Agrigento - Discovering Italy

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Travelling to Agrigento

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Agrigento, a pretty good destination in Italy (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Agrigento and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Agrigento, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Italy, here's everything to know about Agrigento for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Agrigento

Agrigento is a city located on the southern coast of Sicily, Italy. It is most famous for its extraordinary archaeological and historical heritage included in the UNESCO World Heritage site known as the Valley of the Temples. Agrigento is also known for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear Mediterranean waters, and natural reserves. It attracts numerous visitors every year, who come to admire its ancient sites, culture, scenic beauty, and enjoy the authentic Sicilian cuisine.

Travelling to Agrigento and around: discovering Italy

What to visit in Agrigento

Here are some of the main tourist attractions in Agrigento, Italy: 1. Valley of the Temples - The Valley of the Temples is a world-renowned archeological park that contains some of the best-preserved ancient Greek ruins in the world, including multiple temples, ruins, and other remarkable structures. Amongst the highlights are the Temple of Concordia and the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
2. Scala dei Turchi - The Scala dei Turchi is a unique natural formation that is located near Agrigento. It consists of a series of white cliffs that rise up from the sea, creating spectacular views that are ideal for photography and relaxing walks.
3. Agrigento Cathedral - Located in the heart of the city, Agrigento Cathedral is a stunning example of Baroque architecture and is an impressive sight to behold.
4. Temple of Juno - Another temple located in the Valley of the Temples, the Temple of Juno is an ancient structure that dates back to the 5th century BC and is notable for its impressive and well-preserved columns.
5. Museo Archeologico Regionale - The Museo Archeologico Regionale houses a collection of ancient Greek artifacts and other works of art from around the region. It is an ideal destination for those wishing to learn more about the rich history of the area.
6. Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Greci - This church was built in the 13th century and is notable for its unique blend of Gothic and Byzantine architectural styles.
7. Garden of Kolymbethra - Located within the Valley of the Temples, the Garden of Kolymbethra is a beautiful oasis that is filled with fascinating plants and wildlife.
Overall, Agrigento offers a wide range of attractions that will appeal to history enthusiasts, nature lovers, and those who simply want to soak up the local culture.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Italy, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Agrigento.

When to go on holiday to Agrigento

The best time to visit Agrigento is from late spring to early summer (May to June) or in the fall (September to October). During these months, the weather is pleasant, and there are fewer crowds than in the peak summer months of July and August. Additionally, the spring months have beautiful wildflowers blooming, and the fall is a great time to take advantage of the wine harvest and tastings in the region. However, if you are looking to enjoy the beach, July and August are the best months to visit.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Agrigento

To get to Agrigento (Italy), there are several transportation options depending on your starting point: - By Plane: The nearest airport to Agrigento is the Falcone-Borsellino Airport in Palermo. Once there, you can take a bus or train to Agrigento.
- By Train: Agrigento has a train station which is well-connected with other major cities in Italy. You can take a train from Palermo, Catania, or Rome. The journey time varies depending on your starting point.
- By Bus: There are several bus companies that operate buses from Palermo, Catania, and other cities to Agrigento. You can check the schedules and purchase tickets online or at the bus station.
- By Car: If you prefer driving, you can rent a car from the airport or train station and drive to Agrigento. The journey time varies depending on your starting point and traffic conditions.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Agrigento, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Agrigento

Sure, here are some typical foods of Agrigento, Italy, along with their short descriptions: 1. Arancine: These are fried rice balls stuffed with meat sauce, cheese, and peas, and are a common street food in Agrigento.
2. Cassatelle: These are fried pastries filled with sweetened ricotta cheese and chocolate chips.
3. Pane nero di Castelvetrano: This is a dark bread made with durum wheat flour and has a distinctive, nutty flavor.
4. Caponata: This is a sweet and sour eggplant dish that is typically served as an appetizer or side dish.
5. Pasta alla Norma: This is a pasta dish made with eggplant, tomato sauce, basil, and ricotta salata cheese, which is grated over the top.
6. Sarde a beccafico: This is a dish made with sardines stuffed with breadcrumbs, currants, and pine nuts.
7. Cannoli: This is probably one of the most famous Sicilian desserts, consisting of a fried pastry shell filled with sweetened ricotta cheese and often dipped in chocolate chips.
I hope this helps you to plan your trip to Agrigento!
You can find general info about typical foods in Italy here.

