Mouscron - Discovering Belgium

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Travelling to Mouscron

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Mouscron, a pretty good destination in Belgium (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Mouscron and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Mouscron, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Belgium, here's everything to know about Mouscron for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Mouscron

Mouscron is a municipality located in the western part of Belgium, near the border with France. It is part of the province of Hainaut and has a population of around 58,000 people. The area is known for its textile industry and has several historical sites, including the Castle of Heron and the Church of Saint-Barthelemy. The city is easily accessible by train and is located approximately 20 kilometers from the city of Lille in France.

Travelling to Mouscron and around: discovering Belgium

What to visit in Mouscron

Certainly! Mouscron is a city located in the province of Hainaut, in the south of Belgium. Some of the tourist attractions you can find in Mouscron are: 1. Eglise Saint-Barthélemy: This is the largest church in Mouscron, built in the 19th century in the neo-Gothic style. It is known for its tall bell tower and beautiful stained glass windows.
2. Parc du Château: This is a large park in Mouscron that surrounds a beautiful castle. The park features expansive lawns, gardens, and wooded areas, as well as walking paths and a small lake. It's a great place to relax and enjoy nature.
3. Musée de Folklore: This museum is dedicated to the cultural heritage of Mouscron and the surrounding region. It features exhibits on local traditions, crafts, and folklore, and also hosts events and workshops on these topics.
4. La Maison du Tourisme: This is the tourist information center in Mouscron, where you can get information about local attractions and events, as well as maps and brochures. It's a great starting point for your visit to the city.
5. La Maison Comtoise: This is a historic house in Mouscron that dates back to the 17th century. It has been restored and turned into a museum that showcases the life of a typical local family in the 19th and early 20th centuries. 6. Les Moulins de la Marlière: This is a group of windmills in Mouscron that were built in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were used to grind grain into flour and are now a historic landmark.
These are just a few of the attractions that Mouscron has to offer. There are also many restaurants, shops, and other activities to enjoy in the city and the surrounding area.

When to go on holiday to Mouscron

The best time to visit Mouscron, Belgium is during the summer months from June to August when the weather is mild and pleasant with an average temperature of around 20°C. The town also hosts various cultural events and festivals during this time, making it a great time to explore Mouscorn. However, if you are looking for cheaper prices and fewer crowds, the spring and fall seasons can also be a good time to visit. Keep in mind that winter in Mouscron can be quite cold and wet, with average temperatures around 5°C.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Mouscron

There are several ways to get to Mouscron, Belgium: 1. By plane: The closest airport to Mouscron is Lille Lesquin International Airport, located in France, just 25 kilometers from Mouscron. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to Mouscron.
2. By train: Mouscron has its own train station, with regular connections from Brussels and Lille. Alternatively, you can take a train to Tournai and then change to a local train to Mouscron.
3. By car: Mouscron is easily accessible by car, being located just off the E17 motorway between Ghent and Lille.
4. By bus: There are also several bus companies that offer connections to Mouscron from nearby cities such as Lille, Roubaix, and Tourcoing.
Overall, the best way to get to Mouscron will depend on your starting location and individual preferences.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Mouscron, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Mouscron

Mouscron, located in the Wallonia region of Belgium, has a rich culinary tradition. Some of the typical foods of Mouscron are: 1. Carbonnade flamande: This is a traditional Flemish beef and onion stew that is slow-cooked in beer. It is usually served with French fries or bread.
2. Waterzooi: A stew made with chicken, fish or seafood, potatoes, carrots, and onions. It is seasoned with cream, parsley and sometimes even a bit of white wine.
3. Lacquemants: These are thin crispy waffles filled with a sweet almond-flavored filling, sometimes known as Speculoos.
4. Géants: A sweet pastry that resembles a large cookie or biscuit, made with butter, sugar, and flour.
5. Salade liégeoise: A hearty salad made with green beans, potatoes, and bacon. It is served with a slightly sweet and tangy dressing.
6. Galettes: A thin savory pancake or crepe made with buckwheat flour and filled with ingredients such as ham, cheese, and vegetables.
7. Potchevleesch: A traditional dish made with a combination of meats such as rabbit, chicken, pork, and beef, which are slow-cooked and pressed into a terrine. It is usually served cold with pickles and bread.
8. Head cheese: A type of cold cut made from the head of a pig or calf. It is seasoned with spices and served sliced with bread or crackers.
9. Kipkorn: A fried chicken snack that resembles a corn dog. It is popular as a street food.
10. Belgian fries: A not-to-be-missed food item in Belgium, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, served with mayonnaise or other sauces.
You can find general info about typical foods in Belgium here.

