La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno


Millennial monuments, deserts, rabbit-shaped rocks and Falafel
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world
Photos, Itinerary and travel diary for the epic, wonderful Egypt!

Travel information and advice for Egypt

Why go? Egypt fascinates for nature and history, without counting the ideal climate for those who want to escape rainy winters. Before leaving, better to look for information on the socio-political situation of the country, to move without worries. A holiday in the middle of the civil war is a unique, but excessively stupid experience.
when to go? Obviously you have to avoid too hot months! From autumn to the beginning of spring is the ideal period. Also at Christmas 20-25 degrees of maximum are the norm.

Luxor - View from the Beit Sabee Hotel.
How to move? An internal flight between Cairo and Luxor, a car with a driver and guide for trips & quot; outport & quot;, taxis in the city. The rent of a taxi for the whole day can cost twenty euros: if you divide it is the most comfortable and economical solution.
To rent a car here at the best prices for your travel itinerary I absolutely recommend by Search And book this link .
How much does it cost? Agencies can offer expensive tours, but in general there is no need to throw away money: from taxis to restaurants to hotels (not luxury), everything is very cheap in Egypt.
Keep In mind that in what it costs I take into account the whole journey ... from the airport to the airport of departure to the drink passing through meals and souvenirs.
For an idea on hotel prices in Egypt Click here to compare hotels and find accommodations More convenient.

Where to go? This travel itinerary in Egypt includes Luxor, the city of temples, the desert, in particular the White Desert with its absurd rock formations, and Cairo and pyramids.
Other destinations? Several destinations are recommended in addition to those already mentioned: first the Sinai and the Red Sea (where to carry out every kind of activity on, and under the sea) ... a very tourist travel itinerary, this " Last but still remarkable.

Mappa itinerario di viaggio in Egitto
Travel itinerary map in Egypt, touching Luxor, the white desert, Cairo and pyramids.

Travel diary in Egypt

in view of the Christmas holidays, I was struck by the idea of visiting Egypt. This travel desire was not born thinking of the pyramids or the Red Sea, but finding a photo of the white desert by chance on the internet. It was a place too absurd to not run to visit it.
before leaving, booked a return flight from Cairo to Luxor, a B & AMP; B in the city of temples and the three-day trip In the desert (the latter through the local Select Egypt travel agency, found on the Internet: he didn't seem reliable at all, but the very low price convinced us).

As per the programmed itinerary, then, on December 23 Alitalia first and Egypt Air then took us to Luxor.

