Chone - Discovering Ecuador

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Travelling to Chone

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Chone, a pretty good destination in Ecuador (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Chone and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Chone, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Ecuador, here's everything to know about Chone for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Chone

Chone is a city located in the province of Manabi, Ecuador. It is known for its agricultural production of tropical fruits, such as pineapples, bananas, and watermelons. The city also has a rich cultural history and hosts many festivals throughout the year, including the Festival of San Pedro and San Pablo in June and the Chone International Film Festival in September. The nearby beach town of Bahia de Caraquez is a popular tourist destination, known for its relaxing atmosphere and beautiful scenery.

Travelling to Chone and around: discovering Ecuador

What to visit in Chone

Chone is a small city located in the province of Manabi in Ecuador. Despite its size, it boasts a number of attractions that visitors can explore. Some of the most notable tourist attractions in Chone include: 1. Iglesia de San Francisco: Also known as the Church of Saint Francis, this stunning church is one of the most popular landmarks located in the center of Chone. The church has an attractive colonial architecture, and its interiors are adorned with intricate paintings and ornaments.
2. Parque Eloy Alfaro: This is a beautiful public park in the center of Chone, named after Ecuador's ex-president Eloy Alfaro. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely walk, relax in the shade, and take in the scenic beauty of the park.
3. Mirador de Chone: Located at the top of a hill, Mirador de Chone provides a spectacular view of the city and the surrounding areas. Visitors can climb up a short flight of stairs to reach the viewpoint, and be mesmerized by the panoramic vista of the city.
4. Laguna de San Pablo: This is a natural lagoon near Chone that provides a serene and peaceful environment to its visitors. The crystal-clear water provides a perfect setting for those who want to relax or indulge in fishing.
5. Museo Arqueologico y Etnografico de Chone: The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Chone is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the city. The museum has an impressive collection of artifacts, including pre-Columbian sculptures, pottery, and jewelry.
6. Rio Chone: Known as one of the cleanest rivers in Ecuador, the Rio Chone provides a refreshing natural retreat for visitors. The river is popular for swimming, fishing, and boating activities.
7. Plaza de Toros: Chone has a bullfighting arena that provides a unique experience for visitors. The arena hosts bullfighting events and other cultural events, providing an insight into the local traditions and customs.
Overall, Chone is a great destination for those who want to explore the unique culture and natural beauty of Ecuador.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Ecuador, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Chone

The best time to go on holiday to Chone, Ecuador is during the dry season which lasts from June to September. During this time, temperatures are mild and rainfall is minimal, making it perfect for outdoor activities and exploration. However, it's important to note that Chone has a hot and humid climate year-round, so you should always be prepared for warm weather.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Chone

To get to Chone (Ecuador), you can take a bus from the main bus terminal in cities like Quito or Guayaquil. The trip will take you approximately 6-7 hours depending on traffic and road conditions. There are several bus companies that operate this route, including Reina del Camino, Pullman, and Express Sucre. You can book your ticket in advance online or purchase it at the bus terminal on the day of your trip. Additionally, you can also hire a taxi or private transportation service for a more comfortable and personalized experience.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Chone, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Chone

Chone is a city located in the province of Manabí, in Ecuador. Here are some typical foods of Chone: 1. Encebollado: This is a fish soup made of onions and cassava, flavored with spices and lime juice. It is usually served with fried plantains, popcorn, and hot sauce.
2. Arroz con menestra y carne asada: This dish consists of rice, beans, and grilled beef. It's a hearty and filling meal that is often served for lunch.
3. Fanesca: This is a traditional soup eaten during the Easter season. It's made with a variety of grains and vegetables, including corn, beans, squash, and lentils, and is usually topped with fried plantains and cheese.
4. Churrasco: This is a beef dish that is popular throughout Ecuador. It's made by grilling thinly sliced beef and serving it with rice, salad, and fried plantains.
5. Bola de Verde: This is a popular snack that is made from mashed green plantains that have been stuffed with cheese and fried. It's often served as an appetizer or side dish.
6. Tigrillo: This is a breakfast dish made from mashed green plantains that have been mixed with cheese, eggs, and sometimes pork. It's usually served with coffee or hot chocolate.
7. Ceviche: This is a seafood dish made from raw fish that is marinated in lime juice and served with onions, peppers, and cilantro. It's a refreshing dish that is perfect for a hot summer day.
8. Seco de chivo: This is a stew made from goat meat that has been slow-cooked with onions, tomatoes, and spices. It's a hearty meal that is often served with rice and avocado.
You can find general info about typical foods in Ecuador here.