Is Mouscron an expensive destination for tourists?

Mouscron is generally an affordable destination compared to other cities in Belgium, but it depends on your travel preferences and budget. The cost of accommodation, dining, and transportation in Mouscron is generally lower than in major Belgian cities like Brussels or Bruges.
However, keep in mind that prices can still vary based on the time of year and specific activities you plan to do. During the peak tourist season or major events, prices may rise. It's always a good idea to research and compare prices in advance to find the best deals.

Where to find accomodation in Mouscron

There are several areas where you can find accommodation to visit Mouscron, Belgium. Some of the best areas include the city center, which is close to the main attractions, shopping areas, and restaurants. Another good area is the train station area, which usually offers affordable accommodation options and excellent transport links. Another great option is to look for accommodation near the Parc du Château, which is a lovely park with green spaces and a lake, perfect for walking or relaxing. Finally, the residential neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city may also offer good accommodation options such as guest houses, bed and breakfasts and villas.
You can check hotel prices at Mouscron here:

Is Mouscron a safe destination for tourists?

Mouscron is known to be a relatively safe place for tourists, with a low crime rate. However, as with any place, it's always important to take basic safety precautions. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone in poorly-lit areas at night. Keep your valuables, such as your wallet and passport, in a secure place. If you're traveling alone or feel uncomfortable in any situation, don't hesitate to ask for help or contact the local authorities. Overall, as long as you use common sense and take basic safety precautions, you should have a safe and enjoyable trip to Mouscron.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Belgium here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Mouscron.

What type of travelers will enjoy Mouscron the most?

Mouscron, Belgium is a lovely destination that can cater to different types of travelers. While it is not typically known as a tourist destination, it can still offer an enjoyable experience for those who visit. Couples may appreciate Mouscron's romantic atmosphere as this city is well-known for its beautiful parks and gardens. The Parc communal is an ideal place to enjoy a romantic walk or a picnic with your partner. With its numerous restaurants and cafes, couples can also find a variety of dining options in the city.
Young people who are looking for fun might appreciate the city's vibrant nightlife scene, especially on weekends. There are many bars and clubs where you can indulge in some drinks and dancing. Additionally, there are several events that take place throughout the year, including music and cultural festivals, which can be a highlight of your visit.
Families can also have a great time in Mouscron as there are various activities suitable for all ages. They can explore some of the many parks, playgrounds, and museums, such as the Musée de Folklore, which houses various artifacts that offer insights into local life and traditions. The city also organizes events and shows that families can attend to spend quality time together.
Overall, Mouscron is an excellent destination for those looking for a relaxed trip with a blend of culture, outdoor activities, and entertainment options that suits different travelers.

How to get around Mouscron

The easiest way to move around Mouscron is by using public transportation, particularly by bus. There are several bus routes that cover various parts of the city, including the city center and its outskirts. Taxis and rental cars are also available, but they can be more expensive than using public transportation. The city is not very large, so you may even choose to explore it on foot or by bicycle.

What to see around Mouscron

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Mouscron (Belgium): 1. Lille (France) - This French city is just a short train ride away from Mouscron and is known for its beautiful architecture, delicious food, and vibrant shopping scene.
2. Bruges (Belgium) - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a charming medieval city with picturesque canal views, cobblestone streets, and plenty of chocolate shops.
3. Ghent (Belgium) - This university town is full of history and culture, with stunning Gothic architecture, art museums, and delicious local cuisine.
4. Ypres (Belgium) - This city is known for its involvement in World War I and has several museums and memorials dedicated to the war, as well as a beautiful town center.
5. Kortrijk (Belgium) - This city is known for its beautiful architecture, especially its beautiful town hall and church, and has a great market square for shopping and dining.
For every travel information about Belgium you can click here.

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