Khaudum National Park - Discovering Namibia

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Travelling to Khaudum National Park

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Khaudum National Park, a pretty good destination in Namibia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Khaudum National Park and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Khaudum National Park, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Namibia, here's everything to know about Khaudum National Park for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Khaudum National Park

Khaudum National Park is a protected area in the northern part of Namibia, bordering with Botswana. It covers over 3,800 square kilometers and is known for its vast wilderness, unique wildlife, and rugged terrain. The park is home to a range of animal species, including elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, giraffes, and African wild dogs. Visitors can participate in activities such as game drives, guided walks, and bird watching. Khaudum National Park is mostly accessible by 4x4 vehicles, and the best time to visit is during the dry season from May to November.

Travelling to Khaudum National Park and around: discovering Namibia

What to visit in Khaudum National Park

Khaudum National Park is located in the remote northeastern part of Namibia. The park has many attractions to offer to tourists. Some of the top tourist attractions with a brief description include: 1. Game Drives: Khaudum National Park is home to big game such as elephant, lion, leopard, and buffalo. Visitors can embark on a game drive safari to witness these animals in their natural habitat.
2. Bird Watching: The park is a bird watching paradise with over 300 species of birds on record. Some of the popular birds to spot include the African harrier hawk, African fish eagle, and martial eagle.
3. Camping: Visitors can camp in the park's designated campsites, offering an unforgettable experience of sleeping under the stars. The campsites are located near watering holes, providing excellent opportunities for game viewing.
4. Guided Walks: Trained guides can take visitors on guided walks to learn about the environment and ecosystem of the park. Visitors can look forward to seeing the indigenous plants, insects and animals of Khaudum National Park.
5. Bushman Lifestyle: A visit to Khaudum National Park offers an opportunity to learn about the traditional lifestyle of the San people, who have lived in the region for thousands of years. An encounter with the San people offers a memorable experience of cultural immersion.
6. 4x4 Trails: The park features challenging 4x4 trails for experienced off-road drivers. The tracks run through the remote wilderness, offering beautiful views of the park's landscape.
7. Picnics: Visitors can enjoy a picnic in the park's designated picnic areas. These areas are located in picturesque locations that allow visitors to enjoy the beauty of the park while taking a break with some snacks.
These attractions and activities make Khaudum National Park a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to Namibia.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Namibia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Khaudum National Park

The best time to visit Khaudum National Park in Namibia is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. The weather is typically warm with little to no rainfall during this period, making it an ideal time for wildlife viewing. The park is also less crowded during this time, which means you can enjoy a more intimate and authentic experience. It's worth noting that temperatures can drop at night, so be sure to pack warm clothing if you're visiting during the colder months.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Khaudum National Park

To get to Khaudum National Park in Namibia, you will need to take a four-wheel drive vehicle. The park is located in the northeastern part of Namibia and can be accessed from two main entry points: one from the towns of Tsumkwe or Bushmanland and the other from the town of Rundu.
From Tsumkwe or Bushmanland, you can take the D3703 dirt road which leads directly to the park. This route is only suitable for experienced 4x4 drivers as there are some challenging sections with deep sand, steep inclines, and rocky terrain.
From Rundu, you can take the B8 tarred road, which leads to Divundu, and then turn off onto the C48 dirt road towards the park. The C48 route is also challenging in parts, with deep sand and rocky terrain, so a high clearance and 4-wheel drive vehicle is essential.
It is worth noting that the park's entry gate may be closed during the rainy season (December to April), so it's best to check with the park authorities before embarking on your journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Khaudum National Park, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Khaudum National Park

Khaudum National Park is a vast and remote wilderness area in Namibia, so there is not a lot of culinary diversity in the park. Here are some typical foods you might find there: 1. Biltong - a type of dried, cured meat that is a popular snack in Southern Africa. It can be made from beef, game meat, or ostrich and is often seasoned with spices like coriander and pepper.
2. Potjiekos - a traditional South African stew that is slowly cooked in a cast-iron pot over an open fire. It typically contains meat, vegetables, and spices like cumin and turmeric.
3. Braai - the South African equivalent of a barbecue, where meat (usually beef, lamb, or pork) is cooked over an open flame. It's often served with chakalaka (a relish made from tomatoes, onions, and spices) and pap (a type of porridge).
4. Vetkoek - a fried dough bread that is popular throughout Southern Africa. It can be eaten plain or filled with savory ingredients like mince or cheese.
5. Oshifima - a staple food of the Ovambo people who live in the northern regions of Namibia. It is a stiff porridge made from maize meal and eaten with a variety of stews or relishes.
6. Amarula - a cream liqueur made from the fruit of the marula tree. It's a popular after-dinner drink in South Africa and Namibia.
You can find general info about typical foods in Namibia here.

