Trashiyangtse - Discovering Bhutan

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Travelling to Trashiyangtse

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Trashiyangtse, a pretty good destination in Bhutan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Trashiyangtse and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Trashiyangtse, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bhutan, here's everything to know about Trashiyangtse for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Trashiyangtse

Trashiyangtse is a district in eastern Bhutan, bordered by the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh in the east. It is known for its natural beauty, with lush forests, deep valleys, and stunning mountain landscapes. The district is also famous for its traditional arts and crafts, including weaving, pottery, and papermaking. Visitors can explore local villages to witness these traditional arts and crafts being produced, or take a hike in the nearby natural areas. The district is also home to several important cultural sites, including the Chorten Kora Stupa, a famous Buddhist pilgrimage site, and the Duksum Dzong, a historic fortress that is now a monastery.

Travelling to Trashiyangtse and around: discovering Bhutan

What to visit in Trashiyangtse

Sure, here are some tourist attractions in Trashiyangtse, Bhutan along with some information about them: 1. Chorten Kora: Chorten Kora is a stupa that was built in the 18th century. It is located on the banks of the Kulong Chu river and is one of the oldest chortens in Bhutan. The chorten has a unique architecture and is considered to be one of the most holy sites in the region. Visitors can also participate in the annual Chorten Kora festival, which is held in March.
2. Trashiyangtse Dzong: Trashiyangtse Dzong is a fortress that was built in the 15th century. It is located on top of a hill and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The dzong is also home to several important relics and artifacts, including statues of Guru Rinpoche and other deities.
3. Radi Village: Radi Village is a small village located near Trashiyangtse. The village is known for its traditional architecture and offers visitors a glimpse into the local way of life. Visitors can also participate in traditional weaving and farming activities.
4. Bomdeling Wildlife Sanctuary: Bomdeling Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the eastern part of Bhutan and is home to several endangered species, including the black-necked crane. Visitors can go on guided treks and hikes to explore the sanctuary and spot rare wildlife.
5. Gomphu Kora: Gomphu Kora is a historical and religious site located in the northern part of Trashiyangtse. The site has a temple, a chorten, and several caves that are believed to be the dwelling place of local deities. Visitors can also participate in the annual Gomphu Kora festival, which is held in March.
These are just a few of the many tourist attractions in Trashiyangtse, Bhutan. Each of these places offers a unique experience and insight into the local culture and history.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bhutan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Trashiyangtse

The best time to visit Trashiyangtse in Bhutan is during the months of October to December and March to May. During these months, the weather is dry and pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor sightseeing and other activities. However, it is important to note that Bhutan has a monsoon season from June to September, which can bring heavy rainfall and make travel difficult. It's also important to keep in mind that Bhutan has a high altitude and the weather can change quickly, so it's important to come prepared for varying weather conditions.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Trashiyangtse

To get to Trashiyangtse in Bhutan, you would need to first fly into Paro International Airport, which is the only international airport in Bhutan. From there, you can take a domestic flight to the nearest airport in eastern Bhutan, which is Yongphula Domestic Airport.
Alternatively, you can also take a scenic drive from Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, to Trashiyangtse. The drive takes approximately 12 hours, and the journey is filled with stunning landscapes and views of the Himalayan mountains.
Once you reach Trashiyangtse, you can explore the town's traditional architecture and handicrafts, as well as nearby attractions such as the Chorten Kora stupa and the Gomphu Kora temple.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Trashiyangtse, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Trashiyangtse

Here are some typical foods of Trashiyangtse in Bhutan and a short description for each: 1. Ema datshi: This is Bhutan's national dish, made using chili peppers and cheese. The dish can be found all over the country and comes with different variations, combining different ingredients, including mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes.
2. Jasha maru: This traditional Bhutanese chicken dish is made by cooking chicken with onions, chili powder, and a variety of spices like ginger, garlic, and coriander. It is usually served with rice.
3. Hoentay: This is a local version of the momo, which is a Tibetan dumpling dish found throughout the Himalayas. In Trashiyangtse, Hoentay is filled with a mix of turnip greens that have been spiced with dried chili and cheese.
4. Shakam ema datshi: This is a deep-fried beef dish cooked with cheese and chili pepper. It is a relatively popular food in Bhutan and is especially enjoyed during festivals.
5. Puta: This is a traditional Bhutanese dessert made with a base of rice flour and filled with a mixture of sugar, coconut flakes, and coconut milk. The mixture is then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until it is ready to be served. 6. Khoo: This is a traditional Bhutanese snack that is made with buckwheat flour, salt, and water. The dough is then flattened and cooked on a griddle.
7. Khur-le: This is a traditional Bhutanese cake that is made with rice flour, sugar, and vegetable oil. It is traditionally served during religious ceremonies like weddings and funerals. 8. Ara: This is a traditional Bhutanese beverage made from fermented rice. It is a popular drink in Trashiyangtse and is commonly consumed during festivals and social gatherings.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bhutan here.

