
Tallinn - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Tallinn and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Tallinn!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Tallinn and around

General info
1. Tallinn Old Town
2. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
3. Toompea Castle
4. Kadriorg Palace
5. Estonian Open Air Museum
6. Kumu Art Museum
7. Tallinn TV Tower
8. Seaplane Harbour
9. St. Olaf's Church
10. Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

A trip to Tallinn

Tallinn, the charming capital of Estonia, is an enchanting city that beckons with its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. As one of Europe's best-preserved medieval cities, it boasts an array of top attractions that are sure to captivate visitors.
Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the crown jewel of Tallinn's tourism. Step back in time as you explore narrow cobblestone streets, majestic medieval fortifications, and well-preserved merchant houses. Don't miss the impressive Alexander Nevsky Cathedral or the panoramic views from Toompea Hill.
Tallinn also offers fascinating museums, such as the Kumu Art Museum and the Estonian Open Air Museum, where you can discover the country's art and cultural heritage. For a taste of local flavor, head to the colorful Balti Jaam Market or enjoy traditional Estonian cuisine at one of the many cozy restaurants.
Nature lovers will be enchanted by Tallinn's green spaces, including the Kadriorg Park with its stunning palace and gardens, as well as the picturesque Pirita Promenade, perfect for a leisurely stroll along the Baltic Sea.
To immerse yourself in Tallinn's buzzing contemporary scene, venture to Telliskivi Creative City, a trendy district filled with galleries, shops, and cafes. And for a truly unique experience, visit the Seaplane Harbour, where historic maritime exhibits are housed in a converted seaplane hangar.
With its mix of captivating history, cultural delights, and natural beauty, Tallinn is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience in Estonia.
You can find even more info about Tallinn in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Tallinn.

Travelling to Tallinn and around: discovering Estonia

Tallinn Old Town - Top attractions in Tallinn -1

Tallinn's Old Town is a must-visit attraction in Estonia. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a charming, well-preserved medieval town that offers a glimpse into the country's rich history and culture. As you explore the cobblestone streets of this enchanting area, you'll be transported back in time.
The Old Town is home to several top attractions, starting with the iconic Tallinn Town Hall Square. This picturesque square is surrounded by colorful buildings and houses the Town Hall, which dates back to the 13th century. The square is also a hub of activity, with lively cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops.
Another must-visit attraction is Toompea Hill, where you can find the impressive Toompea Castle. This historic fortress, now housing the Estonian Parliament, offers stunning panoramic views of the city from its viewing platforms. Don't miss the chance to explore the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, a striking Russian Orthodox church known for its beautiful onion domes.
One of the highlights of the Old Town is St. Olaf's Church, a medieval church that was once the tallest building in the world. Climb to the top of its tower for breathtaking views of the city. Additionally, visit the Kiek in de Kök Tower and Bastion Passages, a network of underground tunnels that were part of the city's defense system.
Art lovers will appreciate the Kumu Art Museum, located just outside the Old Town. This modern art museum houses a vast collection of Estonian art, ranging from historical works to contemporary pieces. Another notable museum is the Estonian History Museum, which offers insight into the country's past through interactive exhibits.
Tallinn's Old Town is also known for its vibrant culinary scene. Sample traditional Estonian cuisine or indulge in international flavors at the numerous restaurants and cafes in the area. Don't forget to try the local specialty, marzipan, which has a long history in Tallinn.
In conclusion, Tallinn's Old Town is a delightful destination for history enthusiasts, culture lovers, and foodies alike. From its picturesque squares and majestic churches to its fascinating museums and delectable cuisine, there is something for everyone in this charming corner of Estonia.

