Pucallpa - Discovering Peru

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Travelling to Pucallpa

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Pucallpa, a pretty good destination in Peru (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Pucallpa and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Pucallpa, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Peru, here's everything to know about Pucallpa for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Pucallpa

Pucallpa is a city located in eastern Peru and is the capital of the Ucayali region. It is situated at the edge of the Amazon rainforest and has a tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity. The city is known for its diverse population, with indigenous communities and migrants from all over Peru, which has resulted in a unique blend of cultures. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Pucallpa include the Yarinacocha lagoon, the Aguaytia river, and the Parque Natural Omaca.

Travelling to Pucallpa and around: discovering Peru

What to visit in Pucallpa

Sure, here are some popular tourist attractions in Pucallpa, Peru: 1. Parque Natural de Pucallpa - This is a large natural park located in the heart of Pucallpa and is home to a variety of wildlife including monkeys, birds, and reptiles. It's a great place for a walk or picnic.
2. Plaza del Reloj - This is a prominent square in the center of Pucallpa and is home to a large clock tower. It's a great place to take photos and people-watch.
3. Parque Ecológico "El Puma" - This is a popular ecological park with trails for hiking, a school of environmental education, and an area for picnics. The highlight of the park is the Huarapo river that runs through it.
4. Centro Cultural de Pucallpa - This is a cultural center that offers exhibitions, a library, music shows, and a space for theater performances.
5. Lago de Yarinacocha - This is a beautiful lake located just a few kilometers from Pucallpa and offers stunning views of the surrounding jungle. It's popular for boating and fishing.
6. Mercado de Yarinacocha - This is a local market where you can find a variety of crafts, clothing, and fresh produce.
7. Parque Natural Regional - This is a regional park located a few kilometers from Pucallpa and is great for hiking and bird-watching. It offers stunning views of the jungle.
8. Museo Arqueológico de Pucallpa - This is a museum that showcases the local indigenous history and culture of the Ucayali region.
9. Mirador de Aguaytía - This is a lookout point located on a steep hill that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding jungle and the Aguaytía river.
10. Catedral de Pucallpa - This is a beautiful cathedral located in the center of Pucallpa and is a symbol of the city's religious heritage. It's worth a visit for its stunning architecture and religious importance.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Peru, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Pucallpa.

When to go on holiday to Pucallpa

The best time to visit Pucallpa is during the dry season which runs from May to September. During these months, rainfall is minimal and the weather is generally sunny and dry which is perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the area. The temperature during this period ranges from 25°C to 32°C, so it's quite warm and humid. However, it's important to note that the high season for tourism is from June to August, so if you plan on traveling during this time, it's best to book your accommodations and tours in advance.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Pucallpa

There are several ways to get to Pucallpa, Peru: 1. By Air: The easiest way to reach Pucallpa is by air. There are several airlines that offer flights from Lima to Pucallpa, including LATAM, Sky Airlines, and Avianca. The flight takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes.
2. By Bus: Another way to reach Pucallpa is by bus. There are several bus companies that offer services from Lima to Pucallpa, such as Cruz del Sur, Oltursa, and Civa. The journey takes around 20-24 hours, depending on the operator.
3. By Car: You can also drive to Pucallpa, which is located around 620 km east of Lima. The journey takes around 12-14 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.
4. By Boat: If you are coming from Iquitos or other nearby Amazonian towns, you can take a boat to Pucallpa. Several boats run daily on the Ucayali River, and the journey takes around 2-3 days, depending on the operator and boat type.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Pucallpa, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Pucallpa

Pucallpa is a city located in the Ucayali region of Peru, and its cuisine is a blend of traditional Amazonian ingredients and flavors with Peruvian cuisine. Here are some of the typical foods of Pucallpa: 1. Tacacho con Cecina: This dish consists of mashed green plantain mixed with pork crackling and served with salted and smoked pork.
2. Juane: This is a typical dish from the Upper Amazon region that consists of boiled rice, chicken, olives, hard-boiled eggs, and spices, all wrapped in a banana leaf and boiled. 3. Inchicapi: A soup made from ground peanuts, yellow chili peppers, chicken, yucca, onions, garlic, and cilantro, usually served with rice.
4. Patarashca: A dish made with fish, usually a sliced paiche fillet, seasoned with spices and wrapped in a bijao leaf and grilled.
5. Timbuche: A green soup made from a mixture of mashed plantain and chili peppers, cooked with chicken, fish, or pork. 6. Chonta Salad: A salad made with chonta, which is the inner core of the palm tree, mixed with onions, tomatoes, lemon juice, cilantro, and chili peppers. 7. Caldo de Bolas: A soup made from plantain dough and stuffed with ground beef, pork, or chicken, vegetables, and spices.
These are just a few of the typical dishes of Pucallpa, but there are many more to enjoy!
You can find general info about typical foods in Peru here.

