Mansehra - Discovering Pakistan

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Travelling to Mansehra

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Mansehra, a pretty good destination in Pakistan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Mansehra and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Mansehra, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Pakistan, here's everything to know about Mansehra for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Mansehra

Mansehra is a city located in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It is situated in the Himalayan foothills, approximately 205 kilometers north of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The city has a rich history and is home to numerous archaeological sites, including the ancient cities of Gandhara and Taxila. Mansehra is known for its natural beauty, with stunning mountain vistas, waterfalls, and lush green valleys. Some popular tourist attractions in Mansehra include the Shinkiari Fort, Balakot, and the Kaghan Valley.

Travelling to Mansehra and around: discovering Pakistan

What to visit in Mansehra

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Mansehra, Pakistan, along with some information about each: 1) Shogran Valley: This picturesque valley is located at an altitude of 2,362 meters above sea level and is famous for its lush green forests and breathtaking views of the Kaghan Valley.
2) Mansehra Buddhist Stupas: These ancient Buddhist stupas date back to the 1st century AD and are important archaeological sites in the region. They are located on the outskirts of Mansehra city.
3) Kundol Lake: This stunning lake is located in the Swat Valley region and is known for its crystal clear blue waters and panoramic mountain views.
4) Lulusar Lake: Located at an altitude of 3,410 meters, Lulusar Lake is an alpine lake in the Kaghan Valley with magnificent views of snow-capped mountains.
5) Siri Paye Meadows: These lush green meadows are located at an altitude of 3,058 meters and offer awe-inspiring views of the Malika Parbat mountain range.
6) Thandiani: This hill station is located at an altitude of 2,750 meters and is famous for its cool and pleasant climate, scenic views, and hiking trails.
7) Bala Hisar Fort: This historic fort was built by the Sikh emperor Ranjit Singh in the early 19th century and is located in Mansehra city.
8) Kala Dhaka: This scenic mountain range is located in the northern parts of Mansehra district and is known for its diverse flora and fauna, trekking trails, and rock climbing opportunities.
Hope this helps!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Pakistan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Mansehra

The best time to visit Mansehra is from April to October. During this period, the weather is pleasant with temperature ranging from 15°C to 25°C, and the chances of rainfall are lowest. Mansehra is also a popular summer retreat, with many tourists visiting the area in July and August to escape the heat and humidity of the rest of the country. However, it is important to note that Mansehra can experience occasional road closures and landslides during the monsoon season (July to September), so it is best to check with local authorities before planning your trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Mansehra

To get to Mansehra, Pakistan, here are the main transportation options: 1. By Air: The nearest airport to Mansehra is the Islamabad International Airport (ISB), which is around 150 km away. From there, you can take a taxi or a bus to Mansehra. Several airlines operate flights to Islamabad, including Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Emirates, Qatar Airways, and Turkish Airlines.
2. By Bus: There are several bus companies that operate from major cities in Pakistan to Mansehra. Daewoo Express, Niazi Express, Faisal Movers, and Skyways are some of the popular bus companies. The journey may take anywhere between 4-7 hours, depending on the route and traffic.
3. By Car: You can also hire a car or a taxi from Islamabad or other nearby cities to reach Mansehra. The journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the route and traffic.
I hope this information helps with planning your trip to Mansehra!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Mansehra, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Mansehra

Mansehra is a district of Pakistan that has a rich and diverse food culture. Here are some typical foods of Mansehra with a short description: 1. Chapli Kebab: A famous dish of Mansehra, Chapli Kebab is a spicy and flavorful flat patty made of beef or mutton and seasoned with chili, coriander, and other spices.
2. Samosas: A popular snack, samosas are triangular fried or baked pastries filled with potatoes, vegetables, and spices.
3. Pulao: A traditional rice dish made with meat or vegetables, pulao is seasoned with spices such as cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves.
4. Tikka: A popular barbecue dish, tikka is made by marinating small pieces of meat, usually chicken or beef, in a spicy mixture of yogurt and spices, and then grilling them over charcoal.
5. Halwa Poori: A traditional breakfast dish, halwa poori consists of a sweet semolina and pistachio pudding served with deep-fried flatbreads called poori.
6. Kadhi: A tangy yogurt-based curry made with chickpea flour, kadhi is usually combined with boiled rice and served with crispy papadums or crackers.
7. Karhai Gosht: A famous dish in Mansehra, karhai gosht is a spicy and flavorful curry made with tender chunks of mutton or beef cooked in a wok with spices such as ginger, garlic, and tomatoes.
8. Doodh Patti Chai: A creamy and rich tea made by boiling milk and tea leaves together, doodh patti chai is a popular drink in Mansehra and is often served with crispy samosas or biscuits.
You can find general info about typical foods in Pakistan here.

