Tashiyangste - Discovering Bhutan

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Travelling to Tashiyangste

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Tashiyangste, a pretty good destination in Bhutan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Tashiyangste and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Tashiyangste, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bhutan, here's everything to know about Tashiyangste for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Tashiyangste

Tashiyangste is a district located in the eastern region of Bhutan. It covers an area of 1,219 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 15,000 people. The district is known for its rich culture and traditions, and is home to many historic sites and Buddhist monasteries, including the famous Chorten Kora, which is one of the oldest and most revered stupas in Bhutan. The landscape of Tashiyangste is characterized by rolling hills, lush forests, and fertile valleys, and offers visitors the opportunity to engage in activities such as hiking, bird-watching, and cultural tours.

Travelling to Tashiyangste and around: discovering Bhutan

What to visit in Tashiyangste

Here are some top tourist attractions in Tashiyangste, Bhutan: 1) Gomphu Kora: It is a sacred site where Guru Rinpoche is believed to have meditated and left his footprints, surrounded by a beautiful river.
2) Chorten Kora: This stupa is one of the most important cultural and spiritual landmarks in eastern Bhutan, and it hosts a festival every March attracting pilgrims from all over the country.
3) Sherubtse College: The first college of Bhutan, this educational institution is known for its picturesque location and beautiful campus. Visitors can attend workshops or observe classes.
4) Trashiyangste Dzong: Located atop a hill, the dzong boasts stunning views of the valley and mountain ranges. It is a place of religious significance and historical importance.
5) Rangjung Woesel Choeling Monastery: Founded in the 19th century, this monastery is home to a community of nuns and features beautiful frescoes and statues.
6) Khaling Wildlife Sanctuary: This sanctuary is home to various species of wildlife including tiger, leopard, black bear, and the rare Himalayan red panda.
7) Namling Reservoir: A serene spot for fishing, picnicking and photography. The reservoir is surrounded by hills and forests, providing a glimpse of Bhutan's natural beauty.
8) Yangtse Goempa: Situated on a hill, this monastery provides a panoramic view of the valley, as well as the surrounding mountains. It is a peaceful spot for meditation and prayer.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bhutan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Tashiyangste

The best time to visit Tashiyangste, Bhutan is from March to May or from September to November. During these months, the weather is pleasant with clear skies and low chances of rainfall. Moreover, Tashiyangste is known for its colorful flora and fauna, especially rhododendrons, which bloom during springtime. If you'd like to attend some festivals, plan your visit during the Punakha Dromchoe Festival in March, the Paro Tsechu Festival in April, or the Thimphu Tshechu Festival in September or October. It's important to note that Bhutan has a high-altitude mountain climate with significant temperature variations between day and night, so make sure to bring appropriate clothing layers.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Tashiyangste

To get to Tashiyangtse in Bhutan, you need to fly into Bhutan's Paro International Airport. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Bathpalathang Airport in Bumthang, followed by a 3-4 hour drive to Tashiyangtse. Alternatively, you can take a long drive from Paro to Tashiyangtse, which can take up to 14 hours depending on road conditions. Another option is to join a guided tour where transportation and accommodation are taken care of by the tour operator.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Tashiyangste, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Tashiyangste

Tashiyangste is a small town in Bhutan, and like most other Bhutanese towns, it has its own unique cuisine. Here are some of the typical foods you might expect to find in Tashiyangste: 1. Ema Datshi: This is Bhutan's national dish and a must-try when visiting Tashiyangste. It is a spicy stew made with chili peppers and a hearty amount of cheese, usually served with rice.
2. Phaksha Paa: Another popular dish in Tashiyangste, Phaksha Paa is a flavorful pork dish that has been cooked with chili peppers, onions, and other spices.
3. Jasha Maroo: This dish is made with chicken, onions, and tomatoes, and is cooked with a blend of spices that give it a distinct and delicious flavor.
4. Shamu Datshi: This dish is similar to Ema Datshi, but instead of cheese, it is made with mushrooms. It is a great choice for vegetarians visiting Tashiyangste.
5. Momos: Momos are a type of dumpling that is very popular in Bhutan. They are usually filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables, and are often served with a spicy dipping sauce.
6. Khur-le: Khur-le is a type of noodle soup that is typically made with vegetables and meat. It is a hearty and filling meal that is perfect for a chilly day in Tashiyangste.
Overall, the cuisine in Tashiyangste is hearty, flavorful, and full of spice. Whether you are a meat-lover or a vegetarian, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bhutan here.

