Komandoo - Discovering Maldives

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Travelling to Komandoo

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Komandoo, a pretty good destination in Maldives (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Komandoo and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Komandoo, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Maldives, here's everything to know about Komandoo for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Komandoo

Komandoo is a small island located in the Lhaviyani Atoll of the Maldives. It is known as a popular honeymoon destination due to its romantic and secluded atmosphere. The island is surrounded by turquoise waters and a coral reef, making it an excellent destination for snorkeling and diving. There are plenty of activities to do on the island, including water sports, beach yoga, and island hopping excursions. The island has a variety of accommodation options ranging from beach villas to overwaters bungalows. The nearest airport is the Velana International Airport, and it takes about an hour's seaplane ride to reach Komandoo.

Travelling to Komandoo and around: discovering Maldives

What to visit in Komandoo

Komandoo is a beautiful island in the Maldives, best known for its picturesque beaches and crystal clear waters. Here are some of the top tourist attractions to visit: 1. Komandoo Island Beach: This is the main draw for visitors, and it's easy to see why. With soft powdery sand, clear blue waters, and beautiful coral reefs, this beach is a slice of paradise.
2. Snorkeling and Diving: Komandoo Island is a snorkeler's and diver's paradise. The island is surrounded by stunning coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life. Snorkeling and diving excursions are available, and there's a PADI-certified dive center on the island.
3. Island Picnics: For a truly special experience, take a picnic to one of the nearby uninhabited islands. You can enjoy a private picnic on a secluded beach in the middle of the Indian Ocean. 4. Sunset Cruise: Another popular activity in Komandoo is a sunset cruise. You'll get to watch the sun dip below the horizon while sipping a cold drink and enjoying the warm sea breeze.
5. Island Hopping: There are many beautiful islands near Komandoo, and island hopping is a popular activity. You can explore different islands, each with its own unique charm. 6. Massage and Spa: For a truly relaxing day, indulge in a massage or spa treatment at one of the island's many spas. You'll be pampered with luxurious treatments while surrounded by breathtaking views of the island. Overall, Komandoo Island is a peaceful and serene destination that's perfect for those who want to unwind and soak up the natural beauty of the Maldives.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Maldives, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Komandoo

The best time to visit Komandoo in the Maldives is from December through April. During this period, the weather is typically dry and sunny, with low humidity and calm seas. The temperatures are warm and pleasant, ranging from the mid-80s during the day to the mid-70s at night, making it a perfect time to enjoy water activities such as snorkeling, diving, and swimming. However, it's important to note that because this is peak season, prices are typically higher and availability may be limited. If you're looking for a more affordable option, consider traveling during the shoulder seasons (May-July, November) when there are still good weather conditions, but prices may be more reasonable.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Komandoo

To get to Komandoo Island Resort & Spa in the Maldives, you would need to first fly into Velana International Airport (MLE) in Male, the capital city of the Maldives. From Male, you can take a 45-minute seaplane ride to Komandoo Island. The seaplane transfer is usually arranged by the resort, and you can book it in advance. Alternatively, you can take a domestic flight to Dharavandhoo Airport followed by a 15 minutes’ speedboat transfer to reach the resort. It is important to note that seaplane transfers are subject to weather conditions and can sometimes be cancelled or delayed. Therefore, it's recommended to have travel insurance and consider adding a buffer day to your itinerary to account for any possible delays or changes in schedule.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Komandoo, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Komandoo

