Lafia - Discovering Nigeria

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Travelling to Lafia

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Lafia, a pretty good destination in Nigeria (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Lafia and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Lafia, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Nigeria, here's everything to know about Lafia for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Lafia

Lafia is the capital city of Nasarawa State in Nigeria. It is located in the central region of the state and has a population of about 330,000 people. Lafia is known for its agricultural production, with major crops including yams, rice, maize, and cassava. The city also has a number of tourist attractions such as the Lafia Emir's Palace, the Doma Dam, and the Eggon Hills. The predominant religion in Lafia is Islam, although there is also a significant Christian population.

Travelling to Lafia and around: discovering Nigeria

What to visit in Lafia

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here are some tourist attractions in Lafia, Nigeria: 1. Nasarawa State University Zoo: The zoo is located within the Nasarawa State University campus and houses a range of exotic animals such as lions, baboons, monkeys, snakes, tortoises, and birds.
2. Keana Salt Village: The Keana Salt Village is a unique place of African traditional salt production using only natural resources. The village is famous for the high-quality salt obtained from the surrounding lakes and used for cooking and medicinal purposes.
3. Doma Dam: Doma Dam is a man-made lake located in Doma Local Government Area. It is an important source of irrigation for farmers in the surrounding areas and a popular spot for fishing.
4. Lafia Market: Lafia is famous for its bustling markets that sell a variety of goods ranging from fresh produce to crafts and textiles. The Lafia market is particularly famous for its food and spices.
5. Keffi Polo Ranch: Keffi Polo Ranch is a place to enjoy horse-riding, with well-trained horses to provide guests with an unforgettable experience in the tranquil countryside.
6. Masaka Hills: Masaka hills in Nasarawa Local Government Area is a range of hills that offer a naturally beautiful view of the surrounding landscape and a perfect spot for hiking and picnics.
7. The Emir's Palace: The Emir's Palace is a historic building that dates back to the 18th century and is still used as the residence of the traditional ruler of Lafia, the Emir. Visitors can learn about the culture and history of the Lafia people.
I hope this information is helpful!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Nigeria, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Lafia.

When to go on holiday to Lafia

The best time to visit Lafia in Nigeria is during the dry season which is between November and February. During this time, you will experience cooler temperatures and less humidity, making it more comfortable for you to explore the city and its surrounding areas. However, it's important to note that Lafia generally has hot weather year-round, so if you prefer warmer temperatures, you can visit during the rainy season which is from June to October. Just be prepared for occasional downpours.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Lafia

There are several ways to get to Lafia, Nigeria depending on your starting point. Here are some options: 1. By air: You can take a flight to Abuja which is the closest major airport to Lafia. From Abuja, you can take a taxi or a bus to Lafia.
2. By road: If you are coming from Abuja, you can take the Abuja-Keffi-Lafia road. Alternatively, if you're coming from Lagos or other parts of the country, you can take the Lagos-Kano road and then link up with the Abuja-Keffi-Lafia road. 3. By rail: Unfortunately, there is currently no railway service to Lafia, so this option is not available.
Once you get to Lafia, there are several modes of transportation that you can use to get around the town, including taxis, motorcycles, and buses.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Lafia, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Lafia

Here are some typical foods of Lafia, Nigeria: 1. Miyan Kuka - a soup made from powdered baobab leaves and often served with tuwo shinkafa (rice flour) or tuwo masara (cornmeal).
2. Fura da Nono - a popular snack made from millet or sorghum flour and sour milk. It is usually served with groundnut soup.
3. Gwateh - a local delicacy made from mashed rice and honey. It is usually served as a dessert or a sweet snack.
4. Dan wake - a popular snack made from cassava flour and groundnut. It is usually served with honey or sugar.
5. Dun dun - a dish made from yam and vegetable soup. It is usually served with pounded yam or fufu.
6. Masa - a type of fried rice cake made from rice flour. It is usually served with different types of sauces.
7. Kuli kuli - a crunchy snack made from roasted groundnuts and spices. It is usually served as a snack or as an accompaniment to drinks.
8. Miyan taushe - a soup made from pumpkin leaves and vegetables. It is usually served with tuwo shinkafa.
9. Kilishi - a spicy dried meat snack made from beef or goat meat. It is usually served as a snack or as an accompaniment to drinks.
10. Egusi soup - a soup made from blended melon seeds and vegetables. It is usually served with pounded yam or fufu.
You can find general info about typical foods in Nigeria here.

