
Savonlinna - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Savonlinna and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Savonlinna!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Savonlinna and around

General info
1. Olavinlinna Castle
2. Savonlinna Cathedral
3. Savonlinna Market Square
4. Kerimäki Church
5. Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum
6. Pirunportti Nature Reserve
7. Kolovesi National Park
8. Retretti Art Centre
9. Oravi village
10. Puumala Archipelago

A trip to Savonlinna

Located in the heart of Finland, Savonlinna is a charming town that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Renowned for its stunning lakeside setting, this city is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all around the world.
One of the top attractions in Savonlinna is the Olavinlinna Castle, a medieval fortress perched on an island. Built in the 15th century, this iconic castle is not only a historic landmark but also hosts the famous Savonlinna Opera Festival during the summer. The festival showcases world-class opera performances in a breathtaking setting, captivating locals and tourists alike.
Aside from its captivating history, Savonlinna is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Surrounded by crystal-clear lakes and verdant forests, visitors can immerse themselves in the great outdoors through activities such as hiking, fishing, and canoeing. Those seeking tranquility can explore the Linnansaari National Park, a haven for wildlife, which is home to the endangered Saimaa ringed seal.
For a unique cultural experience, don't miss the Savonlinna Provincial Museum, where you can learn about the town's past and discover its rich cultural heritage. The museum showcases fascinating artifacts and exhibits that give insights into the lives of the people of Savonlinna throughout history.
To truly soak in the local atmosphere, take a stroll along the charming waterfront promenade, lined with cafes, restaurants, and boutiques. Indulge in local delicacies and browse unique handicrafts, offering a taste of the authentic Savonlinna experience.
Whether you are an opera lover, history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply seeking a retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Savonlinna has something for everyone. With its top attractions, stunning scenery, and warm Finnish hospitality, this town promises an unforgettable travel experience in the heart of Finland.
You can find even more info about Savonlinna in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Savonlinna.

Travelling to Savonlinna and around: discovering Finland

Olavinlinna Castle - Top attractions in Savonlinna -1

Olavinlinna Castle is one of the main tourist attractions in Savonlinna, Finland. Located on a rocky island in Lake Saimaa, this medieval fortress dates back to the 15th century and is considered one of the most well-preserved castles in Northern Europe. Visitors to Olavinlinna Castle can explore its impressive architecture and rich history. The castle is comprised of three main towers and a fortification wall, surrounded by a picturesque moat. Inside, you can wander through its various rooms, including the Great Hall, chapel, and exhibition halls, which showcase medieval artifacts and displays related to the castle's fascinating past.
One of the highlights of a visit to Olavinlinna Castle is the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival, which takes place in July. The castle's stunning courtyard serves as the main stage for this internationally renowned festival, attracting opera lovers from around the world.
Guided tours are available to provide an in-depth understanding of the castle's history and offer interesting anecdotes about its former residents and the battles that took place within its walls. The panoramic views from the castle towers are also worth the climb, offering a breathtaking perspective of Savonlinna and its surrounding landscapes.
For those interested in the local legends and myths associated with the castle, tales of ghost sightings and hidden treasures add an air of mystery to the visit. Overall, Olavinlinna Castle is a must-visit attraction in Savonlinna, offering a glimpse into Finland's medieval past and providing a unique cultural experience for all visitors.

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Savonlinna Cathedral - Top attractions in Savonlinna -2

Savonlinna Cathedral, also known as Olavinlinna Castle, is one of the top attractions in Savonlinna, Finland. This medieval fortress is situated on an island in Lake Saimaa and offers a unique glimpse into the country's rich history.
Built in the 15th century, Savonlinna Cathedral is not only a striking architectural masterpiece but also an important cultural landmark. Its imposing stone walls and towers make it one of the most well-preserved castles in Northern Europe, attracting visitors from all over the world.
Inside the castle, visitors can explore the various chambers and halls that tell the story of the castle's past. The castle's museum showcases exhibitions on medieval warfare, noble life, and the construction of Olavinlinna Castle. Guided tours are available, providing in-depth insights into the castle's history and legends.
One of the highlights of a visit to Savonlinna Cathedral is the chance to attend the world-renowned Savonlinna Opera Festival. Held annually in the castle's courtyard, this festival attracts opera lovers and enthusiasts who come to witness the stunning performances against the backdrop of the castle's walls.
In addition to the rich history and cultural events, Savonlinna Cathedral offers stunning panoramic views of Lake Saimaa. Visitors can climb the towers for breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscape, including the lake and the beautiful Finnish nature.
To make the most of your visit to Savonlinna Cathedral, don't forget to check the opening hours and purchase tickets in advance, especially during the Summer months when it gets particularly busy. Combine your visit with a stroll around the charming Savonlinna city center, which offers a range of restaurants, cafes, and shops.
Whether you are a history enthusiast, cultural explorer, or nature lover, Savonlinna Cathedral is a must-visit attraction in Savonlinna, Finland. Immerse yourself in the castle's captivating past, enjoy world-class opera performances, and soak in the picturesque beauty of Lake Saimaa.