Is Tashiyangste an expensive destination for tourists?

Yes, Bhutan in general is considered an expensive destination for tourists. The Bhutanese government operates a policy of "high value, low impact" tourism, which requires visitors to pay a daily fee to enter the country. This fee covers accommodation, meals, transportation, and a licensed guide, but it can be quite expensive. The daily fee for visitors to Bhutan is set by the government and can range from $200 to $250 per person per day, depending on the time of year and the duration of the visit. In addition to the daily fee, there may be other expenses such as visa fees, airfare, and optional activities. However, many visitors find that the beauty and unique cultural experiences of Bhutan make the cost worthwhile.

Where to find accomodation in Tashiyangste

In Tashiyangste (Bhutan), the best areas to find accommodation are: 1. Tashiyangste town: This is the main urban area of Tashiyangste, and most of the hotels and guesthouses are located here.
2. Yongphula: This is a small town located about 10km away from Tashiyangste, and it is a popular spot for tourists due to its beautiful landscape and proximity to the bird sanctuary.
3. Trashigang: This is the closest major town to Tashiyangste, located about 50km away. Many tourists choose to stay in this town and travel to Tashiyangste as a day trip.
4. Samdrup Jongkhar: This is a larger town located about 150km away from Tashiyangste, and it is another popular option for tourists who want to explore the eastern region of Bhutan.
You can check hotel prices at Tashiyangste here:

Is Tashiyangste a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Tashiyangtse is considered a safe place for tourists visiting Bhutan. The crime rate in Bhutan is generally low, and the Bhutanese people are known for their hospitality and friendly nature towards visitors. However, as with any tourist destination, it's always advisable to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, especially when traveling alone or at night. Additionally, it's recommended that you respect the local customs and traditions, dress modestly, and avoid taking pictures of people or places without permission.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bhutan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Tashiyangste.

What type of travelers will enjoy Tashiyangste the most?

Tashiyangtse, located in eastern Bhutan, is a great place for couples, families and groups of friends looking for a peaceful and serene environment. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, diverse culture and traditions, and historic landmarks.
Couples would enjoy the tranquility of the place, long walks amidst the green fields and hills can be a great retreat for them. They can also visit the Gom Kora and Chorten Kora Temples, which are ancient Buddhist sites and enrich their knowledge about Bhutanese culture.
Families with kids can explore the nearby national parks and wildlife sanctuaries like the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary and Kulong Chu Wildlife Sanctuary. The town is also famous for its weaving and pottery craftsmanship, where families can witness this incredible art.
Young people looking for fun can explore the local markets and try the local cuisine. Those interested in adventure can hike to nearby places and enjoy the picturesque views. Overall, Tashiyangtse is an ideal place for everyone who wants to escape the chaos of city life and finds peace in nature, Bhutanese art & crafts, and spirituality.

How to get around Tashiyangste

The most common modes of transportation in Tashiyangtse, Bhutan are taxis and buses. Taxis are readily available and can be hired for both short and long journeys. Buses are also available and are a more affordable option for traveling within the city or to nearby towns. Additionally, visitors can also opt for private transportation services such as car rentals or hiring a driver. It is important to note that roads in Bhutan can be narrow and winding, so it is recommended to hire an experienced driver or opt for a guided tour.

What to see around Tashiyangste

Sure, here are a few recommendations for day trips from Tashiyangtse: 1. Chorten Kora: Located 45 km from Tashiyangtse, this stupa is believed to be one of the most sacred chortens in Bhutan.
2. Gomphu Kora: It is a two-hour drive from Tashiyangtse and a popular pilgrimage site in Bhutan. It is famous for the temple that sits on top of a steep rock face and a legend talks of a fierce battle between a Guru and a Demon at this place.
3. Trashigang Dzong: This fortress is located 35 km from Tashiyangtse and is one of the oldest and largest dzongs in Bhutan. It offers stunning views of the entire valley, and is a must-visit location for all architecture lovers.
4. Radhi Village: Located about 15 km from Tashiyangtse, Radhi Village is famous for its textile industry where the women weave traditional Bhutanese fabrics using a method called Gheog Cham which involves the use of a backstrap loom.
5. Phongmey Valley: Located 30 km from Tashiyangtse, Phongmey Valley is a serene and peaceful valley that is known for its scenic beauty.
I hope that helps!
For every travel information about Bhutan you can click here.

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