Isla Carenero - Discovering Panama

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Travelling to Isla Carenero

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Isla Carenero, a pretty good destination in Panama (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Isla Carenero and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Isla Carenero, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Panama, here's everything to know about Isla Carenero for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Isla Carenero

Isla Carenero is a small island located off the coast of Panama, near the popular tourist destination of Bocas del Toro. It is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and coral reefs that are perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving. The island offers a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere with its small but charming local community. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and kayaking. Isla Carenero is easily accessible by water taxi from Bocas town on the main island of Isla Colón.

Travelling to Isla Carenero and around: discovering Panama

What to visit in Isla Carenero

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Isla Carenero, Panama: 1. Starfish Beach - This is one of the most popular beaches in Isla Carenero and is named after the large number of starfish found in the shallow waters. The beach is pristine and offers excellent swimming and snorkeling opportunities.
2. Carenero Island - The island is home to some beautiful coral reefs and offers great snorkeling and diving spots. It is also popular for its scenic walks and hiking trails which offer breathtaking views of the ocean.
3. Bird Watching Tour - Carenero Island is an excellent location to explore the rich birdlife of the region. Visitors can take guided bird-watching tours which cover different trails and bird species found in this part of Panama.
4. Dolphin Bay - Located on the northwestern side of Carenero Island, this bay is an excellent spot to watch schools of dolphins swimming and playing in their natural habitat.
5. Surfing - Isla Carenero is known for its excellent surfing spots, especially on the western side of the island. Surf schools are available for visitors who want to learn to surf.
6. Chocolate Tour - Carenero Island is also famous for its chocolate industry, and visitors can take tours of local chocolate production facilities, learn about the history of chocolate production in Panama, and taste some of the delicious products made from locally sourced cocoa beans.
Overall, Isla Carenero offers a diverse range of tourism activities that cater to different interests and preferences.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Panama, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Isla Carenero

The best time to visit Isla Carenero, Panama is during the dry season which runs from December to April. During these months, you can expect clear skies, warm temperatures, and lower humidity. This makes it perfect for outdoor activities like swimming, snorkeling, and other water-based activities. However, keep in mind that this is also the busiest time of year so prices for accommodations and activities may be higher. If you're looking for a quieter time to visit, the shoulder seasons of early December and late April/early May are good options. Just keep in mind that while still dry, there may be occasional rain showers during these times. The rainy season runs from May to November so if you plan to visit during this time, be prepared for frequent rain, though the temperatures remain warm.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Isla Carenero

To get to Isla Carenero in Panama, you can take a taxi or bus from Panama City to the city of Almirante, Bocas del Toro. From there, you can take a water taxi to Isla Carenero. Alternatively, you can take a flight from Panama City to the Bocas del Toro airport, and then take a taxi or water taxi to Isla Carenero. Once on Isla Carenero, you can find accommodations and explore the island's beautiful beaches, snorkeling spots, and restaurants.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Isla Carenero, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Isla Carenero

Isla Carenero, located in Bocas del Toro, Panama, has a rich and diverse food culture. Here are some typical foods of Isla Carenero with a short description for each of them: 1. Patacones - Fried plantains that are mashed and then fried again until crispy. They can be served plain or with a variety of toppings like cheese or chicken.
2. Seafood - Isla Carenero has a variety of fresh seafood options like lobster, shrimp, fish, and crabs, which are typically caught by locals and served in various styles.
3. Rice and Beans - A staple dish in Panama, rice and beans are usually served together as a side dish or as the base for other dishes.
4. Caribbean-style Chicken - A flavorful and spicy dish typically made with a marinade of lime juice, garlic, and habanero pepper.
5. Ceviche - A dish made with raw fish, shrimp, or other seafood marinated in citrus juices and served with various seasonings like cilantro and onion.
6. Empanadas - A pastry filled with meat, vegetables, or cheese, empanadas are a popular snack or meal in Panama.
7. Arroz con Pollo - A classic Panamanian chicken and rice dish seasoned with saffron, garlic, and cumin.
8. Tostones - Similar to patacones, tostones are made from fried plantains that are flattened and re-fried until crispy. They are typically served with garlic sauce or other toppings.
9. Rondon - A hearty seafood stew made with plantains, coconut milk, and a variety of seafood like fish, crab, and shrimp.
10. Panamanian Tamal - A traditional dish made with cornmeal dough filled with chicken or pork, vegetables, and spices, wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed.
You can find general info about typical foods in Panama here.

