Šventoji - Discovering Lithuania

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Travelling to Šventoji

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Šventoji, a pretty good destination in Lithuania (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Šventoji and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Šventoji, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Lithuania, here's everything to know about Šventoji for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Šventoji

Šventoji is a small town located on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Lithuania. It is situated about 12 km north of Palanga, a popular resort town. Šventoji is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, sand dunes, and pine forests. The town has a population of around 1,500 people and is a popular destination for summer vacations. It offers a range of amenities, including restaurants, bars, and shops, as well as opportunities for outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, and water sports. Its proximity to Palanga means that visitors can easily enjoy all the attractions and nightlife of the larger resort town.

Travelling to Šventoji and around: discovering Lithuania

What to visit in Šventoji

Šventoji is a small town located on the Baltic coast in Lithuania. Here are some of the popular tourist attractions in and around Šventoji: 1. Šventoji Beach - This is the main attraction in Šventoji. The beach is sandy, wide, and perfect for swimming in the summer. There are also many seaside restaurants and cafes to enjoy.
2. Amber Museum - The Amber Museum is located in the center of Šventoji. It showcases a variety of amber stones, and features a collection of ancient artifacts that were made from amber.
3. Viešvilė Castle Ruins - This is an ancient castle that belonged to the Grand Duke of Lithuania. The castle was built in the 14th century and has since been destroyed, leaving only the ruins.
4. Pape Nature Reserve - Pape Nature Reserve is a beautiful area near Šventoji. It is home to over 200 bird species, as well as many other animals, including elk and wild boar.
5. Fisherman's Village - This is a small village near Šventoji that is located on the banks of the river. It is known for its authentic fisherman's houses, beautiful views of the river, and traditional Lithuanian cuisine.
6. Dunes of Šventoji - The dunes of Šventoji are a unique geological formation that has been shaped by the wind and water. They are a great place to go for a hike, and offer gorgeous views of the coastline.
Overall, Šventoji is a lovely place to visit if you enjoy outdoor activities and exploring quaint seaside towns.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Lithuania, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Šventoji.

When to go on holiday to Šventoji

The best time to visit Šventoji is during the summer months, from June to August, when the temperatures are usually mild and the weather is sunny and dry. During this time, Šventoji is a popular destination for beach-goers and outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Additionally, there are many cultural events and festivals that take place in the summer, making it a lively time to visit. However, keep in mind that summer is also the peak tourist season, so you may encounter crowds and higher prices. If you prefer a quieter and more peaceful trip, you may also consider visiting in the shoulder seasons of spring (April to May) or early autumn (September to October), when the weather is still pleasant and there are fewer visitors.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Šventoji

There are a few ways to get to Šventoji, Lithuania depending on your starting point and preferences: 1. By Car: If you have access to a car, you can drive to Šventoji. The distance from Vilnius to Šventoji is approximately 295 km and takes approximately 4½ to 5 hours. The journey to Šventoji from Kaunas is about 190 km and it takes around 3 hours. Road conditions are good in Lithuania, and there are several petrol stations along the way.
2. By Train: Unfortunately, there is no direct train from Vilnius or Kaunas to Šventoji. The nearest train station is in Klaipėda, approximately 17 km away from Šventoji. You can take a train from Vilnius or Kaunas to Klaipėda, and then take a taxi or bus to reach Šventoji.
3. By Bus: Šventoji has a good bus connection with major cities including Vilnius and Kaunas. It is the most convenient and reliable option to reach Šventoji. The journey time from Vilnius to Šventoji is around 5-6 hours.
4. By Plane: The nearest international airport to Šventoji is Palanga International Airport, located approximately 8 km away from Šventoji. You can take a taxi or bus to reach Šventoji from the airport. Alternatively, you can fly to Vilnius or Kaunas and then take the train or bus to reach Šventoji.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Šventoji, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Šventoji

