Kasserine - Discovering Tunisia

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Travelling to Kasserine

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Kasserine, a pretty good destination in Tunisia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Kasserine and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Kasserine, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Tunisia, here's everything to know about Kasserine for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Kasserine

Kasserine is a city in central Tunisia, located about 286 km southwest of the capital, Tunis. It is the capital of the Kasserine Governorate and situated in a mountainous region known as the Dorsale. The city has a rich history and culture with several historical sites and landmarks such as the Roman Amphitheater of Kasserine and the Tomb of Sidi Bou Makhlouf. The economy of Kasserine is largely based on agriculture, with olive oil production being the main industry. It is also becoming a popular destination for adventure tourism, treks, and hiking due to its beautiful landscapes and lofty mountains.

Travelling to Kasserine and around: discovering Tunisia

What to visit in Kasserine

Here are some top tourist attractions in Kasserine, Tunisia: 1. Sbeitla Archaeological Park: This is a famous ancient Roman city with stunning ruins, mosaic works, and many other hidden historical gems.
2. Jebel Selloum: A popular mountain in Kasserine that offers wonderful views overlooking the city and its surroundings. 3. Chaambi National Park: if you love nature and adventure, then the Chaambi National Park is the perfect place for you. It is a natural park with rich wildlife, hiking trails, and beautiful landscapes.
4. Kasserine Medina: The old Medina of Kasserine is a beautiful historical fortress with narrow alleys, mosques, souks, and traditional houses.
5. Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions: the museum displays the cultural heritage, customs, and traditions of Kasserine and Tunisia.
6. Ain Darha Hot Springs: Located in Sidi Bougheid, Ain Darha springs are known for their medicinal properties and are a perfect spot for relaxation.
7. Medracen tombs: A fascinating historical site that features ancient tombs, which were built in the Numidian era.
8. Lake Ezzitouna: this beautiful lake is situated in the region of Khniss, Kasserine, and it is ideal for water sports, fishing, hiking, and birdwatching.
These are just a few of the top attractions in Kasserine, Tunisia. Each of them offers unique and memorable experiences for tourists to enjoy.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Tunisia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Kasserine.

When to go on holiday to Kasserine

The best time to visit Kasserine, Tunisia is during the spring season from March to May, and during the fall season from September to November. During these months, the weather is usually warm and pleasant, with a moderate temperature ranging from 20°C to 30°C, which is ideal for exploring the city and its surroundings. Additionally, these months tend to see relatively less rainfall, making it more comfortable to travel and go sightseeing. However, It is important to note that summers in Kasserine can be quite hot, with temperatures soaring up to 40°C, and winters can be chilly, with temperatures dropping down to 5°C.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Kasserine

To get to Kasserine, Tunisia, the most convenient way is to fly into the capital city of Tunis and then take a land transfer or hire a taxi to take you to Kasserine. Alternatively, you can opt for a direct bus service from Tunis to Kasserine.
If you are travelling from within Tunisia, you can take a train or bus to Kasserine from major cities such as Sousse, Sfax or Gafsa.
It is also possible to rent a car and drive to Kasserine, although note that road conditions in the rural areas of Tunisia can be challenging.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Kasserine, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Kasserine

Sure, here are some typical foods of Kasserine, Tunisia with a description for each: 1. Lablabi - This is a popular breakfast dish in Kasserine which is essentially a chickpea soup that is flavored with garlic, cumin, and harissa.
2. Makrouth - A traditional Tunisian pastry that consists of a semolina dough filled with dates and deep-fried until crispy.
3. Brik - A savory pastry that is made with a thin layer of pastry dough and filled with egg, onions, and tuna or meat.
4. Mloukhiya - A popular stew made with the leaves of the jute plant, which have a slightly slimy texture when cooked. It is often served with bread or couscous.
5. Ojja - A spicy Tunisian dish made with eggs, tomatoes, onions, and peppers. It can also be served with sausage or seafood.
6. Khobz tajine - A type of bread that is baked in a clay pot or tajine. It is usually served with dips or stews.
7. Couscous - A staple food in Tunisia, couscous is made from wheat semolina and served with vegetables, meat or fish.
8. Shakshuka - Another egg-based dish that is popular in Tunisia, consisting of poached eggs in a tomato sauce flavored with cumin and paprika.
I hope this helps!
You can find general info about typical foods in Tunisia here.

