Haputale - Discovering Sri Lanka

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Travelling to Haputale

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Haputale, a pretty good destination in Sri Lanka (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Haputale and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Haputale, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Sri Lanka, here's everything to know about Haputale for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Haputale

Haputale is a small town located in the Badulla district of Sri Lanka. It is situated in the hill country region of the country and is known for its scenic beauty and cool climate. The town is located at an altitude of over 1,400 meters above sea level, which makes it a popular destination for those seeking respite from the hot and humid weather in other parts of the country. The town is surrounded by lush green tea plantations and offers panoramic views of the valleys below. It is also home to several natural attractions, such as waterfalls and hiking trails, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Travelling to Haputale and around: discovering Sri Lanka

What to visit in Haputale

Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Haputale, Sri Lanka: 1. Lipton's Seat - Lipton's Seat is a popular viewpoint that provides stunning panoramic views of the surrounding tea plantations and hills. It was named after Sir Thomas Lipton, a Scottish tea baron who used to enjoy the view from this spot.
2. Adisham Bungalow - Adisham Bungalow is a beautiful British colonial-era mansion that has been converted into a monastery. It features picturesque gardens and is known for its stunning architecture.
3. Dambatenne Tea Factory - The Dambatenne Tea Factory is known for producing some of the best tea in Sri Lanka. Visitors can take a tour of the factory to learn about the tea-making process and taste some delicious tea.
4. Horton Plains National Park - Horton Plains National Park is a pristine wilderness area that is perfect for hiking and wildlife viewing. It is home to a variety of unique plant and animal species, including the endangered Horton Plains slender loris.
5. Diyaluma Falls - Diyaluma Falls is a stunning waterfall that drops 220 meters into a pool below. Visitors can take a hike to the top of the falls, or swim in the pool at the bottom.
6. St. Andrew's Church - St. Andrew's Church is a beautiful Gothic-style church that was built by British colonialists in the late 1800s. It features stained glass windows and is a popular spot for photography.
7. Haputale Gap - Haputale Gap is a scenic area that provides breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. It is a popular spot for hiking and photography.
Overall, Haputale is a beautiful and scenic destination in Sri Lanka that offers a variety of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Sri Lanka, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Haputale

The best time to visit Haputale would be between the months of December to February. During this time, the weather is drier and cooler, making it perfect for hiking, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities. However, it's important to note that Haputale experiences rainfall throughout the year, so it's always a good idea to pack waterproof clothing regardless of when you plan to travel.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Haputale

Haputale is a town situated in the Badulla District of Sri Lanka. Here are a few ways to get to Haputale: 1. By Train: Trains are very popular in Sri Lanka, and the Haputale Railway Station is well-connected to other major cities in the country. There are daily trains from Colombo, Kandy, and Ella to Haputale. The views on this train ride are incredibly scenic and breathtaking.
2. By Bus: Buses run regularly between Colombo and Haputale. You can catch a bus from the Pettah Bus Station in Colombo. The journey takes around 7 – 8 hours and is an affordable option for budget travelers.
3. By Taxi: Taxis can be hired from Colombo, Kandy, and Ella to Haputale. This option is a bit more expensive, but it's a great choice if you're traveling in a group or if you're short on time.
4. Self-Drive: If you have a rental car or motorbike, you can easily drive from Colombo or Kandy to Haputale. The journey takes around 6 – 7 hours. Driving in Sri Lanka can be challenging, so make sure you're confident enough before embarking on a road trip.
I hope this information helps!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Haputale, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Haputale

Sure, here's a list of typical foods in Haputale, Sri Lanka, along with a brief description: 1. Kottu Roti: A popular Sri Lankan street food made with chopped up roti, vegetables, and either meat or egg.
2. Hoppers: A traditional Sri Lankan dish made of rice flour, coconut milk, and spices, usually served with curry.
3. String Hoppers: Thin noodles made of rice flour and water, often served with coconut sambol or curry.
4. Pol Roti: A type of Sri Lankan flatbread made with coconut and wheat flour, often served as a breakfast item.
5. Dal curry: A lentil-based curry typically served with rice or other starchy foods.
6. Fish curry: A spicy curry made with fish and a variety of spices, often served with rice.
7. Gota Kola Sambol: A salad made with Gota Kola leaves, tomatoes, onions, grated coconut, and lime juice.
8. Wambatu Moju: A sweet and sour eggplant pickle made with vinegar, sugar, and onions.
9. Wood apple juice: A refreshing drink made from the pulp of the wood apple fruit.
10. Ceylon Tea: Haputale is known for its tea plantations and Ceylon tea is a must-try while in the area. The tea is usually served with milk and sugar.
You can find general info about typical foods in Sri Lanka here.

