Tiberias - Discovering Israel

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Travelling to Tiberias

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Tiberias, a pretty good destination in Israel (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Tiberias and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Tiberias, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Israel, here's everything to know about Tiberias for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Tiberias

Tiberias is a popular city located on the western shores of the Sea of Galilee, in northern Israel. It is a significant tourist destination known for its hot springs, natural beauty, and historic landmarks. Tiberias has a rich history, dating back over 2,000 years to the Roman times, and has been home to many Jewish scholars, rabbis, and sages. Today, it is a vibrant city with a mix of ancient sites, modern amenities, and outdoor recreational activities. Visitors can explore its beautiful beaches, take boat tours on the Sea of Galilee, visit the hot springs and spas, and discover the city's historical landmarks, such as the Tomb of Maimonides and the ancient synagogue ruins.

Travelling to Tiberias and around: discovering Israel

What to visit in Tiberias

Sure, here are some tourist attractions in Tiberias, Israel: 1. Sea of Galilee: The Sea of Galilee is a freshwater lake situated in the northern part of Israel. It's a popular tourist destination because of its serene beauty and is known for being a site where some of Jesus' Biblical miracles took place.
2. Hamat Tiberias National Park: This national park includes hot springs, archaeological sites, a synagogue, and a bathhouse all from the Roman and Byzantine eras.
3. Tiberias Promenade: This is a beautiful walkway alongside the Sea of Galilee that offers stunning views of the water, as well as many restaurants and cafes.
4. Tomb of Maimonides: This is the burial place of the famous Jewish Rabbi, Maimonides, who wrote many notable theological works. This is a beautiful site for those who are interested in Jewish mythology.
5. Ancient Tiberias: This is the old city of Tiberias and it features many historical sites such as churches, synagogues, and ancient walls. 6. Dona Gracia Museum: An interactive museum that highlights the life of Dona Gracia, a influential woman who was a patron of the arts and philanthropist during the 16th century.
7. Magdala: This is a ruined ancient town along the western shore of the Sea of Galilee that is currently an active archaeological site. Notable discoveries include a synagogue from the Second Temple Period.
Overall, Tiberias is perfect for those interested in history and Biblical sites as well as for those in need of a relaxing resort vacation.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Israel, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Tiberias.

When to go on holiday to Tiberias

The best time to visit Tiberias tends to be between April and October when the weather is warm and dry. However, if you prefer cooler temperatures and fewer crowds, you may consider traveling to Tiberias between November and March. It's important to note that Tiberias can be very hot in the summer months, so it's best to pack accordingly and stay hydrated. The city also experiences rain between December and February, so keep that in mind when planning your trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Tiberias

There are several ways to get to Tiberias, Israel: 1. By Car: If you are driving, you can take Route 90 northwards from Tel Aviv or Route 6 to Yokneam and then head to Route 77 to Tiberias. 2. By Bus: Tiberias is well connected to major cities in Israel like Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv and Nazareth by Egged buses, which are the most popular and reliable bus service of Israel.
3. By Train: Unfortunately, Tiberias doesn't have a train station, but you can take a train to the nearby cities of Akko or Haifa and then catch a local bus or Taxi to Tiberias.
4. By Taxi: You can also hire a taxi from any major city in Israel to take you to Tiberias. However, taxis are quite expensive in Israel, so be prepared to pay a significant amount for this convenience.
I hope this information helps you in planning your trip to Tiberias!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Tiberias, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Tiberias

