Mayfield Falls - Discovering Jamaica

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Travelling to Mayfield Falls

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Mayfield Falls, a pretty good destination in Jamaica (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Mayfield Falls and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Mayfield Falls, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Jamaica, here's everything to know about Mayfield Falls for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Mayfield Falls

Mayfield Falls is a natural attraction located in the parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica. It is a series of 21 cascading waterfalls and pools that stretch across 5 acres of lush greenery. Visitors can go on guided tours through the falls and swim in the refreshing pools, surrounded by tropical plants and natural rock formations. Mayfield Falls is known for its peaceful and serene atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for relaxation and adventure. It is also a popular spot for hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking.

Travelling to Mayfield Falls and around: discovering Jamaica

What to visit in Mayfield Falls

Sure, here are the tourist attractions of Mayfield Falls in Jamaica: 1. Mayfield Falls: This is the main attraction of the area, and it is a series of 21 natural waterfalls, each cascading over limestone rocks and hidden in a dense jungle. Visitors can swim, sunbathe, and explore the falls while enjoying the natural beauty of the area.
2. Mineral Springs: There are several mineral springs in the area that are believed to have therapeutic properties for the skin and body.
3. Bird Watching: Mayfield Falls is home to over 200 species of birds, and it's an excellent spot to go birdwatching.
4. Rafting on the River: Visitors can go rafting on the river that runs through Mayfield Falls, where they can enjoy the natural beauty of the area while floating down the river.
5. Hiking: The area surrounding Mayfield Falls is filled with lush forests and hiking trails, and visitors can explore the area on foot and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
6. Wildlife Watching: Mayfield Falls is home to several species of wildlife, including birds, monkeys, and lizards, and visitors can enjoy watching them in their natural habitat.
Overall, Mayfield Falls is a beautiful and tranquil oasis in Jamaica, and it offers visitors a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Jamaica, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Mayfield Falls.

When to go on holiday to Mayfield Falls

The best time to visit Mayfield Falls in Jamaica is during the dry season, which runs from December to April. During this time, the weather will be sunny and warm with low humidity and less chance of rainfall. This makes it ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking through the forest and swimming in the waterfalls. It's important to note that Mayfield Falls may be crowded during peak tourist season (January to March), so if you're looking for a quieter experience, you may want to consider going in the off-season.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Mayfield Falls

Mayfield Falls is located in the Westmoreland Parish in Jamaica. Here's how you can get there: 1. By car/taxi: The easiest way to reach Mayfield Falls is by car or taxi. You can hire a taxi from your hotel, resort or from any major town in Westmoreland.
2. Public transportation: From Savanna-la-Mar, take a bus towards Petersfield. Ask the conductor to drop you off at the Mayfield Falls junction in Glenbrook. From there, you can hire a local taxi to take you the rest of the way to the falls.
3. Guided tour: Many tour companies offer guided tours to Mayfield Falls which include transportation and a tour guide.
However, it is important to note that the roads leading to Mayfield falls can be narrow and winding, with many steep hills. So, if you are driving yourself, it's essential to be cautious and confident driving on these types of roads.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Mayfield Falls, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Mayfield Falls

Mayfield Falls is a popular tourist destination in Jamaica, known for its natural beauty and delicious local food. Here are some typical foods you can try at Mayfield Falls: 1. Jerk Chicken: a Jamaican classic, the chicken is marinated in a blend of spices and grilled over an open flame. The result is a smoky, spicy, and flavorful dish.
2. Rice and Peas: a staple of Jamaican cuisine, this dish consists of rice and kidney beans cooked in coconut milk. It's often served as a side dish with meat or fish.
3. Escovitch Fish: a delicious and zesty fish dish. The fish is fried and topped with a tangy mixture of vinegar, onions, and peppers.
4. Fried Plantains: a sweet and savory side dish, plantains are sliced and fried until crispy.
5. Callaloo: a hearty Jamaican soup, callaloo is made with callaloo leaves (similar to spinach), okra, and sometimes coconut milk or meat.
6. Jamaican Patties: a pastry filled with seasoned meat or vegetables. Jamaican patties are a popular snack and can be found all over the island.
You can find general info about typical foods in Jamaica here.