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Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - Top attractions in Tallinn -2

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallinn, Estonia, is one of the city's most iconic landmarks and a must-visit attraction for tourists. This Orthodox cathedral, built in the late 19th century, is known for its stunning Russian Revival architecture and intricate details.
Located on Toompea Hill, the cathedral is easily accessible and offers breathtaking views of the cityscape from its picturesque surroundings. As you approach the cathedral, you will be captivated by its onion-domed towers, ornate façade, and golden crosses.
Stepping inside, visitors are greeted with a lavish interior adorned with mosaic icons, beautiful chandeliers, and richly decorated altars. The cathedral's grandeur and opulence provide a glimpse into the rich history and religious heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church.
In addition to its architectural beauty, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral holds significant historical and cultural importance. It was named after the Russian saint and military hero, Alexander Nevsky, and serves as a symbol of the Russian influence in Estonia's past.
Exploring the cathedral grounds, you can marvel at the tranquil gardens and enjoy a moment of serenity amidst the bustling city. The nearby surrounding area also offers plenty of attractions to complement your visit, including the Toompea Castle, Toompea Hill viewing platforms, and the Estonian Parliament Building.
Whether you are interested in history, architecture, or simply seeking a peaceful place to contemplate, a visit to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is sure to leave a lasting impression. Be sure to add this magnificent landmark to your list of top attractions when exploring Tallinn, Estonia.

Toompea Castle - Top attractions in Tallinn -3

Toompea Castle, located in the heart of Tallinn, Estonia, is one of the must-visit attractions in the city. Offering a fascinating glimpse into the country's rich history and culture, this medieval fortress is a treasure trove of architectural beauty and historical significance.
Perched atop a limestone hill, Toompea Castle is an iconic landmark and serves as the seat of the Estonian Parliament. Its origins date back to the 13th century when it was constructed as a stronghold by the Danish conquerors. Over the years, it has witnessed numerous historical events and endured various architectural transformations, resulting in a captivating blend of medieval, Baroque, and neoclassical elements.
Visitors can explore the castle's grounds and marvel at its impressive exterior, featuring stout walls, grand towers, and picturesque courtyards. The most notable attractions within the castle complex include the Nevsky Cathedral, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Toompea viewing platform, and the Estonian Parliament building.
The Nevsky Cathedral, an orthodox place of worship, stands out with its stunning onion domes and intricate facade. It is a symbol of the city's Russian influence and offers a unique glimpse into Estonia's diverse religious history.
The Toompea viewing platform offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city, the medieval Old Town, and the Baltic Sea. Visitors can take in the picturesque surroundings, capturing unforgettable photographs and immersing themselves in the beauty of Tallinn.
Toompea Castle is not only a historical landmark but also a vibrant cultural hub, hosting various events and exhibitions throughout the year. It offers an opportunity to delve into Estonia's political scene and learn about the country's democratic processes.
In summary, a visit to Toompea Castle is an absolute must when exploring Tallinn. Its captivating architecture, historical significance, and stunning vistas make it one of the top attractions in the city, providing visitors with an unforgettable experience.

Kadriorg Palace - Top attractions in Tallinn -4

Kadriorg Palace is one of the top attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. Located in the beautiful Kadriorg Park, this magnificent palace was built by the Russian Tsar Peter the Great for his wife, Catherine I, in the early 18th century.
The palace represents a stunning example of Baroque architecture and is known for its intricate details and elegant design. Inside, visitors can explore the opulent interiors, which include lavish halls, grand staircases, and beautifully decorated rooms.
One of the highlights of the palace is the Kadriorg Art Museum, which houses an impressive collection of European and Russian art, including works by notable artists such as Michel Sittow, Bernardino Mei, and Amandus Adamson.
After exploring the palace, visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the surrounding Kadriorg Park. This lush green space features winding pathways, picturesque flower beds, and tranquil ponds, perfect for a peaceful escape from the bustling city.
In addition to the palace and park, there are several other attractions nearby, such as the Kumu Art Museum, the Estonian Song Festival Grounds, and the quaint Kadriorg district with its charming wooden houses.
Overall, Kadriorg Palace is a must-visit destination in Tallinn, offering a captivating glimpse into Estonia's history and culture. Its stunning architecture, impressive art collection, and picturesque surroundings make it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

