Capljina - Discovering Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Travelling to Capljina

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Capljina, a pretty good destination in Bosnia and Herzegovina (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Capljina and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Capljina, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bosnia and Herzegovina, here's everything to know about Capljina for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Capljina

Capljina is a small city located in the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is situated in the western region of the country, close to the border with Croatia on the banks of the Neretva River. The town is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including nearby mountains and forests, as well as its notable cultural sites such as the remains of the ancient Roman city of Narona. It is also home to a number of restaurants, cafes, and shops, making it a popular destination for tourists exploring the region.

Travelling to Capljina and around: discovering Bosnia and Herzegovina

What to visit in Capljina

Here are Capljina's tourist attractions: 1. Kravice Waterfalls: A beautiful natural wonder located about 30 km south of Capljina. This series of waterfalls spans over 120 meters and can be viewed from multiple viewpoints. It is a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, and nature walks.
2. Hutovo Blato Nature Park: A unique wetland nature reserve located just north of Capljina. It is home to a wide variety of bird species and other wildlife. Visitors can take guided boat tours or hike on the numerous trails.
3. Mogorjelo Roman Villa: An ancient Roman villa located near Capljina. This archaeological site contains the ruins of a luxurious villa that once belonged to a wealthy Roman citizen. It is now a protected cultural monument and visitors can explore the ruins and learn about life in ancient times.
4. Vjetrenica Cave: One of the largest and most beautiful caves in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vjetrenica cave is located about 40 km southeast of Capljina. Its underground chambers are adorned with stunning formations, and the cave is home to a unique ecosystem of blind and albino animals.
5. Stari Grad ruins: The remnants of an ancient fortress and settlement located in the center of Capljina. The site dates back to the Illyrian and Roman periods, and visitors can see the remains of walls, houses, and other structures.
6. Via Dinarica hiking trail: This long-distance hiking trail passes through the mountains near Capljina, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Hikers can choose from shorter day hikes or longer multi-day treks.
All of these attractions offer a unique experience and showcase the natural beauty and rich history of Capljina and its surroundings.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Capljina.

When to go on holiday to Capljina

The best time to go on holiday to Capljina in Bosnia and Herzegovina is during the summer months of June through August. In this period, the weather is warm and sunny with average temperatures of 27°C (81°F), making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the natural beauty of the region. However, it's worth considering that this is also the peak tourist season, which means that accommodation and travel costs may be higher than usual. If you prefer fewer crowds and more affordable prices, consider visiting Capljina in the shoulder season (May to early June and September to early October), when the weather is still pleasant and you can enjoy some peace and quiet.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Capljina

There are several ways to get to Capljina in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here are some options: 1. By car: If you have a car, Capljina is easily accessible via the A1 highway which connects the city with Bosnia's capital, Sarajevo. The drive takes around 2.5 hours from Sarajevo.
2. By bus: Capljina is well connected by bus to many cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to neighboring countries like Croatia and Montenegro. The journey time and ticket prices will vary depending on your departure point.
3. By train: Capljina has a train station that connects it to major cities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the train schedules and frequencies may not be as reliable as the bus services.
4. By plane: The nearest airport to Capljina is the Mostar International Airport, which is located 30 km away. From there, you can take a taxi or a bus to reach Capljina.
Overall, the most common way to get to Capljina is by bus. It's also the most affordable option, with many companies offering regular services.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Capljina, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Capljina

Sure, here are some typical foods of Capljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina along with a brief description for each: 1. Cevapi - Grilled minced beef or lamb meat, traditionally served with chopped onions, sour cream and ajvar (a sauce made with red bell peppers and spices) and somun bread.
2. Burek - A flaky pastry filled with meat, cheese, or spinach and cheese, often served with yogurt.
3. Pita - A type of baked food made from thin dough and filled with meat, cheese, spinach, or potatoes.
4. Bosnian coffee - a strong and rich coffee that is similar to Turkish coffee.
5. Klepe - A type of dumpling filled with minced meat, served in the soup or with a topping of sour cream and paprika.
6. Sarma - Rolled cabbage leaves filled with meat and rice, and served with a tomato-based sauce.
7. Tufahija - Baked apple with a walnut filling, often served with whipped cream.
8. Baklava - A sweet pastry made with layers of filo, honey, and walnuts.
9. Kajmak - A creamy and tangy dairy product similar to cream cheese, served as a spread on bread or used as a condiment in various dishes.
10. Rakija - A traditional fruit brandy with a high alcohol content, often served as an aperitif or digestif.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bosnia and Herzegovina here.

