Spanish Wells - Discovering Bahamas

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Travelling to Spanish Wells

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Spanish Wells, a pretty good destination in Bahamas (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Spanish Wells and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Spanish Wells, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bahamas, here's everything to know about Spanish Wells for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Spanish Wells

Spanish Wells is a small town located on the island of St. George's Cay, in the northern part of Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas. It is known for its pink sand beaches, clear blue waters and traditional Bahamian fishing village atmosphere. The island is relatively small, making it easy to get around on foot, golf cart or bicycle. Spanish Wells is also renowned for its abundant fishing grounds, particularly for lobster, and for its historical significance as the site where European explorers first settled in the Bahamas. The town has a quiet, relaxed feel and is popular with tourists looking for a peaceful and authentic island experience.

Travelling to Spanish Wells and around: discovering Bahamas

What to visit in Spanish Wells

Spanish Wells is a beautiful island located in the Bahamas, and it has an abundance of natural beauty and cultural attractions to explore. Here are some of the must-see tourist attractions of Spanish Wells, along with some information about each of them: 1. Harbour Island: Harbour Island is a short boat ride away from Spanish Wells and it is known for its pink sand beach. The beach is made up of tiny pink shells that have washed ashore over time, creating a stunning natural wonder.
2. Preacher's Cave: Preacher's Cave is an important historical landmark that visitors should take the time to visit. The cave provided shelter to the first settlers of the island, and it is the site where the first recorded religious services were held in the Bahamas.
3. Queen's Bath: Queen's Bath is a natural pool located on the rugged Atlantic coast of Spanish Wells. The pool is surrounded by rocks and cliffs and filled with sea water that is warmed by the sun. It's a great spot for a refreshing swim.
4. Spanish Wells Museum: Spanish Wells Museum is a great place to learn more about the history and culture of the island. The museum has a collection of artifacts and exhibits that showcase the island's rich heritage.
5. Lighthouse Beach: Lighthouse Beach is a remote and secluded beach that offers a peaceful and relaxing getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The beach is surrounded by natural vegetation and a rocky coastline, which creates a unique and serene atmosphere.
6. Pinder's Point Lighthouse: Pinder's Point Lighthouse stands at the southern end of Spanish Wells and offers incredible views of the island and surrounding waters. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse for even better views.
7. Fishing: Spanish Wells is known for its thriving fishing industry, and visitors can take part in fishing tours and charters to experience the island's fishing culture firsthand. There are plenty of opportunities to catch a variety of fish, including snapper, grouper, and marlin.
Overall, Spanish Wells has a lot to offer tourists, including beautiful beaches, historical landmarks, and cultural attractions. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, Spanish Wells is a great destination to explore.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Spanish Wells.

When to go on holiday to Spanish Wells

The best time to visit Spanish Wells in the Bahamas is from November to April. This is the high season where the weather is sunny and dry with temperatures ranging from the mid-70s to low 80s Fahrenheit. The low season is from May to October where the weather is hot and humid and there is a higher risk of hurricanes and rain showers. However, if you are looking to avoid the crowds and save some money, visiting during the low season can be a good option. Ultimately, it depends on your preferences and travel priorities.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Spanish Wells

To get to Spanish Wells in the Bahamas, you can take a flight to North Eleuthera Airport (ELH) from most major US cities, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale. From there, you can take a taxi or rent a car to drive to the dock on the mainland and take a water taxi or ferry to Spanish Wells. Alternatively, you can take a direct flight to Spanish Wells from Florida or Nassau, depending on availability. It's always a good idea to check with the airlines and travel providers for the most up-to-date schedules and availability.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Spanish Wells, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Spanish Wells