Is Lafia an expensive destination for tourists?

Lafia, Nigeria is considered an affordable destination for tourists. Prices for food, accommodation, and activities are generally lower than in many other African countries. However, keep in mind that prices can vary depending on the level of luxury you are looking for and the season in which you visit. It's always a good idea to plan ahead and do some research on prices before you go.

Where to find accomodation in Lafia

The best areas to find accommodation when visiting Lafia, Nigeria are: 1. Central Business District: This area is located in the heart of the city and has a variety of hotels and guest houses that offer comfortable and affordable accommodation.
2. Government Reservation Area (GRA): This area is known for its upscale hotels and luxurious accommodations. It is also close to major attractions in Lafia.
3. New Nyanya: This area is located on the outskirts of Lafia and is less crowded than the city center. It has a few affordable guest houses and hotels that are perfect for a quiet and peaceful stay.
4. Masaka: Masaka is a bustling area that offers a range of budget-friendly accommodation options. It has a few small hotels and guest houses that are perfect for travelers on a tight budget. It's important to note that Lafia is not a very touristy destination and accommodations in the city may not match the standards of larger Nigerian cities. However, the above-mentioned areas have a good selection of decent accommodations to cater to the needs of visitors.
You can check hotel prices at Lafia here:

Is Lafia a safe destination for tourists?

Lafia, like any other city in Nigeria, has its own security challenges. However, the city can be safe for tourists if certain precautions are taken. It is advisable to avoid walking alone at night and to always keep an eye on personal belongings. Tourists should also avoid displaying expensive items or carrying large sums of money. It is also advisable to use taxis or reputable car-hire companies to get around.
Tourists should also be aware of the risks of petty crime and scams and be vigilant when dealing with strangers. It is always important to stay informed about current events in the area and to follow the advice of local authorities.
Ultimately, it is recommended that tourists visiting Lafia should exercise caution and common sense to ensure their safety during their stay.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Nigeria here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Lafia.

What type of travelers will enjoy Lafia the most?

Lafia, Nigeria offers a variety of experiences and activities that can cater to different types of travelers. However, it is primarily a destination for families or travelers who are looking for a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. This city offers cultural attractions like the Lafia Museum and the Emir's Palace which would be of significant interest to those interested in history and culture.
Furthermore, Lafia is surrounded by natural attractions such as the Farin Ruwa Waterfalls and the Awe Rock Formations which are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Due to its serene environment and relaxed atmosphere, it may not be the ideal destination for young people looking for a fast-paced nightlife or adventure seekers looking for thrilling activities. However, if you long for a peaceful, culture-filled, and natural escape, Lafia is definitely worth considering.

How to get around Lafia

The most common means of transportation to move around Lafia are commercial motorcycles (popularly known as 'Okadas') and taxis. Buses and minibusses are also available but are less commonly used.

What to see around Lafia

Sure, here are some nice places to visit near Lafia for a day trip: 1. Farin Ruwa Falls: Located in Wamba, it is a magnificent waterfall and perfect for a refreshing day trip.
2. Keffi Hills: An ideal place for nature lovers, it offers a serene atmosphere, scenic beauty and adventurous activities.
3. Awe: It is a scenic town located on the banks of River Benue, known for its beautiful landscapes and riverside views.
4. Assop Falls: This natural wonder is located in the beautiful forests near Abuja-Keffi Expressway, and it offers a perfect spot for picnic and relaxation.
5. Akwanga: This town is known for its natural and cultural wonders, including the famous Tunga Dutse rock formations that offer breathtaking views of the town.
6. Rindre Hills: These natural hills offer a serene atmosphere, nature walks, and beautiful views of the surrounding area.
7. Doma Hills: These hills located in Doma town are perfect for hiking, nature walks, and bird watching.
8. Panda: This town is located on the banks of River Benue, and it offers beautiful landscapes, serene environment, and a relaxing spot for a day trip.
These are just a few suggestions, but there are many other interesting places around Lafia that you can explore.
For every travel information about Nigeria you can click here.

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