Playa Sámara - Discovering Costa Rica

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Travelling to Playa Sámara

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Playa Sámara, a pretty good destination in Costa Rica (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Playa Sámara and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Playa Sámara, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Costa Rica, here's everything to know about Playa Sámara for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Playa Sámara

Playa Sámara is a beautiful beach located in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, on the Pacific coast. It is known for its calm turquoise waters, long stretches of sandy beaches, and lush tropical vegetation. Playa Sámara is a popular destination for travelers seeking a peaceful and laid-back atmosphere, and also for those who are into outdoor activities such as swimming, snorkeling, surfing, and hiking. The beach town of Sámara has a variety of accommodations, restaurants, and bars, making it a perfect spot for a relaxing vacation in Costa Rica.

Travelling to Playa Sámara and around: discovering Costa Rica

What to visit in Playa Sámara

Sure, here are some tourist attractions in Playa Sámara, Costa Rica: 1. Playa Sámara Beach - Beautiful beach with a gentle surf, ideal for swimming, paddleboarding, kayaking, and surfing. It is also known for its picturesque sunsets and a stunning coral reef perfect for snorkeling.
2. The Werner Sauter Biological Reserve - This reserve is located near the town of Sámara and features over 400 acres of primary and secondary tropical dry forest with hiking trails, a scenic viewpoint, and a waterfall.
3. Izquierda Beach - Located 15 minutes from Sámara, this secluded beach is perfect for a day outing or a romantic excursion. It is also known for its incredible sunsets, and quiet atmosphere.
4. Barigona Beach - A stunning and secluded beach, only accessible by foot from the main road. It is a popular spot for snorkeling, and wildlife watching.
5. Carrillo Beach - Located just 6 km from Sámara, this picturesque beach is known for its crystal clear waters, white sand, and is a great spot for fishing, swimming, surfing, and sunbathing. Carrillo is perfect for those travelers looking to escape the crowds of Playa Sámara.
6. Sámara Art Gallery - This gallery displays an incredible collection of local Costa Rican works of art, jewelry, ceramics, and textiles.
7. Casa Manzanillo - A sustainable farm and orchard just a few kilometers from Sámara that offers daily tours and workshops where you can learn how to make your own natural soap or artisanal cheese, and sample local organic produce.
Overall, Playa Sámara offers many amazing and unique attractions to explore and is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves natural beauty and cultural experiences.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Costa Rica, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Playa Sámara

The best time to visit Playa Sámara in Costa Rica is from December to April. This is the dry season where you can expect sunny weather, calm seas and pleasant temperatures that range from around 30°C during the day to 23°C at night. However, it's important to note that this is also the peak tourist season, so prices for accommodations and activities may be higher than other times of the year. If you are looking to save some money and avoid the crowds, the rainy season from May to November is also a good option to consider. Just be prepared for the occasional afternoon downpours and hotter temperatures.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Playa Sámara

There are a few different ways to get to Playa Samara, depending on where you are starting from. Here are some options: 1. By car: Playa Samara is located on the Nicoya Peninsula in Guanacaste Province. If you have a rental car or are driving your own vehicle, you can take the Pan-American Highway (Route 1) to the turnoff for the Tempisque Bridge (Route 18). Follow Route 18 to Nicoya, and then take Route 150 to Samara.
2. By bus: There are several bus companies that offer service to Playa Samara from San Jose, Liberia, and other major cities in Costa Rica. The trip can take several hours, so it’s recommended to bring snacks and water.
3. By shuttle: Many tour companies and hotels offer shuttle service to Playa Samara from major airports and cities in Costa Rica. This can be a convenient and hassle-free way to get to the beach town.
No matter which option you choose, be sure to plan your trip in advance and allow for plenty of travel time. Costa Rica’s roads can be challenging to navigate, especially in rainy season, so it’s best to take your time and enjoy the journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Playa Sámara, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Playa Sámara

Here are some of the typical foods of Playa Sámara in Costa Rica together with a brief description of each: 1. Gallo Pinto - It is a traditional Costa Rican dish made with rice and beans simmered together in a pan, flavored with onion, garlic, and spices.
2. Casado - It is a staple dish in Costa Rican cuisine, consisting of rice, beans, salad, and a choice of meat, chicken, or fish.
3. Ceviche - It is a seafood dish made with raw fish, shrimp or octopus, marinated in lime juice, diced onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and spices.
4. Chifrijo - It is a popular bar food that consists of a layer of rice and beans mixed with chicharrones (pork cracklings), topped with diced onions, diced tomato, and cilantro.
5. Arroz con Mariscos - It is a flavorful seafood rice dish made with rice, shellfish, squid, octopus, and spices.
6. Patacones - It is a traditional snack or side dish made of green plantains that are sliced and deep-fried, then flattened and fried again. 7. Sopa Negra - It is a black bean soup made with black beans, onions, garlic, cilantro, and spices, often served with a hard-boiled egg and a side of rice. 8. Empanadas - It is a pastry filled with meat or cheese, folded and deep-fried until crispy. 9. Tostones - It is a side dish made with fried slices of green plantain that are flattened and fried again until crispy. These delicious foods are a must-try when visiting Playa Sámara in Costa Rica.
You can find general info about typical foods in Costa Rica here.

