Meru - Discovering Kenya

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Travelling to Meru

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Meru, a pretty good destination in Kenya (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Meru and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Meru, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kenya, here's everything to know about Meru for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Meru

Meru is a town located in the eastern region of Kenya. It is the largest town in the Meru County and serves as the county’s administrative capital. The town is situated at the foothills of Mount Kenya, which is the second highest mountain in Africa. Meru is known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant markets, and picturesque landscapes. The town has a relatively mild climate with temperatures averaging between 18-27°C throughout the year. Some of the interesting places to visit in Meru include the Meru National Park, Mount Kenya National Park, Lake Nkunga, and the Chuka Hills.

Travelling to Meru and around: discovering Kenya

What to visit in Meru

Some of the top tourist attractions in Meru, Kenya are: 1. Meru National Park: This park is located in the northern region of Mount Kenya and it covers an area of over 870 square kilometers. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife including elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, and more than 400 bird species.
2. Ngaya Forest: This is a protected area located in Meru County which is home to some of the most unique tree species in Kenya. The forest is also a sanctuary for many animal species, including the endangered mountain bongo.
3. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy: This is a private reserve located on the northern slopes of Mount Kenya. It is home to a diverse range of wildlife such as endangered species like the black rhino and Grevy’s zebra, as well as lions, leopards, and elephants.
4. Mount Kenya National Park: This park is located around Mount Kenya, Africa's second-highest peak. It covers an area of over 700 square kilometers and it’s home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, some of which are only found here.
5. Nkunga Forest Reserve: This forest is located in Tigania East Sub County in Meru County. It is home to many bird species and various animal species like bushbucks, duikers and elephants.
6. Meru Museum: This museum is located in the town of Meru and it showcases the traditional and contemporary life and culture of the people of Meru. It also displays various artifacts and information about the flora and fauna of the area.
7. Meru Betiri National Park: This park is located on the coast of East Java, Indonesia. It covers an area of over 580 square kilometers and it is home to the Javanese tiger and many other animal species including the leaf monkey and the wild boar.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kenya, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Meru.

When to go on holiday to Meru

The best time to go on holiday to Meru National Park in Kenya is during the dry season, which runs from June to October and from January to February. During this time, the weather is generally sunny and dry, which makes it easier to spot wildlife as they tend to congregate around water sources. The rainy season is from March to May and November to December, and during this time the park can be quite muddy and some roads may be impassable. However, if you don't mind the rain and want to see the park in its lush green state, this could also be a good time to visit. It's important to note that some lodges and camps may close during the rainy season, so it's best to check ahead before booking your trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Meru

To get to Meru, Kenya, you can take a flight to the nearest airport to the town, which is the Nanyuki Airport or the Meru Mulika Airport. Both airports have flights from Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. From the airport, you can take public or private transportation to reach the town of Meru, which is approximately 50-60km away. Buses and shared taxis are also available from Nairobi to Meru, or you can arrange for a private taxi for a more comfortable and convenient travel experience.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Meru, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Meru

Here are some typical foods from Meru, Kenya: 1. Mukimo: It is a mashed dish made of boiled maize, beans, potatoes, and greens like pumpkin leaves. The ingredients are boiled together until they are soft, and then mashed together to form a smooth consistency.
2. Nyama Choma: It is grilled meat, usually beef or goat, which is marinated in spices before grilling. It is often served with kachumbari (a tomato and onion salad), ugali (a maize flour porridge), or even mukimo.
3. Matoke: It is a popular dish in Kenya made of mashed plantains cooked with onions, tomatoes, and spices. It is served with meat, beans, or vegetables.
4. Chapati: It is a type of Indian flatbread that has become a popular food in Kenya. It is made from wheat flour, water, and oil. It is often served with beans or vegetables and has a soft, buttery texture.
5. Irio: It is a dish that consists of mashed potatoes, beans, and maize. It is a staple meal in Meru and is often served with nyama choma or vegetables.
6. Githeri: It is a stew made of boiled beans and maize. The beans and maize are boiled together until they are soft and then served with meat or vegetables.
7. Pilau: It is a rice dish that is flavored with spices like cumin, cardamom, and cinnamon. It is often served with meat or vegetables and is a popular dish in Kenya.
These are just a few examples of the delicious foods that you can enjoy while visiting Meru in Kenya.
You can find general info about typical foods in Kenya here.

