Monte Hermoso - Discovering Argentina

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Travelling to Monte Hermoso

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Monte Hermoso, a pretty good destination in Argentina (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Monte Hermoso and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Monte Hermoso, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Argentina, here's everything to know about Monte Hermoso for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Monte Hermoso

Monte Hermoso is a seaside resort city located on the Atlantic coast in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is known for its beautiful beaches, clear waters, and a pleasant climate. The city offers a variety of activities for tourists such as windsurfing, horseback riding, fishing, hiking, and cycling. It is also rich in natural reserves and protected areas, such as the Monte Hermoso Natural Reserve and the Doradas Beach Protected Area. Additionally, Monte Hermoso has a good range of accommodation options and restaurants, making it an ideal destination for family vacations and beach holidays.

Travelling to Monte Hermoso and around: discovering Argentina

What to visit in Monte Hermoso

Monte Hermoso is a beautiful coastal city located in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Some of the tourist attractions in Monte Hermoso are: 1. Monte Hermoso Beach: This is the main attraction of the city. With its clear waters and sandy beaches, Monte Hermoso beach is a popular destination for tourists seeking wárm weather and water activities. It has lifeguards on duty during the high season (from December to February).
2. Mirador El Centinela: This is a viewpoint located about 18 km from the city center. From here you can have a panoramic view of the sea and the surrounding area. It is also an ideal place to watch the sunset.
3. Monte Hermoso Lagoon: This is a beautiful blue lagoon located just a few kilometers from the city center. It is a scenic spot where you can enjoy birdwatching, kayaking, and fishing.
4. Punta Ancla: Located in the southern part of Monte Hermoso, Punta Ancla is a rocky coastline that offers stunning views of the sea. It is a great spot for photographers and nature lovers.
5. La Casa del Acantilado: This is a unique house built on a cliff overlooking the sea. The architecture is inspired by the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous American architect. It is currently used as an art gallery.
6. Monte Hermoso Museum: This museum is dedicated to the history of Monte Hermoso and includes exhibits on the local flora and fauna, geology, and the native inhabitants of the region.
7. Monte Hermoso Golf Club: This golf course is located just a few kilometers from the city center and offers stunning views of the sea. It is open to the public and is a popular spot for tourists who love golf.

When to go on holiday to Monte Hermoso

The best time to visit Monte Hermoso depends on the type of experience you are looking for. The peak season is from December to February, during the summer months when the weather is warm and perfect for beach activities. However, if you prefer a quieter and more relaxed holiday, you may want to consider visiting during the offseason, from March to November. During this time, the weather is milder, and there are fewer crowds, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the region in a more peaceful setting. Overall, the best time to go will depend on your personal preferences and travel aspirations.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Monte Hermoso

There are several ways to get to Monte Hermoso, Argentina: 1. By car: If you have access to a car or are planning on renting one, Monte Hermoso is approximately a 6-hour drive from Buenos Aires.
2. By bus: Many bus companies offer services to Monte Hermoso from Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca, and surrounding cities. The journey from Buenos Aires takes approximately 8-9 hours.
3. By plane: The closest airport to Monte Hermoso is Comandante Espora Airport in Bahía Blanca, which receives flights from Buenos Aires and other cities in Argentina. From the airport, you can rent a car or take a bus to Monte Hermoso.
Once you arrive in Monte Hermoso, you can explore its beautiful beaches, go surfing or kiteboarding, and take advantage of the many outdoor activities the area has to offer.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Monte Hermoso, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Monte Hermoso

Monte Hermoso is a coastal city in Argentina famous for its seafood dishes. Here are some of the typical foods that you can try when visiting Monte Hermoso: 1. Seafood Paella: A Spanish dish with a twist of Argentinean flavors. It is made with rice, saffron, seafood such as shrimp, clams, squid, and fish.
2. Asado: Barbecued meat is Argentina's national dish, and in Monte Hermoso, you can try it with locally sourced beef, lamb, and pork.
3. Empanadas: These are baked or fried turnovers filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables. In Monte Hermoso, you can find seafood empanadas that are filled with shrimp and/or fish.
4. Pescado Frito: This is fried fish that is typically served with lemon wedges and salad. It is a simple and delicious dish that is popular in Monte Hermoso.
5. Milanesa Napolitana: This is breaded and fried beef or chicken cutlets topped with tomato sauce, ham, and melted cheese. It is a hearty and filling meal that is popular in Argentina.
6. Alfajores: These are sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche (caramelized condensed milk). They are a popular dessert in Argentina and can be found in most bakeries and cafes.
7. Dulce de Leche: This is a sweet and creamy caramel spread that is used in many desserts in Argentina. It is made by slowly cooking condensed milk with sugar.
Overall, Monte Hermoso offers a unique blend of Spanish and Argentinean cuisine with a focus on fresh seafood and grilled meat.
You can find general info about typical foods in Argentina here.

