Okigwe - Discovering Nigeria

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Travelling to Okigwe

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Okigwe, a pretty good destination in Nigeria (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Okigwe and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Okigwe, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Nigeria, here's everything to know about Okigwe for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Okigwe

Okigwe is a town located in Imo State, Nigeria. It is situated in the southeastern part of Nigeria and is known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. The town is home to various notable landmarks and attractions, such as the Okigwe Stadium, the Okigwe Roundabout, and the Mbari Cultural and Art Center. The people of Okigwe are predominantly farmers and traders, and the town is well known for its abundant agricultural produce, including palm kernel, rice, and cassava. The climate in Okigwe is typically tropical, characterized by high temperatures and rainfall. The town is easily accessible by road and is located about 60 kilometers from the capital city of Owerri.

Travelling to Okigwe and around: discovering Nigeria

What to visit in Okigwe

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Okigwe, Nigeria along with some information about them: 1. Ojukwu Bunker: This is a historic site located in Umuna, Okigwe. It is a massive underground bunker that was built during the Biafra war as a hideout for the Biafran military leaders. It is now a museum that showcases weapons and artifacts used during the war.
2. Mbari Cultural and Art Centre: Located in the heart of Okigwe town, this center is dedicated to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Igbo people. It houses a collection of traditional art, crafts, and artifacts.
3. Agbaja Ropo-ogwu Lake: This is a fascinating natural lake that is located in Okigwe. The lake is believed to be filled with healing powers and is a popular pilgrimage site. Visitors can swim, fish, or simply relax along the shores of the lake.
4. Ogbaku Cave and Waterfall: This is a natural wonder located on the outskirts of Okigwe town. It is a system of interconnected tunnels and caves that were formed by underground water over centuries. At the end of the cave system is a beautiful waterfall that is peaceful and scenic.
5. Ukwu Mango Tree: This is a massive mango tree located in Umuna Ndi Atta, Okigwe. It is believed to be over 100 years old and is considered sacred by the people of the community. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. These are just some of the popular tourist attractions in Okigwe, Nigeria that you can explore and enjoy.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Nigeria, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Okigwe

The best time to visit Okigwe in Nigeria is usually between November and February, when the temperature is cool and dry. However, if you prefer warmer weather and don't mind some rain, you can also consider visiting between March and May or between August and October. It's important to note that during the rainy season, which is from June to September, the area experiences heavy rainfall and flooding, which can make travel more difficult and may limit some activities.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Okigwe

There are several ways to get to Okigwe, Nigeria depending on your starting location. However, the easiest option is usually to fly to Owerri Airport, which is the closest airport to Okigwe, and then take a taxi or bus from there. Here are the steps to get to Okigwe: 1. Find a flight to Owerri Airport (IMO), which is served by several airlines including Air Peace, Arik Air, and Dana Air.
2. Once you arrive at Owerri Airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Okigwe, which is located approximately 60 kilometers away. Taxis are available outside the airport for hire, and buses can be found at the nearby motor park.
3. Alternatively, if you prefer to travel by bus from other parts of Nigeria, there are several bus companies that operate daily services to Okigwe from major cities such as Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt.
Overall, getting to Okigwe is relatively straightforward, and with the right preparation, you should be able to enjoy a hassle-free trip.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Okigwe, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Okigwe

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Okigwe, a town in Imo State, Nigeria, has many delicious foods that are worth trying. Here are some of the typical foods of Okigwe with a short description for each of them: 1. Abacha: Abacha is a traditional dish that is made from cassava. The cassava is peeled, grated, and soaked in water for several hours before it is mixed with ingredients such as palm oil, onions, and pepper. It is often served with shredded garden egg, onions, or tomatoes.
2. Isi ewu: Isi ewu is a delicacy made from goat head. The meat is cooked with flavorful spices, such as utazi leaves, onions, and ugba, to give it a unique taste. It is often served with a cold drink.
3. Oha soup: Oha soup is a traditional soup made from cocoyam, oha leaves, and spices. The cocoyam is peeled, boiled, and mashed before it is mixed with palm oil, crayfish, and other ingredients. It is often served with pounded yam or fufu.
4. Akara: Akara is a popular snack that is made from black-eyed beans. The beans are ground, mixed with onions, pepper, and seasonings, and then fried in hot oil. It is often eaten as a quick breakfast.
5. Ukwa: Ukwa is a dish made from breadfruit. The breadfruit is peeled, boiled, and mixed with spices such as onions, peppers, and crayfish. It is often eaten as a side dish with rice or yam.
I hope you find this information helpful, and enjoy your trip to Okigwe!
You can find general info about typical foods in Nigeria here.