Is Meru an expensive destination for tourists?

Meru, located in central Kenya, is generally a more affordable destination compared to other popular destinations in the country such as Nairobi and Mombasa. However, the cost of your trip to Meru will ultimately depend on your travel style, preferences, and budget.
Accommodation in Meru ranges from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury lodges and camps, so you can choose a place to stay that fits your budget. Food and drinks are also generally affordable, especially if you eat at local restaurants and cafes.
However, some activities and attractions in Meru such as wildlife safaris and cultural visits can be more expensive, especially if you opt for a guided tour. It's always best to research and compare prices before booking any activities or accommodations.

Where to find accomodation in Meru

The best areas to find accommodation when visiting Meru, Kenya are: 1. Meru National Park: There are several lodges and campsites located within the national park that offer stunning views of wildlife and nature.
2. Meru town: This is the largest town in Meru and has several budget and mid-range hotels available for visitors.
3. Nanyuki: This is a town located near Meru and also offers a range of accommodation options.
4. Nyahururu: This town is located on the way to Meru from Nairobi and has several lodges and hotels that offer comfortable accommodation options. It's recommended to research and book accommodation in advance, especially during peak season, to ensure you find the best option for your needs.
You can check hotel prices at Meru here:

Is Meru a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Meru is generally a safe place for tourists. However, like any other tourist destination, it's always important to take precautions to ensure your safety. This includes avoiding walking alone at night, keeping your valuables safe, and being aware of your surroundings. It's also a good idea to check the travel advisory for the area before your trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kenya here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Meru.

What type of travelers will enjoy Meru the most?

Meru, Kenya, offers a variety of activities and accommodations that cater to different types of travelers. Here are some recommendations: - Couples: Meru is home to some of the most romantic lodges and camps in Kenya, offering private cottages, romantic dinners under the stars, and exclusive game drives. You can enjoy intimate moments with your significant other while exploring the wildlife and the beautiful landscapes of Meru National Park.
- Families: Meru is a great destination for families with children. The national park offers exciting activities, such as game drives, guided walks, and visits to local communities. There are also family-friendly lodges and camps that offer spacious rooms, swimming pools, and children's activities.
- Young people: Meru is not typically a destination for young people looking for parties and nightlife. However, if you're interested in adventure and wildlife, you will find plenty of activities that will keep you entertained. You can go on a guided walking safari, climb Mount Kenya, or visit the Ngare Ndare Forest Reserve for a canopy walk.
In summary, Meru is a destination that offers something for all types of travelers. Whether you're a couple looking for a romantic getaway, a family looking for an adventure, or a young person looking for wildlife experiences, Meru has it all.

How to get around Meru

The most popular forms of transportation in Meru (Kenya) include private taxis, matatus (minibuses), motorbikes (boda-boda), and rental cars. However, it is advisable to use private taxis or rental cars because they offer a higher level of safety and convenience. Matatus are often crowded, uncomfortable, and can be unsafe. Motorbikes are quick, but can be dangerous and are not suitable for long journeys or groups.

What to see around Meru

Here are some places you can visit on a day trip from Meru, Kenya: 1. Meru National Park: Explore the beautiful scenery, see wildlife, and enjoy the fresh air and natural environment.
2. Mount Kenya: Trek to the top of the second highest peak in Africa, take in breathtaking views, and explore the surrounding forests.
3. Timau River Lodge: Relax in a serene environment, go bird watching, and enjoy activities such as fishing and hiking.
4. Tana River Primate Reserve: Go on a guided tour to observe and learn about various monkey species in their natural habitat.
5. Nkubu Forest: Take a nature walk along the trails in this beautiful forest, see stunning waterfalls, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. 6. Lake Rutundu and Lake Alice: Take a scenic drive to these two remote lakes that are surrounded by lush vegetation and hiking trails.
7. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy: Visit this wildlife sanctuary and learn about conservation efforts for endangered species like the black rhino.
8. Chogoria Town: Take a walk around the bustling marketplace, visit historical sites, and enjoy local cuisine. I hope this helps!
For every travel information about Kenya you can click here.

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