located on the eastern tip of Port Royal, Fort Rocky was initially built as a defense system against enemy attacks. It offers panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea and is an excellent spot for photography enthusiasts.
5. Morgan's Harbor: Named after the famous pirate Sir Henry Morgan, Morgan's Harbor is a picturesque marina where visitors can take boat tours, go fishing, or simply enjoy the scenic surroundings. The harbor provides a glimpse into Port Royal's vibrant waterfront culture.
It is advisable to explore Port Royal's attractions in the company of a knowledgeable guide who can provide detailed information and additional insights into the town's history. It is also recommended to wear suitable footwear as some areas may be uneven due to the earthquake's impact on the terrain.
In conclusion, the Port Royal earthquake ruins offer a unique and captivating experience for history enthusiasts and curious tourists alike. With its rich history, stunning views, and distinct charm, Port Royal is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Jamaica.


Morgan's Harbour and Marina - Top attractions in Port Royal -7

Morgan's Harbour and Marina is one of the top attractions in Port Royal, Jamaica. This beautiful waterfront destination offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and modern amenities.
Situated on the southern coast of the island, Morgan's Harbour and Marina boasts stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. It is a hub for boating enthusiasts and offers an array of activities for visitors of all ages.
One of the main draws of Morgan's Harbour and Marina is its historical significance. Port Royal was once a notorious pirate haven, and this marina was a popular staging point for many infamous buccaneers, including the notorious Captain Henry Morgan. Visitors can explore the area's fascinating pirate past through various historical attractions and guided tours.
For those seeking outdoor adventure, Morgan's Harbour and Marina offers excellent opportunities for fishing, sailing, and snorkeling. The marina is equipped with modern facilities and services, allowing visitors to easily rent boats or hire experienced guides to explore the surrounding waters.
After a day of exploring, visitors can enjoy a meal at one of the waterfront restaurants that offer delicious local cuisine and breathtaking views. From fresh seafood to traditional Jamaican dishes, there is something to satisfy every palate.
Morgan's Harbour and Marina is known for its laid-back, relaxed atmosphere, making it an excellent choice for a peaceful getaway. Whether you're looking to soak up the sun, explore historical sites, or simply enjoy the tranquility of the Caribbean Sea, this top attraction in Port Royal is a must-visit destination.
Overall, Morgan's Harbour and Marina offers a unique blend of history, natural beauty, and modern amenities, making it a top attraction for travelers visiting Port Royal, Jamaica.

Old Naval Cemetery - Top attractions in Port Royal -8

The Old Naval Cemetery in Port Royal, Jamaica, is a top attraction for history enthusiasts and those interested in exploring the town's rich maritime past. Dating back to the 17th century, this cemetery served as a final resting place for British sailors and officers during the era when Port Royal was a thriving naval base.
Visitors to the Old Naval Cemetery can witness the unique blend of history and nature as they explore the well-preserved tombstones and mausoleums amidst a tranquil setting. The cemetery offers a glimpse into the lives of the individuals who played a significant role in the development of Port Royal.
Besides its historical significance, the Old Naval Cemetery provides stunning views of the Caribbean Sea, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts. The quiet and serene atmosphere adds to the allure of this attraction, allowing visitors to reflect on the grandeur of the past.
To make the most of your visit to the Old Naval Cemetery, it is advisable to hire a knowledgeable guide who can provide insightful information about the cemetery's history and share fascinating stories about the personalities buried here.
Please note that the cemetery, being an important historical site, requires visitors to show respect by refraining from touching the tombstones or engaging in any disruptive behavior. Additionally, taking photographs is allowed but do so with sensitivity and respect for the location's significance.
Visiting the Old Naval Cemetery in Port Royal is a unique experience that combines history, natural beauty, and serene surroundings. Whether you are a history buff or simply looking to explore the hidden gems of Jamaica, this top attraction is definitely worth a visit.

Royal Artillery Burial Ground - Top attractions in Port Royal -9

The Royal Artillery Burial Ground, located in the historic town of Port Royal, Jamaica, is a significant tourist attraction for visitors interested in exploring the rich history of the area. This burial ground, dating back to the 17th century, provides a unique glimpse into the military history of Jamaica.
The Royal Artillery Burial Ground is the final resting place for soldiers and officers who served in the British Royal Artillery during the colonial era. The cemetery is known for its well-preserved tombstones and memorials, marking the graves of those who fought to defend Port Royal and its strategic importance in the Caribbean.
Visitors to the Royal Artillery Burial Ground can explore the grounds and discover the fascinating stories of the individuals buried here. The tombstones offer insights into the lives and military careers of the soldiers, giving visitors a deeper understanding of the history of Port Royal.
Additionally, the burial ground offers picturesque views of the Caribbean Sea, making it an ideal spot for visitors to enjoy a peaceful and reflective atmosphere. The site's location in Port Royal also provides an opportunity to explore other nearby attractions, such as the National Museum of Jamaica and Fort Charles.
To make the most of your visit to the Royal Artillery Burial Ground, it is recommended to hire a knowledgeable guide who can provide insightful information about the site's history. It is also advisable to wear comfortable clothing and footwear, as the terrain may be uneven in some areas.
Overall, the Royal Artillery Burial Ground is a must-visit attraction in Port Royal for history enthusiasts. Its historical significance, well-preserved tombstones, and stunning location make it a memorable and educational experience for all visitors.

Port Royal National Historic Park - Top attractions in Port Royal -10

Port Royal National Historic Park is a fascinating destination located in Port Royal, Jamaica. Known as the "Wickedest City on Earth" during the 17th century, Port Royal offers visitors a glimpse into its rich history and vibrant culture.
One of the top attractions in Port Royal is the Fort Charles, a well-preserved fort that was originally built in 1650 by the British Navy. Visitors can explore the fort's various rooms and galleries, which house historical artifacts and exhibits that detail the city's fascinating past. From the battlements, you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea and Kingston's skyline.
Another must-visit site is the Giddy House. Originally an artillery storehouse, this quirky building gained its name due to damage caused by an earthquake in 1907, which left it in a tilted and leaning position. This provides a unique photo opportunity and a chance to experience a peculiar architectural marvel.
Furthermore, the Port Royal Naval Cemetery is a solemn and significant attraction. It is the final resting place for many sailors who perished during the catastrophic 1692 earthquake that destroyed much of the city. The cemetery provides insight into the lives lost and the historical significance of Port Royal.
For those interested in maritime history, the Maritime Museum in Port Royal is a must-visit. The museum showcases artifacts and exhibits related to shipwrecks, treasure hunting, and naval warfare. It offers an engaging experience for visitors of all ages.
As you explore Port Royal, be sure to stroll along the picturesque waterfront promenade known as Morgan's Harbour. This charming area is lined with colorful buildings, charming restaurants, and local vendors selling crafts and souvenirs. It's the perfect place to relax, savor local cuisine, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere.
Port Royal National Historic Park is easily accessible and is located just a short distance from Kingston. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a lover of maritime heritage, or simply someone looking for an authentic Jamaican experience, Port Royal promises to be a memorable destination worth exploring.

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