Hammamet - Discovering Tunisia

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Travelling to Hammamet

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Hammamet, a pretty good destination in Tunisia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Hammamet and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Hammamet, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Tunisia, here's everything to know about Hammamet for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Hammamet

Hammamet is a coastal town located in the northeastern part of Tunisia. It is a popular tourist destination because of its sandy beaches, warm climate, and clear blue waters. The town is known for its historic medina (old town), which features traditional Tunisian architecture and a vibrant local market. Additionally, Hammamet has a variety of resorts, restaurants, and bars, making it an ideal location for a relaxing beach holiday.

Travelling to Hammamet and around: discovering Tunisia

What to visit in Hammamet

Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Hammamet, Tunisia: 1. Medina of Hammamet - This charming walled city offers a glimpse into Tunisia's fascinating history and culture. Visitors can stroll through narrow streets lined with whitewashed buildings, admire traditional architecture, and shop for souvenirs in colorful markets.
2. Hammamet Souk - This bustling market is the perfect place to stock up on local handicrafts, including pottery, metalwork, and textiles. Visitors can haggle with vendors for the best prices and sample delicious street food.
3. Pupput Roman Site - This ancient Roman settlement, located just outside of Hammamet, is an important historical site featuring impressive ruins and mosaics. The Pupput Museum showcases artifacts from the site's excavations.
4. Yasmine Hammamet - This modern resort area features pristine beaches, luxurious hotels, and plenty of activities for visitors of all ages. Highlights include the Carthageland theme park, the Hammamet Golf Course, and the Yasmine Hammamet Marina.
5. Kasbah of Hammamet - Located on a hill overlooking the sea, this iconic fortress dates back to the 13th century and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. Visitors can wander through the beautifully restored complex and learn more about Hammamet's history.
6. Dar Sebastien International Cultural Center - This stately mansion is now a cultural center dedicated to promoting Tunisian arts and culture. Visitors can take in exhibitions, performances, and workshops showcasing traditional music, dance, and crafts.
7. Hammamet Beach - With soft white sand, crystal-clear waters, and plenty of beachside amenities, Hammamet Beach is the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun. Visitors can rent lounge chairs and umbrellas or try their hand at windsurfing and other water sports.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Tunisia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Hammamet.

When to go on holiday to Hammamet

The best time to visit Hammamet, Tunisia is during the months of May to October, when the weather is warm and sunny with temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius during the day. The sea is warm and perfect for swimming during this time. The peak tourist season in Hammamet is from June to September, with July and August being the busiest months. If you prefer less crowded beaches and lower prices on accommodation and flights, you can opt to visit during the shoulder season, in May and October. However, the weather in these months can be more variable, and there may be occasional rain showers.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Hammamet

There are a few ways to get to Hammamet, Tunisia: 1. By plane: The nearest airport is Enfidha-Hammamet International Airport (NBE), which is about 40 km from Hammamet. You can take a taxi or a bus to get to your destination.
2. By train: There is a train station in Hammamet, and you can take a train from Tunis or any other major city in Tunisia.
3. By bus: There are many bus companies that offer trips to Hammamet from various cities in Tunisia.
4. By car: You can also rent a car and drive to Hammamet. The journey from Tunis to Hammamet takes about one hour.
No matter which option you choose, I recommend checking the schedule and making reservations in advance to ensure a smoother and hassle-free trip.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Hammamet, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Hammamet

Sure, here are some typical foods of Hammamet, Tunisia along with a brief description of each: 1. Couscous: a popular North African dish made from steamed grains of semolina served with vegetable and meat stew.
2. Brik: a crispy pastry filled with an egg, tuna, and mashed potato filling, deep-fried in oil.
3. Shakshuka: a dish made of tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, and eggs cooked in the sauce. 4. Mechouia: a roasted pepper salad mixed with tomatoes, onions, and garlic. 5. Lablabi: a chickpea soup served with a slice of bread and harissa. 6. Tajine: a slow-cooked dish consisting of meat, vegetables, and spices. 7. Merguez: a spicy sausage made of lamb or beef.
8. Chakchouka: a dish made from tomatoes, peppers, onions, and eggs cooked together.
9. Harissa: a hot chili paste made from red peppers, garlic, and olive oil. 10. Makroud: a pastry made with dates, almonds, and semolina, then fried and soaked in honey.
You can find general info about typical foods in Tunisia here.