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Estonian Open Air Museum - Top attractions in Tallinn -5

The Estonian Open Air Museum is one of the top attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. Located just 15 minutes away from the city center, this unique museum offers visitors a glimpse into Estonia's rich cultural heritage.
Spread across a spacious 70-hectare area, the open-air museum showcases over 80 traditional rural buildings from different regions of Estonia. These well-preserved buildings, including farmhouses, windmills, and barns, provide an insight into the country's traditional architecture and way of life from the 18th to the 20th centuries.
Visitors can explore the museum at their own pace, wandering through the picturesque landscapes and admiring the beautifully reconstructed buildings. The interiors of some of these buildings have been transformed into exhibition halls, displaying various artifacts, tools, and household items that give further context to Estonian rural life.
Throughout the year, the Estonian Open Air Museum hosts several events and workshops, such as traditional handicraft demonstrations, folk dances, and cultural festivals. These activities offer visitors a chance to experience the vibrant traditions and customs of Estonia firsthand.
To make the most of your visit, it is recommended to allocate at least half a day to explore the entire museum. The museum is easily accessible by public transportation, with regular bus services available from Tallinn city center.
Overall, the Estonian Open Air Museum is a must-visit attraction for those looking to delve into Estonia's rich cultural heritage and experience rural life from centuries ago. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this fascinating outdoor museum during your visit to Tallinn.

Kumu Art Museum - Top attractions in Tallinn -6

Kumu Art Museum is one of the top attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. Located in the beautiful Kadriorg Park, the museum is known for its impressive collection of Estonian art.
The museum offers a journey through Estonia's art history, showcasing various styles and movements from the 18th century to the present day. Visitors can explore the extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, installations, and other art forms on display.
One of the highlights of Kumu Art Museum is its modern and innovative architecture. The building itself is a work of art, seamlessly blending into the surrounding park and offering stunning views of the Baltic Sea.
In addition to its permanent collection, the museum also hosts temporary exhibitions, providing even more opportunities for art enthusiasts to appreciate different artistic expressions. The museum's educational programs and guided tours offer visitors a deeper understanding of Estonian art and its cultural context.
For those looking to take a break, the museum's cafe offers a relaxing spot to enjoy a cup of coffee or indulge in some delicious local cuisine. The museum shop is also worth a visit, featuring an array of unique souvenirs and art-related merchandise.
Overall, Kumu Art Museum is a must-visit for art lovers and anyone interested in exploring Tallinn's cultural heritage. Its diverse collection, stunning architecture, and beautiful surroundings make it a truly memorable experience.


Tallinn TV Tower - Top attractions in Tallinn -7

The Tallinn TV Tower is one of the top tourist attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. Located just outside the city center, this iconic tower offers breathtaking views of Tallinn and its surrounding areas.
At a height of 314 meters, the TV Tower is the tallest building in Estonia and one of the tallest freestanding structures in Northern Europe. Visitors can take an elevator up to the observation deck, which sits at a height of 170 meters. From this vantage point, you can enjoy panoramic views of the city, the Baltic Sea, and the beautiful Estonian countryside.
Aside from the stunning views, the Tallinn TV Tower also offers various other attractions and activities. The tower's interactive exhibition showcases Estonia's telecommunications history and the tower's importance in broadcasting. Visitors can learn about the tower's design, construction, and the role it played during Estonia's fight for independence.
For thrill-seekers, the tower offers a unique opportunity to experience a virtual reality skywalk. With the help of virtual reality goggles, you can feel the adrenaline rush of walking on the edge of the tower's observation deck or even on a narrow beam high above the ground.
There is also a cozy café and restaurant located on the ground floor of the tower, where visitors can enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee while taking in the magnificent views.
The Tallinn TV Tower provides a memorable experience for visitors of all ages and interests. Whether you are interested in history, stunning views, or adventure, a visit to this top attraction in Tallinn is a must-do during your stay in Estonia.