Here are some typical foods you can find in Tiberias, Israel, along with brief descriptions: 1. St. Peter's Fish: This is a type of tilapia that can be found in the Sea of Galilee. It is often grilled and served with a side of vegetables.
2. Falafel: A popular Middle Eastern dish made of ground chickpeas mixed with various spices and deep-fried into small balls or patties. Falafel is often served in pita bread with hummus and vegetables.
3. Shakshuka: A dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and spices. Shakshuka is often served for breakfast or brunch.
4. Labneh: A creamy Middle Eastern cheese made by straining yogurt until it becomes thick and spreadable. It is often served as a dip with pita bread or as a topping for falafel.
5. Hummus: A dip made from chickpeas, tahini, garlic, and lemon juice. It is often served with pita bread or vegetables.
6. Sabich: A traditional Israeli sandwich consisting of hummus, fried eggplant, hard-boiled eggs, and salad vegetables, served in pita bread.
7. Kebabs: Grilled pieces of meat (usually chicken or lamb) served on skewers. They are often accompanied by vegetables and rice.
8. Bourekas: A type of savory pastry filled with cheese, potatoes, or meat. They are often served as a snack or appetizer.
9. Malabi: A sweet Middle Eastern dessert made from milk, cornstarch, and rosewater. It is typically served chilled and topped with nuts and syrup.
You can find general info about typical foods in Israel here.

Is Tiberias an expensive destination for tourists?

Tiberias is generally considered to be a mid-range to high-end destination for tourists. Prices for accommodations, dining, and activities can vary depending on the time of year and type of accommodations and experiences you choose. However, compared to other popular tourist destinations in Israel, such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Tiberias can be considered more affordable. It's always a good idea to research prices and plan your budget accordingly before traveling to any destination.

Where to find accomodation in Tiberias

It's typically best to find accommodations in the City Center of Tiberias or along the famous Sea of Galilee, which is in close proximity to many of the major tourist attractions. Another popular option is to stay in the nearby village of Rosh Pina, which is known for its quaint streets and picturesque mountain views. Overall, it's important to choose a location that is both convenient and comfortable for your travel needs.
You can check hotel prices at Tiberias here:

Is Tiberias a safe destination for tourists?

Tiberias is generally considered a safe place for tourists. Like any city, there are certain precautions that visitors should take to ensure their safety, such as being aware of their surroundings and avoiding carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items. However, the crime rate in Tiberias is low and the area has a significant police presence. Additionally, the city's well-developed tourism infrastructure and frequent police patrols in tourist areas help ensure the safety of visitors. Overall, visitors should feel safe and secure while visiting Tiberias.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Israel here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Tiberias.

What type of travelers will enjoy Tiberias the most?

Tiberias, Israel offers a wide variety of experiences, making it a great destination for different types of travelers. Couples can enjoy the romantic atmosphere of the city, take strolls in the picturesque promenade, have a relaxing spa day, and explore the historical sites of the oldest city in the Galilee region.
Young people looking for fun can enjoy water sports on the Sea of Galilee, go out for nightlife activities, and indulge in some of the local culinary specialties.
Families can explore the ancient ruins of Tiberias and surrounding areas, experience the nature reserves and parks, and participate in unique cultural activities such as visiting a traditional Druze village.
In summary, Tiberias is a destination that offers something for everyone.

How to get around Tiberias

Tiberias is a relatively small city, so it is easy to get around by walking. However, if you need to travel farther or prefer not to walk, there are several options: - Taxis are readily available and can be hailed on the street or booked through an app. They are metered and fares are reasonable.
- Local buses run throughout the city and nearby areas. The main bus station is located near the city center.
- Rental cars are also available, but driving in Tiberias can be challenging due to narrow streets and heavy traffic.

What to see around Tiberias

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Tiberias: 1. Nazareth - about 30 minutes drive from Tiberias, this city is known for its biblical history. You can visit the Church of the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel visited Mary and is believed to be the birthplace of Jesus.
2. Mount Tabor - located about 20km from Tiberias, this biblical site is believed to be the site where the Transfiguration of Jesus took place. You can hike to the top of the mountain for a beautiful view of the surrounding area.
3. Sea of Galilee - a famous destination in Israel and a great location for relaxation. You can take a boat ride on the sea, visit the Yigal Allon Museum, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
4. Beit She'an - located about an hour from Tiberias, Beit She'an is home to one of the largest and most well-preserved Roman cities in Israel. You can explore the archaeological site and see the impressive ruins.
5. Rosh Hanikra - located on the Mediterranean coast, about 90 minutes from Tiberias, this geological formation of cliffs and grottos on the border with Lebanon is a stunning place to visit. You can take a cable car down to the grottos and explore the area.
For every travel information about Israel you can click here.

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