Is Agrigento an expensive destination for tourists?

Agrigento is not generally considered an expensive destination for tourists compared to other popular tourist spots in Italy. Prices for accommodations, meals, and attractions in Agrigento are generally reasonable and affordable. However, prices can vary depending on the season and specific location you choose to stay in. It's always a good idea to research and compare prices before booking to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.

Where to find accomodation in Agrigento

The best areas to find accommodation in Agrigento are: 1. Valley of the Temples: This area is close to the main attraction of Agrigento, the Valley of the Temples. There are many hotels and Bed and Breakfasts in this area.
2. San Leone: This is a popular tourist destination with a long sandy beach and many restaurants, cafes and bars. There are also a lot of accommodations available in this area.
3. Agrigento city center: Staying in the city center will put you close to historic landmarks such as the Cathedral of San Gerlando, the Church of Santa Maria dei Greci or the Monastery of Santo Spirito. There are several hotels and hostels in the city center.
4. Sciacca: This is a coastal town located about 40 km from Agrigento and is known for its thermal baths and ancient monuments. There are various accommodations in Sciacca, such as hotels, vacation rentals and Bed and Breakfasts.
You can check hotel prices at Agrigento here:

Is Agrigento a safe destination for tourists?

Agrigento is a relatively safe place for tourists, but like any other tourist destination, it's always best to exercise common sense precautions. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and bag-snatching, can occur in crowded areas, especially during peak tourist seasons. Tourists should be vigilant and keep an eye on their belongings at all times.
It's also important to be aware of your surroundings, particularly when walking alone at night or in areas that are not well-lit. If you're unsure about the safety of a certain area, it's a good idea to ask the locals or consult with your hotel or accommodation provider.
Overall, however, Agrigento is a beautiful and welcoming city that has much to offer visitors, so as long as you take reasonable precautions, you're likely to have a safe and enjoyable stay.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Italy here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Agrigento.

What type of travelers will enjoy Agrigento the most?

Agrigento, also known as the Valley of the Temples, is a great destination for all types of travelers. The city has a rich historical and cultural heritage that can be enjoyed by anyone. However, the city is particularly popular among couples and families who seek to explore the ancient temples and archaeological sites while enjoying the beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea.
Young people looking for fun may find Agrigento a bit too tranquil. However, the city has a lively nightlife scene with plenty of bars and taverns to enjoy. Additionally, Agrigento is a great destination for anyone who loves Italian cuisine as there are plenty of restaurants to sample the local delicacies.
Overall, Agrigento is a lovely destination that offers something for everyone.

How to get around Agrigento

The most convenient way to move around Agrigento is by using public transportation or renting a car. Buses are available from the city to the Valley of the Temples and other nearby tourist attractions. Taxis are also available, but they can be more expensive. Walking is a good option for exploring the historic city center. However, if you want to explore the surrounding areas or other parts of Sicily, renting a car is recommended.

What to see around Agrigento

Here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Agrigento: 1. Valley of the Temples - Just a 10-minute drive from Agrigento, is this amazing archeological site in Sicily, known for its well-preserved temples of Ancient Greece.
2. Scale dei Turchi - A few kilometers west of Agrigento, you'll find this stunning rocky cliff that emerges into the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, providing an excellent backdrop for a day of relaxation.
3. Villa Romana del Casale - A splendid Roman villa buried beneath a landslide until discovered in the early 20th century. It features some of the most beautiful Roman mosaics in the world, located about 70 km from Agrigento.
4. Caltabellotta - A charming medieval village located at an altitude of about 900 meters in the Sicilian hinterland. It is known for its beautiful landscape and excellent gastronomic delights.
5. Enchanted Castle - A must-visit for nature enthusiasts, this former sulfur mine turned abandoned castle surrounded by naturalistic parks, is an excellent place to enjoy beautiful views and sightseeing.
6. Piazza Armerina - A small town nestled in the heart of Sicily, famous for its well-preserved Roman and medieval architecture.
These are just a few of the many incredible places you can visit in a day trip from Agrigento!
For every travel information about Italy you can click here.

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