Savonlinna Market Square - Top attractions in Savonlinna -3

Savonlinna Market Square is a vibrant and bustling hub located in the heart of Savonlinna, a picturesque city in Finland. It is one of the top attractions that visitors must explore when visiting this charming destination.
The market square offers a wide range of experiences for tourists, making it a must-visit spot. Here, you will find an abundance of local produce, handicrafts, and traditional Finnish products. The market is known for its fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and homemade delicacies that are sourced directly from local farms and producers.
Apart from the market stalls, the square also hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year. These events showcase the rich cultural heritage of Savonlinna, including traditional music performances, art displays, and folkloric dances. It's the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the authentic Finnish culture and engage with the local community.
In addition to the vibrant atmosphere, the market square is surrounded by picturesque buildings and charming cafes. Grab a cup of Finnish coffee or indulge in some mouthwatering local delicacies while you soak in the relaxing ambiance. The area is also dotted with shopping boutiques, offering a wide range of souvenirs and unique gift items to take back home.
Savonlinna Market Square is conveniently located within walking distance from other popular attractions in the city, such as the Olavinlinna Castle and the Lake Saimaa waterfront. It's the ideal place to relax, soak up the culture, and enjoy the authentic Finnish experience.
Whether you're looking to explore local flavors, immerse yourself in the culture, or enjoy shopping for unique souvenirs, Savonlinna Market Square should be on the top of your list. Don't miss the chance to visit this vibrant and lively destination during your trip to Savonlinna, Finland.

Kerimäki Church - Top attractions in Savonlinna -4

Kerimäki Church is one of the must-visit attractions in Savonlinna, Finland. With its impressive size and unique architectural design, it is considered the largest wooden church in all of Scandinavia. Built in the 1840s, this stunning church can accommodate up to 5,000 people. The church's interior is equally remarkable, with beautiful hand-carved woodwork and intricate frescoes adorning the walls and ceiling. Visitors can explore the church and learn about its rich history through informative displays and guided tours. The serene surroundings, including a picturesque graveyard, add to the overall charm of this iconic attraction. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply appreciate extraordinary architecture, a trip to Kerimäki Church is sure to leave a lasting impression. Remember to check the opening hours before planning your visit, as it can vary depending on the season.

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Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum - Top attractions in Savonlinna -5

Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum is one of the top attractions in Savonlinna, Finland. Located amidst the beautiful Finnish Lakeland, Lusto offers a unique and educational tourist experience.
The museum showcases the rich history and cultural significance of the Finnish forests. Visitors can explore the extensive indoor and outdoor exhibitions that cover various aspects of forestry, including the traditional use of wood, the importance of forests in Finnish mythology, and the sustainable management of forestry.
Inside the museum, you will find a collection of artifacts, interactive displays, and multimedia presentations that provide insight into the country's forestry heritage. The exhibitions are designed to be engaging and informative for all ages, making it an excellent destination for families and nature enthusiasts.
One of the highlights of Lusto is its outdoor area, which features well-maintained forest trails and a charming arboretum. Visitors can take leisurely walks through the lush greenery, learning about different tree species and their ecological importance. The museum also organizes guided tours and workshops, allowing visitors to gain hands-on experience and knowledge about forestry practices.
Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum is not just an educational institution but also a center for cultural activities. It hosts various events throughout the year, such as exhibitions, workshops, and festivals that celebrate the Finnish forest culture. These events provide an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the traditions and customs associated with Finland's forests.
So, whether you're interested in learning about forestry, exploring nature trails, or immersing yourself in Finnish culture, Lusto - The Finnish Forest Museum is a must-visit attraction in Savonlinna. Plan your trip accordingly and make sure to include this fascinating museum in your itinerary to have a memorable and enriching experience.