Seaplane Harbour - Top attractions in Tallinn -8

The Seaplane Harbour, also known as Lennusadam, is one of the top attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. It is a maritime museum located in a historic seaplane hangar and offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors.
The museum showcases Estonia's rich maritime history, both past and present. It is home to a vast collection of over 200 maritime-related exhibits, including old seaplanes, submarines, ships, and various maritime artifacts. Visitors have the opportunity to explore these exhibits up close, making it a perfect attraction for both adults and children.
One of the main highlights of the Seaplane Harbour is the opportunity to explore the historical seaplane hangar itself. This massive hangar, built in the early 20th century, is an architectural marvel and provides a fascinating glimpse into Estonia's seafaring past. Visitors can walk around the hangar and even climb aboard some of the exhibited vessels.
In addition to the exhibits, the Seaplane Harbour offers interactive displays that bring the maritime history to life. Visitors can try their hand at operating a submarine simulator, test their maritime knowledge, and learn about various naval technologies.
The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and events throughout the year, ensuring that there is always something new to discover during your visit. Additionally, there is an on-site café with breathtaking views of the Tallinn Bay, where visitors can relax and enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee.
Overall, the Seaplane Harbour is a must-visit attraction in Tallinn, Estonia. Its unique collection of maritime exhibits, interactive displays, and stunning architecture make it an unforgettable destination for tourists of all ages.

St. Olaf's Church - Top attractions in Tallinn -9

St. Olaf's Church is one of the most iconic attractions in Tallinn, Estonia. With its towering spire, this Gothic-style church stands as a testament to the city's rich history and architectural splendor. Originally built in the 12th century, St. Olaf's Church has undergone several reconstructions throughout the years. Its distinctive 124-meter spire, once used as a navigation landmark by sailors, is a key feature that draws visitors from all around the world.
Beyond its impressive exterior, the church also offers visitors a chance to explore its interior, which boasts stunning medieval architecture. The ancient stone walls, intricate wooden carvings, and exquisite stained glass windows all contribute to the church's captivating ambiance.
For those with a sense of adventure, there is an opportunity to climb to the top of the spire and enjoy panoramic views of Tallinn's enchanting Old Town and its surroundings. While the climb can be strenuous, the breathtaking vista is well worth the effort.
St. Olaf's Church is located in the heart of Tallinn's Old Town, making it easily accessible for visitors. Additionally, the church is surrounded by other popular attractions, cozy cafes, and souvenir shops, making it an ideal stop during a day of exploring the city.
Whether you're a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply looking for an unforgettable viewpoint, St. Olaf's Church is a must-visit attraction in Tallinn. Its timeless beauty and historical significance make it a highlight of any trip to Estonia's capital city.

Tallinn Song Festival Grounds - Top attractions in Tallinn -10

Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, located in beautiful Tallinn, Estonia, is one of the top attractions in the city. This iconic venue has served as a cultural and historical landmark for over a century.
Originally built in 1959, the Song Festival Grounds became famous for hosting the Estonian Song Festival, a significant event that celebrates Estonia's national identity through music and singing. The festival takes place every five years and attracts thousands of participants and spectators from all over the world.
The grounds themselves are sprawling and offer a unique outdoor setting for concerts, events, and exhibitions. With a seating capacity of up to 80,000 people, the Song Festival Grounds have also been used for international music performances and large-scale gatherings.
Apart from its cultural significance, the Song Festival Grounds offer stunning panoramic views of Tallinn's skyline and the Baltic Sea. Visitors can explore the area and take in the picturesque scenery, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Additionally, the grounds are conveniently located near other popular tourist attractions in Tallinn, such as the Tallinn Old Town, Kadriorg Palace, and the Estonian Open Air Museum. Visitors can easily combine a visit to the Song Festival Grounds with other sightseeing activities, creating a memorable and diverse travel experience.
Whether you are a music lover, history enthusiast, or simply want to enjoy the beauty of Tallinn, a visit to the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds is a must. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Estonia and witness the power of music in this iconic venue.

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