Is Khaudum National Park an expensive destination for tourists?

Khaudum National Park in Namibia can be a quite expensive destination for tourists. The park is quite remote and not easily accessible, which can increase travel costs. Additionally, there are fees to enter the park and fees for guided tours and activities. It's also important to consider the cost of accommodations and food in the region. However, the experience of visiting Khaudum National Park is truly unique and can be worth the investment for those seeking an authentic wilderness adventure.

Where to find accomodation in Khaudum National Park

Khaudum National Park is located in the northeastern part of Namibia, near the border with Botswana. The park is quite remote and there are no formal accommodations inside the park itself. However, there are some lodges and campsites in the surrounding areas that offer lodging options for visitors. These areas include the towns of Tsumkwe and Grootfontein, which are both located near the park's southern entrance. Guests can also stay at the Khaudum Campsite, which is located just outside the park near the Andoni Plains. Camping is the most popular option for visitors as it provides an opportunity to fully experience the wilderness of the area. Another option is to stay at lodges or campsites located in other nearby parks or reserves, such as the Nkasa Rupara National Park or the Bwabwata National Park, which are both located to the west of Khaudum National Park. These areas provide easy access to Khaudum, as well as other nearby parks and reserves.
You can check hotel prices at Khaudum National Park here:

Is Khaudum National Park a safe destination for tourists?

Khaudum National Park is a relatively safe place for tourists, but visitors are advised to take precautions and be aware of potential risks. It is important to always follow the park's rules and regulations, stay on designated roads and trails, and remain in your vehicle while viewing wildlife. Visitors should also keep a safe distance from any wildlife they encounter, as some animals in the park, such as elephants, can be aggressive if they feel threatened. It is also advisable to have a local guide when exploring the park, as they can provide important guidance on the area and ensure your safety. As with any travel destination, it is always a good idea to stay informed about local conditions and to take the necessary precautions to stay safe.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Namibia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Khaudum National Park.

What type of travelers will enjoy Khaudum National Park the most?

Khaudum National Park in Namibia is a great destination for nature enthusiasts and anyone who loves adventure. The park's remote location and abundant wildlife make it a perfect destination for families, couples, and young people who are looking for a unique and off-the-beaten-track experience.
In particular, the park is most suitable for travelers who have a keen interest in wildlife and enjoy camping. The park is home to several species of wildlife like elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs, and various antelopes, making it an ideal spot for animal lovers.
The park's rugged terrain, including thick sand tracks, makes it challenging for those who prefer paved roads and easy driving. The park is not recommended for travelers who want luxury accommodation or looking for city-like activities and vibrant nightlife. In conclusion, Khaudum National Park is an ideal destination for travelers who love nature, adventure, camping, and wildlife watching.

How to get around Khaudum National Park

In Khaudum National Park, it is recommended to use a 4x4 vehicle to move around, as the roads can be very rough and challenging. It is not advisable to use a sedan or normal car as the road conditions may lead to damage of the vehicle. Additionally, it is recommended to bring spare tires, a good GPS system and a map to navigate through the park. It is also important to take note of wildlife movement and to always be aware of your surroundings while driving.

What to see around Khaudum National Park

Certainly! Here are some places you can visit in a day trip from Khaudum National Park in Namibia: 1. Popa Falls - a beautiful waterfall on the Okavango River that is famed for its birdlife 2. Divundu - a small town with local crafts, a community market and plenty of opportunities to view hippos and crocodiles.
3. Mahango Game Reserve - a privately managed reserve with excellent game viewing opportunities, including elephants, lions, leopards, and more.
4. Bagani - a small village that sits at the confluence of the Okavango and the Kavango rivers. Here you can take a boat cruise, fish and just marvel at the stunning scenery.
5. Tsodilo Hills - This group of ancient rock formations is a sacred site and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. The rock paintings here are extremely well preserved and date back several thousand years.
6. Buffalo Park - a conservation area that is home to waterbuck, giraffes, zebras, ostriches, and a wide variety of birdlife.
I hope this helps and you enjoy your trip!
For every travel information about Namibia you can click here.

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