Is Pucallpa an expensive destination for tourists?

Pucallpa is not considered an expensive destination for tourists. In fact, it is quite affordable compared to other cities in Peru. However, prices can vary depending on your expectations and choices within the city. Some factors that can affect your budget include the type of accommodation, the type of food you choose to eat, transportation, and activities you plan to do. With some research and planning, you can easily find budget-friendly options to enjoy your trip to Pucallpa without breaking the bank.

Where to find accomodation in Pucallpa

It is best to find accommodation in the city center or near the Plaza de Armas in Pucallpa. There are also several hotels and hostels near the Ucayali River, which offer beautiful views and easy access to waterfront activities. Additionally, there are some eco-lodges and accommodations located in the surrounding nature reserves and Amazon rainforest areas, which are great options for visitors looking to connect with nature and experience the local biodiversity.
You can check hotel prices at Pucallpa here:

Is Pucallpa a safe destination for tourists?

Pucallpa is generally a safe destination for tourists, but like any other city, it is important to take basic precautions to avoid any problems or incidents. Here are some tips to ensure a safe trip to Pucallpa: - Avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas that are less populated or poorly lit.
- Use reputable taxis or ride-sharing services, rather than hailing a random cab on the street.
- Keep your valuables, including your passport and money, in a safe place, such as a hotel safe or a money belt.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings, particularly in crowded places like markets or tourist attractions.
- Be cautious when interacting with strangers, particularly those who are overly friendly or pushy.
- Follow any local rules or customs, especially when it comes to cultural practices or religious sites.
By following these basic precautions, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable trip to Pucallpa.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Peru here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Pucallpa.

What type of travelers will enjoy Pucallpa the most?

Pucallpa is a city located in the Peruvian Amazon, surrounded by lush forests and rivers. It offers a variety of activities and experiences suitable for different types of travelers.
Couples who enjoy adventure and nature will love Pucallpa. They can take a boat tour of the Ucayali River, explore the jungle, and visit the Yarinacocha lagoon to see exotic wildlife.
Young people looking for fun will also find plenty of things to do in Pucallpa. The city has a lively nightlife, with bars and clubs where they can dance to traditional music and enjoy local drinks.
Families will appreciate the family-friendly activities in Pucallpa, such as visiting the Fauna Rescue Center to see animals and learn about conservation efforts. They can also take a walk through the beautiful Parque Natural de Pucallpa, or check out the local markets for souvenirs and locally-made handicrafts.
Overall, Pucallpa has something for everyone, making it an excellent destination to visit with your loved ones.

How to get around Pucallpa

The most common form of transportation in Pucallpa is the mototaxi, which is a motorbike taxi that can take up to two passengers and is often used for short trips in the city. There are also buses and taxis available for longer distances or larger groups. However, be aware that mototaxis can be a bit risky as they do not provide much protection in case of accidents and may not always follow traffic rules. It is best to exercise caution and only use official taxi services with licensed drivers.

What to see around Pucallpa

Here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Pucallpa: 1. Tingo Maria National Park: This national park is located just over 2 hours from Pucallpa and is a beautiful spot for hiking, birdwatching, and relaxing in nature. The park is known for its rock formations and the Cuevas de las Lechuzas (Owl Caves).
2. Aguaytia: This small town is located about 3 hours from Pucallpa and is known for its hot springs, which are said to have healing properties. You can also visit the Aguaytia Energy Museum to learn about the region's energy industry.
3. Lago Yarinacocha: This lake is located just outside of Pucallpa and is a popular spot for fishing and boating. You can also take a tour of the surrounding jungle and visit local communities.
4. Hacienda San Francisco: This historic hacienda is located about 1.5 hours from Pucallpa and is a great spot for a day trip. You can learn about the history of the area, explore the gardens, and sample local cuisine.
5. Chullachaqui Eco Lodge: This eco lodge is located about 2 hours from Pucallpa and is a great spot for nature lovers. You can hike through the jungle, swim in the river, and observe wildlife such as monkeys and birds.
For every travel information about Peru you can click here.

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