Pirunportti Nature Reserve - Top attractions in Savonlinna -6

Located in Savonlinna, Finland, Pirunportti Nature Reserve is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventurers. This stunning reserve offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Finnish wilderness.
Pirunportti, which translates to "Devil's Gate," gets its name from the rock formation that resembles a gate. This natural wonder is an intriguing sight and serves as a captivating backdrop for outdoor activities.
The nature reserve covers an area of approximately 15 hectares and is known for its lush forests, pristine lakes, and rugged trails. Hiking through the reserve's well-marked paths offers visitors the opportunity to explore the diverse flora and fauna that call this area home.
Adventure seekers will be thrilled by the rock climbing opportunities at Pirunportti Nature Reserve. The reserve is ideal for both beginners and experienced climbers, with climbing routes varying in difficulty. The breathtaking views from the top are reward enough for conquering the challenge.
Another highlight of Pirunportti Nature Reserve is its tranquil lakes, perfect for swimming and fishing. Visitors can indulge in the refreshing cool waters, take a peaceful boat ride, or try their luck at catching fish. The serene atmosphere and picturesque setting make it an ideal spot for relaxation and unwinding.
Birdwatching enthusiasts will also find joy in Pirunportti Nature Reserve. The reserve is home to a variety of bird species, including the iconic golden eagle. Grab your binoculars and spend some time observing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.
As with any nature reserve, it is important to respect the environment and wildlife during your visit to Pirunportti. Take care to follow the designated trails, avoid damaging plant life, and adhere to any rules or restrictions in place.
Parking facilities and rest areas are available for visitors, ensuring a comfortable experience while exploring the reserve. Remember to pack essentials such as water, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent to make the most of your trip.
Overall, Pirunportti Nature Reserve in Savonlinna is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Whether you are seeking adventure, tranquility, or a chance to reconnect with nature, this reserve promises an unforgettable experience.


Kolovesi National Park - Top attractions in Savonlinna -7

Kolovesi National Park is a hidden gem located in Savonlinna, Finland, and is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Known for its picturesque landscapes and crystal-clear waters, the park offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.
One of the park's main attractions is the labyrinthine waterways, consisting of numerous interconnected lakes and islands. Exploring these water channels by canoe or kayak is a popular activity, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the peaceful and untouched natural surroundings.
Kolovesi National Park is also renowned for its diverse wildlife. The park is home to the endangered Saimaa ringed seal, a rare and unique species found only in the Saimaa Lake region. Birdwatchers will be delighted by the presence of various bird species, including ospreys and black-throated divers.
Hiking trails meander through the park, offering stunning views and the chance to spot wildlife along the way. The Heretty-Valkeasuo Trail is a popular choice, leading visitors through forests, marshes, and rocky cliffs.
For those seeking a more immersive experience, overnight stays are available in several well-equipped wilderness huts scattered throughout the park. These huts provide a rustic yet comfortable accommodation option for explorers.
Winter activities are also abundant in Kolovesi National Park. Ice fishing, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing are popular in the snowy months, offering visitors a unique perspective of the park's natural beauty.
Visiting Kolovesi National Park is an opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature. Whether you enjoy boating, hiking, wildlife spotting, or simply taking in the breathtaking scenery, this national park is undoubtedly one of Savonlinna's top attractions that should not be missed.

Retretti Art Centre - Top attractions in Savonlinna -8

Retretti Art Centre, located in the picturesque town of Savonlinna in Finland, is a must-visit attraction for art enthusiasts. This renowned art center offers a unique cultural experience amidst stunning natural surroundings.
Retretti Art Centre is known for its vast underground galleries that showcase contemporary art exhibitions. The center prides itself on its diverse collection of Finnish and international artworks, featuring a wide range of mediums such as paintings, sculptures, installations, and multimedia displays.
One of the main highlights of Retretti Art Centre is the immersive nature of its exhibitions. Visitors can explore the labyrinthine tunnels, which were once an underground military fortress, and encounter thought-provoking art installations along the way. This blend of history and art creates a truly fascinating and memorable experience.
Apart from the impressive art exhibitions, Retretti Art Centre offers a variety of engaging activities for visitors. You can participate in guided tours led by knowledgeable art experts who provide insight into the artists' works and the center's history. The center also hosts educational workshops, seminars, and special events, making it an excellent destination for both art lovers and curious travelers.
The surrounding area of Retretti Art Centre is equally captivating. Nestled amidst Finland's beautiful lakeland region, visitors can enjoy scenic walks, boat rides, and picnics in the serene natural surroundings. With its idyllic setting, the art center provides an ideal opportunity to combine art appreciation with outdoor exploration.
To make the most of your visit to Retretti Art Centre, it is recommended to check the center's website for the latest information on exhibits, events, and opening hours. The center also offers facilities such as a café and a gift shop, allowing visitors to relax and purchase unique souvenirs.
Whether you are an art enthusiast, nature lover, or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, Retretti Art Centre in Savonlinna guarantees an inspiring and memorable visit.