Is Playa Sámara an expensive destination for tourists?

Playa Sámara in Costa Rica can be considered a mid-range to high-end destination, depending on the type of accommodations and activities you choose. Prices can vary greatly depending on the season, with peak season being higher priced.
For accommodations, there are a variety of options ranging from low-cost hostels to boutique hotels and luxury resorts. Activities such as surfing, horseback riding, and snorkeling can also add up to the costs.
Overall, it is more expensive than some of the other destinations in Costa Rica, but with proper planning and research, you can still find affordable options to fit your budget.

Where to find accomodation in Playa Sámara

There are several good options for finding accommodations to visit Playa Sámara in Costa Rica. Some popular areas to stay include: 1. Sámara Town: This is the most popular area for visitors, and has several hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals, as well as shops and restaurants.
2. Carrillo Beach: This is a quieter area than Sámara Town, and has fewer options for accommodations, but is still close enough to enjoy the amenities of Sámara.
3. Nicoya Town: This is a larger town and has more options for budget accommodations, as well as supermarkets and other services.
4. Nosara: This area is a bit farther from Sámara, but has some luxurious options for accommodations and is popular among surfers.
5. Guiones: Located near Nosara, this is another popular spot for surfers and has several luxury resorts and vacation rentals.
You can check hotel prices at Playa Sámara here:

Is Playa Sámara a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Playa Samara is considered a safe place for tourists to visit. The small beach town has a low crime rate and is known for its friendly locals and relaxed atmosphere. However, it's always important to exercise caution and use common sense, such as not leaving valuables unattended on the beach and being aware of your surroundings. It's also recommended to follow any safety guidelines provided by your accommodation or local authorities.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Costa Rica here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Playa Sámara.

What type of travelers will enjoy Playa Sámara the most?

Playa Sámara is a beautiful and serene beach destination that would be enjoyed by a wide range of travelers. It is an ideal location for families with its gentle waves, safe swimming areas, and a wide range of water activities suitable for children such as paddleboarding, kayaking, and snorkeling.
Couples would definitely enjoy the peace and tranquillity along the beach side, engaging in happy hours, candlelit dinners, and intimate walks along the coast.
Young people who are into adventure will enjoy surfing, and the beach bars and restaurants that offer a lively night scene. Moreover, Playa Sámara is known for its vibrant and festive spirit, especially during the high season.
Overall, Playa Sámara is a great destination for travelers of all ages and is a perfect place to relax and appreciate the natural beauty of Costa Rica.

How to get around Playa Sámara

In Playa Samara, there are several transportation options to move around such as walking, biking, renting a car, using taxis, or taking public transportation (buses). Walking and biking are great options to explore the town's center and nearby attractions. Renting a car provides more flexibility and accessibility to farther destinations. Taxis are widely available, but they can be a bit pricey. Public transportation is cheaper and can take you to nearby towns and beaches, but it might not always be punctual.

What to see around Playa Sámara

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Playa Sámara: 1. Barra Honda National Park - A beautiful park with underground caves and canyons.
2. Nicoya Peninsula - A beautiful peninsula for bird watching, horseback riding, and hiking.
3. Nosara Wildlife Sanctuary - Get up close and personal with rescued monkeys, sloths and more.
4. Montezuma - The town has a beautiful waterfall and is perfect for surfing.
5. Tamarindo - A vibrant beach town perfect for surfing, shopping, and dining.
6. Palo Verde National Park - A great option for nature lovers and bird watchers.
7. Rincon de la Vieja National Park - A stunning park with a volcano, waterfalls, and hot springs.
8. Arenal Volcano National Park - A beautiful natural park with hot springs and waterfalls.
9. La Paz Waterfall Gardens - A one-stop destination for hiking, waterfalls, and wildlife viewing.
10. Manuel Antonio National Park - A stunning park with white sandy beaches and a tropical forest.
For every travel information about Costa Rica you can click here.

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