Ouahigouya - Discovering Burkina Faso

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Travelling to Ouahigouya

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Ouahigouya, a pretty good destination in Burkina Faso (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Ouahigouya and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Ouahigouya, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Burkina Faso, here's everything to know about Ouahigouya for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Ouahigouya

Ouahigouya is a city located in the northern part of Burkina Faso, in West Africa. It is the capital of the province of Yatenga and is situated about 180 kilometers from Ouagadougou, the country's capital. The city has a rich cultural heritage with several ethnic groups living together, including the Mossi, Fulani, and Tuareg people. Ouahigouya is known for its vibrant market, where you can find a variety of goods and services, such as textiles, food, and household items. The city also has several historic landmarks, museums, and traditional festivals that showcase its cultural identity. Ouahigouya has a semi-arid climate, with hot and dry conditions prevailing throughout most of the year. It is a popular destination for tourists who are interested in exploring the richness of West Africa's cultural heritage.

Travelling to Ouahigouya and around: discovering Burkina Faso

What to visit in Ouahigouya

Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso: 1. Mosquée de Toulfé - This beautiful mosque is located in the Toulfé neighborhood of Ouahigouya. Built in the 19th century, the mosque features a unique mix of Sudano-Sahelian and Islamic architectural styles.
2. Parc Animalier et Botanique de la Mare aux Crocodiles - A visit to this park is a must for nature lovers. The park is known for its crocodile ponds and is also home to many other animal species, such as monkeys, antelopes, and birds.
3. Le Grand Marché - This bustling market is a great place to shop for local goods and souvenirs. With 300 stalls over 11,000 square meters, you are sure to find something that catches your eye.
4. Musée Provincial du Loroum - This small museum showcases the art and culture of the Loroum province. Exhibits include traditional handicrafts, historical artifacts, and contemporary artworks.
5. Lac de Bam - Located about 20 km outside of Ouahigouya, this picturesque lake is a great spot for swimming, fishing, and picnicking. There are also several hiking trails around the lake.
6. Grande Mosquée - This mosque is one of the oldest in Burkina Faso, dating back to the 12th century. It is an important religious and cultural site in Ouahigouya, and visitors are welcome to explore its beautiful architecture and learn about its history.
I hope this helps you plan your trip to Ouahigouya!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Burkina Faso, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Ouahigouya.

When to go on holiday to Ouahigouya

The best time to visit Ouahigouya and Burkina Faso, in general, is during the dry season between November and February when the weather is cooler and there is little to no rainfall. This time of year is perfect for exploring the cities and parks, as well as making excursions to the surrounding countryside. However, please note that temperatures can still be hot, especially during midday, so it is recommended to dress in lightweight clothing and drink plenty of water. The rainy season typically lasts from June to October, during which road conditions can be difficult, and there are increased risks of tropical diseases.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Ouahigouya

To get to Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso, there are a few options: 1. By Air: The easiest way to get to Ouahigouya is to fly into the capital city Ouagadougou and then take a domestic flight to Ouahigouya. There are several international airlines that fly to Ouagadougou, including Turkish Airlines and Air France.
2. By Road: It is possible to drive to Ouahigouya from nearby cities like Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, and Kaya. However, road conditions can be challenging, and it is important to plan your route carefully and have a reliable vehicle.
3. By Bus: There are also buses that run from Ouagadougou to Ouahigouya. While this is a more affordable option, it can also be less comfortable and reliable than flying or driving.
It is recommended to check for any travel advisories and plan your trip carefully, especially if you are not used to traveling in Burkina Faso.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Ouahigouya, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Ouahigouya