Is Isla Carenero an expensive destination for tourists?

Isla Carenero is generally considered to be a mid-range to high-end destination for tourists in Panama. The cost of accommodation on the island can be relatively expensive, particularly during peak tourist season. However, prices for food and activities can vary depending on where you go and what you do. In general, if you're looking for a budget-friendly destination in Panama, Isla Carenero might not be your best option. However, if you're willing to spend a bit more on accommodation and activities, it can be a beautiful and relaxing place to visit. It's always a good idea to research prices in advance and budget accordingly to make the most of your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Isla Carenero

To visit Isla Carenero in Panama, it is best to find accommodations in Bocas Town on Isla Colon. Bocas Town is the main hub of the Bocas del Toro region and is where most of the restaurants, bars, and accommodations are located. From Bocas Town, you can easily take a water taxi or a short boat ride to Isla Carenero. There are also a few accommodations located directly on Isla Carenero if you prefer a quieter atmosphere. However, keep in mind that Isla Carenero has limited accommodations options compared to Isla Colon.
You can check hotel prices at Isla Carenero here:

Is Isla Carenero a safe destination for tourists?

Isla Carenero in Panama is generally a safe place for tourists. However, like any other tourist destination, it is always recommended to take some basic safety precautions to avoid any unfortunate incidents. Here are some tips to help you stay safe during your trip to Isla Carenero: - Be aware of your surroundings and avoid wandering off alone or in unlit areas, especially at night.
- Keep your valuables like passport, cash, and electronics in a safe place, like a hotel safe or secure backpack/rucksack.
- Do not flaunt expensive jewelry or gadgets in public.
- Stay updated with the weather forecast and take precautions during hurricanes or heavy rainfall.
- Avoid buying drugs or indulging in illegal activities.
By following these guidelines and practicing general common sense, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Isla Carenero.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Panama here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Isla Carenero.

What type of travelers will enjoy Isla Carenero the most?

Isla Carenero, Panama can be enjoyed by all types of travelers, but it is particularly popular among couples and young people looking for fun. The island has a relaxed atmosphere with stunning beaches, beautiful sunsets, and a range of outdoor activities such as snorkeling, surfing, and fishing. Additionally, there are many lively bars and restaurants in the area, making it a popular spot for nightlife and socializing. Families can also have a great time in Isla Carenero, as there are many activities that are suitable for children, such as visiting marine life rehabilitation centers or taking boat tours to nearby islands. However, families should note that some of the nightlife on the island can be loud and rowdy, so they may want to avoid certain areas at night.

How to get around Isla Carenero

The most common and convenient way to move around Isla Carenero is by taking a water taxi or water shuttle. They are affordable, easy to find and are available at different times throughout the day. Another option is kayaking or paddleboarding, which can be rented on the island. Walking is also a good option as Isla Carenero is a small island, and it is easy to navigate on foot. Additionally, some hotels and resorts offer their guests the use of bicycles to move around the island.

What to see around Isla Carenero

Certainly! Here are a few suggestions for day trips from Isla Carenero in Panama: 1. Isla Zapatilla: Located in the Bocas del Toro archipelago, Isla Zapatilla is a stunning tropical island with crystal-clear waters and gorgeous white-sand beaches. You can take a boat tour to the island, go snorkeling, or just relax on the beach.
2. Red Frog Beach: Another beautiful beach in the Bocas del Toro area, Red Frog Beach features sparkling turquoise waters, pristine sand, and plenty of opportunities for hiking, nature walks, and wildlife viewing.
3. Bastimentos National Marine Park: This park is home to a wide range of marine life, including coral reefs, sea turtles, and dolphins. You can take a boat tour to the park or go snorkeling to explore the underwater world.
4. Dolphin Bay: This bay is known for its resident pod of dolphins, which you can often see swimming and playing in the waters. You can take a boat tour to Dolphin Bay to spot these beautiful animals.
5. Boquete: If you're looking for a change of scenery, head to Boquete, a charming mountain town known for its coffee plantations, hot springs, and stunning natural beauty. It's a bit farther from Isla Carenero, but still doable as a day trip.
For every travel information about Panama you can click here.

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