Is Okigwe an expensive destination for tourists?

Okigwe, Nigeria is not typically considered a tourist destination, so there aren't many tourism-related costs to consider. However, in terms of general costs of living, Okigwe is considered to be relatively affordable for travelers compared to other cities in Nigeria. The cost of food, accommodation, and transportation is generally lower than in larger cities like Lagos or Abuja. But keep in mind that prices can vary depending on the type of accommodation and services you choose. Overall, Okigwe can be considered an affordable destination for tourists.

Where to find accomodation in Okigwe

In Okigwe, Nigeria, some of the best areas to find accommodations include the city center, Umuelemai, Eziama, Nnachi Iheakpu Obollo, and Ihube. These areas have access to good roads, restaurants, tourist attractions, and other amenities that will ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Additionally, they are close to major transportation hubs, making it easy to move around the city and explore nearby attractions.
You can check hotel prices at Okigwe here:

Is Okigwe a safe destination for tourists?

Okigwe is generally considered a safe place for tourists. However, like any other city, it is always important to take basic safety precautions such as being aware of your surroundings, avoiding walking alone at night, and following the advice of locals and authorities. It is also wise to research any specific areas or situations to avoid before your trip. Overall, Okigwe is a beautiful city with friendly and hospitable locals that make it a worthwhile destination for tourists.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Nigeria here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Okigwe.

What type of travelers will enjoy Okigwe the most?

Okigwe, Nigeria is a town that offers a diverse mix of experiences and attractions suitable for different types of travelers. Couples looking for a romantic getaway will enjoy some of the area's natural beauty, such as the Ada Palm Plantation and the Imo River. The town also has several romantic spots like secluded restaurants and bars, perfect for a date night. Young people looking for fun will also have a good time in Okigwe, thanks to its lively nightlife scene. There are many bars, clubs and music venues where you can unwind with friends.
For families, Okigwe has a range of family-friendly attractions such as parks, museums and cultural centers where one can learn about the history and culture of the town. Children will also enjoy visiting the nearby Mbari Mbayo Cultural and Art Center or seeing animals at the Sambisa Forest Reserve.
Overall, anyone looking for a destination that offers a mix of nature, culture and entertainment will find something to enjoy in Okigwe, Nigeria.

How to get around Okigwe

Okigwe in Nigeria can be traversed using various modes of transportation, including commercial buses, taxis, tricycles, and motorcycles. Commercial buses, also known as "danfos," are the most common means of transportation within the town. Taxis and tricycles, also known as “keke,” are also available as an affordable option for getting around the town. Motorcycles, also known as “okada,” are also available for hire, but their use is restricted in some areas of the town.

What to see around Okigwe

Here are some recommended places to visit in a day trip from Okigwe, Nigeria: 1. Arochukwu Long Juju Slave Route: This is a historic site located in Arochukwu town, about 90 minutes drive from Okigwe. The site comprises a network of tunnels, chambers, and shrines that were used for slave trade. Visiting the site is an educational and enlightening experience, and a great opportunity to immerse yourself in Nigeria's history.
2. Ngwo Pine Forest Reserve: Located in Enugu State, about 2 hours and 30 minutes from Okigwe, this forest reserve is a perfect place for nature lovers. The reserve is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including monkeys, birds, and several tree species. You can enjoy hiking, picnicking, and sightseeing at the Ngwo Pine Forest Reserve.
3. Owerri City: About 30 minutes from Okigwe, Owerri is a great place to explore the culture and lifestyle of the Igbo people. You can visit the city's landmarks, such as the Mbari cultural center, Owerri amusement park, and the Assumpta Cathedral.
4. Azumini Blue River: This river is located in Abia State, about an hour's drive from Okigwe. It is a beautiful natural attraction where you can enjoy swimming, canoeing, and fishing. The river is also surrounded by picturesque forests, making it a great spot for picnicking and sightseeing.
5. Oguta Lake: This lake is located in Imo State, about an hour and 30 minutes from Okigwe. The lake is a popular tourist destination due to its serene environment and abundant fish population. You can engage in water sports, such as boating and fishing, or simply relax and enjoy the cool breeze.
For every travel information about Nigeria you can click here.

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