Is Mayfield Falls an expensive destination for tourists?

Mayfield Falls in Jamaica is not considered an expensive destination compared to other tourist destinations in Jamaica. Admission fees for adults are approximately $20 USD per person, which includes a guide, and children under 12 years old are typically admitted at a reduced rate. Additionally, there may be costs associated with transportation to and from the falls, but these can vary depending on location and mode of transportation chosen. Overall, Mayfield Falls is a great destination for those looking for outdoor adventure without breaking the bank.

Where to find accomodation in Mayfield Falls

The best areas to find accommodation to visit Mayfield Falls in Jamaica would be Negril, Montego Bay, or Ocho Rios. These areas offer a wide range of accommodation options, including luxurious resorts, budget-friendly hotels, and vacation rentals. Additionally, they are relatively close to Mayfield Falls and offer easy access to other popular attractions in Jamaica.
You can check hotel prices at Mayfield Falls here:

Is Mayfield Falls a safe destination for tourists?

Mayfield Falls is generally considered safe for tourists. However, as with any tourist destination, it's important to exercise caution and practice common sense safety measures. It's recommended to travel in a group, not to carry excessive amounts of cash or valuables, and to stay aware of your surroundings at all times. Additionally, it's always a good idea to check with your hotel or a local tourism office for any specific safety advice or warnings before venturing out to any tourist attraction.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Jamaica here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Mayfield Falls.

What type of travelers will enjoy Mayfield Falls the most?

Mayfield Falls in Jamaica is a great place for families, nature lovers, and adventurous travelers. The falls are suitable for all ages, but please be aware that the natural terrain can be slippery, so it's best to take caution.
The falls offer an opportunity to explore the lush greenery, swim in freshwater pools, and experience the thrill of climbing the falls. There are also several rest areas and picnic spots where visitors can relax and enjoy a meal surrounded by beautiful scenery.
While Mayfield Falls is not known for its nightlife or party atmosphere, younger people looking for adventure will enjoy exploring the falls, swimming, and having fun in the water. However, it is important to note that visitors seeking a lively nightlife or large resorts might want to look at other destinations in Jamaica, such as Negril or Montego Bay.
Overall, Mayfield Falls is a great destination for families and anyone seeking an active, nature-focused vacation.

How to get around Mayfield Falls

To move around Mayfield Falls in Jamaica, walking is the primary mode of transportation. Visitors have to walk upstream along the shallow river to see the falls and its pools. Wearing water shoes or sandals is recommended as the rocks can be slippery. However, some tour companies may provide transportation to and from the entrance of the falls.

What to see around Mayfield Falls

Sure, here are some nice places that you can visit in a day trip from Mayfield Falls: 1. Negril- Negril is a beach resort town located on the western coast of Jamaica and is known for its sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and breathtaking sunsets.
2. Montego Bay- Montego Bay is a popular tourist destination in Jamaica and is known for its stunning beaches, Caribbean culture, and many attractions such as the Rose Hall Great House, the Hip Strip, and the Montego Bay Marine Park.
3. Dunn's River Falls- Dunn's River Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in Ocho Rios and is a popular attraction for visitors who enjoy hiking, swimming, and taking in the stunning natural scenery.
4. Blue Hole- The Blue Hole is a natural swimming pool located in the hills of Ocho Rios and is a popular spot for swimming, cliff jumping, and exploring the surrounding jungle.
5. Green Grotto Caves- The Green Grotto Caves are a magnificent underground cave system located in Discovery Bay and is a fascinating place to explore the natural beauty of Jamaica.
6. YS Falls- YS Falls is a breathtaking waterfall and natural swimming pool located in the mountains of Saint Elizabeth and is known for its crystal clear water and lush tropical surroundings.
7. Treasure Beach- Treasure Beach is a scenic and secluded fishing town located on the southern coast of Jamaica and is known for its tranquil beaches, friendly locals, and stunning sunsets.
For every travel information about Jamaica you can click here.

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