Is Hammamet an expensive destination for tourists?

Hammamet, Tunisia is generally considered to be an affordable destination for tourists, with mid-range hotels and restaurants offering reasonable prices. However, like any tourist destination, prices can vary depending on the season and type of accommodation or restaurant you choose. It's always a good idea to do some research and compare prices before booking anything. Additionally, bargaining is a common practice in Tunisia, so don't be afraid to negotiate the price for souvenirs or other goods.

Where to find accomodation in Hammamet

Hammamet is a popular tourist destination in Tunisia with plenty of accommodation options for visitors. The best areas to find accommodation in Hammamet would be: 1. The Medina of Hammamet: This is the historic heart of Hammamet with plenty of hotels, guest houses, and restaurants. Staying in this area will give you easy access to the beach, the marina, and the tourist attractions.
2. The Yasmine Hammamet area: This area is known for its large number of hotels, resorts, and all-inclusive complexes. It's an ideal location for those seeking a beach holiday with plenty of modern amenities.
3. The South Hammamet area: This area is more secluded than the other two and has a more relaxed atmosphere. It's an excellent choice if you're looking for a quieter stay with few crowds and beautiful scenery.
Overall, the area you choose to stay in will depend on your preferences and what you're looking to get out of your visit to Hammamet.
You can check hotel prices at Hammamet here:

Is Hammamet a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Hammamet is generally considered a safe place for tourists. The Tunisian government places a high priority on ensuring the safety and security of visitors to the country, and in recent years has implemented various measures to enhance safety measures for tourists. However, as with any destination, it's always important to exercise caution and remain aware of your surroundings, particularly when traveling alone at night or in unfamiliar areas. It's also advisable to follow the guidance of local authorities and to keep up-to-date with local news and developments.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Tunisia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Hammamet.

What type of travelers will enjoy Hammamet the most?

Hammamet is a great destination that caters to all kinds of travelers. Couples looking for a romantic getaway will enjoy the stunning beaches and luxurious hotels that offer spa treatments and fine dining options. Young people looking for fun will enjoy the vibrant nightlife scene with bars and nightclubs. Families will enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere of Hammamet, with plenty of activities like water sports, theme parks, and cultural attractions. Additionally, there are many historical landmarks and archaeological sites that can be visited, which will appeal to travelers interested in history and culture.

How to get around Hammamet

Some popular modes of transportation in Hammamet, Tunisia include: 1. Taxis - They are widely available and relatively affordable for short distances.
2. Buses - Local buses connect the main cities and towns in the region.
3. Private cars - There are car rental companies in Hammamet where you can rent a car to move around at your own pace.
4. Scooters and motorbikes - These are a popular choice for getting around Hammamet but may not be the safest for everyone.
5. Walking - Many attractions in Hammamet are within walking distance, and it can be a great way to explore the city at a slower pace.

What to see around Hammamet

There are several lovely places to visit in a one-day trip from Hammamet, Tunisia. Here are some suggestions: 1. Tunis: Tunisia's capital city is only an hour away from Hammamet and is home to many cultural and historical attractions, including the Bardo Museum and the ancient Roman ruins of Carthage.
2. Sidi Bou Said: This charming village is known for its picturesque blue and white architecture, stunning sea views, and quaint cafes.
3. Kairouan: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kairouan is the fourth holiest city in Islam and has many mosques and religious sites, including the Great Mosque of Kairouan.
4. El Djem: The ancient Roman amphitheater in El Djem is one of the largest in the world and is well-preserved, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history.
5. Dougga: This well-preserved ancient Roman city is located on a hill overlooking a valley. It features impressive ancient ruins, including temples, an amphitheater, and a mausoleum. 6. Matmata: A unique and fascinating place, Matmata is known for its underground troglodyte houses, which were carved into the soft limestone rock and are still inhabited today.
For every travel information about Tunisia you can click here.

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