Is Capljina an expensive destination for tourists?

Capljina is generally considered an affordable destination for tourists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prices for accommodation, food, and other expenses are generally lower than in other popular tourist destinations in Europe. However, prices can vary depending on the season and the type of activities you plan to do. It is always a good idea to research and compare prices before making any reservations to ensure you get the best value for your money.

Where to find accomodation in Capljina

Capljina is a small town located in the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The town itself is not very big, so visitors can find accommodation either in the center of Capljina or in the surrounding areas. There are several good options for accommodation in Capljina, including hotels, guesthouses, and apartments. Some popular areas to stay in include: 1. The town center: This is a convenient option as many of the town's attractions are located within walking distance.
2. Kruzi: A popular area located just outside the town center, known for its beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
3. Blagaj: A nearby village famous for its beautiful Dervish monastery and the source of the Buna River. 4. Medugorje: A famous pilgrimage site for Catholics, located just a short drive from Capljina.
Ultimately, the best option for accommodation depends on your personal preferences and travel plans.
You can check hotel prices at Capljina here:

Is Capljina a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Capljina is generally a safe place for tourists. Like any place, it is important to take basic precautions such as being aware of your surroundings and keeping an eye on your belongings. However, the crime rates in Capljina are low and violent crime is rare. The locals are generally friendly and welcoming to visitors. Overall, it is a great place to visit for anyone looking to experience the beauty and culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bosnia and Herzegovina here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Capljina.

What type of travelers will enjoy Capljina the most?

Capljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a destination that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers. Its varied attractions and activities make it an ideal place for couples, young people looking for fun, and families.
Couples will enjoy Capljina's beautiful scenery, romantic sunsets, and peaceful atmosphere. There are many local restaurants serving delicious and fresh dishes that couples can enjoy while admiring the surrounding nature.
Young people looking for fun can explore the area's historical and cultural attractions, such as the old town of Počitelj, archeological sites of Mogorjelo, and the Blagaj monastery. In addition, Capljina has some excellent kayaking and rafting opportunities for adrenaline seekers.
Families can enjoy Capljina's kid-friendly activities, including animal petting zoos, playgrounds and numerous picnic areas. The area also has great cycling paths, family-friendly hiking trails, and swimming spots.
In summary, Capljina has something for everyone, and travelers of all ages and interests can enjoy the town and its surroundings.

How to get around Capljina

In Capljina, you can move around by bus, taxi, or car. Buses are the most common form of public transportation, with regular services connecting Capljina to nearby towns and cities. Taxis are readily available and are a good option for short trips or if you prefer a more comfortable and convenient mode of transportation. If you prefer more flexibility and independence while exploring the area, then hiring a car is a good option.

What to see around Capljina

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Capljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 1. Mostar - This city is famous for its iconic Old Bridge, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mostar offers a unique blend of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture, as well as plenty of shops, cafes, and restaurants to explore.
2. Medjugorje - This town is famed for its religious significance as a pilgrimage site for Catholics. The town attracts millions of visitors every year and is known for its peaceful atmosphere.
3. Kravice Waterfall - Located only 30 minutes from Capljina, Kravice Waterfall is a natural wonder and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Herzegovina.
4. Blagaj - This small town is known for its serene Dervish house and the stunning Buna River Spring, which is the largest karst spring in Europe.
5. Pocitelj - This medieval fortified town is situated on a hill offering stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. The town has a history that dates back to the 15th century, and it is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
For every travel information about Bosnia and Herzegovina you can click here.

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