Is Mansehra an expensive destination for tourists?

Mansehra is not generally considered an expensive destination for tourists. As a small city in Pakistan, the cost of living and travel expenses are relatively low. Accommodation and food prices are very reasonable, and transportation fees are also affordable. However, the cost of local tours or activities may vary depending on the provider and the type of experience you're looking for. Overall, Mansehra is a budget-friendly destination for travelers.

Where to find accomodation in Mansehra

Mansehra is a city located in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Some areas where you can find accommodations to visit Mansehra are: 1. City Center: This area is the heart of the city and offers easy access to shopping centers, restaurants, and historical landmarks.
2. Ayubia: It is a popular tourist destination located in the outskirts of the city. The area offers scenic beauty and peaceful surroundings.
3. Kaghan Valley: It is a picturesque region located near Mansehra. Kaghan Valley offers excellent accommodations options for travelers seeking adventure and natural scenic beauty.
4. Sharan Forest: It is a popular camping spot located near Mansehra. The area is known for its lush greenery and tranquil surroundings.
5. Balakot: It is a small town located 16 kilometers away from Mansehra. Balakot offers accommodations options and an ideal base for tourists going for trekking and hiking in the Himalayas.
You can check hotel prices at Mansehra here:

Is Mansehra a safe destination for tourists?

Mansehra is generally considered a safe place for tourists. However, as with any place, it's important to take the usual precautions such as being aware of your surroundings, not flashing expensive items, and staying away from areas with a history of violence or political unrest. It's always a good idea to research the latest travel advisories before visiting any destination to ensure your safety.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Pakistan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Mansehra.

What type of travelers will enjoy Mansehra the most?

Mansehra is a great place for families and couples who enjoy scenic beauty, outdoor activities and exploring natural wonders. While it may not be a typical destination for young people looking for a lot of partying or nightlife, there are still plenty of fun activities to enjoy. Here are some of the things that make Mansehra a great destination for families and couples: 1. Natural Beauty: Mansehra is located in a picturesque area surrounded by mountains. There are many spots that offer stunning views of the mountains, valleys and rivers.
2. Outdoor Activities: There are many outdoor activities that families and couples can enjoy in Mansehra, such as hiking, trekking, camping, fishing, and picnicking.
3. Historic and Cultural Sites: Mansehra and the surrounding areas are steeped in history and culture. There are numerous historic sites, such as the Buddhist monastery in Takht-i-Bahi, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Overall, Mansehra is a great destination for those who are looking for a peaceful and scenic getaway, filled with natural beauty, outdoor activities, and cultural exploration.

How to get around Mansehra

In Mansehra, Pakistan, the common modes of transportation available are taxis, buses, and rickshaws. Taxis are usually more expensive but offer more convenience and privacy. Buses, on the other hand, are the most budget-friendly option but may not always be comfortable or convenient. Finally, rickshaws are prevalent, especially in the city's urban areas, and are perfect for short distances. However, they may not be comfortable for a long journey.

What to see around Mansehra

Certainly, here are some of the ideal day trips from Mansehra: 1. Shogran: A peaceful and serene hill station known for its beautiful landscapes and lush green hillsides. It is located around 2 hours away from Mansehra and offers activities such as hiking, trekking, and camping.
2. Kaghan Valley: A popular tourist destination known for its majestic views and natural beauty. It is around 3 hours away from Mansehra and offers activities such as fishing, hiking, and trekking.
3. Naran: A scenic town located around 3 hours away from Mansehra. It is known for its crystal-clear lakes, alpine forests, and stunning mountain vistas. Visitors can enjoy activities such as boating, camping, and trout fishing.
4. Balakot: A small town located around 1.5 hours away from Mansehra. It is known for its scenic beauty and offers activities such as trekking, angling, and exploring the nearby natural hot springs.
5. Saiful Muluk Lake: A stunning alpine lake located around 3 hours away from Mansehra. It is famous for its picturesque beauty and tranquil surroundings. Visitors can enjoy activities such as boating, camping, and hiking.
For every travel information about Pakistan you can click here.

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