Oravi village - Top attractions in Savonlinna -9

Located in the heart of the picturesque Finnish Lakeland, Oravi village is a charming destination in Savonlinna that offers a unique and authentic experience for visitors. Surrounded by pristine lakes and forests, this idyllic village is known for its natural beauty and outdoor activities.
One of the main attractions in Oravi village is the stunning Lake Saimaa, the fourth largest freshwater lake in Europe. Tourists can explore the lake by renting a canoe, kayak or paddleboard and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere while discovering hidden coves and islands. Fishing enthusiasts will also delight in the abundant fish populations, with opportunities for ice fishing in the winter months.
For those seeking a more adventurous experience, Oravi offers thrilling husky safaris and snowmobile tours during the winter season. Visitors can embark on an exhilarating journey through the snowy wilderness, taking in the breathtaking landscapes and enjoying the adrenaline rush of these activities.
Nature lovers will be captivated by the Kolovesi National Park, located near Oravi village. This national park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna and offers numerous hiking trails, allowing visitors to explore its untouched wilderness. The park is also known for its ancient rock paintings, providing a glimpse into the region's rich cultural heritage.
In addition to its natural attractions, Oravi village boasts a variety of charming accommodation options, including cozy cottages and lakeside cabins. These accommodations offer a comfortable and serene place to relax after a day of outdoor adventures.
Oravi village is also a hub for traditional Finnish cuisine. Visitors can indulge in delicious local dishes, such as fresh fish from the lake, smoked reindeer, and mouth-watering berry desserts. The village also hosts regular food festivals and farmers' markets, providing an opportunity to sample and purchase locally produced delicacies.
Overall, Oravi village in Savonlinna is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to immerse themselves in Finnish culture. With its breathtaking natural landscapes, thrilling outdoor activities, and delicious local cuisine, Oravi offers a memorable and authentic Finnish experience.

Puumala Archipelago - Top attractions in Savonlinna -10

Located in Savonlinna, Finland, the Puumala Archipelago is a stunning destination that offers visitors an unforgettable experience. With its natural beauty, unique landscapes, and array of activities, it is no wonder that Puumala Archipelago is considered one of the top attractions in Savonlinna.
Comprising over 600 islands, the Puumala Archipelago is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The archipelago boasts picturesque lakes, dense forests, and rocky cliffs, creating a breathtaking backdrop for exploration and relaxation. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails that wind through the lush forests, offering stunning views of the surrounding islands and waters.
One of the highlights of the Puumala Archipelago is its pristine lakes. The crystal-clear waters are perfect for swimming, fishing, and boating. Visitors can rent canoes or kayaks to explore the archipelago at their own pace, discovering hidden bays and secluded beaches. Fishing enthusiasts will be thrilled by the abundance of fish species found in the lakes, including pike, perch, and whitefish.
For those who enjoy cultural experiences, the Puumala Archipelago offers a variety of attractions. The archipelago is home to several traditional Finnish villages, where visitors can learn about the local way of life and immerse themselves in Finnish culture and history. The region also hosts numerous cultural events and festivals throughout the year, showcasing traditional music, dance, and arts and crafts.
In addition to its natural beauty and cultural offerings, the Puumala Archipelago is known for its delicious local cuisine. Visitors can indulge in freshly caught fish dishes, savory pastries, and other traditional Finnish delicacies. Many restaurants and cafes in the area specialize in serving locally sourced ingredients, ensuring a memorable dining experience.
Whether you are seeking outdoor adventure, cultural immersion, or simply a peaceful retreat in nature, the Puumala Archipelago in Savonlinna is a must-visit destination. With its stunning landscapes, diverse activities, and warm hospitality, it is no surprise that the archipelago ranks among the top attractions in Savonlinna, Finland.

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