Is Monte Hermoso an expensive destination for tourists?

Monte Hermoso can be considered a relatively affordable destination compared to other coastal destinations in Argentina. The cost of accommodation, food, and activities is moderate and can fit different types of budgets. However, depending on the season, prices can increase significantly, especially during high season (January and February), when the demand for tourism is higher. It's always a good idea to compare prices between different options and to plan ahead to make the most of your budget.

Where to find accomodation in Monte Hermoso

Monte Hermoso is a popular beach destination in Argentina, and there are several areas where you can find accommodation. The most popular areas include: 1. Downtown Monte Hermoso – This area has a variety of condos, apartments, and hotels that offer easy access to the beach and nearby restaurants.
2. The beachfront – Monte Hermoso has a long stretch of beach, and there are several hotels and apartments that offer fantastic views of the ocean.
3. La Duna – This is a residential area that is located about 10 minutes from downtown Monte Hermoso. It is a quieter area that is perfect for families or those looking for a more peaceful vacation.
4. Barrio Parque Norte – This area is located about 5 minutes from downtown Monte Hermoso and is an upscale residential area with a few rental properties available.
Overall, it's best to find accommodation that is close to the beach and offers easy access to the attractions and amenities you want to visit during your stay in Monte Hermoso.
You can check hotel prices at Monte Hermoso here:

Is Monte Hermoso a safe destination for tourists?

Monte Hermoso is considered a generally safe place for tourists, with a low crime rate. However, like any destination, visitors should take basic precautions to ensure their safety, such as avoiding walking alone at night, keeping an eye on personal belongings, and being aware of their surroundings. It is also recommended to follow any local rules or regulations and to stay informed of any potential risks or hazards, such as dangerous weather conditions or wildlife. Overall, Monte Hermoso is a beautiful and safe place for tourists to enjoy.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Argentina here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Monte Hermoso.

What type of travelers will enjoy Monte Hermoso the most?

Monte Hermoso in Argentina is a place that offers activities and attractions for all types of travelers. However, it is mostly known for its family-friendly environment and is an excellent option for families looking for relaxation and fun.
Couples who love the beach and outdoor activities will also find Monte Hermoso enjoyable, as there are several walking trails, bike paths, and water activities to enjoy.
Young travelers looking for an exciting nightlife or party atmosphere may be disappointed, as Monte Hermoso is a quieter destination that relies on outdoor activities and natural attractions. However, it remains a beautiful and peaceful place to disconnect and enjoy the ocean views.

How to get around Monte Hermoso

In Monte Hermoso, you can move around by walking, biking, or using public transportation such as buses or taxis. There are also car rental services available in the city if you prefer to have your own vehicle.

What to see around Monte Hermoso

Certainly! Here are some nice places to visit on a day trip from Monte Hermoso: 1. Bahía Blanca: A great destination for a day trip, Bahía Blanca offers a variety of things to see and do, including museums, parks, and shopping.
2. Sierra de la Ventana: A scenic mountain range and national park located about 2 hours from Monte Hermoso. This is a great place for hiking, birdwatching, and enjoying the natural beauty of the area.
3. Punta Alta: A charming city on the banks of the Colorado River. With a variety of cultural attractions, parks, and restaurants, Punta Alta is a great place to explore for a day.
4. La Plata: The capital of the province of Buenos Aires, La Plata is known for its beautiful architecture, museums, parks, and nightlife.
5. Tornquist: A small town located in the mountains, Tornquist is known for its natural beauty and outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing. It's located approximately 2 hours from Monte Hermoso.
I hope this helps!
For every travel information about Argentina you can click here.

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