Is Trashiyangtse an expensive destination for tourists?

Compared to other travel destinations, Bhutan in general can be considered a bit expensive due to its policy of high-value, low-impact tourism. Trashiyangtse, being a less frequently visited destination in the eastern region of Bhutan, could also have slightly higher prices for accommodations and tours. However, the prices are regulated by the government and include accommodations, meals, transportation, and a guide, making it a comprehensive and unique experience for tourists. It is recommended to check with a local tour operator for a customized and detailed itinerary and cost breakdown.

Where to find accomodation in Trashiyangtse

If you're planning a trip to Trashiyangtse, Bhutan, the best areas to find accommodations would be in and around the town of Trashiyangtse itself. There are several options for lodging, including guesthouses, hotels, resorts, and homestays. Some of the most popular areas to stay in Trashiyangtse include the town center, near the chorten or stupa, and near the local markets. You may also want to consider staying near some of the top attractions in the area, such as the Chorten Kora pilgrimage site, the Trashiyangtse Dzong (fortress), and the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary.
You can check hotel prices at Trashiyangtse here:

Is Trashiyangtse a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Trashiyangtse is generally a safe place for tourists to visit. Bhutan is known for its peaceful society and low crime rates. However, as with any destination, it is important for travelers to take precautions to ensure their safety, such as not leaving their belongings unattended and being aware of their surroundings. It is also a good idea to follow the local customs and dress respectfully to avoid any unwanted attention. Overall, travelers can feel relatively safe when visiting Trashiyangtse and other parts of Bhutan.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bhutan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Trashiyangtse.

What type of travelers will enjoy Trashiyangtse the most?

Trashiyangtse, Bhutan is a great place for individuals who are interested in cultural and natural heritage. It is an ideal destination for couples, families, and even young people interested in exploring the local customs and tradition, as well as enjoying the beautiful natural scenery. Bhutan is considered as a peaceful and quiet country, so it might not be the best place for people who are looking exclusively for fun or entertainment. Nonetheless, there are still various cultural activities in Trashiyangtse that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers, such as visiting historical sites, dzongs, and monasteries, attending cultural festivals, and indulging in local cuisine.

How to get around Trashiyangtse

To move around Trashiyangtse in Bhutan, you can use local buses, taxis or private cars. However, it is important to note that the road conditions in some areas can be challenging, so it is advisable to hire an experienced driver or take a guided tour if you are not familiar with the area. Additionally, trekking is also a popular mode of transportation for those who prefer a more adventurous experience.

What to see around Trashiyangtse

Sure, here are some nice places that you can visit in a day trip from Trashiyangtse, Bhutan: 1. Chorten Kora: This is one of the most beautiful and popular Buddhist stupa in Bhutan. It is located about an hour's drive from Trashiyangtse and is considered to be one of the most sacred holy sites in the country. 2. Gomphu Kora: It is a sacred site of Guru Rinpoche who is believed to have meditated there. It is a beautiful rock cave surrounded by lush green forests, with a monastery that offers great panoramic views of the surrounding area. 3. Rangjung Woesel Chholing Monastery: This monastery is also located near Trashiyangtse and is famous for its beautiful architecture and intricate murals. It is known for its ancient spiritual practices and is a perfect place if you're looking to seek some peace and serenity. 4. Yangtse Dzong: It is an old fort that dates back to the 16th century, which offers a great insight into the history and architecture of the region. It is a perfect place for history enthusiasts.
5. Khaling Wildlife Sanctuary: This sanctuary is located about 2 hours from Trashiyangtse and is home to a variety of species, including tigers, leopards, deer, and many bird species. It's a great place for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.
For every travel information about Bhutan you can click here.

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