Al-Jafr - Discovering Jordan

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Travelling to Al-Jafr

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Al-Jafr, a pretty good destination in Jordan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Al-Jafr and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Al-Jafr, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Jordan, here's everything to know about Al-Jafr for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Al-Jafr

Al-Jafr is a town located in the southern part of Jordan, roughly halfway between Aqaba and Amman. It is situated in a desert region and is known for its hot and arid climate. The town is home to a number of historic sites, including the Al-Maqta Mosque and the Al-Jafr Castle. It is also an important center for camel breeding and trading, and hosts an annual camel festival that attracts visitors from far and wide. Overall, Al-Jafr offers a unique glimpse into traditional Jordanian culture and is worth a visit for adventurers and history buffs alike.

Travelling to Al-Jafr and around: discovering Jordan

What to visit in Al-Jafr

Al-Jafr is a small town located in southern Jordan. It is one of the 12 districts of the Ma'an Governorate. Although it is not a popular tourist destination, there are still a few attractions that visitors can explore. Some of the top tourist attractions in Al-Jafr include: 1. Al-Jafr Castle: The Al-Jafr Castle is one of the most popular attractions in the town. This ancient fortress was built during the Abbasid era and was later rebuilt by the Mamlukes. The castle features a unique architectural design with a square-shaped tower and battlements. Visitors can admire the stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape from the top of the castle.
2. Al-Hassan Al-Ajmi Mosque: The Al-Hassan Al-Ajmi Mosque is an ancient mosque located in Al-Jafr. This mosque was built during the Ottoman era and is known for its unique architectural style. The mosque features a white dome and minaret and is decorated with colorful tiles and intricate carvings.
3. Wadi Bin Hammad: Wadi Bin Hammad is a beautiful valley located near Al-Jafr. The valley is known for its stunning natural beauty, with rocky cliffs, lush greenery, and flowing streams. Visitors can take a hike along the valley and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
4. Al-Jafr Market: The Al-Jafr Market is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike. This bustling marketplace offers a wide range of goods, including spices, souvenirs, and handicrafts. Visitors can explore the market, interact with the friendly vendors, and pick up some unique souvenirs to take back home.
5. Al-Jafr Hot Springs: The Al-Jafr Hot Springs are a natural wonder located near the town. The hot springs are known for their healing properties and are a popular spot for relaxation and rejuvenation. Visitors can take a dip in the warm waters and enjoy the tranquil surroundings. Overall, Al-Jafr may not be as well-known as other destinations in Jordan, but it still has a few great attractions worth exploring.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Jordan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Al-Jafr

The best time to visit Al-Jafr, Jordan is during the months of October to May when the weather is mild and pleasant. During this time, temperatures range from around 20°C to 25°C during the day and can drop to around 5°C to 10°C at night. It is not recommended to visit Al-Jafr during the summer months (June-August) as temperatures can soar above 40°C and make it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities. Additionally, the winter months (December-February) can be quite cold and rainy, so it is important to pack warm clothing if you plan to visit during this time.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Al-Jafr

Getting to Al-Jafr in Jordan can be a bit challenging as it's a small town that's located in a remote part of the country. However, here are some options on how you can get there: 1. By Car: The easiest way to get to Al-Jafr is by renting a car and driving there. You can rent a car in Amman or Aqaba and drive to Al-Jafr. The distance between Amman and Al-Jafr is about 320 km, and it takes about 4 hours to get there.
2. By Bus: There are buses that run from Amman to Al-Jafr several times a day. The journey takes about 5 to 6 hours, and the ticket costs around 10-15 JOD.
3. By Taxi: You can also hire a taxi to take you to Al-Jafr from Amman or Aqaba. This would be a more expensive option, but it will save you the hassle of driving and navigating on your own.
It's important to note that Al-Jafr is located in a desert region, so it's best to plan your trip during the cooler months (between October and April) and make sure you have enough water and supplies for the journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Al-Jafr, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Al-Jafr

