La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Argentario in canoe

Perhaps the most fascinating coast of Tuscany coast: 25 km kayak from a dreamy beach to another
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Mount Argentario forms a fascinating promontory in the south of Tuscany: behind him there are the lagoons of Orbetello, but in canoe it is fantastic to walk along the rocky coasts on the open sea, between Porto Santo Stefano and Porto Ercole.
these Two seaside resorts are rightly very busy, but few are sufficiently paid to get away from confusion and be in isolated beaches bathed by clear water. In all, 25 km of kayaks full of satisfaction and surprises. Even with the stand up paddle it is fantastic, but in this case it is perhaps better to divide the trip to two days.
Under the map of the Argentario promontory (distance, to plan your canoe itinerary along the coast) , we present a guide to this stretch of coast taking inspiration from our last experience in kayak.

Kayak Argentario, Toscana
KAYAK in Tuscany: Monte Argentario has a paradisiacal cliffs and bays; Map and distances

Departure from Porto Santo Stefano
Obviously the Argentario can be bordered from north to south, that is from Porto Santo Stefano to Porto Ercole, or in the opposite direction. It is useful to choose based on weather forecasts on wind and waves, especially with the sup, but the direction described here - from Santo Stefano to Ercole, to synthesize - is also advisable because it offers an excalation of emotions, a climax of beauties.

You can sail the canoe from the beginning of the limited traffic area of Porto Santo Stefano, where there is a comfortable stopover; You can hope to find parking along the uphill road that interposes behind the town. Ready away, leaving behind the beautiful houses on the sea, you will soon find yourself to paddle along cliffs from the strange shapes, certainly disconnected thousands or millions of years ago are from eruptions and earthquakes.
After an hour the first beaches meet. , beautifully positioned at the bottom of picturesque coves; Clear water and luxuriant nature, which may find their maximum at Cala Moresca.
from Cala Moresca to the south-east
The Argentario Alternates attended beaches, Why reachable through paths or because comfortable for boaters, in Baie Really amazing and completely deserted. Water is so clear and transparent that you could see New Zealand if there was no backdrop in the middle (well, it's a hyperbole). Especially from above, standing on the Stand Up Paddle, you can count the stones on the bottom and the fishes swimming.
approaching Porto Ercole, in particular, from the kayak are admired sublime landscapes. (I'm exaggerating with the adjectives, I realize it; the fact is that I don't know what to write, because the photos speak for themselves!)
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
Canoeing along the Argentario Monte: stop on a beach at Cala Moresca
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
Snack, rest, unbridled fun: the pause during the canoe becomes a party
Argentario in kayak, Toscana Argentario in kayak, Toscana
Beaches, crystal clear sea, comfortable landing for canoe ...
Argentario in kayak, Toscana Argentario in kayak, Toscana
... hidden bays, cliffs, seagulls and an infinite quiet
from Porto Santo Stefano to Porto Ercole are about 25 km away: we have traveled them on a day, enjoying the beaches and following every minimum inlet, but it is advisable, especially in sup, Divide the trip to two parts, camping halfway in some isolated bay. (Al Giglio The free campsite is prohibited, while on Mount Argentario there should be no problems from what was said by the premises ... but it is better to inform yourself taking into account the last ordinances ).
Anyway, it is advisable to dedicate at least two days to the splendid promontory of the Argentario, and for convenience Click here to compare the hotels and find the most convenient accommodation.

The umpteenth bay masterpiece passed, perhaps the most beautiful, you enter the last large arch of coast (where the carob is marked on the map). Even in this gulf there are cliffs and clear sea and here, during our canoeing, there was a stunning surprise. In fact we were coastiving of rocky walls overlooking the crystal clear water when, in a large cave obviously reachable only by the sea, we noticed the presence of inhabitants!
Argentario in kayak, Toscana Argentario in kayak, Toscana
Along the argentario cliffs, as if the landscape were not surprise enough, some caves are met ...
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
... one of these, huge, is periodically inhabited by some archaeologists who have found some remains dating back to millions of years
In fact,
There were no clothes stretched out and above all - bomb-proof clue - when we approached people saw people; For a moment we thought they were hippies or a little anachronostic troglodists. Instead - and it was even more surprising - it was archaeologists who studied findings dating back to the time of the Neanderthal man. They were so kind to make us a guided tour, a truly interesting and above all unexpected experience for a canoe trip! Once again, our curiosity had been awarded. And here we should write a small philosophical treaty on how important an open mind is: incredible beauties and exciting experiences are at hand, if you have a lively spirit and a good dose of initiative.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
With the latest paddles we arrived at the picturesque and - at least in summer - Animatissima Porto Ercole; From here, a taxi took us to Porto Santo Stefano to recover the car. (The taxi costs 35 euros; there are also buses, but with change to Orbetello: we were too late, as well as too destroyed, to waste time).
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
In Porto Ercole ends the canais along the coasts of Monte Argentario
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
... and you can then go back to Porto Santo Stefano to recover the car
Finally, a couple of tips: as it is easy to intuit (we are in Tuscany!) To the argentario you eat very well. For our canoe trips we predilected of the very light sandwiches with the Porchetta, while at dinner we felt a farm between Porto Santo Stefano and Le Lagune (a fair set menu with wine just 20 euros) and an excellent fish restaurant in Orbetello (the knight , where the account is more salty).
In short, visit Monte Argentario is highly recommended, but doing it in canoe or in sup is truly amazing: the bays discovered from the kayak and the stand up paddle are really another world than At the crowded beaches reachable by the road. A few kilometers further north there are Talamone and the park of Maremma , where trekking or another beautiful canoeing trip.
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
Another example of the beauties that can be admired from the canoe along the Argentario
Argentario in kayak, Toscana
And another example: with a little curiosity and initiative, you can discover paradisiacal coves
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You can find many more photos (at higher resolution) of all canoe trips in Tuscany in this facebook post:
Foto Elba, Giglio, Argentario in kayak
All photos of Elba, Lily and Argentario visited in KAYAK

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