Jaluit - Discovering Micronesia

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Travelling to Jaluit

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Jaluit, a pretty good destination in Micronesia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Jaluit and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Jaluit, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Micronesia, here's everything to know about Jaluit for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Jaluit

Jaluit is an island town located in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands in Micronesia. It is situated in the central region of the chain and has a population of around 1,200 people. The town was once the administrative capital of the Marshall Islands during the German and Japanese colonial periods and played a key role in World War II as a Japanese naval base. Today, Jaluit is primarily known for its rich cultural history, beautiful beaches, and excellent scuba diving opportunities. Travellers visiting Jaluit can explore the local villages, learn about the area's unique history at the Marshall Islands Museum of Natural and Cultural History, and enjoy some of the best diving spots in the Pacific, including sites such as Shark Island, Devil's Castle, and the SS Thorfinn Wreck.

Travelling to Jaluit and around: discovering Micronesia

What to visit in Jaluit

Jaluit is a small atoll located in the Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Jaluit: 1. Ruins of the old Japanese Administration building - This building was once used as a government office of the Japanese during their occupation of the country. It is currently one of the most popular tourist spots in Jaluit and attracts a lot of visitors throughout the year.
2. The famous Jaluit sailing canoes - These canoes are unique to Jaluit and are made using traditional techniques. These canoes are still used by the locals to navigate the surrounding waters and are an important part of the local culture and heritage.
3. Diving and snorkelling spots - Jaluit is known for its colourful coral reefs and diverse marine life. There are several popular diving and snorkelling spots in Jaluit, including the Jaluit lagoon and the nearby Arno atoll.
4. The Jaluit Atoll airstrip - This airstrip was once used by the Americans during their occupation of the Marshall Islands. Today, it mostly serves as a stopover point for travellers exploring the surrounding islands and atolls.
5. The Marshall Islands Cultural Center - This center offers a glimpse into the history and culture of the Marshall Islands. Visitors can learn about the islands' traditional dress, food, music, and dance.
6. Dri-Jen beach - This is a beautiful beach on the island where you can relax, swim, and soak in the sun. The beach also offers wonderful views of the surrounding atolls and is perfect for a picnic or a day trip.
Overall, Jaluit is a great destination for travellers who are interested in history, culture, and nature. It offers a unique mix of activities and attractions that will keep you entertained throughout your visit.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Micronesia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Jaluit

The best time to visit Jaluit in Micronesia is during the dry season, which runs from December through April. During these months, there is less rainfall which allow visitors to participate in outdoor activities such as swimming, diving, and exploring the island without the inconvenience of rain. Additionally, the temperatures remain mild throughout the year, so it is suitable to plan visits at any time of the year. However, it is important to note that Micronesia is prone to typhoons, so it is recommended to check the weather forecast before planning a trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Jaluit

Jaluit Atoll is located in the northern part of the Marshall Islands in Micronesia. The best way to get there is by taking a flight to the capital Majuro, and then taking an inter-island flight to Jaluit. The major airlines that serve Majuro are United Airlines, Nauru Airlines, and Air Marshall Islands. The flights to Majuro originate from Honolulu, Guam, Nadi, and Brisbane. Once you reach Majuro, you can take a connecting flight to Jaluit. The inter-island flights to Jaluit are provided by Air Marshall Islands, which has a few scheduled flights per week. You can check their website for the latest schedule and book your ticket. Alternatively, you can also take a ferry from Majuro to Jaluit, which takes around 2-3 days to reach. However, the ferry schedule and availability can be unpredictable, so it's best to check with a local travel agent or the Marshall Islands Visitors Authority for the latest information.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Jaluit, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Jaluit

