Vulcan - Discovering Romania

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Travelling to Vulcan

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Vulcan, a pretty good destination in Romania (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Vulcan and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Vulcan, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Romania, here's everything to know about Vulcan for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Vulcan

Vulcan is a small town in western Romania, located in Hunedoara County. The town is situated in the foothills of the Poiana Ruscă Mountains and it's known for its beautiful natural scenery. Vulcan has a population of around 6,000 people and it's located about 25 km north of the city of Deva. The town's history dates back to the Roman period when a military camp was built in the area, but it was later destroyed by the invading Barbarians. Vulcan is surrounded by forests and it's a popular destination for hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities. Some of the main attractions in the area include the Retezat National Park, the Densus Church, and the Corvin Castle in Hunedoara.

Travelling to Vulcan and around: discovering Romania

What to visit in Vulcan

Vulcan is a town in Romania that boasts of several tourist attractions that you shouldn't miss. Here's a list of some of the most popular tourist spots in Vulcan along with some information about each of them: 1. The German Fortified Church: The church was built in the 14th century and is located in the center of the town. It is a true architectural masterpiece, blending both Gothic and Renaissance styles. Visitors can admire its unique structure, stunning frescoes, and exquisite stained-glass windows.
2. The Dragus Adventure Park: If you are an adventure enthusiast, then you must visit the Dragus Adventure Park. The park offers various activities like zip-lining, climbing, and tree-top trekking. The park is open throughout the year and offers visitors the chance to enjoy nature while taking part in thrilling activities.
3. The Vulcan Museum: The Vulcan Museum is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history of the town. The museum showcases the town's socio-economic development, its rich cultural heritage, and its contribution to the industrial history of Romania. The museum has several exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays that give visitors a glimpse into the town's past.
4. The Vulcan Ski Resort: If you are visiting Vulcan during the winter months, then you should check out the town's ski resort. The resort offers magnificent skiing opportunities for both beginners and experts. The resort has several ski slopes, ski rentals, and amenities like food courts and restrooms.
5. The Bogaţii Waterfall: The Bogaţii Waterfall is located just a few kilometers from Vulcan. It is a stunning natural beauty and a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers. The waterfall is surrounded by lush green vegetation and is a perfect spot for a picnic. These are just some of the many attractions waiting for you in Vulcan. No matter what your interests are, this beautiful town has something to offer for everyone.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Romania, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Vulcan.

When to go on holiday to Vulcan

The best time to visit Vulcan, Romania is during the summer months between June and September when the weather is warm and sunny. The average temperature during this time is around 25°C (77°F), which is perfect for exploring the surrounding area and taking part in outdoor activities such as hiking and biking.
However, it is worth noting that the winter months between December and February can also be a great time to visit if you enjoy skiing and other winter sports. The nearby ski resort of Transalpina is a popular destination during this time and offers fantastic skiing opportunities.
Overall, the best time to visit Vulcan depends on the type of trip you are looking for and the activities you want to participate in.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Vulcan

The best way to get to Vulcan, Romania depends on your starting point and mode of transportation. Here are some options: 1. By Car: If you are driving, you can take the E68 road from Deva or the DN66A road from Petrosani. To get to Vulcan from Petrosani you can take the DN66A road for about 20 kilometers to reach Vulcan.
2. By Bus: There are several bus companies operating in Romania that offer bus services to Vulcan. You can take a bus from major cities like Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, and Timisoara. Check with bus companies like Autogari, Eurolines, or Flixbus for schedules and pricing.
3. By Train: Vulcan is well connected by train, you can take a train from major cities like Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, or Timisoara. You can check schedules and pricing on the Romanian Railways website.
4. By Air: If you are coming from outside of Romania, the closest international airport to Vulcan is Sibiu International Airport or Cluj-Napoca International Airport. From there, you can rent a car or take a bus or train to Vulcan.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Vulcan, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Vulcan