Is Chone an expensive destination for tourists?

Chone is not a popular tourist destination in Ecuador, but it is not typically considered an expensive destination. However, the cost of your trip will depend on your travel style, where you stay, your activities, and your transportation. Accommodations in Chone can range from affordable guesthouses to higher-end hotels. Local cuisine is usually inexpensive compared to international options. Transportation costs, such as taxis or buses, are reasonable. Overall, Chone can be a budget-friendly destination for travelers looking to experience the local culture and explore the surrounding areas.

Where to find accomodation in Chone

Chone is a small city located in the Manabi province of Ecuador. There are several areas where you can find accommodation to visit Chone: 1. Downtown Chone: This area has several budget-friendly hotels and hostels. You can find accommodation options that are close to local restaurants, markets, and shops.
2. El Pueblito: This is a popular area for tourists due to its close proximity to the beach. Here, you can find a variety of hotels, resorts, and rental properties.
3. Bahia de Caraquez: This is another popular area for tourists as it is situated near the coast. It has luxury hotels and apartments with stunning views.
4. San Vicente: This area is located near the Chone River and is known for its beautiful nature and scenery. It has a few hotels and rental properties that offer a peaceful and serene atmosphere.
You can check hotel prices at Chone here:

Is Chone a safe destination for tourists?

Chone, like any other city in the world, has areas that may be more or less safe for tourists. However, overall Chone is considered a safe place for tourists to visit. As long as you take the necessary precautions such as avoiding walking alone at night and keeping an eye on your valuables, you should have a safe and enjoyable time in Chone. It is always a good idea to research your destination beforehand and be aware of any specific safety concerns. Additionally, it is recommended that you follow the advice of the locals and your hotel or accommodation staff regarding safety precautions.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Ecuador here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Chone.

What type of travelers will enjoy Chone the most?

Chone, Ecuador has something to offer for all types of travelers. It is a great destination for families who are interested in exploring the city's historical sites and cultural attractions. The city has several museums, including the Museo de la Ciudad de Chone and the Museo de Arte Religioso de San Antonio de Padua, which offer a glimpse of Ecuador's rich history and heritage.
For couples looking for a romantic getaway, Chone boasts several charming hotels, restaurants, and cafes ideal for a romantic evening. The city's proximity to the beach also makes it an excellent location for young people looking for fun and relaxation. The nearby beaches such as San Jacinto and Bahía de Caráquez offer various outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and fishing.
Overall, Chone is a hub of history, culture, and entertainment. Regardless of what kind of traveler you are, Chone has something unique to offer you.

How to get around Chone

To move around Chone, you can use various modes of transportation, including taxis, buses, and private cars. Taxis are readily available and an affordable option for short journeys, while buses provide a more economical way to get around and typically run on fixed routes. Private cars are also an option, either by renting a car or arranging for a private driver to take you to your desired destination. It's important to note that road conditions in Chone can vary, so it's important to plan your route ahead of time and take necessary safety precautions.

What to see around Chone

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Chone, Ecuador: 1. Bahia de Caraquez: This beautiful coastal city is just 45 minutes away from Chone and boasts of beautiful beaches, a charming downtown area and a laid-back atmosphere.
2. San Vicente: This small town is known for its beautiful beaches and the San Vicente Wildlife Refuge. It's only about an hour away from Chone.
3. Montecristi: This quaint town is just a short drive from Chone and is famous for its Panama hats. You can visit the many hat shops and take a tour of a hat factory.
4. Manta: This is a bustling city located just an hour and a half from Chone. It has a beautiful beach, a variety of restaurants, and shopping centers.
5. Canoa: This small fishing village is a popular surf spot and has a laid-back, bohemian vibe. It's about an hour and a half away from Chone.
6. Pile: Located about an hour from Chone, Pile is a great place to enjoy nature. There are beautiful waterfalls to explore, as well as hiking trails and hot springs. I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
For every travel information about Ecuador you can click here.

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