Šventoji (also known as Palanga) is a coastal resort town in Lithuania that offers a variety of local dishes that are sure to satisfy any foodie's cravings. Here are some typical foods of Šventoji: 1. Cepelinai - Cepelinai is a Lithuanian national dish that is also commonly found in Šventoji. These boiled potato dumplings are stuffed with minced meat, and are usually served with sour cream and bacon bits.
2. Kibinai - Kibinai are a type of pastry that are popular throughout Lithuania. These stuffed pastry pockets are filled with minced meat, vegetables, or cheese.
3. Šaltibarščiai - Šaltibarščiai is a cold beet soup that is a popular Lithuanian dish, and can be found in many restaurants in Šventoji. It is made with beets, sour cream, boiled potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs.
4. Vėdarai - Vėdarai are small sausages made from pig intestines that are stuffed with minced meat and spices. They are usually served with fried onions and mustard.
5. Lithuanian beer - Lithuania is known for its beer production, and Šventoji is no exception. Local Lithuanian beer such as Svyturys and Kalnapilis can be found in many bars and restaurants in Šventoji. 6. Žemaičių blynai - Žemaičių blynai is a Lithuanian-style pancake made from buckwheat flour. It is usually served with sour cream and bacon bits.
7. Lietiniai - Lietiniai are Lithuanian-style crepes, often served for breakfast and stuffed with ground meat, mushrooms, or cottage cheese.
8. Salti lašiniai - Salti lašiniai are slices of salted and smoked pork fat. They are often served as a snack or with rye bread.
You can find general info about typical foods in Lithuania here.

Is Šventoji an expensive destination for tourists?

Šventoji, located on the Baltic coast of Lithuania, is generally considered a moderately priced destination for tourists. While prices can vary depending on the season and the type of activities you plan to do, the overall cost of living in Šventoji is generally lower than many other popular tourist destinations in Europe. Accommodation prices can vary depending on the location, type of accommodation, and season, but usually, there are hotels, guesthouses and private apartments available for a range of budgets. Likewise, food prices in Šventoji are generally reasonable, with many affordable dining options to choose from. Overall, while Šventoji is not the cheapest destination in Europe, it is still considered a reasonably-priced destination compared to some of the more popular tourist hotspots.

Where to find accomodation in Šventoji

The best areas to find accommodation in Šventoji, Lithuania are usually near or within walking distance to the town center and the beach. Some popular areas for accommodation include: 1. The town center - This area offers easy access to shops, restaurants, and the beach.
2. Between the town center and the beach - This area is close to both the town center and the beach, offering the best of both worlds.
3. Near the beach - This area is perfect for those who want to spend most of their time at the beach.
4. Residential areas - These areas are a bit further from the town center and beach but still offer easy access by public transportation or car.
Overall, it's best to choose accommodation based on your preferences and planned activities during your trip to Šventoji.
You can check hotel prices at Šventoji here:

Is Šventoji a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Šventoji is generally considered a safe place for tourists. As with any destination, it is always important to take normal safety precautions such as keeping an eye on your belongings and being aware of your surroundings. Overall, Lithuania is ranked as one of the safest countries in Europe and has a low crime rate. However, it is always a good idea to research the area you plan to visit, and to take guidance from your accommodation provider or local authorities.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Lithuania here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Šventoji.

What type of travelers will enjoy Šventoji the most?

Šventoji is a versatile destination and can be enjoyed by various types of travelers. However, it is particularly suitable for families and couples. The town is small and tranquil, with many opportunities for beach activities and outdoor recreation. There are also several playgrounds for children, making it an excellent family-friendly destination. Additionally, couples can enjoy romantic walks on the beach and watch beautiful sunsets while savoring fresh seafood from local restaurants. Although there are opportunities for nightlife, especially during the summer, it is not as lively as some other Lithuanian resorts, and it may not be the best fit for young people looking for lively entertainment options.

How to get around Šventoji

In Šventoji, the most common mode of transportation is walking or cycling as it is a small town and easy to explore on foot or by bicycle. However, there are also buses that connect Šventoji with neighboring towns and cities, as well as taxis and car rentals available in the town for those who prefer private transportation.

What to see around Šventoji

Sure, here are some suggestions for interesting places to visit within a day trip from Šventoji: 1. Klaipeda - a charming port city with a historic Old Town and lovely squares, museums, restaurants and cafes.
2. Palanga - a seaside resort town famous for its long sandy beaches, stunning sand dunes, beautiful parks, and interesting museums.
3. Curonian Spit - a unique natural phenomenon, a narrow strip of land that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. There are beautiful sand dunes, a bird-watching tower, hiking trails and fishing villages along the spit.
4. Hill of Witches - a fascinating outdoor museum in Juodkrante, containing a collection of wooden sculptures and installations that represent legends and folklore from Lithuanian mythology.
5. The Fisherman's Museum and Ethnographic Homestead in Nida - a museum located in the heart of Nida town, dedicated to the fishing history of the Curonian Spit and their traditional way of life.
6. Anyksciai - a lovely town located in the northern part of Lithuania, surrounded by deep forests, rivers and lakes, it boasts impressive natural wonders like the Puntukas Stone, Treetops Walking Path, Anyksciai Cultural and Educational Centre and many more.
Hope this helps!
For every travel information about Lithuania you can click here.

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