Here are some typical foods you can find in Komandoo, Maldives, with a short description for each of them: 1. Mas Huni - A traditional Maldivian breakfast dish made with tuna, grated coconut, onions, lemon juice, and chili.
2. Garudhiya - A flavorful fish broth made with fresh grated coconut, lime, and chili, usually served with rice.
3. Bajiya - A popular snack in the Maldives, Bajiya is a deep-fried pastry filled with spiced fish or vegetable filling.
4. Saagu Bondibai - A sweet dessert made with sago (tapioca pearls), coconut milk, cinnamon, and cardamom.
5. Fihunumas - Grilled fish fillets marinated with spices such as cumin, turmeric, and chili, typically served with rice or roshi (traditional flatbread).
6. Kulhi Borkibaa - Deep-fried fish cakes made with tuna, coconut, and chili, typically served as an appetizer.
7. Huni Roshi - A breakfast dish consisting of roshi (traditional Maldivian flatbread) served with Mas Huni (tuna, coconut, and chili salad).
8. Bis Keemiya - A triangular-shaped pastry filled with spiced minced meat or vegetables and deep-fried until golden brown.
You can find general info about typical foods in Maldives here.

Is Komandoo an expensive destination for tourists?

Yes, Komandoo Island Resort & Spa is considered to be a luxury destination in the Maldives, and therefore, it could be quite expensive for tourists. Prices vary depending on the season and the type of accommodation you choose, but in general, you can expect to pay a premium for the exclusive and exquisite experience that the Maldives offer. However, it is worth researching and comparing prices, as there may be some deals or packages available that can make your stay more affordable.

Where to find accomodation in Komandoo

To visit Komandoo Island Resort & Spa in Maldives, you should look for accommodations in the Lhaviyani Atoll region. The closest nearby islands with accommodation options are Thoddoo, Maafilaafushi, Naifaru, and Hinnavaru. These islands are usually connected to Komandoo Island Resort & Spa by boat transfers provided by the resort.
You can check hotel prices at Komandoo here:

Is Komandoo a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Komandoo Island in the Maldives is generally considered a safe place for tourism. The Maldives as a whole is known for its high level of safety and security, with a low crime rate and a stable political climate. However, as with any travel destination, it is always important to take reasonable precautions to ensure your personal safety and security, such as using your hotel's safe, being aware of your surroundings, and keeping an eye on your belongings when in public areas. Additionally, it's important to follow any safety guidelines that are given to you by your tour operator or hotel staff, such as regarding water activities or wildlife encounters.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Maldives here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Komandoo.

What type of travelers will enjoy Komandoo the most?

Komandoo Island Resort in the Maldives is best-suited for couples and honeymooners, as the resort offers a secluded and romantic atmosphere. It's not designed for young people looking for parties or families with children. The resort is perfect for those seeking peace, tranquillity, and relaxation in an idyllic tropical paradise. The island is surrounded by crystal-clear waters, white sand beaches, and pristine coral reefs, providing a perfect getaway for couples looking for a romantic island retreat.

How to get around Komandoo

The best mode of transportation to explore Komandoo island in the Maldives is by foot. The island is small enough to be explored on foot, and you can easily get around to all the key spots. Additionally, the resort provides bicycles and golf carts to guests, which can be used to move around the island. Since the island is surrounded by water, water taxis and boats are also available for getting to nearby islands or for exploring the lagoon.

What to see around Komandoo

Sure, here are some nice places which you can visit in a day trip from Komandoo (Maldives): 1. Maafushi Island - It is a local island famous for its beaches, water sports, snorkeling and diving sites, and cultural experiences.
2. Gulhi Island - It is a small island with white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and relaxed atmosphere.
3. Fulidhoo Island - It is a serene island with a beautiful beach, pristine waters, and a great spot for snorkeling and diving.
4. Dhigurah Island - It is a small, peaceful island with white-sand beaches, turquoise water, and a great spot for snorkeling and diving.
5. Dhangethi Island - It is a local island that offers visitors an opportunity to experience the Maldivian way of life and enjoy the beauty of nature.
6. Male City - Maldives' capital, it is known for its hustle and bustle, several historic mosques, popular local markets, and modern attractions.
7. Hulhumale Island - It is an artificial island, located near the Male International Airport, known for its beaches, water sports, and urban development.
I hope this helps you plan your day trip from Komandoo Island.
For every travel information about Maldives you can click here.

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