Is Kasserine an expensive destination for tourists?

Kasserine is generally considered to be an affordable destination for tourists, especially when compared to other more popular tourist destinations in Tunisia like Tunis, Sousse, or Hammamet. Accommodation, food, and transport in Kasserine tend to be relatively cheap, and there are plenty of cultural and natural attractions to explore in the area that won't break the bank. However, it's worth noting that prices can vary depending on the season and the type of traveler, so it's always a good idea to do some research and budget accordingly before planning a trip.

Where to find accomodation in Kasserine

There are a few options for finding accommodation in Kasserine, Tunisia. One popular area is the city center, which is convenient for accessing local restaurants, shops, and attractions. Another option is to stay near the national park of Ichkeul, which offers opportunities for hiking and wildlife watching. For those interested in historical and cultural sites, it may be best to find accommodation near the Roman ruins of Dougga or the ancient city of Thugga. Overall, it depends on your specific interests and activities planned for your visit to Kasserine.
You can check hotel prices at Kasserine here:

Is Kasserine a safe destination for tourists?

Kasserine is generally a safe place for tourists, as the city has a low crime rate. However, as with any travel destination, tourists should take precautions to ensure their safety. It's advisable to avoid traveling alone at night and to stay vigilant when in crowded areas. Visitors are also recommended to follow the local customs and traditions to avoid any misunderstandings. Overall, Kasserine is considered a safe and welcoming destination for visitors.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Tunisia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Kasserine.

What type of travelers will enjoy Kasserine the most?

Kasserine, Tunisia offers a range of activities suitable for different types of travelers. It is a great destination for families and couples, but may not be the best option for young people looking for fun and nightlife.
For families, Kasserine offers great opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and exploring historical and cultural sites. The town has a rich history and heritage, with many ancient Roman ruins and impressive architecture. Families can also enjoy spending time in nature, with many parks and natural reserves nearby.
For couples, Kasserine offers a peaceful and romantic atmosphere, allowing them to relax and enjoy each other's company. They can explore the town's rich history and visit the local markets and shops, or enjoy a walk in the beautiful natural surroundings.
However, for young people looking for fun and nightlife, Kasserine may not be the best option. The town has a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, with only a few bars and restaurants. It is not known for its nightlife, and visitors looking for a more energetic and lively atmosphere may want to consider other destinations in Tunisia.

How to get around Kasserine

In Kasserine, you can move around using taxis, buses, and private cars. Taxis are perhaps the most convenient way to get around, and they are relatively inexpensive. Buses are also a good option for those who want to travel longer distances in Kasserine and the surrounding areas. Private cars can be rented, but they are generally more expensive. However, they offer more flexibility and privacy for your trip.

What to see around Kasserine

Sure, here are some suggestions for places to visit in a day trip from Kasserine, Tunisia: 1. Dougga: Known for its well-preserved Roman ruins, Dougga is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an excellent destination for history and archaeology enthusiasts.
2. Kairouan: One of the holiest cities in Islam, Kairouan is home to several important historical sites, including the Great Mosque of Kairouan and the Aghlabid Basins.
3. Sbeitla: Another ancient Roman city, Sbeitla boasts several impressive ruins, including a triumphal arch, several temples, and a theater.
4. Gafsa: Located in southwestern Tunisia, Gafsa is a popular base for exploring the nearby oasis towns of Tozeur and Douz.
5. El-Djem: Home to one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world, El-Djem is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient architecture. Please note that distances from Kasserine may vary and some of these places may require a longer drive than others.
For every travel information about Tunisia you can click here.

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