Village at Luxor
Casener at the hotel (the Beit Sabee, a double 40 euros per night) and went to sleep. Breakfast on the guesthouse terrace was scarna but allowed to admire the spectacular red mountains around luxor .
Luxor Temple
Temple of Hatshepsut
We came to take our taxi driver/guide for the day (which we paid 50 euros each including all tickets and lunch, but maybe we could have treated for something less). That sightseeing tour took us to Medinat Habu, to the famous temples of Karnak and Luxor, at the Valley of the Kings.
Luxor Temple
Temple Medinat Habu
A travel itinerary in which the grandeur of the buildings and columns mixed with that of the landscape, making the views amazing. Even the typical lunch was very tasty.
Temple of Hatshepsut - one of the numerous tombs and tombstones scattered for Luxor, a bit like in today's cities scattered round.
In the evening we walked in the center of Luxor, which we reached thanks to a taxi and a ferryman who made us cross the Nile (throughout for 3 euros).
Nile and Felucca - Sunset in Luxor.
The sunset was splendid on the Nile and succulent dinner on the river. Turn around the city, observing with interest that mix of huge millennial monuments, modern tourist facilities and flapsed catapies.
The return to the hotel was a sign of the efficient system of Egypt (and other Arab countries) of agreements, friendships and bakshish (tips) between Egyptians and tourists: ferryman and taxi driver were always ready to accompany us.
Luxor at night
At dawn of the day after our trusted taxi driver took us to the airport from which we flew to Cairo to continue our travel itinerary in Egypt. At the arrivals there was to welcome us a shorter guy with a sign with my name written. He didn't speak a word of English. Moreover, we had paid those three days of tour 140 euros each, including sleep, eat, drink, driver, guide, jeep, entrances to parks, etc ... really too little to be true, even for a low cost trip to Egypt.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Anyway, we arrived at the Baharyia oasis to lunch time. It was amazing to see the palm groves and the houses suddenly, in the midst of that dish nothing sandy.
Egypt Baharya Oasis
Baharya oasis - This city in the middle of the desert is very particular: its growth was made possible by a wide oasis.
Egypt Desert
Sandy dune
The town of Baharyia was dusty and seemed to fall to pieces, but fascinated. The Silent Driver CI & QUOT; released & quot; In a nice hotel where other tourists waited to leave for the white desert.
my girlfriend, our guide and I mounted on a beautiful Toyota 4x4 whose flying was a very nice and vaguely crazy driver. We left this way for our travel itinerary in the Egyptian desert, no longer the monotone situated seen in the morning, but a fascinating alternation of colors, rocks, hills and dunes.
Egypt Black Desert
Black desert - from Cairo a long road leads into the desert.
We stopped in an area of dark terrain (the Black Desert), then on a long sandy dune, and then continued in the itinerary through the extraordinary Akabat Mountains .
Egypt Aqabat Mountains
Aqabat Mountains - These mountains at the White Desert clearly invite exploration in 4x4.
Egypt Aqabat Mountains
Aqabat Mountains
The two Bedouins went crazy for two things (like many others in Egypt): tea, which filled with sugar, and shisha, ie the water pipe with whose tobacco smoked.
Egypt Aqabat Mountains
Aqabat Mountains
Egypt Aqabat Mountains
Aqabat Mountains
We arrived in the dark in the middle of the white desert , where the Bedouins set up a campsite and began to cook.
A few hundred meters from us another mobile campsite was built for the Occupants of three or four jeeps. We reached them and spent a wonderful evening under the stars.
Egypt White Desert
White desert
Egypt White Desert
White desert
Egypt White Desert
White desert - These limestone formations have taken absurd shapes that make this desert a unique place in the world.
After a good sleep in the sleeping bags (the night temperature deceived certainly below 10 degrees) we woke up at dawn to finally admire the spectacular white desert in sunlight, with the incredible calcareous formations.
Egypt White Desert
White desert
Egypt White Desert
White desert
We then started with the jeep and continued to move along off-road routes among spectacular landscapes . We had lunch under the shadow of the trees of a small oasis (the only plants within miles).
Egypt White Desert
White desert - Camping in a desert of calcareous monuments is an experience to try at least once in life.
Egypt White Desert
White desert
The next day, the adventurous jeep travel itinerary continued. The driver drove a hundred per hour in the middle of the desert between sand dunes and strange rock formations. We also saw some typical camels.
Oasis - Vegetation practically non-existent, so you can imagine the pleasure of the shadow among these few palm trees.
Finally, we went back to Baharyia, where another driver loaded us to his veal that took us to Cairo , in the center, where we had booked a private room in a hostel.
We went out for dinner, finding a Nice restaurant near the gigantic Tahrir Square . The city seemed safe, lively, attractive.
Cairo - the capital of Egypt is chaotic and full of monuments.
The next morning we rented a taxi for twenty euros for the day, contacted by the hostel. The driver spoke Italian and tried to offer us souvenir shops, until he led us to the periphery of Il Cairo, where the entrance of the main site of the Pyramids were located , that of Giza. Here we rented a dromedary, on which we argued in two, and accompanied by the camelman vampammo among the famous tomb monuments of the Pharaohs.
Pyramids - obviously inevitable: always strike, despite the world fame.
Camel - a handsome man, with his style.
The pyramids are located in the desert, but a few hundred meters from the ugliest condominiums de the Cairo; However, seeing them is really exciting, these are absurd and gigantic buildings.
We also saw the Sphinx, which instead was not surprised because of its small size.
The Sphinx - much less remarkable than the pyramids.
Oltre alle Pyramids of Giza There were similar sites not far from Cairo, almost equally impressive places in the middle of the desert. Thus, our driver proposed us a travel itinerary between the pyramids of Egypt who took us to Saqqara and a dahshur . In the latter site we could climb the steps of the red pyramid of Snefru and from here entering the heart of the pyramid, through a close and steep descent. You couldn't see anything, but you could imagine that that was the tombstone, over 3,000 years old.
In the afternoon the trip ended. We then vanished alone for the center of Il Cairo, where I became a lover of the bakhlava (a set of honey, walnuts and other goodness). Showing the passport we could then enter the building complex of the Italian consulate, in which there was a restaurant that served pizza, pasta and other typical dishes of the Bel Paese.
We dedicated our last day of vacation to the visit of the center of center Cairo. We walked for the lively souk , stopping for lunch at a bar with two outdoor tables where they served excellent Falafel (chickpea meatballs).
A parte il traffico Insensed, walking for Cairo, in the monumental center, between alleys and mosques, was really fascinating.
A cena ci concedemmo The last typical Arab dishes, because the next morning we returned to the airport and Italy, already feeling nostalgia for the epic and sunny Egypt. If you like these wild trips or if you want to find more photos of this and other destinations, as well as advice and new itineraries, visit our FB page and put like:
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