Is Haputale an expensive destination for tourists?

Haputale in Sri Lanka can be considered a mid-range destination for tourists. The cost of accommodation and food are relatively affordable compared to other popular destinations in Sri Lanka. However, transportation costs such as taxi or tuk-tuks may be slightly expensive, especially if you want to explore the surrounding areas. Overall, it is possible to enjoy Haputale on a budget or splurge, depending on your preferences and travel style.

Where to find accomodation in Haputale

There are several areas in Haputale where you can find good accommodation options for your trip. Some of the recommended areas are: 1. Haputale town center - this area has a range of budget to mid-range accommodations and is convenient for accessing the town's amenities. 2. Thangamale Bird Sanctuary - this area is popular for its scenic views and tranquil atmosphere. It offers a few charming guesthouses and eco-friendly lodgings, perfect for nature lovers. 3. Dambetenna Tea Factory area - this area is ideal for staying amidst tea estates and enjoying the breathtaking views. You can find some luxurious and unique accommodations here, such as colonial bungalows and boutique hotels. 4. Adisham Bungalow Area - This area is famous for its picturesque surroundings and historic landmarks. There are beautiful cottages, guesthouses, and homestays that offer a serene and charming ambiance. Ultimately, the best area to choose for your accommodation will depend on your preferences and the purpose of your trip.
You can check hotel prices at Haputale here:

Is Haputale a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Haputale is generally considered a safe place for tourists to visit in Sri Lanka. Like any tourist destination, it is always advisable to take normal precautions such as watching your belongings and being aware of your surroundings. However, violence against tourists is rare in Sri Lanka and Haputale is no exception. The local people are friendly and welcoming towards tourists, making it a great destination to explore.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Sri Lanka here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Haputale.

What type of travelers will enjoy Haputale the most?

Haputale is a wonderful place for travellers who are looking for a peaceful and rejuvenating retreat in the hills of Sri Lanka. The lush greenery and picturesque landscapes of this hill station make it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. Couples looking for a romantic getaway can enjoy the serene atmosphere, scenic views, and romantic walks amidst tea plantations. Young people looking for adventure can indulge in hiking, trekking, and rock climbing.
Families with children can enjoy the scenic train ride, explore the nearby waterfalls and hike around the tea plantations. Overall, Haputale will appeal to those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy a laid-back vacation in a tranquil environment.

How to get around Haputale

The most popular modes of transportation in Haputale, Sri Lanka are tuk-tuks (small three-wheeled taxis) and hired cars. Buses and trains are also available, but they may not always be reliable or comfortable for tourists. Tuk-tuks and hired cars are convenient options as they provide more flexibility and can be easily arranged through hotels or travel agencies. However, it is important to negotiate prices beforehand to avoid being overcharged.

What to see around Haputale

There are several nice places to visit on a day trip from Haputale, Sri Lanka. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Lipton’s Seat: This is a popular viewpoint that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and tea estates. It’s located about 10km from Haputale town.
2. Adisham Bungalow: A tranquil and picturesque getaway, this is a former British estate located in the town of Haputale. It has beautiful gardens and views of the surrounding hills.
3. Diyaluma Falls: This is the third highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and is about 30km from Haputale town. It’s surrounded by beautiful scenery and is a popular spot for swimming and hiking.
4. Horton Plains National Park: Located about 30km from Haputale town, this is a scenic plateau that boasts stunning views, hiking trails, and wildlife. It’s also home to the famous World’s End viewpoint.
5. Dambatenne Tea Factory: A historic tea factory located in the town of Haputale. This is a great place to learn about the tea-making process and to sample some of Sri Lanka’s famous tea.
6. Bogoda Wooden Bridge: This is a historic wooden bridge located about 25km from Haputale town. It’s an impressive example of Sri Lanka’s ancient architecture and is surrounded by beautiful scenery.
For every travel information about Sri Lanka you can click here.

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