Al-Jafr is a small town in Jordan known for its unique cuisine that reflects the local culture and history. Here are some typical foods of Al-Jafr: 1. Al-Sa'qa: This is a traditional Bedouin dish that consists of lamb or beef cooked in a deep hole in the ground. The meat is usually marinated with herbs and spices and then wrapped in palm tree leaves before being buried in the hot sand.
2. Zarb: This is a similar dish to Al-Sa'qa where meat, usually lamb or chicken, is cooked underground in a special oven. It is served with rice and vegetables, and the meat is incredibly tender and flavorful.
3. Mansaf: A popular dish in Jordan made with lamb, rice, and a yogurt-based sauce called jameed. The meat is cooked with onions and spices and then served on a bed of rice with the sauce poured over it.
4. Sambousek: These are small triangular pastries stuffed with meat or cheese and fried to a golden brown. They are a popular snack in Jordan and can be found in many bakeries and cafes.
5. Hareeseh: A sweet dessert made with semolina, sugar, and butter. It is usually flavoured with rosewater or orange blossom water and served warm with a drizzle of syrup.
6. Maqluba: A traditional Jordanian dish that consists of layers of rice, meat, and vegetables cooked in a pot and then flipped over onto a large serving platter. It is often served with yogurt or a tomato sauce.
7. Kawaj: A type of sausage made with minced lamb or beef, onions, and spices. It is usually grilled or fried and served with bread, rice, or salad.
These are just some of the typical foods of Al-Jafr, but there are many more dishes that you can try when visiting this beautiful town.
You can find general info about typical foods in Jordan here.

Is Al-Jafr an expensive destination for tourists?

Al-Jafr, a small town located in Jordan's southern region, is not a popular tourist destination. It mainly serves as a stopover point for travelers en route to the nearby Wadi Rum desert or Petra. As such, the cost of traveling to and staying in Al-Jafr can vary depending on the individual's itinerary and budget. However, compared to other popular tourist destinations in Jordan, Al-Jafr may not be considered an expensive destination for tourists. It is recommended to research and plan accordingly to ensure a budget-friendly trip.

Where to find accomodation in Al-Jafr

As Al-Jafr is a small town in Jordan, the options for accommodation are limited. Most tourists prefer to stay in nearby cities like Ma'an or Petra, which provide a wider range of hotels and guesthouses. Both cities are located within an hour's drive from Al-Jafr and offer easy access to the town as well as other nearby attractions. In Ma'an, you can find budget hotels and mid-range lodges, while Petra offers a more luxurious stay with a number of high-end hotels and resorts. In both cities, you can find numerous accommodations that cater to different budgets and preferences.
You can check hotel prices at Al-Jafr here:

Is Al-Jafr a safe destination for tourists?

Al-Jafr is a small town in Jordan and is generally safe for tourists. However, it is recommended to take necessary precautions while traveling in any foreign country, including keeping valuables safe and being aware of your surroundings. It is always advisable to check the latest travel advisories and consult with a trusted travel agent or local guide before planning your trip to any destination in Jordan.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Jordan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Al-Jafr.

What type of travelers will enjoy Al-Jafr the most?

Al-Jafr is a small town located in the southern region of Jordan that is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and cultural significance. While it may not be a popular tourist destination, it can still provide an enjoyable experience for different types of travelers.
Couples who enjoy adventure and outdoor activities such as hiking and camping may find Al-Jafr to be a romantic retreat. The town's natural surroundings offer breathtaking views, making it an ideal destination for couples seeking an adventurous getaway.
Young people who seek excitement and adventure may also enjoy their time in Al-Jafr. The town has several historical sites, including the Kharanaq Castle and neighboring archaeological sites, making it an ideal destination for history buffs and lovers of culture. Additionally, there are several outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking, and exploring the desert that young people may find thrilling.
Families can also find pleasure exploring this place. The town's culturally significant landmarks can help children develop an understanding of historical and cultural importance. Moreover, Al-Jafr can be an ideal location for a family-friendly desert exploration trip.
Ultimately, Al-Jafr can provide a satisfying experience for travelers of different ages and preferences, whether individuals, couples, families or young people seeking excitement and adventure.

How to get around Al-Jafr

In Al-Jafr, the most common mode of transportation is by car or taxi as there is no local public transportation system available. It's best to hire a car or taxi to move around the city, and for longer journeys, you can book a private tour or use a long-distance bus service. Additionally, some hotels and resorts offer shuttle services to popular tourist destinations.

What to see around Al-Jafr

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Al-Jafr: 1. Wadi Rum: Known for its stunning desert landscapes and rock formations, Wadi Rum is a must-visit destination for those who enjoy the outdoors and adventure.
2. Petra: One of the most famous tourist attractions in Jordan, Petra is a stunning ancient city carved into sandstone cliffs. It is located about 2.5 hours from Al-Jafr.
3. Aqaba: A coastal city located on the Red Sea, Aqaba is known for its beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and clear waters. It is about 3 hours from Al-Jafr.
4. Dana Biosphere Reserve: Home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, Dana Biosphere Reserve is a beautiful park that offers hiking trails, canyons, and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It is located about 1.5 hours from Al-Jafr.
5. Ma'in Hot Springs: These hot springs, located about 1.5 hours from Al-Jafr, are known for their healing properties and stunning natural beauty. A dip in the soothing pools is a relaxing way to spend a day.
For every travel information about Jordan you can click here.

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