Here are some typical foods of Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso, with a short description for each: 1. Tô: This is a staple food in Burkina Faso made from pounded millet or sorghum. It is usually served with a soup or sauce made from vegetables, meat or fish.
2. Riz gras: This is a rice dish made with vegetables, meat, and spices. It is one of the popular dishes in Ouahigouya.
3. Foutou: This is similar to Tô but is made by mixing cassava or yam flour with water and boiling it. It is served with a soup or sauce.
4. Poulet braisé: This is grilled chicken, marinated in a spicy sauce and served with grilled plantains or rice.
5. Brochettes: These are skewers of grilled meat, usually goat or beef, served with onions and tomatoes.
6. Guina Kadi: This is a popular beverage made from millet or corn and is usually consumed with meals.
7. Beignets: These are fried doughnuts, usually made with flour, sugar, and yeast. They can be sweet or savory.
8. Bouillie: This is a sweet, milky porridge made from cornmeal or millet flour, sugar, and water.
9. Kossam: This is a spicy peanut sauce that is commonly used as a dip or a topping for dishes.
10. Gombo: This is a stew made with okra and meat or fish, seasoned with onions, tomatoes, and spices.
You can find general info about typical foods in Burkina Faso here.

Is Ouahigouya an expensive destination for tourists?

Ouahigouya is not a typically touristy destination in Burkina Faso, so the costs can vary depending on your preferences and the level of comfort you are seeking. However, compared to other major cities in Burkina Faso, Ouahigouya can be considered relatively affordable. Accommodation and food tend to be less expensive than in other cities, but the cost of transportation, tours, and activities can vary depending on your preferences and arrangements. It is always recommended to research and plan your trip in advance to get a better sense of the costs and budget accordingly.

Where to find accomodation in Ouahigouya

In Ouahigouya, the best areas to find accommodation are near the city center, where most of the shops, restaurants, and tourist attractions are located. You can also find hotels near the bus station or the airport for convenient access to transportation. Additionally, there are several hotels and guesthouses along Route Nationale 2 that connects Ouahigouya to other cities in Burkina Faso.
You can check hotel prices at Ouahigouya here:

Is Ouahigouya a safe destination for tourists?

Ouahigouya, like most places in Burkina Faso, has a low crime rate and is generally safe for tourists. However, it is always important to be cautious and take necessary safety precautions while traveling. It is recommended to avoid walking alone at night, to be aware of your surroundings, and to keep your valuables secure. It may also be helpful to research any specific safety concerns or travel advisories for the area before your trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Burkina Faso here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Ouahigouya.

What type of travelers will enjoy Ouahigouya the most?

Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso can be an interesting destination for different types of travelers, depending on their interests. This town is a great destination for cultural tourism, and visitors interested in learning about local traditions and customs will enjoy its vibrant and colorful atmosphere. Therefore, families and culture enthusiasts would find it interesting.
Alternatively, if young people looking for fun are interested in exploring local nightlife or participating in outdoor activities, Ouahigouya may not be the best choice as the town is relatively small and does not offer many nightlife options. It is not a popular destination for honeymooning couples either. Ultimately, the type of traveler who will enjoy Ouahigouya most will depend on their specific interests and preferences.

How to get around Ouahigouya

In Ouahigouya, the most common modes of transportation are by motorcycle taxis, locally referred to as "zemidjans" or "moto-taxis," and by small shared taxis known as "clando" or "kaabga". In addition, you can also rent a private car or hire a driver for the duration of your stay. Bicycles and walking are also options for shorter distances within the town.

What to see around Ouahigouya

Sure, here are some places you can visit in a day trip from Ouahigouya: 1. Bani Village: This village is known for its traditional mud architecture and UNESCO World Heritage site. 2. Kanji National Park: This park offers a variety of wildlife, including elephants and lions, and scenic hiking trails.
3. Gourcy: This town is known for its vibrant market, bustling streets, and traditional architecture.
4. Nazinga Game Ranch: This game reserve offers a variety of wildlife, including buffalo, antelope, and crocodiles. 5. Laongo Sculpture Symposium: This outdoor art installation features large-scale sculptures from artists across Africa.
6. Mare aux Hippopotames: This hippopotamus pond is a popular spot for bird watching and wildlife observation. 7. Fada N'Gourma: This ancient city offers a glimpse into Burkina Faso's history, with ruins and traditional architecture. I hope these suggestions help you plan your day trip from Ouahigouya!
For every travel information about Burkina Faso you can click here.

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