1. Conch Fritters - deep-fried balls made with a blend of conch meat, flour, and seasonings. They are a popular snack in Spanish Wells and are often served with a spicy sauce.
2. Lobster - Spanish Wells is known for its fresh and succulent lobster dishes. Grilled, boiled or baked with butter, garlic and parsley sauce is a must-try when visiting the island.
3. Fish Fry - a platter of deep-fried fish along with side dishes like macaroni and cheese, peas and rice, and coleslaw. It's a popular dish among locals in Spanish Wells and is often served at outdoor festivals.
4. Peas n' rice - rice mixed with either black-eye or pigeon peas, bacon, onion, and seasonings. It's a staple dish in the Bahamas, and a must-try when visiting Spanish Wells.
5. Guava Duff - a Bahamian dessert consisting of a sweet guava paste wrapped in a dough and boiled until it's fully cooked. It's served with a warm sauce made from butter, sugar, and vanilla extract.
6. Johnny Cake - a sweet bread that's fried or baked, which serves as a snack or a side dish. It's often served alongside soups or stews.
7. Boiled Fish and Grits - boiled fish is cooked with onions, peppers, and tomatoes, served alongside buttery grits. This dish is usually served for breakfast in Spanish Wells.
Overall, Spanish Wells offers a wide range of delicious Bahamian dishes that are sure to satisfy any traveler's taste buds.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bahamas here.

Is Spanish Wells an expensive destination for tourists?

Spanish Wells is one of the popular tourist destinations in the Bahamas and the cost of the trip can vary depending on the type of activities you plan to indulge in, the time of year, and the accommodation you choose. However, compared to other popular tourist destinations in the Bahamas, Spanish Wells is considered more affordable in terms of accommodations, dining, and activities. That being said, prices can still be higher than what you may be accustomed to, particularly for dining and excursions. It is recommended to research prices and compare before your trip to ensure you are comfortable with the expenses.

Where to find accomodation in Spanish Wells

Spanish Wells is a small island in the Bahamas, so there aren't many options for accommodation. However, if you're looking for a place to stay, the best areas to find accommodation would be in and around the town of Spanish Wells, on the north coast of the island. Some popular options include vacation rentals such as villas, apartments, and cottages, as well as small hotels and guesthouses. Additionally, nearby islands like Harbour Island and Eleuthera also have a range of accommodations and can be easily accessed by ferry or water taxi.
You can check hotel prices at Spanish Wells here:

Is Spanish Wells a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Spanish Wells is generally considered a safe place for tourists. It is a small, tightly knit community with low crime rates, and people are generally friendly and hospitable to visitors. However, it is always a good idea to take the usual precautions when traveling, such as keeping valuables secure and being aware of your surroundings, especially at night.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bahamas here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Spanish Wells.

What type of travelers will enjoy Spanish Wells the most?

Spanish Wells is an ideal destination for families and couples looking for a peaceful and serene vacation. This small island in the Bahamas is less crowded than other popular destinations such as Nassau or Freeport, making it a peaceful and relaxing place for vacationers. The island's stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and friendly locals create a peaceful atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. However, It might not be the ideal place for young people looking for wild parties and nightlife. There are still some activities to do, such as fishing or water sports, but Spanish Wells is more laid-back and family-friendly.

How to get around Spanish Wells

In Spanish Wells, the most common modes of transportation are golf carts and bicycles. There are also a few rental car agencies on the island. However, many visitors find that navigating the narrow streets in a golf cart or bicycle is the easiest and most enjoyable way to get around. Taxis are also available but are less common on the island.

What to see around Spanish Wells

Sure, here are some nice places to visit for a day trip from Spanish Wells in the Bahamas: 1. Harbour Island: A nearby island with a pink sand beach and lots of restaurants and shops.
2. Glass Window Bridge: A natural wonder where the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea meet.
3. Eleuthera Island: A larger island with many beaches, nature reserves, and historic sites.
4. Preacher's Cave: An impressive sea cave where the first European settlers in the Bahamas took refuge.
5. Current Cut: A popular spot for snorkeling and observing underwater currents and marine life.
6. Hatchet Bay Cave: A large cave system with stalactites and stalagmites, perfect for adventurous explorers.
7. Ocean Hole: A unique, deep blue hole filled with tropical fish and sea turtles, perfect for swimming and snorkeling.
8. Spanish Wells Beach: A stunning white sandy beach, perfect for sunbathing and swimming.
I hope this helps and enjoy your trip to the Bahamas!
For every travel information about Bahamas you can click here.

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