Vulcan is a small town in Romania that has a rich culinary tradition. Here are some typical foods of Vulcan: 1. Varza a la Cluj - A dish made with cabbage and bacon, slowly stewed for hours until it's tender and flavorful.
2. Papricas - A thick stew made with pork meat or chicken, seasoned with paprika, and served with polenta or sour cream.
3. Sarmale - Also known as stuffed cabbage rolls, this dish is made with minced meat that is rolled in cabbage leaves and then simmered in a tomato sauce until tender.
4. Pleskavita - A grilled meat patty made from minced pork or beef, sometimes served on a bun with toppings like onions, cheese, and ketchup.
5. Mici - A type of kebab made with ground beef, lamb, or pork mixed with spices and garlic. They are typically grilled and served with bread and mustard.
6. Ciorba de fasole cu afumatura - A smokey bean soup made with smoked meat, vegetables, and spices.
7. Zacusca - A vegetable spread made from roasted eggplant, red peppers, and onions that is commonly eaten as an appetizer or side dish.
8. Placinta cu branza - A savory pastry filled with soft cheese and herbs, similar to a cheese pie or quiche.
9. Cozonac - A sweet bread that is traditionally made during holidays like Christmas and Easter, filled with nuts, fruits, and spices.
10. Papanași - A dessert similar to doughnuts, made with a sweet cheese filling and served hot with sour cream and jam.
You can find general info about typical foods in Romania here.

Is Vulcan an expensive destination for tourists?

Vulcan, Romania is not typically considered an expensive destination for tourists. While prices can vary depending on where you stay and what activities you participate in, overall, the cost of living and traveling in Romania is lower than many other European countries. Visitors to Vulcan can often find affordable accommodations, dining options, and attractions. That being said, like any destination, it is always a good idea to research and compare prices before booking your trip to ensure you are getting the best deal possible.

Where to find accomodation in Vulcan

Vulcan is a small town in the region of Hunedoara, Romania. The best areas to find accommodations would be the town center or the surrounding villages such as Runcu or Teliucu Inferior. These areas have a variety of hotels, guesthouses and even camping sites. It is recommended to book in advance during peak season to ensure availability.
You can check hotel prices at Vulcan here:

Is Vulcan a safe destination for tourists?

Vulcan, Romania is considered a safe place for tourists. However, like any other tourist destination, it is advisable to take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe trip. This includes avoiding dark or isolated areas, keeping your belongings close to you, and being aware of your surroundings. Additionally, it is always a good idea to research the local customs and culture before you visit to ensure you have an enjoyable and respectful experience.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Romania here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Vulcan.

What type of travelers will enjoy Vulcan the most?

Vulcan, Romania is a great destination for travelers who love outdoor adventures, hiking, exploring nature, and learning about local folklore. It is ideal for families, couples, and young people looking for a good blend of fun and discovery. There are various activities to choose from, including hiking in the surrounding mountains, exploring the famous Piemonte Ski Resort, visiting the Turda Salt Mine, and exploring the Transylvanian fortified churches. Overall, Vulcan is a destination that will captivate those who love outdoor activities, local culture, and natural beauty.

How to get around Vulcan

The most common way to move around Vulcan is by car or taxi. However, there are also public transportation options such as buses and trains. Buses connect Vulcan with other nearby towns, while trains provide connections to major cities in Romania. Additionally, biking and walking are popular ways to explore the town and its surroundings.

What to see around Vulcan

Sure, here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Vulcan, Romania: 1. Sinaia: A beautiful mountain resort town that is home to the stunning Peles Castle, the summer residence of the Romanian royal family.
2. Brasov: A historic city in Transylvania with well-preserved medieval architecture and a lively town center. It is also close to the famous Bran Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle.
3. Sibiu: A charming Renaissance city with narrow streets, pastel-colored buildings, and historic landmarks.
4. Fagaras Fortress: A fortress that dates back to the 14th century, renowned for its impressive walls and towers.
5. Praid Salt Mine: A unique attraction with an underground salt mine that has been converted into a popular tourist destination with an amusement park, spa, and restaurant.
6. Corvin Castle: A stunning Gothic-style castle that was once a fortress and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Transylvania.
7. Targu Jiu: A city that features iconic communist-era sculptures created by the renowned Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi.
I hope this helps you plan your day trip!
For every travel information about Romania you can click here.

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