Jaluit is an atoll located in the Marshall Islands in Micronesia. Here are some typical foods from Jaluit with descriptions: 1. Coconut crab - A large and delicious edible crab that is found throughout the Pacific Ocean. It is highly prized for its meat.
2. Tuna - Jaluit is known for its high-quality tuna, which is usually eaten raw or cooked.
3. Breadfruit - A starchy fruit that is often boiled or roasted and eaten as a side dish.
4. Coconut milk - A key ingredient in many dishes, coconut milk is made by grating and squeezing the white flesh of a coconut.
5. Pandanus fruit - A sweet fruit that is often used in desserts or eaten fresh.
6. Octopus - A common seafood in Jaluit, octopus is typically grilled or boiled and served with coconut milk or lime juice.
7. Rice - Rice is a staple food in Jaluit and is served alongside many meals.
8. Banana chips - A popular snack made from ripe bananas that are sliced and dried in the sun.
9. Sea grapes - A type of seaweed that is harvested and eaten raw or pickled.
10. Taro - A starchy root vegetable that is often boiled or mashed and served with coconut milk or as a side dish.
You can find general info about typical foods in Micronesia here.

Is Jaluit an expensive destination for tourists?

Jaluit is a remote and small island in Micronesia that does not have a well-developed tourism industry. As a result, the cost of living and travel expenses can be higher compared to other destinations in the region. Accommodation options may be limited and more expensive due to the island's remote location, and transportation costs to get there can also be high. However, the overall cost of a trip to Jaluit will depend on your travel style and preferences. It's best to research and compare prices of flights, accommodation, and activities beforehand to get a better idea of the costs involved.

Where to find accomodation in Jaluit

Jaluit is a sparsely populated coral atoll in the Marshall Islands and there are limited options for accommodation on the island. Most visitors stay at a few main guesthouses that are located near the airport and in the main town area, or arrange to stay with a local family. It's best to book your accommodation in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak travel seasons.
You can check hotel prices at Jaluit here:

Is Jaluit a safe destination for tourists?

Micronesia as a whole is a relatively safe place for tourists, but as with any destination, it's important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings. Jaluit is a small island and does not have a significant tourism industry. While the locals are generally friendly and accommodating, it is advised to respect their culture and customs. It is also important to note that healthcare facilities and emergency services may be limited on the island. Overall, Jaluit can be a safe destination for tourists who take the necessary precautions and are respectful of the local culture.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Micronesia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Jaluit.

What type of travelers will enjoy Jaluit the most?

Jaluit is a remote and secluded island in Micronesia that is best suited for adventurous travelers looking to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with nature. It is not an ideal destination for young people looking for fun nightlife, nor is it the best choice for families with young children as there may be limited activities and amenities available.
However, couples seeking a romantic and intimate experience in a beautiful tropical setting will likely find Jaluit to be an ideal destination. The island boasts stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and kayaking. It is also a great spot for fishing and birdwatching.
Overall, Jaluit is a destination for those who value peace, tranquility, and natural beauty and are willing to forgo the modern comforts and amenities found in more developed destinations.

How to get around Jaluit

In Jaluit, the most common mode of transportation is walking or biking due to the small size of the island. However, there are also motorbikes, cars, and boats available for rent. Keep in mind that the roads in Jaluit are not in the best condition, so it's recommended to be cautious while driving. Additionally, boat rides may be necessary to reach other nearby islands in the area.

What to see around Jaluit

Here are some great places to visit for a day trip from Jaluit, Micronesia: 1. Arno Atoll - This is a coral atoll located around 20 miles from Jaluit. It is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters, making it a popular spot for swimming and snorkeling.
2. Jemo Island - This small island is only about two miles from Jaluit and offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of town. It is a great spot for swimming, snorkeling, and relaxing on the beach.
3. Eneko Island - Located just 10 miles from Jaluit, Eneko Island is a tiny island that offers beautiful beaches, clear waters, and excellent snorkeling opportunities.
4. Maloelap Atoll - This atoll is located around 60 miles from Jaluit, but it is definitely worth the longer trip. It is home to some of the most beautiful beaches and coral reefs in Micronesia, making it a popular spot for diving and snorkeling.
5. Ailinglaplap Atoll - This atoll is located around 60 miles from Jaluit and is known for its stunning beaches and turquoise waters. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing on the beach.
For every travel information about Micronesia you can click here.

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